/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * Copyright 2014 Couchbase, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "connspec.h" #include "hostlist.h" #include "strcodecs/strcodecs.h" #include #include #include #define SET_ERROR(msg) \ *errmsg = msg; \ return LCB_EINVAL; #define F_HASBUCKET (1<<0) #define F_HASPASSWD (1<<1) #define F_HASUSER (1<<2) #define F_SSLSCHEME (1<<3) #define F_FILEONLY (1<<4) using namespace lcb; static int string_to_porttype(const char *s) { if (!strcmp(s, "HTTP")) { return LCB_CONFIG_HTTP_PORT; } else if (!strcmp(s, "MCD")) { return LCB_CONFIG_MCD_PORT; } else if (!strcmp(s, "HTTPS")) { return LCB_CONFIG_HTTP_SSL_PORT; } else if (!strcmp(s, "MCDS")) { return LCB_CONFIG_MCD_SSL_PORT; } else if (!strcmp(s, "MCCOMPAT")) { return LCB_CONFIG_MCCOMPAT_PORT; } else { return -1; } } lcb_error_t Connspec::parse_hosts(const char *hostbegin, const char *hostend, const char **errmsg) { std::string decoded(hostbegin, hostend); if (!strcodecs::urldecode(decoded)) { SET_ERROR("Couldn't decode from URL encoding!"); } const char *c = decoded.c_str(); while (*c) { // get the current host const char *curend; unsigned curlen, hostlen; int rv; /* Seek ahead, chopping off any ',' */ while (*c == ',' || *c == ';') { if (*(++c) == '\0') { return LCB_SUCCESS; } } /* Find the end */ curend = strpbrk(c, ",;"); if (!curend) { curend = c + strlen(c); } curlen = curend - c; if (!curlen) { continue; } std::string scratch(c, curlen); c = curend; /* weed out erroneous characters */ if (scratch.find("://") != std::string::npos) { SET_ERROR("Detected '://' inside hostname"); } size_t colonpos = scratch.find(":"); std::string port; if (colonpos == std::string::npos) { hostlen = scratch.size(); } else if (colonpos == 0 || colonpos == scratch.size()-1) { SET_ERROR("First or last character in spec is colon!"); } else { hostlen = colonpos; port = scratch.substr(colonpos + 1); } m_hosts.resize(m_hosts.size() + 1); Spechost *dh = &m_hosts.back(); dh->hostname = scratch.substr(0, hostlen); if (port.empty()) { continue; } char hpdummy[256] = { 0 }; int itmp; if (port.size() > sizeof hpdummy) { SET_ERROR("Port spec too big!"); } /* we have a port. The format is port=proto */ rv = sscanf(port.c_str(), "%d=%s", &itmp, hpdummy); if (rv == 2) { for (char *tmp = hpdummy; *tmp; tmp++) { *tmp = toupper(*tmp); } // Both host and port. Not ambiguous if (-1 == (dh->type = string_to_porttype(hpdummy))) { SET_ERROR("Unrecognized protocol specified. Recognized are " "HTTP, HTTPS, MCD, MCDS"); } } else if (rv == 1 && m_implicit_port) { // Port only, but we have a scheme. No need to set this implicitly // in the host object if (m_implicit_port == itmp) { continue; } // couchbase scheme with :8091 specification. Just ignore if (itmp == LCB_CONFIG_HTTP_PORT && m_implicit_port == LCB_CONFIG_MCD_PORT) { /* Honest 'couchbase://host:8091' mistake */ continue; } dh->type = m_implicit_port; } else { SET_ERROR("Port must be specified with protocol (host:port=proto)"); } dh->port = itmp; } return LCB_SUCCESS; } lcb_error_t Connspec::parse_options( const char *options_, const char *specend, const char **errmsg) { while (options_ != NULL && options_ < specend) { unsigned curlen; const char *curend; if (*options_ == '&') { options_++; continue; } curend = strchr(options_, '&'); if (!curend) { curend = specend; } curlen = curend - options_; std::vector optpair(options_, options_ + curlen); optpair.push_back('\0'); options_ = curend+1; char *key = &optpair[0]; char *value = strchr(key, '='); if (!value) { SET_ERROR("Option must be specified as a key=value pair"); } *(value++) = '\0'; if (!