== 2.1.0 2014-03-05 * Add alternative syntax: Looksee[object, *args]. Useful for BasicObject instances, and proxies which delegate #ls via method_missing. * Fix display of origin classes (used when modules are prepended). == 2.0.0 2014-01-01 * Support for MRI 2.1, JRuby 1.7, Rubinius 2.2. * Looksee now only adds #ls to Object. The old way would frequently conflict with, e.g., Rails controller conventions. - object.edit is now object.ls.edit. - Looksee.rename now just takes the new name for :ls. - The LOOKSEE_METHODS env var is now LOOKSEE_METHOD, and is simply the new name for :ls. * Raise informative errors when #edit fails (e.g., for methods without a source location). == 1.1.0 2013-03-22 * Support for MRI 2.0.0. * Support for MRI 1.9.3 with funnyfalcon's patches. * Fix listing methods of a class with an undefined allocator (e.g. Struct). * Updated supported rubies in README. == 1.0.3 2011-09-05 * MRI 1.9.3 support. == 1.0.2 2011-03-27 * Fix JRuby extension name for case-sensitive filesystems. == 1.0.1 2011-03-15 * Fix bug exception when trying to edit a primitive method on MRI. * Allow customizing the method names added to every object. Either: * Call Looksee.rename(:ls => new_name, :edit => new_name) * Set LOOKSEE_METHODS='ls=new_name edit=new_name' in your environment. == 1.0.0 2011-03-09 * New API. * old: lp(object, :private => true, :undefined => false).grep(/blah/) * new: object.ls :private, :noundefined, /blah/ * Configuration has changed accordingly. * old: Looksee.default_lookup_path_options = {:private => true, :undefined => false} * new: Looksee.default_specifiers = [:private, :noundefined] * Require 'looksee' instead of 'looksee/shortcuts'. For non-pollutiness, use "require 'looksee/clean'". * All methods are now listed by default. * Modules are now listed root class first. * Support for Ruby MRI 1.9, JRuby, and Rubinius. * Add Object#edit(METHOD), to open Object#METHOD in your text editor.