# Common usage # # rake build:adapters - to build all specific adapter gems and the base gem # rake release:do - build:adapters + git tag + push gems # # Environment variables used by this Rakefile: # # INCLUDE_JAR_IN_GEM [default task - false, other taks - true]: # Note: This is something you should not normally have to set. # For local development we always will end up including the jar file # in any task which generates our main gem. The wrinkle to this # is when we do a custom github link in bundler: # # gem 'ar-jdbc', github: '...' # # Because we stopped committing a .jar file for every change and so when # we include a gem like this it clones the repository and does a default # build in rake. This in turn will end up forcing a compile to generate # that jar (similar to how c-extensions compile at the time of install). # For shipped gems we do include the jar so that people do not require # this compile step. # # NOOP [release:do - false] # # No commands or gem pushing during a release. require 'rake/clean' CLEAN.include 'derby*', 'test.db.*', '*test.sqlite3', 'test/reports' CLEAN.include 'lib/**/*.jar', 'MANIFEST.MF', '*.log', 'target/*' task :default => :jar # RubyGems extention will do a bare `rake' e.g. : # jruby" -rubygems /opt/local/rvm/gems/jruby-1.7.16@jdbc/gems/rake-10.3.2/bin/rake # RUBYARCHDIR=/opt/local/rvm/gems/jruby-1.7.16@jdbc/gems/activerecord-jdbc-adapter-1.4.0.dev/lib # RUBYLIBDIR=/opt/local/rvm/gems/jruby-1.7.16@jdbc/gems/activerecord-jdbc-adapter-1.4.0.dev/lib # # under Bundler it points those DIRs to an empty one where only built extensions are stored : # jruby -rubygems /opt/local/rvm/gems/jruby-1.7.19@temp/gems/rake-10.4.2/bin/rake # RUBYARCHDIR=/opt/local/rvm/gems/jruby-1.7.19@temp/bundler/gems/extensions/universal-java-1.7/1.9/activerecord-jdbc-adapter-472b5fddba43 # RUBYLIBDIR=/opt/local/rvm/gems/jruby-1.7.19@temp/bundler/gems/extensions/universal-java-1.7/1.9/activerecord-jdbc-adapter-472b5fddba43 # # javac -target 1.6 -source 1.6 -Xlint:unchecked -g -cp # "/opt/local/rvm/rubies/jruby-1.7.19/lib/jruby.jar: # /opt/local/maven-repo/mysql/mysql-connector-java/5.1.33/mysql-connector-java-5.1.33.jar: # /opt/local/maven-repo/org/postgresql/postgresql/9.4-1200-jdbc4/postgresql-9.4-1200-jdbc4.jar" # -d /tmp/d20150417-32100-7mb1bk src/java/arjdbc/ArJdbcModule.java ... base_dir = Dir.pwd gem_name = 'activerecord-jdbc-adapter' gemspec_path = File.expand_path('activerecord-jdbc-adapter.gemspec', File.dirname(__FILE__)) gemspec = lambda do @_gemspec_ ||= Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__)) do Gem::Specification.load(gemspec_path) end end built_gem_path = lambda do Dir[File.join(base_dir, "#{gem_name}-*.gem")].sort_by{ |f| File.mtime(f) }.last end current_version = lambda { gemspec.call.version } rake = lambda { |task| ruby "-S", "rake", task } # NOTE: avoid Bundler loading due native extension building! desc "Build #{gem_name} gem into the pkg directory." task :build => :jar do include_jar = ENV['INCLUDE_JAR_IN_GEM'] || 'true' sh("INCLUDE_JAR_IN_GEM=#{include_jar} gem build -V '#{gemspec_path}'") do gem_path = built_gem_path.call file_name = File.basename(gem_path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(base_dir, 'pkg')) FileUtils.mv(gem_path, 'pkg') puts "\n#{gem_name} #{current_version.call} built to 'pkg/#{file_name}'" end end desc "Build and install #{gem_name} gem into system gems." task :install => :build do gem_path = built_gem_path.call sh("gem install '#{gem_path}' --local") do |ok| raise "Couldn't install gem, run `gem install #{gem_path}' for more detailed output" unless ok puts "\n#{gem_name} (#{current_version.call}) installed" end end desc "Releasing AR-JDBC gems (use NOOP=true to disable gem pushing)" task 'release:do' do Rake::Task['build'].invoke Rake::Task['build:adapters'].invoke noop = ENV.key?