Feature: Create files with a date prefix In order to document things done on a certain day I want a one command way of creating date prefixed files So I don't have to do it myself Scenario: Basic UI When I get help for "kmkr" Then the exit status should be 0 And the banner should be present And there should be a one line summary of what the app does And the banner should document that this app takes options And the following options should be documented: |--version | |--directory | |--date-format| |--suffix | And the banner should document that this app's arguments are: |extension|which is required| Scenario: Create an .md file with today's date When I successfully run `kmkr md` Then a file with a "md" extension and today's date should exist Scenario: Do not overwrite file if it already exists Given a file with a "md" extension and today's date exists with content "ola" When I successfully run `kmkr md` Then a file with a "md" extension and today's date should exist And the file with a "md" extension and today's date sould have content "ola" Scenario: Create file in specified directry When I successfully run `kmkr md -d that_dir` Then a file with a "md" extension and today's date should exist within "that_dir" Scenario: Create a file with today's date and a specified date format When I successfully run `kmkr md -f %Y%m%d` Then a file with a "md" extension and today's date with format "%Y%m%d" should exist Scenario: Create a file with a suffix When I successfully run `kmkr md -s _that_thing` Then a file with a "md" extension and today's date with suffix "_that_thing" should exist