# Copyright 2019 Pixar # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") # with the following modification; you may not use this file except in # compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: # Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: # # 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade # names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor # and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of # the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. # # You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. # # # The module module Jamf # A mobile device in the JSS class MobileDevice < Jamf::CollectionResource # Mix-Ins ##################################### include Jamf::Referable include Jamf::Locatable include Jamf::Extendable # currently not creatable via API # TODO: remove this when it's time extend Jamf::UnCreatable # currently not creatable via API # TODO: remove this when it's time extend Jamf::UnDeletable # Class Constants ##################################### IOS = 'ios'.freeze APPLETV = 'appleTv'.freeze ANDROID = 'android'.freeze UNKNOWN = 'unknown'.freeze IPHONE = 'iPhone'.freeze IPOD = 'iPod'.freeze IPAD = 'iPad'.freeze # The enum for the 'type' attribute TYPES = [ IOS, APPLETV, ANDROID, UNKNOWN ].freeze APPLE_TYPES = [IOS, APPLETV].freeze RSRC_PATH = '/inventory/obj/mobileDevice'.freeze # This has a non-std update resource # we POST to /inventory/obj/mobileDevice/{id}/update # instad of the normal PUT to /inventory/obj/mobileDevice/{id} UPDATE_RESOURCE = { method: :post, path_suffix: 'update' }.freeze OBJECT_MODEL = { # @!attribute [r] id # @return [Integer] id: { class: :integer, identifier: :primary, readonly: true }, # @!attribute name # @param [String] # @return [String] name: { class: :string }, # @!attribute [r] serialNumber # @return [String] serialNumber: { class: :string, identifier: true, readonly: true }, # @!attribute [r] wifiMacAddress # @return [String] wifiMacAddress: { class: :string, identifier: true, readonly: true }, # @!attribute [r] udid # @return [String] udid: { class: :string, identifier: true, readonly: true }, # @!attribute [r] phoneNumber # @return [String] phoneNumber: { class: :string, identifier: true, readonly: true }, # @!attribute [r] model # @return [String] model: { class: :string, readonly: true }, # @!attribute [r] modelIdentifier # @return [String] modelIdentifier: { class: :string, readonly: true }, # @!attribute username # Has custom setter, is part of Location in Details # @param [String] # @return [String] username: { class: :string, readonly: true }, # TODO: Will jamf give us isManaged or isSupervised? # in the non-detail data? # @!attribute [r] isManaged # @return [Boolean] # isManaged: { # class: :boolean, # readonly: true # }, # @!attribute [r] type # @return [Symbol] type: { class: :string, readonly: true, enum: Jamf::MobileDevice::TYPES } }.freeze parse_object_model # Class Methods ##################################### # TODO: when jamf gives us isManaged in base object # @return [Array] the list of all managed mobile devices # def self.all_unmanaged(refresh = false, api: JAMF.api) # all(refresh, api: api).reject { |d| d[:managed] } # end # TODO: when jamf gives us isManaged in base object # @return [Array] the list of all unmanaged mobile devices # def self.all_unmanaged(refresh = false, api: JAMF.api) # all(refresh, api: api).reject { |d| d[:managed] } # end # TODO: when jamf gives us isSupervised in base object # @return [Array] the list of all supervised mobile devices # def self.all_supervised(refresh = false, api: JAMF.api) # all(refresh, api: api).select { |d| d[:supervised] } # end # TODO: when jamf gives us isSupervised in base object # @return [Array] the list of all unsupervised mobile devices # def self.all_unsupervised(refresh = false, api: JAMF.api) # all(refresh, api: api).reject { |d| d[:supervised] } # end # @return [Array] the list of all iPhones def self.all_iphones(refresh: false, cnx: Jamf.cnx) all(refresh, cnx: cnx).select { |d| d[:model].start_with? IPHONE } end # @return [Array] the list of all iPods def self.all_ipods(refresh: false, cnx: Jamf.cnx) all(refresh, cnx: cnx).select { |d| d[:model].start_with? IPOD } end # @return [Array] the list of all iPads def self.all_ipads(refresh: false, cnx: Jamf.cnx) all(refresh, cnx: cnx).select { |d| d[:model].start_with? IPAD } end # @return [Array] the list of all AppleTVs def self.all_appleTvs(refresh: false, cnx: Jamf.cnx) all(refresh, cnx: cnx).select { |d| d[:type] == APPLETV } end # @return [Array] the list of all Androids def self.all_androids(refresh: false, cnx: Jamf.cnx) all(refresh, cnx: cnx).select { |d| d[:type] == ANDROID } end # Instance Methods # Lots of overriding of standard methods in our metaclasses # becuase we have a separate @details object, as well as # a non-standard UPDATE_RESOURCE object model # If this pattern becomes more common, and is uniform, # (i.e. for computers) we'll make these methods into a module # ####################################### # This custom method outputs a 'UpdateMobileDevice' object model # as defined in the API docs # def to_jamf changes = unsaved_changes data_to_send = {} data_to_send[:name] = changes[:name][:new] if changes[:name] data_to_send[:assetTag] = changes[:assetTag][:new] if changes[:assetTag] data_to_send[:siteId] = changes[:site][:new].id if changes[:site] data_to_send[:location] = details.location.to_jamf if changes[:location] data_to_send[:updatedExtensionAttributes] = ext_attrs_to_jamf if ext_attrs_unsaved_changes? return data_to_send unless APPLE_TYPES.include? @type data_to_send[@type] = { purchasing: details.type_details.purchasing.to_jamf } if changes[:type_changes][:purchasing] data_to_send[APPLETV][:airplayPassword] = changes[:type_changes][:airplayPassword][:new] if @type == APPLETV && changes[:type_changes][:airplayPassword] data_to_send end # to_jamf # TODO - needed? Clean up? # merge top-level and details changes and type-specific changes def unsaved_changes @unsaved_changes ||= {} # name is the only thing at the top-level that isn't readonly if @details changes = details.unsaved_changes changes[:name] = @unsaved_changes[:name] if @unsaved_changes[:name] changes[:ext_attrs] = ext_attrs_unsaved_changes if ext_attrs_unsaved_changes? type_changes = type_details.unsaved_changes changes[:type_changes] = type_changes unless type_changes.empty? else changes = @unsaved_changes end changes end # clear changes for details as well as top def clear_unsaved_changes @details.clear_unsaved_changes if @details ext_attrs_clear_unsaved_changes @unsaved_changes = {} end # Fetch the details as needed def details @details ||= MobileDeviceDetails.fetch @id, @cnx end # details # Return the correct part of the details for the # device type def type_details case @type when :ios then details.ios when :appleTv then details.appleTv when :android then details.android end end # catches the attributes in the details def method_missing(meth, *args, &block) if details.respond_to? meth details.send meth, *args, &block elsif type_details.respond_to? meth type_details.send meth, *args, &block else super end end # provides respond_to? for the attributes in the details def respond_to_missing?(meth, *) if details.respond_to? meth true elsif type_details.respond_to? meth true else super end end end # class Mobile Device end # module