module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues GITHUB_API_STATUS_CODE = :GITHUB_API_STATUS_CODE GITHUB_API_RESPONSE = :GITHUB_API_RESPONSE GITHUB_API_JSON = :GITHUB_API_JSON end class GithubApiAction < Action class << self def run(params) require 'json' http_method = (params[:http_method] || 'GET').to_s.upcase url = construct_url(params[:server_url], params[:path], params[:url]) headers = construct_headers(params[:api_token], params[:headers]) payload = construct_body(params[:body], params[:raw_body]) error_handlers = params[:error_handlers] || {} secure = params[:secure] || true response = call_endpoint( url, http_method, headers, payload, secure ) status_code = response[:status] result = { status: status_code, body: response.body || "", json: parse_json(response.body) || {} } if status_code.between?(200, 299) UI.verbose("Response:") UI.verbose(response.body) UI.verbose("---") yield(result) if block_given? else handled_error = error_handlers[status_code] || error_handlers['*'] if handled_error else UI.error("---") UI.error("Request failed:\n#{http_method}: #{url}") UI.error("Headers:\n#{headers}") UI.error("---") UI.error("Response:") UI.error(response.body) UI.user_error!("GitHub responded with #{status_code}\n---\n#{response.body}") end end Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GITHUB_API_STATUS_CODE] = result[:status] Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GITHUB_API_RESPONSE] = result[:body] Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GITHUB_API_JSON] = result[:json] return result end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def description "Call a GitHub API endpoint and get the resulting JSON response" end def details "Calls any GitHub API endpoint. You must provide your GitHub Personal token (get one from Out parameters provide the status code and the full response JSON if valid, otherwise the raw response body. Documentation:" end def available_options [ :server_url, env_name: "FL_GITHUB_API_SERVER_URL", description: "The server url. e.g. '' (Default: '')", default_value: "", optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Please include the protocol in the server url, e.g. https://your.github.server/api/v3") unless value.include?("//") end), :api_token, env_name: "FL_GITHUB_API_TOKEN", description: "Personal API Token for GitHub - generate one at", sensitive: true, code_gen_sensitive: true, is_string: true, default_value: ENV["GITHUB_API_TOKEN"], default_value_dynamic: true, optional: false), :http_method, env_name: "FL_GITHUB_API_HTTP_METHOD", description: "The HTTP method. e.g. GET / POST", default_value: "GET", optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| unless %w(GET POST PUT DELETE HEAD CONNECT PATCH).include?(value.to_s.upcase) UI.user_error!("Unrecognised HTTP method") end end), :body, env_name: "FL_GITHUB_API_REQUEST_BODY", description: "The request body in JSON or hash format", is_string: false, default_value: {}, optional: true), :raw_body, env_name: "FL_GITHUB_API_REQUEST_RAW_BODY", description: "The request body taken vertabim instead of as JSON, useful for file uploads", is_string: true, optional: true), :path, env_name: "FL_GITHUB_API_PATH", description: "The endpoint path. e.g. '/repos/:owner/:repo/readme'", optional: true), :url, env_name: "FL_GITHUB_API_URL", description: "The complete full url - used instead of path. e.g. ''", optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Please include the protocol in the url, e.g.") unless value.include?("//") end), :error_handlers, description: "Optional error handling hash based on status code, or pass '*' to handle all errors", is_string: false, default_value: {}, optional: true), :headers, description: "Optional headers to apply", is_string: false, default_value: {}, optional: true), :secure, env_name: "FL_GITHUB_API_SECURE", description: "Optionally disable secure requests (ssl_verify_peer)", is_string: false, default_value: true, optional: true) ] end def output [ ['GITHUB_API_STATUS_CODE', 'The status code returned from the request'], ['GITHUB_API_RESPONSE', 'The full response body'], ['GITHUB_API_JSON', 'The parsed json returned from GitHub'] ] end def return_value "A hash including the HTTP status code (:status), the response body (:body), and if valid JSON has been returned the parsed JSON (:json)." end def authors ["tommeier"] end def example_code [ 'result = github_api( server_url: "", api_token: ENV["GITHUB_TOKEN"], http_method: "GET", path: "/repos/:owner/:repo/readme", body: { ref: "master" } )', '# Alternatively call directly with optional error handling or block usage server_url: "", api_token: ENV["GITHUB_TOKEN"], http_method: "GET", path: "/repos/:owner/:repo/readme", error_handlers: { 404 => proc do |result| UI.message("Something went wrong - I couldn\'t find it...") end, \'*\' => proc do |result| UI.message("Handle all error codes other than 404") end } ) do |result| UI.message("JSON returned: #{result[:json]}") end ' ] end def is_supported?(platform) true end def category :source_control end private def construct_headers(api_token, overrides) require 'base64' headers = { 'User-Agent' => 'fastlane-github_api' } headers['Authorization'] = "Basic #{Base64.strict_encode64(api_token)}" if api_token headers.merge(overrides || {}) end def construct_url(server_url, path, url) return_url = (server_url && path) ? File.join(server_url, path) : url UI.user_error!("Please provide either `server_url` (e.g. and 'path' or full 'url' for GitHub API endpoint") unless return_url return_url end def construct_body(body, raw_body) body ||= {} if raw_body raw_body elsif body.kind_of?(Hash) body.to_json else UI.user_error!("Please provide valid JSON, or a hash as request body") unless parse_json(body) body end end def parse_json(value) JSON.parse(value) rescue JSON::ParserError nil end def call_endpoint(url, http_method, headers, body, secure) require 'excon' Excon.defaults[:ssl_verify_peer] = secure middlewares = Excon.defaults[:middlewares] + [Excon::Middleware::RedirectFollower] # allow redirect in case of repo renames UI.verbose("#{http_method} : #{url}") connection = connection.request( method: http_method, headers: headers, middlewares: middlewares, body: body, debug_request: FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose?, debug_response: FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose? ) end end end end end