*value) { SET_ERROR("Value cannot be empty"); } if (! (strcodecs::urldecode(value) && strcodecs::urldecode(key))) { SET_ERROR("Couldn't decode key or value!"); } if (!strcmp(key, "bootstrap_on")) { m_transports.clear(); if (!strcmp(value, "cccp")) { m_transports.insert(LCB_CONFIG_TRANSPORT_CCCP); } else if (!strcmp(value, "http")) { m_transports.insert(LCB_CONFIG_TRANSPORT_HTTP); } else if (!strcmp(value, "all")) { m_transports.insert(LCB_CONFIG_TRANSPORT_CCCP); m_transports.insert(LCB_CONFIG_TRANSPORT_HTTP); } else if (!strcmp(value, "file_only")) { m_flags |= LCB_CONNSPEC_F_FILEONLY; } else { SET_ERROR("Value for bootstrap_on must be 'cccp', 'http', or 'all'"); } } else if (!strcmp(key, "username") || !strcmp(key, "user")) { if (! (m_flags & F_HASUSER)) { m_username = value; } } else if (!strcmp(key, "password") || !strcmp(key, "pass")) { if (! (m_flags & F_HASPASSWD)) { m_password = value; } } else if (!strcmp(key, "ssl")) { if (!strcmp(value, "off")) { if (m_flags & F_SSLSCHEME) { SET_ERROR("SSL scheme specified, but ssl=off found in options"); } m_sslopts &= (~LCB_SSL_ENABLED); } else if (!strcmp(value, "on")) { m_sslopts |= LCB_SSL_ENABLED; } else if (!strcmp(value, "no_verify")) { m_sslopts |= LCB_SSL_ENABLED|LCB_SSL_NOVERIFY; } else if (!strcmp(value, "no_global_init")) { m_sslopts |= LCB_SSL_NOGLOBALINIT; } else { SET_ERROR("Invalid value for 'ssl'. Choices are on, off, and no_verify"); } } else if (!strcmp(key, "certpath")) { if (! (m_flags & F_SSLSCHEME)) { SET_ERROR("Certificate path must be specified with SSL host or scheme"); } m_certpath = value; } else if (!strcmp(key, "console_log_level")) { if (sscanf(value, "%d", &m_loglevel) != 1) { SET_ERROR("console_log_level must be a numeric value"); } } else { m_ctlopts.push_back(std::make_pair(key, value)); } } return LCB_SUCCESS; } lcb_error_t Connspec::parse(const char *connstr_, const char **errmsg) { lcb_error_t err = LCB_SUCCESS; const char *errmsg_s; /* stack based error message pointer */ const char *hlend; /* end of hosts list */ const char *bucket_s = NULL; /* beginning of bucket (path) string */ const char *options_ = NULL; /* beginning of options (query) string */ const char *specend = NULL; /* end of spec */ unsigned speclen; /* length of spec string */ const char *found_scheme = NULL; if (!errmsg) { errmsg = &errmsg_s; } if (!connstr_) { connstr_ = "couchbase://"; } m_connstr = connstr_; #define SCHEME_MATCHES(scheme_const) \ strncmp(connstr_, scheme_const, sizeof(scheme_const)-1) == 0 && \ (found_scheme = scheme_const) if (SCHEME_MATCHES(LCB_SPECSCHEME_MCD_SSL)) { m_implicit_port = LCB_CONFIG_MCD_SSL_PORT; m_sslopts |= LCB_SSL_ENABLED; m_flags |= F_SSLSCHEME; } else if (SCHEME_MATCHES(LCB_SPECSCHEME_HTTP_SSL)) { m_implicit_port = LCB_CONFIG_HTTP_SSL_PORT; m_sslopts |= LCB_SSL_ENABLED; m_flags |= F_SSLSCHEME; } else if (SCHEME_MATCHES(LCB_SPECSCHEME_HTTP)) { m_implicit_port = LCB_CONFIG_HTTP_PORT; } else if (SCHEME_MATCHES(LCB_SPECSCHEME_MCD)) { m_implicit_port = LCB_CONFIG_MCD_PORT; } else if (SCHEME_MATCHES(LCB_SPECSCHEME_RAW)) { m_implicit_port = 0; } else if (SCHEME_MATCHES(LCB_SPECSCHEME_MCCOMPAT)) { m_implicit_port = LCB_CONFIG_MCCOMPAT_PORT; } else { /* If we don't have a scheme at all: */ if (strstr(connstr_, "://")) { SET_ERROR("String must begin with ''couchbase://, 'couchbases://', or 'http://'"); } else { found_scheme = ""; m_implicit_port = LCB_CONFIG_HTTP_PORT; } } connstr_ += strlen(found_scheme); speclen = strlen(connstr_); specend = connstr_ + speclen; /* Hosts end where either options or the bucket itself begin */ if ((hlend = strpbrk(connstr_, "?