module BuilderApm module Models class Instrumenter def self.start new.subscribe_to_notifications end def subscribe_to_notifications ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe('sql.active_record') do |*args| starttime = * 1000 handle_sql_active_record(*args) duration = ( * 1000) - starttime Thread.current[:db_tracing] = (Thread.current[:db_tracing] ||= 0) + duration end ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe('instantiation.active_record') do |*args| starttime = * 1000 handle_instantiation_active_record(*args) duration = ( * 1000) - starttime Thread.current[:db_tracing] = (Thread.current[:db_tracing] ||= 0) + duration end end private def handle_sql_active_record(*args) data = args.extract_options! event =*args, data) name = event.payload[:name] return if name == "SCHEMA" || Thread.current[:request_id].nil? triggering_line = determine_triggering_line(caller) Thread.current[:db_runtime] += event.duration sql_query_data = build_sql_query_data(event, triggering_line) store_sql_query_data(sql_query_data) end def handle_instantiation_active_record(*args) data = args.extract_options! event =*args, data) update_last_sql_query_data_with_instantiation_info(event) end def determine_triggering_line(call_stack) app_stack = { |line| line.include?(Rails.root.to_s) } app_stack.first.to_s.gsub(Rails.root.to_s, '') end def build_sql_query_data(event, triggering_line) { request_id: Thread.current[:request_id], sql_id: SecureRandom.uuid, sql: event.payload[:sql], params: event.payload[:binds].map { |a| a.value }, triggering_line: triggering_line, name: event.payload[:name], cached: event.payload[:cached] || false, start_time: event.time, end_time: event.end, duration: event.duration, record_count: 0, class_name: '' } end def store_sql_query_data(sql_query_data) Thread.current[:sql_event_id] = sql_query_data[:sql_id] # Create the stack if it doesn't exist yet stack = (Thread.current[:stack] ||= []) if stack&.any? stack.last[:sql_events].push(sql_query_data) else stack.push({sql_events: [sql_query_data], children: []}) end # Do the N+1 check if it wasn't done yet if BuilderApm.configuration.enable_n_plus_one_profiler && Thread.current[:has_n_plus_one] == false start_time = * 1000 perform_n_plus_one_check(stack) duration = ( * 1000) - start_time Thread.current[:n_plus_one_duration] ||= 0 Thread.current[:n_plus_one_duration] += duration end end def update_last_sql_query_data_with_instantiation_info(event) stack = Thread.current[:stack] request_id = Thread.current[:request_id] return if stack.nil? || stack.empty? || request_id.nil? begin last_sql = stack.last[:sql_events].pop return unless last_sql && last_sql[:sql_id] if last_sql[:sql_id] == Thread.current[:sql_event_id] last_sql[:record_count] = event.payload[:record_count] last_sql[:class_name] = event.payload[:class_name] end Thread.current[:stack].last[:sql_events].push(last_sql) ensure Thread.current[:sql_event_id] = nil end end # Add this method to perform the N+1 check def perform_n_plus_one_check(stack) sql_queries = { |frame| frame[:sql_events] }.flatten # Group queries count by table and triggering_line queries_count = { |h, k| h[k] = {count: 0, indices: []} } sql_queries.each_with_index do |query, index| match = query[:sql].match(/FROM ['`"]*([^ '`"]+)['`"]*/i) if match table_and_line = "#{match[1]}|#{query[:triggering_line]}" queries_count[table_and_line][:count] += 1 queries_count[table_and_line][:indices].push(index) end end # If any N+1 issue is found, set 'has_n_plus_one' to true and return queries_count.each do |_, value| if value[:count] > 2 Thread.current[:has_n_plus_one] = true return end end end end end end