require 'silicium' require 'chunky_png' require 'ruby2d' module Silicium ## # Plotter module # Module contains classes, that are different kinds of plain plotters # module Plotter include Silicium::Geometry # The Color module defines methods for handling colors. Within the Plotter # library, the concepts of pixels and colors are both used, and they are # both represented by a Integer. # # Pixels/colors are represented in RGBA components. Each of the four # components is stored with a depth of 8 bits (maximum value = 255 = # {Plotter::Color::MAX}). Together, these components are stored in a 4-byte # Integer. # # A color will always be represented using these 4 components in memory. # When the image is encoded, a more suitable representation can be used # (e.g. rgb, grayscale, palette-based), for which several conversion methods # are provided in this module. module Color extend ChunkyPNG::Color include ChunkyPNG::Color end ## # Factory method to return a color value, based on the arguments given. # # @overload Color(r, g, b, a) # @param (see ChunkyPNG::Color.rgba) # @return [Integer] The rgba color value. # # @overload Color(r, g, b) # @param (see ChunkyPNG::Color.rgb) # @return [Integer] The rgb color value. # # @overload Color(hex_value, opacity = nil) # @param (see ChunkyPNG::Color.from_hex) # @return [Integer] The hex color value, with the opacity applied if one # was given. # # @overload Color(color_name, opacity = nil) # @param (see ChunkyPNG::Color.html_color) # @return [Integer] The hex color value, with the opacity applied if one # was given. # # @overload Color(color_value, opacity = nil) # @param [Integer, :to_i] The color value. # @return [Integer] The color value, with the opacity applied if one was # given. # # @return [Integer] The determined color value as RGBA integer. # @raise [ArgumentError] if the arguments weren't understood as a color. def color(*args) case args.length when 1 then Color.parse(args.first) when 2 then (Color.parse(args.first) & 0xffffff00) | args[1].to_i when 3 then Color.rgb(*args) when 4 then Color.rgba(*args) else raise ArgumentError, "Don't know how to create a color from #{args.inspect}!" end end ## # A class representing canvas for plotting bar charts and function graphs class Image include Silicium::Geometry ## # Creates a new plot with chosen +width+ and +height+ parameters # with background colored +bg_color+ def initialize(width, height, bg_color = Color::TRANSPARENT, padding = 5) @image =, height, bg_color) @padding = padding end def rectangle(left_upper, width, height, color) x_end = left_upper.x + width - 1 y_end = left_upper.y + height - 1 (left_upper.x..x_end).each do |i| (left_upper.y..y_end).each { |j| @image[i, j] = color } end end private def draw_axis(min, dpu, axis_color) # Axis OX rectangle( @padding, @image.height - @padding - (min.y.abs * dpu.y).ceil ), @image.width - 2 * @padding, 1, axis_color) # Axis OY rectangle( + (min.x.abs * dpu.x).ceil, @padding), 1, @image.height - 2 * @padding, axis_color) end public ## # Draws a bar chart in the plot using provided +bars+, # each of them has width of +bar_width+ and colored +bars_color+ def bar_chart(bars, bar_width, bars_color = Color('red @ 1.0'), axis_color = Color::BLACK) if bars.count * bar_width > @image.width raise ArgumentError, 'Not enough big size of image to plot these number of bars' end # Values of x and y on borders of plot min =[bars.collect { |k, _| k }.min, 0].min, [bars.collect { |_, v| v }.min, 0].min) max =[bars.collect { |k, _| k }.max, 0].max, [bars.collect { |_, v| v }.max, 0].max) # Dots per unit dpu = (@image.width - 2 * @padding).to_f / (max.x - min.x + bar_width), (@image.height - 2 * @padding).to_f / (max.y - min.y) ) draw_axis(min, dpu, axis_color) bars.each do |x, y| # Cycle drawing bars l_up_x = @padding + ((x + min.x.abs) * dpu.x).floor l_up_y = if y.negative? @image.height - @padding - (min.y.abs * dpu.y).ceil + 1 else @image.height - @padding - ((y + min.y.abs) * dpu.y).ceil end rectangle(, l_up_y), bar_width, (y.abs * dpu.y).ceil, bars_color) end end ## # Exports plotted image to file +filename+ def export(filename), interlace: true) end end CENTER_X = Window.width / 2 CENTER_Y = Window.height / 2 mul = 100/1 ## # draws axes def draw_axes 0, y1: CENTER_Y, x2: (get :width), y2: CENTER_Y, width: 1, color: 'white', z: 20) CENTER_X, y1: 0, x2: CENTER_X, y2: (get :height), width: 1, color: 'white', z: 20) x1 = CENTER_X x2 = CENTER_X while (x1 < Window.width * 1.1) and (x2 > Window.width * -1.1) do x1, y1: CENTER_Y - 4, x2: x1, y2: CENTER_Y + 3, width: 1, color: 'white', z: 20) x2, y1: CENTER_Y - 4, x2: x2, y2: CENTER_Y + 3, width: 1, color: 'white', z: 20) x1 += mul x2 -= mul end y1 = CENTER_Y y2 = CENTER_Y while (y1 < Window.height * 1.1) and (y2 > Window.height * -1.1) do CENTER_X - 3, y1: y1, x2: CENTER_X + 3, y2: y1, width: 1, color: 'white', z: 20) CENTER_X - 3, y1: y2, x2: CENTER_X + 3, y2: y2, width: 1, color: 'white', z: 20) y1 += mul y2 -= mul end end ## # Changes the coordinates to draw the next pixel for the +f+ function # +x+ - current argument. +st+ - step to next point def reset_step(x, st, &f) y1 = y2 = + st) if (y1 - y2).abs / mul > 1.0 [st / (y1 - y2).abs / mul, 0.001].max else st / mul * 2 end end ## # Draws a point on coordinates +x+ and +y+ # with the scale +mul+ and color +col+ def draw_point(x, y, mul, col) x1: CENTER_X + x * mul, y1: CENTER_Y - y * mul, x2: CENTER_X + 1 + x * mul, y2: CENTER_Y + 2 - y * mul, width: 1, color: col, z: 20 ) end ## # Reduces the interval to the window range. +a+ and +b+ that determine interval def reduce_interval(a, b) a *= mul b *= mul return [a, -(get :width) * 1.1].max / mul, [b, (get :width) * 1.1].min / mul end ## # Draws the function +func+ at the interval from +a+ to +b+ def draw_fn(a, b, &func) draw_axes a, b = reduce_interval(a, b) step = 0.38 c_step = step arg = a while arg < b do c_step = step begin c_step = reset_step(arg, step) {|xx| fn(xx)} rescue Math::DomainError arg += c_step * 0.1 else draw_point(arg,, mul, 'lime') ensure arg += c_step end end end ## # show plot def show_window show end # @param [Integer] sc def set_scale(sc) mul = sc end end end