require 'std/memory.rb' raise "std/memory.rb is deprecated." include HDLRuby::High::Std # Sample code for testing the memory library. system :memory_test do # The test step counter. [8].inner :step # The success counter. [4].inner :yay # The clock and reset. inner :clk, :rst # The memory address. [3].inner :address # The value to write to memories. [8].inner :value # The general result register. [8].inner :result # The specific result registers. [8].inner :res0, :res1, :res2, :res3, :res4, :res5, :res6, :res7 # Declares a one-ports synchronous memory. mem_sync(1,[8],8,clk.negedge,rst,[:rst]).(:mem_sync_1I) # And the corresponding access ports. mem_sync_1I.branch(0).inner :mem_sync_1P # Declares a dual-edge memory for address-based accesses. mem_dual([8],8,clk,rst,raddr: :rst, waddr: :rst).(:mem_dual0I) # And the corresponding access ports. mem_dual0I.branch(:raddr).inner :mem_dual_raddrP mem_dual0I.branch(:waddr).inner :mem_dual_waddrP # Declares a second dual-edge memory for incremeted accesses. mem_dual([8],8,clk,rst, rinc: :rst, winc: :rst).(:mem_dual1I) # And the corresponding access ports. mem_dual1I.branch(:rinc).inner :mem_dual_rincP mem_dual1I.branch(:winc).inner :mem_dual_wincP # Declares a thrid dual-edge memory for decremented accesses. mem_dual([8],8,clk,rst, rdec: :rst, wdec: :rst).(:mem_dual2I) # And the corresponding access ports. mem_dual2I.branch(:rdec).inner :mem_dual_rdecP mem_dual2I.branch(:wdec).inner :mem_dual_wdecP # Declares a first register file for address-based accesses. mem_file([8],8,clk,rst,raddr: :rst, waddr: :rst).(:mem_file0I) # And the corresponding access ports. mem_file0I.branch(:raddr).inner :mem_file_raddrP mem_file0I.branch(:waddr).inner :mem_file_waddrP # Declares a second register file for incremeted accesses. mem_file([8],8,clk,rst, rinc: :rst, winc: :rst).(:mem_file1I) # And the corresponding access ports. mem_file1I.branch(:rinc).inner :mem_file_rincP mem_file1I.branch(:winc).inner :mem_file_wincP # Declares a third register file for decremeted accesses. mem_file([8],8,clk,rst, rdec: :rst, wdec: :rst).(:mem_file2I) # And the corresponding access ports. mem_file2I.branch(:rdec).inner :mem_file_rdecP mem_file2I.branch(:wdec).inner :mem_file_wdecP # Declares a forth register file for num accesses. mem_file([8],8,clk,rst, anum: :rst).(:mem_file3I) # And the corresponding access port. mem_file3I.branch(:anum).inner :mem_file_anumP # Declares a fifth register file for num accesses. mem_file([8],8,clk,rst, anum: :rst).(:mem_file4I) # And the corresponding access port: individual accesses. mem_file4I.branch(:anum).inner :mem_file_anum1P mem_file_fixP = [ mem_file_anum1P.wrap(0), mem_file_anum1P.wrap(1), mem_file_anum1P.wrap(2), mem_file_anum1P.wrap(3), mem_file_anum1P.wrap(4), mem_file_anum1P.wrap(5), mem_file_anum1P.wrap(6), mem_file_anum1P.wrap(7) ] # Tests the accesses to the memories. par(clk.posedge) do # Initial address and value. hif(rst) { address <= 0; value <= 0 } # Handles the memory accesses. hcase(step) # Write to mem_sync_1 hwhen(1) do mem_sync_1P.write(address,value) do yay <= yay + 1 address <= address + 1 value <= value + 1 end end # Read from to mem_sync_1 hwhen(2) do,result) do yay <= yay + 1 address <= address + 1 end end # Write to mem_dual0 with address hwhen(3) do mem_dual_waddrP.write(address,value) do yay <= yay + 1 address <= address + 1 value <= value + 1 end end # Read from mem_dual0 with address hwhen(4) do,result) do yay <= yay + 1 address <= address + 1 end end # Write to mem_dual1 with increment hwhen(5) do mem_dual_wincP.write(value) do yay <= yay + 1 value <= value + 1 end end # Read from mem_dual1 with increment hwhen(6) do do yay <= yay + 1 end end # Write to mem_dual2 with decrement hwhen(7) do mem_dual_wdecP.write(value) do yay <= yay + 1 value <= value + 1 end end # Read from mem_dual1 with decrement hwhen(8) do do yay <= yay + 1 end end # Write to mem_file0 with address hwhen(9) do mem_file_waddrP.write(address,value) do yay <= yay + 1 address <= address + 1 value <= value + 1 end end # Read from mem_file0 with address hwhen(10) do,result) do yay <= yay + 1 address <= address + 1 end end # Write to mem_file1 with increment hwhen(11) do mem_file_wincP.write(value) do yay <= yay + 1 value <= value + 1 end end # Read from mem_file1 with increment hwhen(12) do do yay <= yay + 1 end end # Write to mem_file2 with increment hwhen(13) do mem_file_wdecP.write(value) do yay <= yay + 1 value <= value + 1 end end # Read from mem_file2 with increment hwhen(14) do do yay <= yay + 1 end end # Write to mem_file3 with num access hwhen(15) do mem_file_anumP.write(0,0) mem_file_anumP.write(1,1) mem_file_anumP.write(2,2) mem_file_anumP.write(3,3) mem_file_anumP.write(4,4) mem_file_anumP.write(5,5) mem_file_anumP.write(6,6) mem_file_anumP.write(7,7) do yay <= 8 end end # Read from mem_file3 with num access hwhen(16) do,res0),res1),res2),res3),res4),res5),res6),res7) do yay <= 8 end end # Write to mem_file3 with num access hwhen(17) do mem_file_fixP[0].write(1) mem_file_fixP[1].write(2) mem_file_fixP[2].write(4) mem_file_fixP[3].write(8) mem_file_fixP[4].write(16) mem_file_fixP[5].write(32) mem_file_fixP[6].write(64) mem_file_fixP[7].write(128) do yay <= 8 end end # Read from mem_file3 with num access hwhen(18) do mem_file_fixP[0].read(res0) mem_file_fixP[1].read(res1) mem_file_fixP[2].read(res2) mem_file_fixP[3].read(res3) mem_file_fixP[4].read(res4) mem_file_fixP[5].read(res5) mem_file_fixP[6].read(res6) mem_file_fixP[7].read(res7) do yay <= 8 end end end timed do # Initialize everything. clk <= 0 rst <= 0 step <= 0 yay <= 0 !10.ns clk <= 1 !10.ns clk <= 0 rst <= 1 !10.ns clk <= 1 !10.ns clk <= 0 rst <= 0 step <= 1 # Testing the synchronous memories. 256.times do !10.ns clk <= 1 !10.ns hif(yay==8) do step <= step + 1 yay <= 0 end clk <= 0 end end end