('NOOP') && (ENV['NOOP'] != 'false' && ENV['NOOP'] != '') version = current_version.call; version_tag = "v#{version}" sh("git diff --no-patch --exit-code", :noop => noop) { |ok| fail "git working dir is not clean" unless ok } sh("git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD", :noop => noop) { |ok| fail "git index is not clean" unless ok } sh "git tag -a -m \"AR-JDBC #{version}\" #{version_tag}", :noop => noop branch = `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`.strip puts "releasing from (current) branch #{branch.inspect}" sh "for gem in `ls pkg/*-#{version}-java.gem`; do gem push $gem; done", :noop => noop do |ok| sh "git push origin #{branch} --tags", :noop => noop if ok end end task 'release:push' do sh "for gem in `ls pkg/*-#{current_version.call}-java.gem`; do gem push $gem; done" end ADAPTERS = %w[mysql postgresql sqlite3].map { |a| "activerecord-jdbc#{a}-adapter" } DRIVERS = %w[mysql postgres sqlite3].map { |a| "jdbc-#{a}" } TARGETS = ( ADAPTERS + DRIVERS ) ADAPTERS.each do |target| namespace target do task :build do version = current_version.call Dir.chdir(target) { rake.call "build" } cp FileList["#{target}/pkg/#{target}-#{version}-java.gem"], "pkg" end end end DRIVERS.each do |target| namespace target do task :build do Dir.chdir(target) { rake.call "build" } cp FileList["#{target}/pkg/#{target}-*.gem"], "pkg" end end end TARGETS.each do |target| namespace target do task :install do Dir.chdir(target) { rake.call "install" } end #task :release do # Dir.chdir(target) { rake.call "release" } #end end end # DRIVERS desc "Build drivers" task "build:drivers" => DRIVERS.map { |name| "#{name}:build" } task "drivers:build" => 'build:drivers' desc "Install drivers" task "install:drivers" => DRIVERS.map { |name| "#{name}:install" } task "drivers:install" => 'install:drivers' # ADAPTERS desc "Build adapters" task "build:adapters" => [ 'build' ] + ADAPTERS.map { |name| "#{name}:build" } task "adapters:build" => 'build:adapters' desc "Install adapters" task "install:adapters" => [ 'install' ] + ADAPTERS.map { |name| "#{name}:install" } task "adapters:install" => 'install:adapters' # ALL task "build:all" => [ 'build' ] + TARGETS.map { |name| "#{name}:build" } task "all:build" => 'build:all' task "install:all" => [ 'install' ] + TARGETS.map { |name| "#{name}:install" } task "all:install" => 'install:all' require 'rake/testtask' # native JRuby extension (adapter_java.jar) compilation : if defined? JRUBY_VERSION jar_file = 'lib/arjdbc/jdbc/adapter_java.jar'; CLEAN << jar_file desc "Compile the native (Java) extension." task :jar => jar_file namespace :jar do task :force do rm jar_file if File.exist?(jar_file) Rake::Task['jar'].invoke end end #directory classes = 'pkg/classes'; CLEAN << classes file jar_file => FileList[ 'src/java/**/*.java' ] do source = target = '1.8'; debug = true get_driver_jars_local = lambda do |*args| driver_deps = args.empty? ? [ :Postgres, :MySQL ] : args driver_jars = [] driver_deps.each do |name| driver_jars << Dir.glob("jdbc-#{name.to_s.downcase}/lib/*.jar").sort.last end if driver_jars.empty? # likely on a `gem install ...' # NOTE: we're currently assuming jdbc-xxx (compile) dependencies are # installed, they are declared as gemspec.development_dependencies ! # ... the other option is to simply `mvn prepare-package' driver_deps.each do |name| #require "jdbc/#{name.to_s.downcase}" #driver_jars << Jdbc.const_get(name).driver_jar # thanks Bundler for mocking RubyGems completely : #spec = Gem::Specification.find_by_name("jdbc-#{name.to_s.downcase}") #driver_jars << Dir.glob(File.join(spec.gem_dir, 'lib/*.jar')).sort.last gem_name = "jdbc-#{name.to_s.downcase}"; matched_gem_paths = [] Gem.paths.path.each do |path| base_path = File.join(path, "gems/") Dir.glob(File.join(base_path, "*")).each do |gem_path| if gem_path.sub(base_path, '').start_with?(gem_name) matched_gem_paths << gem_path end end end if gem_path = matched_gem_paths.sort.last driver_jars << Dir.glob(File.join(gem_path, 'lib/*.jar')).sort.last end end end driver_jars end get_driver_jars_maven = lambda do require 'jar_dependencies' requirements = gemspec.call.requirements match_driver_jars = lambda do matched_jars = [] gemspec.call.requirements.each do |requirement| if match = requirement.match(/^jar\s+([\w\-\.]+):([\w\-]+),\s+?([\w\.\-]+)?/) matched_jar = Jars.send :to_jar, match[1], match[2], match[3], nil matched_jar = File.join( Jars.home, matched_jar ) matched_jars << matched_jar if File.exists?