describe UnderOs::Color do def from(*args)*args) end describe '#initialize' do it "should initialize from a UIColor" do color = from(UIColor.blueColor) color.ui.should == UIColor.blueColor end it "should always return the same instance" do color1 = from(UIColor.blackColor) color2 = from(UIColor.blackColor) color1.should === color2 end it "should work with rgba arrays of integers" do from(0, 0, 255, 1.0).should == UIColor.blueColor end it "should work with rgba arrays of floats" do from(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0).should == UIColor.blueColor end it "should work with rgb arrays of integers" do from(0, 0, 255).should == UIColor.blueColor end it "should work with rgb arrays of floats" do from(0.0, 0.0, 1.0).should == UIColor.blueColor end it "should work with string color names" do from('blue').should == UIColor.blueColor end it "should work with symbol color names" do from(:blue).should == UIColor.blueColor end it "should work with string hex colors" do from('#ff8000').should == UIColor.orangeColor end it "should work with short hand colors" do from('#ff0').should == UIColor.yellowColor end it "should work with rgb() strings" do from('rgb(10, 20, 30)').to_rgba.should == [10, 20, 30, 1.0] end it "should work with rgba() strings" do from('rgba(100, 200, 250, 0.5)').to_rgba.should == [100, 200, 250, 0.5] end it 'should work with flaot color circle params' do from(0.23).to_s.should == '#9eff00' end it 'should work with integer (in degrees) color circle params' do from(23).to_s.should == '#9eff00' end end describe '#to_rgba' do it "should extract the data correctly" do from(UIColor.blueColor).to_rgba.should == [0, 0, 255, 1.0] end end describe '#to_rgb' do it "should extract the data correctly" do from(UIColor.yellowColor).to_rgb.should == [255, 255, 0] end end describe '#to_hex' do it "should extract the data correctly" do from(UIColor.orangeColor).to_hex.should == '#ff8000' end end describe '#to_s' do it "should extract the data correctly" do from(UIColor.brownColor).to_s.should == '#996633' end end describe '#==' do it "should work with other colors" do from(UIColor.blueColor).should == from(UIColor.blueColor) from(UIColor.blueColor).should.not == from(UIColor.orangeColor) end it "should work with UIColors" do from(UIColor.blueColor).should == UIColor.blueColor from(UIColor.blueColor).should.not == UIColor.orangeColor end it "should work with RGB arrays" do from(UIColor.blueColor).should == [0, 0, 255] from(UIColor.blueColor).should.not == [0, 255, 0] end it "should work with RGBA arrays" do from(UIColor.blueColor).should == [0, 0, 255, 1.0] from(UIColor.blueColor).should.not == [0, 255, 0, 1.0] end it "should work with string names" do from(UIColor.blueColor).should == 'blue' from(UIColor.blueColor).should.not == 'orange' end it "should work with symbol names" do from(UIColor.blueColor).should == :blue from(UIColor.blueColor).should.not == :orange end it "should work with hex values" do from(UIColor.blueColor).should == '#0000ff' from(UIColor.blueColor).should.not == '#00ff00' end it "should work with short hex values" do from(UIColor.blueColor).should == '#00f' from(UIColor.blueColor).should.not == '#0f0' end end end