Low Suicide Risk Order Set...
<status value="draft"/> <description value="..."/> <publicationDate value="2015-08-15"/> <coverage> <patientAgeGroup> <coding> <!-- Error: Connection to http://localhost:960 refused --> <!-- <system value="http://snomed.info/sct"/> --> <code value="133936004"/> <display value="Adult"/> </coding> </patientAgeGroup> <clinicalFocus> <coding> <!-- Error: Connection to http://localhost:960 refused --> <!-- <system value="http://snomed.info/sct"/> --> <code value="87512008"/> <display value="Mild major depression"/> </coding> </clinicalFocus> <clinicalFocus> <coding> <!-- Error: Connection to http://localhost:960 refused --> <!-- <system value="http://snomed.info/sct"/> --> <code value="40379007"/> <display value="Major depression, recurrent, mild"/> </coding> </clinicalFocus> <clinicalFocus> <coding> <!-- Error: Connection to http://localhost:960 refused --> <!-- <system value="http://snomed.info/sct"/> --> <code value="394687007"/> <display value="Low suicide risk"/> </coding> </clinicalFocus> <clinicalFocus> <coding> <!-- Error: Connection to http://localhost:960 refused --> <!-- <system value="http://snomed.info/sct"/> --> <code value="225337009"/> <display value="Suicide risk assessment"/> </coding> </clinicalFocus> <targetUser> <coding> <!-- Error: Connection to http://localhost:960 refused --> <!-- <system value="http://snomed.info/sct"/> --> <code value="309343006"/> <display value="Physician"/> </coding> </targetUser> <clinicalVenue> <coding> <!-- Error: Connection to http://localhost:960 refused --> <!-- <system value="http://snomed.info/sct"/> --> <code value="440655000"/> <display value="Outpatient environment"/> </coding> </clinicalVenue> </coverage> <topic> <text value="Suicide risk assessment"/> </topic> <contributor> <type value="author"/> <name value="Motive Medical Intelligence"/> <contact> <telecom> <system value="phone"/> <value value="415-362-4007"/> <use value="work"/> </telecom> <telecom> <system value="email"/> <value value="info@motivemi.com"/> <use value="work"/> </telecom> </contact> </contributor> <publisher value="Motive Medical Intelligence"/> <contact> <telecom> <system value="phone"/> <value value="415-362-4007"/> <use value="work"/> </telecom> <telecom> <system value="email"/> <value value="info@motivemi.com"/> <use value="work"/> </telecom> </contact> <library> <reference value="Library/mmi-suiciderisk-orderset-logic"/> </library> <!-- Actions --> <!-- Suicide Risk Assessment and Outpatient Management --> <actionDefinition> <title value="Suicide Risk Assessment and Outpatient Management"/> <!-- Consults and Referrals --> <actionDefinition> <title value="Consults and Referrals"/> <groupingBehavior value="logical-group"/> <selectionBehavior value="any"/> <actionDefinition> <!-- Refer to outpatient mental health program for evaluation and treatment of mental health conditions now --> <textEquivalent value="Refer to outpatient mental health program for evaluation and treatment of mental health conditions now"/> <activityDefinition> <reference value="#referralToMentalHealthCare"/> </activityDefinition> <dynamicValue> <path value="timing.event"/> <expression value="Now()"/> </dynamicValue> <dynamicValue> <path value="specialty"/> <expression value="Code '261QM0850X' from "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.11.19462""/> </dynamicValue> <dynamicValue> <path value="fulfillmentTime"/> <expression value="ReferralRequestFulfillmentTime"/> </dynamicValue> <dynamicValue> <path value="patient"/> <expression value="Patient"/> </dynamicValue> <dynamicValue> <path value="requester"/> <expression value="Practitioner"/> </dynamicValue> <dynamicValue> <path value="reason"/> <expression value="RiskAssessmentScore"/> </dynamicValue> <dynamicValue> <path value="supportingInformation"/> <expression value="RiskAssessment"/> </dynamicValue> </actionDefinition> </actionDefinition> <!-- Medications --> <actionDefinition> <title value="Medications"/> <groupingBehavior value="logical-group"/> <selectionBehavior value="at-most-one"/> <actionDefinition> <!