# *******************************************************************************
# OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.
# See also https://openstudio.net/license
# *******************************************************************************

# see the URL below for information on how to write OpenStuido measures
# http://openstudio.nrel.gov/openstudio-measure-writing-guide

# see the URL below for access to C++ documentation on mondel objects (click on "model" in the main window to view model objects)
# http://openstudio.nrel.gov/sites/openstudio.nrel.gov/files/nv_data/cpp_documentation_it/model/html/namespaces.html

# start the measure
class AddOutputVariable < OpenStudio::Measure::ModelMeasure
  # define the name that a user will see, this method may be deprecated as
  # the display name in PAT comes from the name field in measure.xml
  def name
    return 'Add Output Variable'

  # human readable description
  def description
    return 'This measure adds an output variable at the requested reporting frequency.'

  # human readable description of modeling approach
  def modeler_description
    return 'The measure just passes in the string and does not validate that it is a proper variable name. It is up to the user to know this or to look at the .rdd file from a previous simulation run.'

  # define the arguments that the user will input
  def arguments(model)
    args = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector.new

    # make an argument for the variable name
    variable_name = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('variable_name', true)
    variable_name.setDisplayName('Enter Variable Name')
    args << variable_name

    # make an argument for the electric tariff
    reporting_frequency_chs = OpenStudio::StringVector.new
    reporting_frequency_chs << 'detailed'
    reporting_frequency_chs << 'timestep'
    reporting_frequency_chs << 'hourly'
    reporting_frequency_chs << 'daily'
    reporting_frequency_chs << 'monthly'
    reporting_frequency_chs << 'runperiod'
    reporting_frequency = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('reporting_frequency', reporting_frequency_chs, true)
    reporting_frequency.setDisplayName('Reporting Frequency')
    args << reporting_frequency

    # make an argument for the key_value
    key_value = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument('key_value', true)
    key_value.setDisplayName('Enter Key Name')
    key_value.setDescription('Enter * for all objects or the full name of a specific object to.')
    args << key_value

    return args

  # define what happens when the measure is run
  def run(model, runner, user_arguments)
    super(model, runner, user_arguments)

    # use the built-in error checking
    if !runner.validateUserArguments(arguments(model), user_arguments)
      return false

    # assign the user inputs to variables
    variable_name = runner.getStringArgumentValue('variable_name', user_arguments)
    reporting_frequency = runner.getStringArgumentValue('reporting_frequency', user_arguments)
    key_value = runner.getStringArgumentValue('key_value', user_arguments)

    # check the user_name for reasonableness
    if variable_name == ''
      runner.registerError('No variable name was entered.')
      return false

    # check the user_name for reasonableness
    if key_value == ''
      runner.registerInfo("Blank key isn't valid. Changing key to *")
      key_value == '*'

    outputVariables = model.getOutputVariables
    # reporting initial condition of model
    starting_spaces = model.getSpaces
    runner.registerInitialCondition("The model started with #{outputVariables.size} output variable objects.")

    outputVariable = OpenStudio::Model::OutputVariable.new(variable_name, model)
    runner.registerInfo("Adding output variable for #{outputVariable.variableName} reporting #{reporting_frequency}.")
    runner.registerInfo("Key value for variable is #{outputVariable.keyValue}.")

    outputVariables = model.getOutputVariables
    # reporting final condition of model
    finishing_spaces = model.getSpaces
    runner.registerFinalCondition("The model finished with #{outputVariables.size} output variable objects.")

    return true

# this allows the measure to be use by the application