FIXTURES = YAML.load_file File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/ami_fixtures.yml" class Object def metaclass class << self self end end def meta_eval(&block) metaclass.instance_eval &block end def meta_def(name, &block) meta_eval do define_method name, &block end end end def fixture(path, overrides = {}) path_segments = path.split '/' selected_event = path_segments.inject(FIXTURES.clone) do |hash, segment| raise ArgumentError, path + " not found!" unless hash hash[segment.to_sym] end # Downcase all keys in the event and the overrides selected_event = selected_event.inject({}) do |downcased_hash,(key,value)| downcased_hash[key.to_s.downcase] = value downcased_hash end overrides = overrides.inject({}) do |downcased_hash,(key,value)| downcased_hash[key.to_s.downcase] = value downcased_hash end # Replace variables in the selected_event with any overrides, ignoring case of the key keys_with_variables = { |(key, value)| value.kind_of?(Symbol) || value.kind_of?(Hash) } keys_with_variables.each do |original_key, variable_type| # Does an override an exist in the supplied list? if overriden_pair = overrides.find { |(key, value)| key == original_key } # We have an override! Let's replace the template value in the event with the overriden value selected_event[original_key] = overriden_pair.last else # Based on the type, let's generate a placeholder. selected_event[original_key] = case variable_type when :string rand(100000).to_s when Hash if variable_type.has_key? "one_of" # Choose a random possibility possibilities = variable_type['one_of'] possibilities[rand(possibilities.size)] else raise "Unrecognized Hash fixture property! ##{variable_type.keys.to_sentence}" end else raise "Unrecognized fixture variable type #{variable_type}!" end end end hash_to_stanza(selected_event).tap do |event| selected_event.each_pair do |key, value| event.meta_def(key) { value } end end end def hash_to_stanza(hash) ordered_hash = hash.to_a starter = hash.find { |(key, value)| key.strip =~ /^(Response|Action)$/i } ordered_hash.unshift ordered_hash.delete(starter) if starter ordered_hash.inject( do |stanza,(key, value)| stanza + "#{key}: #{value}\r\n" end + "\r\n" end def format_newlines(string) # HOLY FUCK THIS IS UGLY tmp_replacement = random_string string.gsub("\r\n", tmp_replacement). gsub("\n", "\r\n"). gsub(tmp_replacement, "\r\n") end def random_string (rand(1_000_000_000_000) + 1_000_000_000).to_s end def follows_body_text(name) case name when "with_colon_after_first_line" "Host Username Refresh State Reg.Time \r\ jicksta 105 Registered Tue, 11 Nov 2008 02:29:55" when "show_channels_from_wayne" "Channel Location State Application(Data)\r\n0 active channels\r\n0 active calls" when "empty_string" "" end end def syntax_error_data(name) case name when "immediate_packet_with_colon" "!IJ@MHY:!&@B*!B @ ! @^! @ !@ !\r!@ ! @ !@ ! !!m, \n\\n\n" end end