require 'faraday'
require 'json'
module Lingo24
# +PremiumMTAPI+ is an API wrapper for the Lingo24 Premium Machine Translation API
# (
# Machine Translation (MT) is a cost-effective, quick translation option for large volumes of content, or cases where
# it is not feasible to use a professional human translator.
# The Lingo24 Premium Machine Translation API provides direct, secure, high volume access to our Premium Machine
# Translation Engines. Encrypted using SSL and with no data storage at Lingo24, you can translate safely with no data
# privacy concerns.
# We have developed a range of Premium MT engines focusing on specific language combinations and subject areas,
# including Law, Information Technology, Pharmaceuticals, Business, IT and many more. This focused approach results in
# much higher-quality output than generic engines from big-name translators, with the API selecting the best suited
# engine based on the content of the text for translation. Ideal for those scenarios where no post-editing is required, such as gisting (getting a basic understanding of a source text), real-time translation (tweets, IM chat, etc) or sentiment analysis, the Premium MT API enables easy access to raw machine translation.
class PremiumMTAPI
# Creates a new API client to handle calls to the Lingo24 Premium Machine Translation API.
# Parameters:
# user_key - a string containing the user_key issued by the Lingo24 developer portal for your application.
def initialize(user_key)
@user_key = user_key
# Synchronous call to translate text using the Lingo24 Premium Machine Translation API. When calling this method
# the text sent is analysed and routed to the engine most likely to produce the highest quality output.
# NOTE: Customers who have custom engines for specific business domains will have these prioritised ahead of Lingo24
# vertical engines.
# Options:
# text - a string for translation
# source - a string containing the ISO-639-1 code for the source language
# target - a string containing the ISO-639-1 code for the target language
def translate(text, source, target)
params = {:q => text, :source => source, :target => target, :user_key => @user_key}
handle_request('translate', params, 'translation')
# Synchronous call to translate text using the Lingo24 Premium Machine Translation API. When calling this method
# the text sent is analysed and routed to the engine most likely to produce the highest quality output.
# NOTE: Customers who have custom engines for specific business domains will have these prioritised ahead of Lingo24
# vertical engines.
# Options:
# text - a string for translation
# source - a +Lingo24::Language+ containing the source language
# target - a +Lingo24::Language+ containing the target language
def translate_language(text, source, target)
params = {:q => text, :source => source.code, :target => target.code, :user_key => @user_key}
handle_request('translate', params, 'translation')
# Synchronous call to translate text using a specific Lingo24 Premium Machine Translation engine. This method is
# typically used by customers who have a custom engine and want to ignore the automatic classification..
# Options:
# text - a string for translation
# source - a +Lingo24::Language+ containing the source language
# target - a +Lingo24::Language+ containing the target language
def translate_specific(text, id)
params = {:q => text, :id => id, :user_key => @user_key}
handle_request('translate', params, 'translation')
# Returns a list of the supported source languages for +PremiumMTAPI+. This method will return a list containing
# +Lingo24::Language+ objects which provide access to both the ISO-639-1 code as well as a friendly name.
# If the +target+ is nil, the list will contain all possible source languages.
# If the +target+ is set, the list will contain only the source languages that
# can generate the target language.
def get_source_langs(target = nil)
if (target.nil?)
params = { :user_key => @user_key }
params = { :user_key => @user_key, :target => target }
source_langs = handle_request('sourcelangs', params, 'source_langs') { |code, name|, name) }
# Returns a list of the supported target languages for +PremiumMTAPI+. This method will return a list containing
# +Lingo24::Language+ objects which provide access to both the ISO-639-1 code as well as a friendly name.
# If +source+ is nil, the list will contain all possible target languages.
# If +source+ is set, the list will contain only the target languages that
# can generate the source language.
def get_target_langs(source = nil)
if (source.nil?)
params = { :user_key => @user_key }
params = { :user_key => @user_key, :source => source }
target_langs = handle_request('targetlangs', params, 'target_langs') { |code, name|, name) }
# Private method to handle the interaction between the client library and the Lingo24 API.
def handle_request(method, params, field)
response = BASE_API_URL + method, params do |request|
request.options[:timeout] = 300
request.options[:open_timeout] = 120
if (response.status.equal? '200')
raise, response.body)
elsif (JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'])
raise'500', JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0])