3.0 urban_geometry_creation_zoning 96ea1317-76ac-4670-b51d-71ee3f4fdd65 c115c875-0e04-4ac9-990b-011811df23bb 20210602T203056Z D254E772 UrbanGeometryCreationZoning UrbanGeometryCreationZoning This measure reads an URBANopt GeoJSON and creates geometry with zoning for a particular building. Surrounding buildings are included as shading structures. geojson_file GeoJSON File GeoJSON File. String true false feature_id Feature ID Feature ID. String true false surrounding_buildings Surrounding Buildings Select which surrounding buildings to include. Choice true false ShadingOnly None None ShadingOnly ShadingOnly Envelope.Form Measure Type ModelMeasure string Intended Software Tool Apply Measure Now string Intended Software Tool OpenStudio Application string Intended Software Tool Parametric Analysis Tool string Intended Software Tool Analysis Spreadsheet string Intended Use Case Model Articulation string README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 nrel_stm_footprints.geojson geojson test 40290298 README.md md readme 0458EE16 LICENSE.md md license 03523BF4 OpenStudio 1.9.0 1.9.0 measure.rb rb script 290A59E6 urban_geometry_creation_zoning_test.rb rb test 20775652 example_project_combined.json json test 9BC47B41 out.txt txt test 7FAF05F3 OV_Buildings_Update_090420_res_eui_test.json json test F611B1E8