/"))) { if (*hlend == '?') { /* Options first */ options_ = hlend + 1; } else if (*hlend == '/') { /* Bucket first. Options follow bucket */ bucket_s = hlend + 1; if ((options_ = strchr(bucket_s, '?'))) { options_++; } } } else { hlend = specend; } if (bucket_s != NULL) { unsigned blen; const char *b_end = options_ ? options_-1 : specend; /* scan each of the options */ blen = b_end - bucket_s; m_bucket.assign(bucket_s, bucket_s + blen); if (!(m_flags & F_HASBUCKET)) { if (!strcodecs::urldecode(m_bucket)) { SET_ERROR("Couldn't decode bucket string"); } } if (m_bucket.empty()) { SET_ERROR("Bucket name is set to empty"); } } else if (bucket_s == NULL) { m_bucket = "default"; } if ((err = parse_hosts(connstr_, hlend, errmsg)) != LCB_SUCCESS) { goto GT_DONE; } if (m_hosts.empty()) { m_hosts.resize(m_hosts.size()+1); m_hosts.back().hostname = "localhost"; } if (options_ != NULL) { if ((err = parse_options(options_, specend, errmsg)) != LCB_SUCCESS) { goto GT_DONE; } } if (m_username.empty()) { m_username = m_bucket; } GT_DONE: return err; } #define MAYBEDUP(s) ((s) && (*s)) ? strdup(s) : NULL static lcb_error_t convert_hosts(std::string& outstr, const char *instr, int deflport) { Hostlist hl; lcb_error_t rc = hl.add(instr, -1, deflport); if (rc != LCB_SUCCESS) { return rc; } for (size_t ii = 0; ii < hl.size(); ii++) { const lcb_host_t& src = hl[ii]; int port, rv; outstr.append(src.host); rv = sscanf(src.port, "%d", &port); if (rv && port != deflport) { const char *proto; char tmpbuf[256]; if (deflport == LCB_CONFIG_MCD_PORT) { proto = "mcd"; } else { proto = "http"; } sprintf(tmpbuf, ":%d=%s", port, proto); outstr.append(tmpbuf); } outstr.append(","); } return LCB_SUCCESS; } #define TRYDUP(s) (s) ? strdup(s) : NULL lcb_error_t Connspec::load(const lcb_create_st& cropts) { const char *errmsg; const struct lcb_create_st2 *cr2 = &cropts.v.v2; lcb_error_t err = LCB_SUCCESS; /* handle overrides */ if (cr2->bucket && *cr2->bucket) { m_flags |= F_HASBUCKET; m_bucket = cr2->bucket; } if (cr2->user && *cr2->user) { m_flags |= F_HASUSER; m_username = cr2->user; } if (cr2->passwd && *cr2->passwd) { m_flags |= F_HASPASSWD; m_password = cr2->passwd; } if (cropts.version == 3) { return parse(cropts.v.v3.connstr, &errmsg); } if (cropts.version > 2 || cropts.version < 0) { return LCB_NOT_SUPPORTED; } m_connstr = LCB_SPECSCHEME_RAW; if (cr2->host) { err = convert_hosts(m_connstr, cr2->host, LCB_CONFIG_HTTP_PORT); if (err != LCB_SUCCESS) { goto GT_DONE; } } if (cropts.version == 2 && cr2->mchosts) { err = convert_hosts(m_connstr, cr2->mchosts, LCB_CONFIG_MCD_PORT); if (err != LCB_SUCCESS) { goto GT_DONE; } } if (cropts.version < 3 && cr2->bucket) { m_connstr += "/"; m_connstr += cr2->bucket; } m_connstr += '?'; err = parse(m_connstr.c_str(), &errmsg); if (err == LCB_SUCCESS && cropts.version == 2 && cr2->transports) { /* copy over bootstrap list */ for (size_t ii = 0; ii < LCB_CONFIG_TRANSPORT_MAX; ii++) { if (cr2->transports[ii] == LCB_CONFIG_TRANSPORT_LIST_END) { break; } m_transports.insert(cr2->transports[ii]); } } GT_DONE: return err; }