require 'fileutils' require 'hobosupport' Dependencies.load_paths << File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib" require 'rexml/xpath' XPath = REXML::XPath def tag_title(tag, link=false) if tag.is_a? String name = tag anchor = tag else for_attr = tag.attributes['for'] and for_decl = %( for=`"#{for_attr}"`) name = tag.attributes['tag'] anchor = tag_anchor(tag) end title = "<#{name}#{for_decl}>" if link "[#{title}](##{anchor})" else title end end def link_to_tag(tag) tag_title(tag, true) end def tag_anchor(element) for_attr = element.attributes['for'] name = element.attributes['tag'] if for_attr "#{name}--for-#{for_attr}" else name end end def comment_for_tag(element) space = element.previous_sibling and space.to_s.blank? && space.to_s.count("\n") == 1 and comment = space.previous_sibling comment.to_s.strip if comment.is_a?(REXML::Comment) end def doc_for_tag(tagdef) comment = comment_for_tag(tagdef) params_merged_with = XPath.first(tagdef, ".//*[@merge|@merge-params]")._?.name params_merged_with &&= "(merged with #{link_to_tag params_merged_with})" attrs_merged_with = XPath.first(tagdef, ".//*[@merge|@merge-attrs]")._?.name attrs_merged_with &&= "(merged with #{link_to_tag attrs_merged_with})" attrs = tagdef.attributes['attrs'] || [] attrs = attrs.split(/,\s*/).where_not.blank?.map { |a| " * #{a}\n" }.join parameters = params_to_list(get_parameters(tagdef)) <<-END --- ## #{tag_title tagdef} #{comment} ### Attributes #{attrs_merged_with} #{attrs.blank? ? 'None' : attrs} ### Parameters #{params_merged_with} #{parameters.blank? ? 'None' : parameters} END end def get_parameters(elem) result = [] elem.elements.each do |e| if e.attributes['param'] result << [e, get_parameters(e)] else result.concat(get_parameters(e)) end end result end def params_to_list(params, indent=" ") items = do |elem, sub_params| p_attr = elem.attributes['param'] entry = if p_attr == "&true" "<#{}:>" elsif p_attr =~ /#\{/ "(dynamic parameter) (<#{}>)" else "<#{p_attr}:> (<#{}>)" end sub_list = params_to_list(sub_params, indent + ' ') unless sub_params.empty? "