# Main entry point for all Origen commands, some global option handling # is done here (i.e. options that apply to all commands) before handing # over to the specific command handlers require 'optparse' require 'fileutils' ARGV << '--help' if ARGV.empty? ORIGEN_COMMAND_ALIASES = { 'g' => 'generate', 'p' => 'program', 't' => 'target', '-t' => 'target', # For legacy reasons 'e' => 'environment', '-e' => 'environment', 'l' => 'lsf', 'i' => 'interactive', 'c' => 'compile', 'pl' => 'plugin', '-v' => 'version', '--version' => 'version', '-version' => 'version', 'm' => 'mode' } @command = ARGV.shift @command = ORIGEN_COMMAND_ALIASES[@command] || @command @global_commands = [] # Moved here so boot.rb file can know the current command Origen.send :current_command=, @command # Do some housekeeping, remove all .git directories in vendor/gems, this allows gems # that have been vendored via a Git reference to be checked in as normal if File.exist?(Origen.root.join('vendor', 'gems')) Dir.glob("#{Origen.root}/vendor/gems/ruby/*/bundler/gems/*/.git").each do |f| FileUtils.rm_rf(f) end # Also remove any nested vendor/gems folders to save space Dir.glob("#{Origen.root}/vendor/gems/ruby/*/bundler/gems/*/vendor/gems").each do |f| FileUtils.rm_rf(f) end end # Don't log to file during the save command since we need to preserve the last log, # this is done as early in the process as possible so any deprecation warnings during # load don't trigger a new log Origen::Log.console_only = %w(save target environment version).include?(@command) if ARGV.delete('--coverage') || ((@command == 'specs' || @command == 'examples' || @command == 'test') && (ARGV.delete('-c') || ARGV.delete('--coverage'))) require 'simplecov' begin if ENV['CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION'] require 'coveralls' SimpleCov.formatter = Coveralls::SimpleCov::Formatter end rescue LoadError # No problem end SimpleCov.start Origen.log.info 'Started code coverage' SimpleCov.configure do filters.clear # This will remove the :root_filter that comes via simplecov's defaults add_filter do |src| if File.directory?("#{Origen.root}/app/lib") !(src.filename =~ /^#{Origen.root}\/app\/lib/) else !(src.filename =~ /^#{Origen.root}\/lib/) end end # Results from commands run in succession will be merged by default use_merging(!ARGV.delete('--no_merge')) # Try and make a guess about which directory contains the bulk of the application's code # and create groups to match the main folders # Highest priority is given to the new application structure # Applications on the old directory structure need to make sure that there isn't another "app" directory in Origen.root # Applications on the new directory structure need to make sure that there isn't another "lib" directory in Origen.root d1 = "#{Origen.root}/app/" d2 = "#{Origen.root}/lib/#{Origen.app.name.to_s.underscore}" d3 = "#{Origen.root}/lib/#{Origen.app.namespace.to_s.underscore}" d4 = "#{Origen.root}/lib" if File.exist?(d1) && File.directory?(d1) dir = d1 elsif File.exist?(d2) && File.directory?(d2) dir = d2 elsif File.exist?(d3) && File.directory?(d3) dir = d3 else dir = d4 end Dir.glob("#{dir}/*").each do |d| d = Pathname.new(d) if d.directory? add_group d.basename.to_s.camelcase, d.to_s end end command_name @command path_to_coverage_report = Pathname.new("#{Origen.root}/coverage/index.html").relative_path_from(Pathname.pwd) at_exit do SimpleCov.result.format! puts '' puts 'To view coverage report:' puts " firefox #{path_to_coverage_report} &" puts '' end end end require 'origen/global_methods' include Origen::GlobalMethods Origen.lsf.current_command = @command if ARGV.delete('-d') || ARGV.delete('--debug') begin require 'byebug' rescue LoadError def debugger caller[0] =~ /.*\/(\w+\.rb):(\d+).*/ puts 'The debugger gem is not installed, add the following to your Gemfile:' puts puts " gem 'byebug', '~>8'" puts end end Origen.enable_debugger else def debugger caller[0] =~ /.*\/(\w+\.rb):(\d+).*/ puts "#{Regexp.last_match[1]}:#{Regexp.last_match[2]} - debugger statement ignored, run again with '-d' to enable it" end end if ARGV.include?('-verbose') || ARGV.include?('--verbose') options ||= {} Origen.log.level = :verbose ARGV.delete('-verbose') ARGV.delete('--verbose') end if ARGV.include?('-silent') || ARGV.include?('--silent') options ||= {} Origen.log.level = :silent ARGV.delete('-silent') ARGV.delete('--silent') end # If the current command is an LSF execution request (that is a request to # execute a non-Origen command remotely) if (@command == 'lsf' || @command == 'l') && (ARGV.include?('-e') || ARGV.include?('--execute')) # Don't apply these global options yet, pass them through to the underlying command else if ARGV.delete('--profile') # This means that as well as applying to the current thread, this option will also # be applied to any remote jobs triggered by this thread Origen.app.lsf_manager.add_command_option('--profile') Origen.enable_profiling end if ARGV.delete('--exec_remote') && @command != 'lsf' && @command != 'l' Origen.running_remotely = true end # Set the Origen operating mode if supplied ix = ARGV.index('-m') || ARGV.index('--mode') if ix ARGV.delete_at(ix) mode = ARGV[ix] ARGV.delete_at(ix) Origen.app.lsf_manager.add_command_option('--mode', mode) Origen.mode = mode # Make sure this sticks for the remainder of this thread Origen.mode.freeze end end # Give application commands the first shot at executing the given command, # the application file must exit upon