describe 'activerecord-mysql-reconnect' do it 'select all' do expect { expect(Employee.all.length).to eq(300024) mysql_restart expect(Employee.all.length).to eq(300024) }.to_not raise_error end it 'count' do expect { expect(Employee.count).to eq(300024) mysql_restart expect(Employee.count).to eq(300024) }.to_not raise_error end it 'on select' do expect { th = thread_run {|do_stop| expect(Employee.where(:id => 1).pluck('sleep(10) * 0')).to eq([0]) } mysql_restart expect(Employee.count).to be >= 300024 th.join }.to_not raise_error end it 'on insert' do expect { th = thread_run {|do_stop| emp = nil mysql2_error('MySQL server has gone away') do emp = Employee.create( :emp_no => 1, :birth_date =>, :first_name => "' + sleep(10) + '", :last_name => 'Tiger', :hire_date => ) end expect( eq(300025) expect(emp.emp_no).to eq(1) } mysql_restart expect(Employee.count).to be >= 300024 th.join }.to_not raise_error end [ 'MySQL server has gone away', 'Server shutdown in progress', 'closed MySQL connection', "Can't connect to MySQL server", 'Query execution was interrupted', 'Access denied for user', 'The MySQL server is running with the --read-only option', "Can't connect to local MySQL server", # When running in local sandbox, or using a socket file 'Unknown MySQL server host', # For DNS blips "Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet'", ].each do |errmsg| it "on error: #{errmsg}" do expect { th = thread_run {|do_stop| emp = nil mysql2_error("x#{errmsg}x") do emp = Employee.create( :emp_no => 1, :birth_date =>, :first_name => "' + sleep(10) + '", :last_name => 'Tiger', :hire_date => ) end expect( eq(300025) expect(emp.emp_no).to eq(1) } mysql_restart expect(Employee.count).to be >= 300024 th.join }.to_not raise_error end end it "on unhandled error" do expect { th = thread_run {|do_stop| emp = nil mysql2_error("unhandled error") do emp = Employee.create( :emp_no => 1, :birth_date =>, :first_name => "' + sleep(10) + '", :last_name => 'Tiger', :hire_date => ) end expect( eq(300025) expect(emp.emp_no).to eq(1) } mysql_restart expect(Employee.count).to be >= 300024 th.join }.to raise_error end it 'op update' do expect { th = thread_run {|do_stop| emp = Employee.where(:id => 1).first emp.first_name = "' + sleep(10) + '" emp.last_name = 'ZapZapZap' mysql2_error('MySQL server has gone away') do! end emp = Employee.where(:id => 1).first expect(emp.last_name).to eq('ZapZapZap') } mysql_restart expect(Employee.count).to eq(300024) th.join }.to_not raise_error end it 'without_retry' do expect { ActiveRecord::Base.without_retry do Employee.count mysql_restart Employee.count end }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) end it 'transaction' do unless /MyISAM/i =~ ENV['ACTIVERECORD_MYSQL_RECONNECT_ENGINE'] expect { expect(Employee.count).to eq(300024) mysql2_error('MySQL server has gone away') do ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do emp = Employee.create( :emp_no => 1, :birth_date =>, :first_name => 'Scott', :last_name => 'Tiger', :hire_date => ) expect( eq(300025) expect(emp.emp_no).to eq(1) mysql_restart emp = Employee.create( :emp_no => 2, :birth_date =>, :first_name => 'Scott', :last_name => 'Tiger', :hire_date => ) expect( eq(300025) expect(emp.emp_no).to eq(2) end end expect(Employee.count).to eq(300025) }.to_not raise_error end end it 'retryable_transaction' do unless /MyISAM/i =~ ENV['ACTIVERECORD_MYSQL_RECONNECT_ENGINE'] expect { expect(Employee.count).to eq(300024) mysql2_error('MySQL server has gone away') do ActiveRecord::Base.retryable_transaction do emp = Employee.create( :emp_no => 1, :birth_date =>, :first_name => 'Scott', :last_name => 'Tiger', :hire_date => ) expect( eq(300025) expect(emp.emp_no).to eq(1) mysql_restart emp = Employee.create( :emp_no => 2, :birth_date =>, :first_name => 'Scott', :last_name => 'Tiger', :hire_date => ) expect( eq(300026) expect(emp.emp_no).to eq(2) mysql_restart emp = Employee.create( :emp_no => 3, :birth_date =>, :first_name => 'Scott', :last_name => 'Tiger', :hire_date => ) expect( eq(300027) expect(emp.emp_no).to eq(3) end end expect(Employee.count).to eq(300027) }.to_not raise_error end end it 'retry new connection' do expect { ActiveRecord::Base.clear_all_connections! mysql_restart expect(Employee.count).to eq(300024) }.to_not raise_error end it 'retry verify' do expect { th = thread_run {|do_stop| mysql_stop sleep 10 mysql_start } ActiveRecord::Base.connection.verify! th.join }.to_not raise_error end it 'retry reconnect' do expect { th = thread_run {|do_stop| mysql_stop sleep 10 mysql_start } ActiveRecord::Base.connection.reconnect! th.join }.to_not raise_error end it 'disable reconnect' do disable_retry do expect { expect(Employee.all.length).to eq(300024) mysql_restart expect(Employee.all.length).to eq(300024) }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) end expect { expect(Employee.all.length).to eq(300024) mysql_restart expect(Employee.all.length).to eq(300024) }.to_not raise_error end it 'read only (read)' do enable_read_only do expect { expect(Employee.all.length).to eq(300024) mysql_restart expect(Employee.all.length).to eq(300024) }.to_not raise_error end end it 'read only (write)' do enable_read_only do expect { lock_table th = thread_run {|do_stop| mysql2_error('MySQL server has gone away') do emp = Employee.create( :emp_no => 1, :birth_date =>, :first_name => 'Scott', :last_name => 'Tiger', :hire_date => ) end } mysql_restart th.join }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) end end it 'lost connection' do sql = "INSERT INTO `employees` (`birth_date`, `emp_no`, `first_name`, `hire_date`, `last_name`) VALUES ('2014-01-09 03:22:25', SLEEP(10), 'Scott', '2014-01-09 03:22:25', 'Tiger')" expect { ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) }.to_not raise_error lock_table mysql2_error('Lost connection to MySQL server during query') do expect { th = thread_run {|do_stop| ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) } sleep 3 mysql_restart th.join }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) end end it 'force retry' do sql = "INSERT INTO `employees` (`birth_date`, `emp_no`, `first_name`, `hire_date`, `last_name`) VALUES ('2014-01-09 03:22:25', 1, 'Scott', '2014-01-09 03:22:25', 'Tiger')" expect { ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) }.to_not raise_error lock_table mysql2_error('Lost connection to MySQL server during query') do expect { th = thread_run {|do_stop| force_retry do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) end } mysql_restart th.join }.to_not raise_error end end it 'read-only=1' do mysql2_error('The MySQL server is running with the --read-only option so it cannot execute this statement:') do expect { expect(Employee.all.length).to eq(300024) mysql_restart expect(Employee.all.length).to eq(300024) }.to_not raise_error end end [ :employees2, '', '127.0.0.\_:employees', ].each do |db| it "retry specific database: #{db}" do retry_databases(db) do expect { expect(Employee.all.length).to eq(300024) mysql_restart expect(Employee.all.length).to eq(300024) }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) end expect { expect(Employee.all.length).to eq(300024) mysql_restart expect(Employee.all.length).to eq(300024) }.to_not raise_error end end [ :employees, '', '127.0.0._:e%', ].each do |db| it "retry specific database: #{db}" do retry_databases(db) do expect { expect(Employee.all.length).to eq(300024) mysql_restart expect(Employee.all.length).to eq(300024) }.to_not raise_error end end end end