require 'active_support/inflector' require 'page_magic/element_definition_builder' module PageMagic # module Elements - contains methods that add element definitions to the objects it is mixed in to module Elements # hooks for objects that inherit classes that include the Elements module module InheritanceHooks # Copies parent element definitions on to subclass # @param [Class] clazz - inheritting class def inherited(clazz) clazz.element_definitions.merge!(element_definitions) end end INVALID_METHOD_NAME_MSG = 'a method already exists with this method name'.freeze TYPES = [:text_field, :button, :link, :checkbox, :select_list, :radio, :textarea].collect do |type| [type, :"#{type}s"] end.flatten.freeze class << self def extended(clazz) clazz.extend(InheritanceHooks) end end # Creates an element defintion. # Element defintions contain specifications for locating them and other sub elements. # if a block is specified then it will be executed against the element defintion. # This method is aliased to each of the names specified in {TYPES TYPES} # @example # element :widget, id: 'widget' do # link :next, text: 'next' # end # @overload element(name, selector, &block) # @param [Symbol] name the name of the element. # @param [Hash] selector a key value pair defining the method for locating this element # @option selector [String] :text text contained within the element # @option selector [String] :css css selector # @option selector [String] :id the id of the element # @option selector [String] :name the value of the name attribute belonging to the element # @option selector [String] :label value of the label tied to the require field # @overload element(element_class, &block) # @param [ElementClass] element_class a custom class of element that inherits {Element}. # the name of the element is derived from the class name. the Class name coverted to snakecase. # The selector must be defined on the class itself. # @overload element(name, element_class, &block) # @param [Symbol] name the name of the element. # @param [ElementClass] element_class a custom class of element that inherits {Element}. # The selector must be defined on the class itself. # @overload element(name, element_class, selector, &block) # @param [Symbol] name the name of the element. # @param [ElementClass] element_class a custom class of element that inherits {Element}. # @param [Hash] selector a key value pair defining the method for locating this element. See above for details def element(*args, &block) block ||= proc {} options = compute_options(args.dup, __callee__) section_class = options.delete(:section_class) add_element_definition(options.delete(:name)) do |parent_element, *e_args| definition_class = do parent_element(parent_element) class_exec(*e_args, &block) end definition_class)) end end alias elements element TYPES.each { |type| alias_method type, :element } # @return [Hash] element definition names mapped to blocks that can be used to create unique instances of # and {Element} definitions def element_definitions @element_definitions ||= {} end private def compute_options(args, type) section_class = remove_argument(args, Class) || Element { name: compute_name(args, section_class), type: type, selector: compute_selector(args, section_class), options: compute_argument(args, Hash), element: args.delete_at(0), section_class: section_class }.tap do |hash| hash[:options][:multiple_results] = type.to_s.end_with?('s') end end def add_element_definition(name, &block) raise InvalidElementNameException, 'duplicate page element defined' if element_definitions[name] methods = respond_to?(:instance_methods) ? instance_methods : methods() raise InvalidElementNameException, INVALID_METHOD_NAME_MSG if methods.find { |method| method == name } element_definitions[name] = block end def compute_name(args, section_class) name = remove_argument(args, Symbol) name || unless section_class.is_a?(Element) end def compute_selector(args, section_class) selector = remove_argument(args, Hash) selector || section_class.selector if section_class.respond_to?(:selector) end def method_added(method) raise InvalidMethodNameException, 'method name matches element name' if element_definitions[method] end def compute_argument(args, clazz) remove_argument(args, clazz) || end def remove_argument(args, clazz) argument = args.find { |arg| arg.is_a?(clazz) } args.delete(argument) end end end