servicing the command if it wants to # prevent Origen from then having a go. # This order is preferable to allowing Origen to go first since it allows # overloading of Origen commands by the application. @application_options = [] @plugin_commands = [] # Prevent plugins from being able to accidentally override app commands # @application_commands = [] app_id = @application_options.object_id plugin_id = @plugin_commands.object_id # Prevent plugins from being able to accidentally override app commands # app_cmd_id = @application_commands.object_id app_opt_err = false plugin_opt_err = false app_cmd_err = false if File.exist? "#{Origen.root}/config/commands.rb" require "#{Origen.root}/config/commands" if @application_options.object_id != app_id Origen.log.warning "Don't assign @application_options to a value in config/commands.rb!" Origen.log.warning 'Do something like this instead:' Origen.log.warning ' @application_options << ["-v", "--vector_comments", "Add the vector and cycle number to the vector comments"]' app_opt_err = true end if @plugin_commands.object_id != plugin_id Origen.log.warning "Don't assign @plugin_commands to a new value in config/commands.rb!" Origen.log.warning 'Do something like this instead:' Origen.log.warning ' @plugin_commands << " testers:build Build a test program from a collection of sub-programs"' plugin_opt_err = true end end # Only the app can set this, so cache it locally prevent any plugins overriding it application_commands = @application_commands || '' shared_commands = Origen.app.plugins.shared_commands if shared_commands && shared_commands.size != 0 shared_commands.each do |file| require file if @application_options.object_id != app_id && !app_opt_err Origen.log.warning "Don't assign @application_options to a new value in #{file}!" Origen.log.warning 'Do something like this instead:' Origen.log.warning ' @application_options << ["-v", "--vector_comments", "Add the vector and cycle number to the vector comments"]' app_opt_err = true end if @plugin_commands.object_id != plugin_id && !plugin_opt_err Origen.log.warning "Don't assign @plugin_commands to a new value in #{file}!" Origen.log.warning 'Do something like this instead:' Origen.log.warning ' @plugin_commands << " testers:build Build a test program from a collection of sub-programs"' plugin_opt_err = true end end end # Get a list of registered plugins and get the global launcher @global_launcher = Origen._applications_lookup[:name].dup.map do |plugin_name, plugin| shared = plugin.config.shared || {} if shared[:global_launcher] file = "#{plugin.root}/#{shared[:global_launcher]}" require file file end end.compact case @command when 'generate', 'program', 'compile', 'merge', 'interactive', 'target', 'environment', 'save', 'lsf', 'web', 'time', 'dispatch', 'rc', 'lint', 'plugin', 'fetch', 'mode', 'gem', 'archive' require "origen/commands/#{@command}" exit 0 unless @command == 'interactive' when 'new' require 'origen/commands/new_resource' exit 0 when 'exec' load ARGV.first exit 0 when 'version' Origen.app # Load app require 'origen/commands/version' exit 0 when 'site' require 'origen/commands/site' exit 0 else if ['-h', '--help'].include?(@command) status = 0 else puts "Error: Command not recognized: #{@command}" status = 1 end puts <<-EOT Usage: origen COMMAND [ARGS] The core origen commands are: EOT cmds = <<-EOT environment Display or set the environment (short-cut alias: "e") target Display or set the target (short-cut alias: "t") mode Display or set the mode (short-cut alias: "m") plugin Display or set the plugin (short-cut alias: "pl") generate Generate a test pattern (short-cut alias: "g") program Generate a test program (short-cut alias: "p") interactive Start an interactive Origen console (short-cut alias: "i") compile Compile a template file or directory (short-cut alias: "c") exec Execute any Ruby file with access to your app environment setup Setup an app workspace for the first time, or fix if it can't boot rc Revision control commands, see -h for details save Save the new or changed files from the last run or a given log file lsf Monitor and manage LSF jobs (short-cut alias: "l") web Web page tools, see -h for details time Tools for test time analysis and forecasting lint Lint and style check (and correct) your application code archive Create an archive of your current application state site Monitor and manage the Origen site configuration new Generate a new block, flow, pattern, etc. for your application EOT cmds.split(/\n/).each do |line| puts Origen.clean_help_line(line) end puts if @application_commands && !@application_commands.empty? puts 'In addition to these the application has added:' @application_commands.split(/\n/).each do |cmds| cmds.split(/\n/).each do |line| puts Origen.clean_help_line(line) end end puts end if @plugin_commands && !@plugin_commands.empty? puts 'The following commands are provided by plugins:' @plugin_commands.each do |cmds| cmds.split(/\n/).each do |line| puts Origen.clean_help_line(line) end end puts end if @global_launcher && !@global_launcher.empty? puts 'The following global commands are provided by plugins:' @global_commands.each do |cmds| cmds.split(/\n/).each do |line| puts Origen.clean_help_line(line) end end puts end puts <<-EOT All commands can be run with -d (or --debugger) to enable the debugger. All commands can be run with --coverage to enable code coverage. Many commands can be run with -h (or --help) for more information. EOT exit status end