module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: module BeanstreamCore URL = '' TRANSACTIONS = { :authorization => 'PA', :purchase => 'P', :capture => 'PAC', :credit => 'R', :void => 'VP', :check_purchase => 'D', :check_credit => 'C', :void_purchase => 'VP', :void_credit => 'VR' } CVD_CODES = { '1' => 'M', '2' => 'N', '3' => 'I', '4' => 'S', '5' => 'U', '6' => 'P' } AVS_CODES = { '0' => 'R', '5' => 'I', '9' => 'I' } def self.included(base) base.default_currency = 'CAD' # The countries the gateway supports merchants from as 2 digit ISO country codes base.supported_countries = ['CA'] # The card types supported by the payment gateway base.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master, :american_express] # The homepage URL of the gateway base.homepage_url = '' # The name of the gateway base.display_name = '' end # Only :login is required by default, # which is the merchant's merchant ID. If you'd like to perform void, # capture or credit transactions then you'll also need to add a username # and password to your account under administration -> account settings -> # order settings -> Use username/password validation def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login) @options = options super end def capture(money, authorization, options = {}) reference, amount, type = split_auth(authorization) post = {} add_amount(post, money) add_reference(post, reference) add_transaction_type(post, :capture) commit(post) end def credit(money, source, options = {}) post = {} reference, amount, type = split_auth(source) add_reference(post, reference) add_transaction_type(post, credit_action(type)) add_amount(post, money) commit(post) end private def purchase_action(source) card_brand(source) == "check" ? :check_purchase : :purchase end def void_action(original_transaction_type) original_transaction_type == TRANSACTIONS[:credit] ? :void_credit : :void_purchase end def credit_action(type) type == TRANSACTIONS[:check_purchase] ? :check_credit : :credit end def split_auth(string) string.split(";") end def add_amount(post, money) post[:trnAmount] = amount(money) end def add_original_amount(post, amount) post[:trnAmount] = amount end def add_reference(post, reference) post[:adjId] = reference end def add_address(post, options) prepare_address_for_non_american_countries(options) if billing_address = options[:billing_address] || options[:address] post[:ordName] = billing_address[:name] post[:ordEmailAddress] = options[:email] post[:ordPhoneNumber] = billing_address[:phone] post[:ordAddress1] = billing_address[:address1] post[:ordAddress2] = billing_address[:address2] post[:ordCity] = billing_address[:city] post[:ordProvince] = billing_address[:state] post[:ordPostalCode] = billing_address[:zip] post[:ordCountry] = billing_address[:country] end if shipping_address = options[:shipping_address] post[:shipName] = shipping_address[:name] post[:shipEmailAddress] = options[:email] post[:shipPhoneNumber] = shipping_address[:phone] post[:shipAddress1] = shipping_address[:address1] post[:shipAddress2] = shipping_address[:address2] post[:shipCity] = shipping_address[:city] post[:shipProvince] = shipping_address[:state] post[:shipPostalCode] = shipping_address[:zip] post[:shipCountry] = shipping_address[:country] post[:shippingMethod] = shipping_address[:shipping_method] post[:deliveryEstimate] = shipping_address[:delivery_estimate] end end def prepare_address_for_non_american_countries(options) [ options[:billing_address], options[:shipping_address] ].compact.each do |address| unless ['US', 'CA'].include?(address[:country]) address[:state] = '--' address[:zip] = '000000' unless address[:zip] end end end def add_invoice(post, options) post[:trnOrderNumber] = options[:order_id] post[:trnComments] = options[:description] post[:ordItemPrice] = amount(options[:subtotal]) post[:ordShippingPrice] = amount(options[:shipping]) post[:ordTax1Price] = amount(options[:tax1] || options[:tax]) post[:ordTax2Price] = amount(options[:tax2]) post[:ref1] = options[:custom] end def add_credit_card(post, credit_card) post[:trnCardOwner] = post[:trnCardNumber] = credit_card.number post[:trnExpMonth] = format(credit_card.month, :two_digits) post[:trnExpYear] = format(credit_card.year, :two_digits) post[:trnCardCvd] = credit_card.verification_value end def add_check(post, check) # The institution number of the consumer’s financial institution. Required for Canadian dollar EFT transactions. post[:institutionNumber] = check.institution_number # The bank transit number of the consumer’s bank account. Required for Canadian dollar EFT transactions. post[:transitNumber] = check.transit_number # The routing number of the consumer’s bank account. Required for US dollar EFT transactions. post[:routingNumber] = check.routing_number # The account number of the consumer’s bank account. Required for both Canadian and US dollar EFT transactions. post[:accountNumber] = check.account_number end def parse(body) results = {} if !body.nil? body.split(/&/).each do |pair| key,val = pair.split(/=/) results[key.to_sym] = val.nil? ? nil : CGI.unescape(val) end end # Clean up the message text if there is any if results[:messageText] results[:messageText].gsub!(/