class Parser @@overall_card_rows = nil @@overall_format_options = [] @@time_review = [] def self.scrape_cards self.card_counter #checks if the class variable array for the MTG class is empty or not if @@overall_format_options[9].call.empty? == false #if user has already parsed the same content before, then scrape the locally stored variables instead of the website MTG.store_temp_array(@@overall_format_options[9].call) else @@overall_format_options[9].call.empty? == true #creates a new sql table for gathering the 'to be' scraped content @@overall_format_options[5].call #exception handling block implemented for possible errors (i.e. website is down) retries = 3 #'retries' will hold the amount of attempts done to block until it quits if a scraping error is not resolved begin agent = #'agent' will help me to make the website identify what type of user is accessing the content #I also want to have the site understand the request that referred me to the page agent.pre_connect_hooks << lambda do |agent, request| agent.user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36" request["Referer"] = "" end #browser parsing begins in local variable 'doc' doc = agent.get "" rescue StandardError=>e puts "Error: #{e}" #implementing additonal retry to see if a resolution can be attained by reconnecting to site if retries > 0 puts "Trying #{retries} more times" retries -= 1 sleep 1 retry else puts "Unable to resolve #{e}" end else #if no error was attained from 'begin' of block till now, then the card scraping commences doc.css(@@overall_format_options[0]).each do |row| #parsing is now initialized into MTG class, with key/value pairs for its scraped attributes row = self.parser_format(hash = { card: row.css(".card a")[0].text, sets: row.css(".set a")[0].text, market_price: row.css(".value")[0].text.split[0].gsub!("$", "").to_f, price_fluctuate: row.css("td:last-child").text, image: Nokogiri::HTML(open("{row.css(".card a").attribute("href").value}")).css(".card-img img").attribute("src").value # ^^ had to go another level deep to access a better quality image from its full product listing }) #since a stored method in an array can't have a locally passed argument I compromised by just having the class name passed from the class variable array to the method #I also make sure that no duplicate information may be transferred into the table by comparing the card row/number count @@overall_format_options[6].create(hash) if @@overall_format_options[6].table_rows < self.table_length end ensure sleep(0.3) end end end def self.card_counter @@overall_card_rows = nil #shows how many rows(amount of cards) there are in total for the page as a constructed array rows = Nokogiri::HTML(open("")).css(@@overall_format_options[0])[0..-1] @@overall_card_rows = "#{rows.length}".to_i puts "loading the #{@@overall_format_options[1]} #{@@overall_card_rows} #{@@overall_format_options[2]} #{@@overall_format_options[3]} on the market for today..."; sleep(1); print "Please be patient"; print "."; sleep(1); print "."; sleep(1); print "."; sleep(1); print "."; sleep(1); puts "" puts "" puts "-------------------------------------------------" puts "" puts " ".bg COLORS[7] end def self.select_format @@overall_format_options.clear input = gets.strip.to_i case input when 1 #the methods at the end of these arrays are stored references that can be called externally with the .call method #=> @@overall_format_options = ["#top50Standard tr", "top", "Standard", "#{"gainers".fg COLORS[4]}", StandardRise.method(:remove_table), StandardRise.method(:create_table), StandardRise, StandardRise.method(:make_csv_file), MTG.method(:search_standard_up), MTG.method(:standard_up)] when 2 @@overall_format_options = ["#top50Modern tr", "top", "Modern", "#{"gainers".fg COLORS[4]}", ModernRise.method(:remove_table), ModernRise.method(:create_table), ModernRise, ModernRise.method(:make_csv_file), MTG.method(:search_modern_up), MTG.method(:modern_up)] when 3 @@overall_format_options = ["#bottom50Standard tr", "bottom", "Standard", "#{"crashers".fg COLORS[6]}", StandardFall.method(:remove_table), StandardFall.method(:create_table), StandardFall, StandardFall.method(:make_csv_file), MTG.method(:search_standard_down), MTG.method(:standard_down)] when 4 @@overall_format_options = ["#bottom50Modern tr", "bottom", "Modern", "#{"crashers".fg COLORS[6]}", ModernFall.method(:remove_table), ModernFall.method(:create_table), ModernFall, ModernFall.method(:make_csv_file), MTG.method(:search_modern_down), MTG.method(:modern_down)] else CLI.set_input end end #used within self.scrape_cards, it assists with the assigning of instances to the preferred class variable in MTG def self.parser_format(attributes) if self.format_name == "StandardRise" MTG.create_standard_up(attributes) elsif self.format_name == "ModernRise" MTG.create_modern_up(attributes) elsif self.format_name == "StandardFall" MTG.create_standard_down(attributes) else self.format_name == "ModernFall" MTG.create_modern_down(attributes) end end def self.display_cards @@overall_format_options[8].call end def self.format_name "#{@@overall_format_options[6]}" end def self.table_length @@overall_card_rows end def self.purchase input = gets.strip.to_i @@overall_format_options[6].buy_link(input) end def self.csv #Klass.make_csv_file @@overall_format_options[7].call puts "" puts "The #{"CSV".fg COLORS[3]} file has been saved to your hard disk" puts "---------------------------------------------" puts "" end def self.update_date time = Nokogiri::HTML(open("")) time.css(".span6 h3")[0].text.split.join(" ").gsub!("Updated:", "") end # used to clear the tables so that the next re-run will have new, updated content from the website def self.reset_query_info @@time_review = [StandardRise.method(:remove_table), ModernRise.method(:remove_table), StandardFall.method(:remove_table), ModernFall.method(:remove_table)] @@time_review.each_with_index {|method, index| @@time_review[index].call} end end