#= require spec_helper #= require underscore-min #= require twitter/bootstrap/tooltip #= require twitter/bootstrap/popover #= require woople-theme/organization_dashboard_controller describe 'OrganizationDashboardController', -> beforeEach -> $('body').html('
') @sut = new OrganizationDashboardController() describe 'init', -> it 'sets up the listeners', -> callback = reminderCallback: 'foo' listenersStub = sinon.stub(@sut, 'setupListeners') @sut.init(callback) expect(listenersStub).to.have.been.calledOnce describe 'setupListeners', -> beforeEach -> @mobileStub = sinon.stub(@sut, 'mobileSetup') @buttonsStub = sinon.stub(@sut, 'bindReminderButtons') @sut.setupListeners() it 'sets up mobile', -> expect(@mobileStub).to.have.been.calledOnce it 'binds reminder buttons', -> expect(@buttonsStub).to.have.been.calledOnce describe 'mobileSetup', -> it 'switches the button when on a small screen', -> sinon.stub(@sut, 'isPhone').returns(true) @sut.mobileSetup() expect($('#organization-accounts button').hasClass('btn-large')).to.be.true it 'does not switch the button on other screens', -> sinon.stub(@sut, 'isPhone').returns(false) sinon.stub(@sut,'createPopover') @sut.mobileSetup() expect($('#organization-accounts button').hasClass('btn-large')).to.be.false #this is a bit integrated, otherwise we end up in some funky stubbing describe 'bindReminderButtons', -> it 'binds the callback to the click event', -> sinon.stub(@sut,'createPopover') @sut.init() callbackStub = sinon.stub(@sut, 'sendReminder') $('#organization-accounts .remind-column .btn').first().click() expect(callbackStub).to.have.been.calledOnce describe 'sendReminder', -> beforeEach -> @ajax = sinon.stub(jQuery, 'ajax') afterEach -> @ajax.restore() it 'tells the button to change when the reminder is successful', -> url = '/reminder' button = $('#organization-accounts button').first() callback = sinon.stub(@sut, 'changeButton') @ajax( success: callback ) @ajax.yieldTo('success') @sut.sendReminder(url, button) expect(callback).to.be.called it 'tells the user something went wrong', -> url = '/reminder' button = $('#organization-accounts button').first() callback = sinon.stub(@sut, 'remindError') @ajax( error: callback ) @ajax.yieldTo('error') @sut.sendReminder(url, button) expect(callback).to.be.called describe 'log', -> beforeEach -> sinon.stub(@sut,'setupListeners') it 'writes to the console when debugging is enabled', -> stub = sinon.stub(console, 'log').returns(true) @sut.init(true) expect(stub).to.have.been.calledOnce stub.restore() it 'does not write to the console when debugging is disabled', -> stub = sinon.stub(console, 'log').returns(true) @sut.init(false) expect(stub).to.not.have.been.called stub.restore() describe 'isPhone', -> it 'returns true when the window width is phone sized', -> windowStub = sinon.stub(@sut, "windowWidth").returns(480) expect(@sut.isPhone()).to.be.true windowStub.restore() windowStub =sinon.stub(@sut, "windowWidth").returns(280) expect(@sut.isPhone()).to.be.true windowStub.restore() it 'returns false when the window is not phone sized', -> windowStub = sinon.stub(@sut, 'windowWidth').returns(1000) expect(@sut.isPhone()).to.be.false windowStub.restore() windowStub = sinon.stub(@sut, 'windowWidth').returns(481) expect(@sut.isPhone()).to.be.false