verilog.h File Reference

A proxy for all Verilog headers of interest to us. More...

#include "vpi_user.h"


#define verilog_tf_funcPtr_strict(aPtrName)   PLI_INT32 (*aPtrName)(PLI_BYTE8*)
#define verilog_tf_funcPtr   verilog_tf_funcPtr_strict
#define verilog_tf_funcSig(aFuncName)   PLI_INT32 aFuncName(PLI_BYTE8* aCallbackData)
#define verilog_tf_funcReturn(aReturnVal)   return aReturnVal
#define verilog_cb_funcPtr(aPtrName)   PLI_INT32 (*aPtrName)(p_cb_data)
#define verilog_cb_funcSig(aFuncName)   PLI_INT32 aFuncName(p_cb_data aCallbackData)
#define verilog_cb_funcReturn(aReturnVal)   return aReturnVal

Detailed Description

A proxy for all Verilog headers of interest to us.

Define Documentation

#define verilog_cb_funcPtr ( aPtrName   )     PLI_INT32 (*aPtrName)(p_cb_data)

#define verilog_cb_funcReturn ( aReturnVal   )     return aReturnVal

#define verilog_cb_funcSig ( aFuncName   )     PLI_INT32 aFuncName(p_cb_data aCallbackData)

#define verilog_tf_funcPtr   verilog_tf_funcPtr_strict

#define verilog_tf_funcPtr_strict ( aPtrName   )     PLI_INT32 (*aPtrName)(PLI_BYTE8*)

#define verilog_tf_funcReturn ( aReturnVal   )     return aReturnVal

#define verilog_tf_funcSig ( aFuncName   )     PLI_INT32 aFuncName(PLI_BYTE8* aCallbackData)

Generated on Thu Aug 2 23:17:25 2007 for Ruby-VPI by  doxygen 1.5.1