-- First-Line Antidepressants --> <title value="First-Line Antidepressants"/> <documentation> <type value="justification"/> <document> <contentType value="text/html"/> <url value="http://psychiatryonline.org/pb/assets/raw/sitewide/practice_guidelines/guidelines/mdd.pdf"/> <title value="Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients with Major Depressive Disorder"/> </document> </documentation> <groupingBehavior value="logical-group"/> <selectionBehavior value="at-most-one"/> <actionDefinition> <!-- Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (Choose a maximum of one or document reasons for exception) --> <title value="Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (Choose a mazimum of one or document reasons for exception)"/> <documentation> <type value="justification"/> <document> <contentType value="text/html"/> <url value="http://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?setid=6daeb45c-451d-b135-bf8f-2d6dff4b6b01"/> <title value="National Library of Medicine. DailyMed website. CITALOPRAM- citalopram hydrobromide tablet, film coated."/> </document> </documentation> <groupingBehavior value="logical-group"/> <selectionBehavior value="at-most-one"/> <actionDefinition> <!-- citalopram 20 mg tablet 1 tablet oral 1 time daily now (30 table; 3 refills) --> <textEquivalent value="citalopram 20 mg tablet 1 tablet oral 1 time daily now (30 table; 3 refills)"/> <activityDefinition> <reference value="#citalopramPrescription"/> </activityDefinition> <dynamicValue> <path value="status"/> <expression value="'draft'"/> </dynamicValue> <dynamicValue> <path value="patient"/> <expression value="Patient"/> </dynamicValue> <dynamicValue> <path value="prescriber"/> <expression value="Practitioner"/> </dynamicValue> <dynamicValue> <path value="reasonCode"/> <expression value="RiskAssessmentScore"/> </dynamicValue> <dynamicValue> <path value="reasonReference"/> <expression value="RiskAssessment"/> </dynamicValue> </actionDefinition> <actionDefinition> <!-- escitalopram 10 mg tablet 1 tablet oral 1 time daily now (30 tablet; 3 refills) --> <textEquivalent value="escitalopram 10 mg tablet 1 tablet oral 1 time daily now (30 tablet; 3 refills)"/> <!-- Follows pattern established above --> </actionDefinition> <actionDefinition> <!-- fluoxetine 20 mg capsule 1 capsule oral 1 time daily now (30 tablet; 3 refills) --> <textEquivalent value="fluoxetine 20 mg capsule 1 capsule oral 1 time daily now (30 tablet; 3 refills)"/> <!-- Follows pattern established above --> </actionDefinition> <actionDefinition> <!-- paroxetine 20 mg tablet 1 tablet oral 1 time daily now (30 tablet; 3 refills) --> <textEquivalent value="paroxetine 20 mg tablet 1 tablet oral 1 time daily now (30 tablet; 3 refills)"/> <!-- Follows pattern established above --> </actionDefinition> <actionDefinition> <!-- sertraline 50 mg tablet 1 tablet oral 1 time daily now (30 tablet; 3 refills) --> <textEquivalent value="sertraline 50 mg tablet 1 tablet oral 1 time daily now (30 tablet; 3 refills)"/> <!-- Follows pattern established above --> </actionDefinition> </actionDefinition> <actionDefinition> <!-- Dopamine Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (Choose a maximum of one or document reasons for exception) --> <textEquivalent value="Dopamine Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (Choose a maximum of one or document reasons for exception)"/> <!-- Follows pattern established above --> </actionDefinition> <actionDefinition> <!-- Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (Choose a maximum of one or doument reasons for exception) --> <textEquivalent value="Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (Choose a maximum of one or doument reasons for exception)"/> <!-- Follows pattern established above --> </actionDefinition> <actionDefinition> <!-- Norepinephrine-Serotonin Modulators (Choose a maximum of one or document reasons for exception) --> <textEquivalent value="Norepinephrine-Serotonin Modulators (Choose a maximum of one or document reasons for exception)"/> <!-- Follows pattern established above --> </actionDefinition> </actionDefinition> </actionDefinition> </actionDefinition> </PlanDefinition>