( matched_jar ) end end matched_jars end driver_jars = match_driver_jars.call if driver_jars.size < requirements.size if (ENV['JARS_SKIP'] || ENV_JAVA['jars.skip']) == 'true' warn "jar resolving skipped, extension might not compile" else require 'jars/installer' ENV['JARS_QUIET'] = 'true' puts "resolving jar dependencies to build extension (should only happen once) ..." installer = Jars::Installer.new( gemspec_path ) installer.install_jars( false ) driver_jars = match_driver_jars.call end end driver_jars end # TODO not good but since jar-dependencies doesn't do the job, let's default to local (for now) if ENV['BUILD_EXT_MAVEN'] == 'true' # || ENV['RUBYARCHDIR'] driver_jars = get_driver_jars_maven.call else driver_jars = get_driver_jars_local.call end classpath = [] [ 'java.class.path', 'sun.boot.class.path' ].map { |key| ENV_JAVA[key] }.each do |v| classpath += v.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).find_all { |jar| jar =~ /jruby/i } if v end # Using Java 9+. Let's try and infer jruby.jar location from rbconfig if classpath.empty?; require 'rbconfig' libdir = RbConfig::CONFIG['libdir'] if libdir.start_with? 'classpath:' error "Cannot build activerecord-jdbc with jruby-complete" end classpath << File.join(libdir, 'jruby.jar') end classpath += driver_jars classpath = classpath.compact.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) source_files = FileList[ 'src/java/**/*.java' ] version = lambda do begin require 'arjdbc/version' rescue LoadError path = File.expand_path('lib', File.dirname(__FILE__)) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(path) $LOAD_PATH << path; retry end end gem_version = Gem::Version.create(ArJdbc::VERSION) if gem_version.segments.last == 'DEV' gem_version.segments[0...-1] # 50.0.DEV -> 50.0 else gem_version.segments.dup end end require 'tmpdir'; Dir.mktmpdir do |classes_dir| # Cross-platform way of finding an executable in the $PATH. Thanks to @mislav which = lambda do |cmd| exts = ENV['PATHEXT'] ? ENV['PATHEXT'].split(';') : [''] ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).map do |path| exts.map { |ext| File.join(path, "#{cmd}#{ext}") } end.flatten.select{|f| File.executable? f}.first end args = [ '-Xlint:unchecked' ] unless javac = which.call('javac') warn "could not find javac, please make sure it's on the PATH" end javac = "#{javac} -target #{target} -source #{source} #{args.join(' ')}" javac << " #{debug ? '-g' : ''}" javac << " -cp \"#{classpath}\" -d #{classes_dir} #{source_files.join(' ')}" sh(javac) do |ok| raise 'could not build .jar extension - compilation failure' unless ok end # class_files = FileList["#{classes_dir}/**/*.class"].gsub("#{classes_dir}/", '') # avoid environment variable expansion using backslash # class_files.gsub!('$', '\$') unless windows? # args = class_files.map { |path| [ "-C #{classes_dir}", path ] }.flatten if ENV['INCLUDE_JAR_IN_GEM'] == 'true'; require 'tempfile' manifest = "Built-Time: #{Time.now.utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}\n" manifest += "Built-JRuby: #{JRUBY_VERSION}\n" manifest += "Specification-Title: ActiveRecord-JDBC\n" manifest += "Specification-Vendor: JRuby\n" manifest += "Specification-Version: #{version.call[0].to_s.split('').join('.')}\n" # AR VERSION (52 -> 5.2) manifest += "Implementation-Vendor: The JRuby Team\n" manifest += "Implementation-Version: #{version.call.join('.')}\n" manifest = Tempfile.new('MANIFEST').tap { |f| f << manifest; f.close }.path end args = []; opts = '-cf' if manifest opts = "#{opts}m" args = [ "#{manifest}" ] end args += [ '-C', "#{classes_dir}/ ." ] jar_path = jar_file if ext_lib_dir = ENV['RUBYLIBDIR'] jar_path = File.join(ext_lib_dir, File.basename(jar_file)) end unless jar = which.call('jar') warn "could not find jar tool, please make sure it's on the PATH" end sh("#{jar} #{opts} #{jar_path} #{args.join(' ')}") do |ok| raise 'could not build .jar extension - packaging failure' unless ok end cp jar_path, jar_file if ext_lib_dir # NOTE: hopefully RG won't mind?! end end else task :jar do warn "please run `rake jar' under JRuby to re-compile the native (Java) extension" end end