# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" describe GraphQL::Schema::Traversal do def traversal(types) schema = GraphQL::Schema.define(orphan_types: types, resolve_type: :dummy) GraphQL::Schema::Traversal.new(schema, introspection: false) end it "finds types from directives" do expected = { "Boolean" => GraphQL::BOOLEAN_TYPE, # `skip` argument "String" => GraphQL::STRING_TYPE # `deprecated` argument } result = traversal([]).type_map assert_equal(expected.keys.sort, result.keys.sort) assert_equal(expected, result.to_h) end it "finds types from a single type and its fields" do expected = { "Boolean" => GraphQL::BOOLEAN_TYPE, "Cheese" => Dummy::Cheese.graphql_definition, "Float" => GraphQL::FLOAT_TYPE, "String" => GraphQL::STRING_TYPE, "Edible" => Dummy::Edible.graphql_definition, "EdibleAsMilk" => Dummy::EdibleAsMilk.graphql_definition, "DairyAnimal" => Dummy::DairyAnimal.graphql_definition, "Int" => GraphQL::INT_TYPE, "AnimalProduct" => Dummy::AnimalProduct.graphql_definition, "LocalProduct" => Dummy::LocalProduct.graphql_definition, } result = traversal([Dummy::Cheese.graphql_definition]).type_map assert_equal(expected.keys.sort, result.keys.sort) assert_equal(expected, result.to_h) end it "finds type from arguments" do result = traversal([Dummy::DairyAppQuery.graphql_definition]).type_map assert_equal(Dummy::DairyProductInput.graphql_definition, result["DairyProductInput"]) end it "finds types from field instrumentation" do type = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "ArgTypeTest" connection :t, type.connection_type end result = traversal([type]).type_map expected_types = [ "ArgTypeTest", "ArgTypeTestConnection", "ArgTypeTestEdge", "Boolean", "Int", "PageInfo", "String" ] assert_equal expected_types, result.keys.sort end it "finds types from nested InputObjectTypes" do type_child = GraphQL::InputObjectType.define do name "InputTypeChild" input_field :someField, GraphQL::STRING_TYPE end type_parent = GraphQL::InputObjectType.define do name "InputTypeParent" input_field :child, type_child end result = traversal([type_parent]).type_map expected = { "Boolean" => GraphQL::BOOLEAN_TYPE, "String" => GraphQL::STRING_TYPE, "InputTypeParent" => type_parent, "InputTypeChild" => type_child, } assert_equal(expected, result.to_h) end describe "when a type is invalid" do let(:invalid_type) { GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "InvalidType" field :someField end } let(:another_invalid_type) { GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "AnotherInvalidType" field :someField, String end } it "raises an InvalidTypeError when passed nil" do assert_raises(GraphQL::Schema::InvalidTypeError) { traversal([invalid_type]) } end it "raises an InvalidTypeError when passed an object that isnt a GraphQL::BaseType" do assert_raises(GraphQL::Schema::InvalidTypeError) { traversal([another_invalid_type]) } end end describe "when a schema has multiple types with the same name" do let(:type_1) { GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "MyType" end } let(:type_2) { GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "MyType" end } it "raises an error" do assert_raises(RuntimeError) { traversal([type_1, type_2]) } end end describe "when getting a type which doesnt exist" do it "raises an error" do type_map = traversal([]).type_map assert_raises(KeyError) { type_map.fetch("SomeType") } end end describe "when a field is only accessible through an interface" do it "is found through Schema.define(types:)" do assert_equal Dummy::Honey.graphql_definition, Dummy::Schema.types["Honey"] end end it "finds all references to types from fields and arguments" do c_type = GraphQL::InputObjectType.define do name "C" input_field :someField, GraphQL::STRING_TYPE end b_type = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "B" field :anotherField, !GraphQL::STRING_TYPE do |field| field.argument :anArgument, c_type end end a_type = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "A" field :someField, b_type end include_if_argument = GraphQL::Directive::IncludeDirective.arguments["if"] skip_if_argument = GraphQL::Directive::SkipDirective.arguments["if"] deprecated_reason_argument = GraphQL::Directive::DeprecatedDirective.arguments["reason"] expected = { "Boolean" => [include_if_argument, skip_if_argument], "B" => [a_type.fields["someField"]], "String" => [deprecated_reason_argument, b_type.fields["anotherField"], c_type.input_fields["someField"]], "C" => [b_type.fields["anotherField"].arguments["anArgument"]] } assert_equal expected, traversal([a_type, b_type, c_type]).type_reference_map end it "finds unions from which types are members" do b_type = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "B" end c_type = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "C" end union = GraphQL::UnionType.define do name "AUnion" possible_types [b_type] end another_union = GraphQL::UnionType.define do name "AnotherUnion" possible_types [b_type, c_type] end result = traversal([union, another_union, b_type, c_type]).union_memberships expected = { "B" => [union, another_union], "C" => [another_union] } assert_equal expected, result end it "finds orphan types from interfaces" do b_type = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "B" end c_type = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "C" end interface = GraphQL::InterfaceType.define do name "AInterface" orphan_types [b_type] end another_interface = GraphQL::InterfaceType.define do name "AnotherIterface" orphan_types [b_type, c_type] end result = traversal([interface, another_interface]).type_map expected = { "Boolean" => GraphQL::BOOLEAN_TYPE, "String" => GraphQL::STRING_TYPE, "AInterface" => interface, "AnotherIterface" => another_interface, "B" => b_type, "C" => c_type } assert_equal expected, result end end