module Osm class Section < Osm::Model # @!attribute [rw] id # @return [Fixnum] the id for the section # @!attribute [rw] name # @return [String] the section name # @!attribute [rw] group_id # @return [Fixnum] the id for the group # @!attribute [rw] group_name # @return [String] the group name # @!attribute [rw] subscription_level # @return [Fixnum] what subscription the section has to OSM (1-bronze, 2-silver, 3-gold, 4-gold+) # @!attribute [rw] subscription_expires # @return [Date] when the section's subscription to OSM expires # @!attribute [rw] type # @return [Symbol] the section type (:beavers, :cubs, :scouts, :exporers, :network, :adults, :waiting, :unknown) # @!attribute [rw] column_names # @return [Hash] custom names to use for the data columns # @!attribute [rw] fields # @return [Hash] which columns are shown in OSM # @!attribute [rw] intouch_fields # @return [Hash] which columns are shown in OSM's in touch reports # @!attribute [rw] mobile_fields # @return [Hash] which columns are shown in the OSM mobile app # @!attribute [rw] flexi_records # @return [Array] list of the extra records the section has # @!attribute [rw] gocardless # @return [Boolean] does the section use gocardless # @!attribute [rw] myscout_events_expires # @return [Date] when the subscription to Events in My.SCOUT expires # @!attribute [rw] myscout_badges_expires # @return [Date] when the subscription to Badges in My.SCOUT expires # @!attribute [rw] myscout_programme_expires # @return [Date] when the subscription to Badges in My.SCOUT expires # @!attribute [rw] myscout_events_expires # @return [Date] when the subscription to Events in My.SCOUT expires # @!attribute [rw] myscout_details_expires # @return [Boolean] whether the section uses the Personal Details part of My.SCOUT # @!attribute [rw] myscout_badges # @return [Boolean] whether the section uses the Badges part of My.SCOUT # @!attribute [rw] myscout_programme # @return [Boolean] whether the section uses the Programme part of My.SCOUT # @!attribute [rw] myscout_payments # @return [Boolean] whether the section uses the Payments part of My.SCOUT # @!attribute [rw] myscout_details # @return [Boolean] whether the section uses the Personal Details part of My.SCOUT # @!attribute [rw] myscout_emails # @return [Hash of Symbol to Boolean] which email addresses are linked to MyScout for each Member # @!attribute [rw] myscout_email_address_from # @return [String] which email address to send My.SCOUT emails as coming from # @!attribute [rw] myscout_email_address_copy # @return [String] which email address to send copys of My.SCOUT emails to # @!attribute [rw] myscout_badges_partial # @return [Boolean] Wether parents can see partially completed badges # @!attribute [rw] myscout_programme_summary # @return [Boolean] Wether parents can see summary of programme items # @!attribute [rw] myscout_programme_times # @return [Boolean] Whether parents can see times of programme items # @!attribute [rw] myscout_programme_show # @return [Fixnum] How many programme itemms parents can see (the next 5, 10, 15, 20 meetings, -1 (whole term), 0 (remaining this term) or -2 (all future)) # @!attribute [rw] myscout_event_reminder_count # @return [Fixnum] How many event reminders to send to parents who haven't responded # @!attribute [rw] myscout_event_reminder_frequency # @return [Fixnum] How many days to leave between event reminder emails # @!attribute [rw] myscout_payment_reminder_count # @return [Fixnum] How many payment reminders to send to parents who haven't paid yet # @!attribute [rw] myscout_payment_reminder_frequency # @return [Fixnum] How many days to leave between payment reminder emails # @!attribute [rw] myscout_details_email_changes_to # @return [String] email address to send changes to personal details made through My.SCOUT to # @!attribute [rw] sms_sent_test # @return [Boolean] Whether the section has sent their test SMS message # @!attribute [rw] sms_messages_sent # @return [Fixnum] How many SMS messages have been sent by the section # @!attribute [rw] sms_messages_remaining # @return [Fixnum] How many SMS messages the section can send before needing to topup attribute :id, :type => Integer attribute :name, :type => String attribute :group_id, :type => Integer attribute :group_name, :type => String attribute :subscription_level, :default => 1 attribute :subscription_expires, :type => Date attribute :type, :default => :unknown attribute :column_names, :default => {} attribute :fields, :default => {} attribute :intouch_fields, :default => {} attribute :mobile_fields, :default => {} attribute :flexi_records, :default => [] attribute :gocardless, :type => Boolean attribute :myscout_events_expires, :type => Date attribute :myscout_badges_expires, :type => Date attribute :myscout_programme_expires, :type => Date attribute :myscout_details_expires, :type => Date attribute :myscout_events, :type => Boolean attribute :myscout_badges, :type => Boolean attribute :myscout_programme, :type => Boolean attribute :myscout_payments, :type => Boolean attribute :myscout_details, :type => Boolean attribute :myscout_emails, :default => {} attribute :myscout_email_address_from, :type => String, :default => '' attribute :myscout_email_address_copy, :type => String, :default => '' attribute :myscout_badges_partial, :type => Boolean attribute :myscout_programme_summary, :type => Boolean attribute :myscout_programme_times, :type => Boolean attribute :myscout_programme_show, :type => Integer, :default => 0 attribute :myscout_event_reminder_count, :type => Integer attribute :myscout_event_reminder_frequency, :type => Integer attribute :myscout_payment_reminder_count, :type => Integer attribute :myscout_payment_reminder_frequency, :type => Integer attribute :myscout_details_email_changes_to, :type => String, :default => '' attribute :sms_sent_test, :type => Boolean, :default => false attribute :sms_messages_sent, :type => Integer, :default => 0 attribute :sms_messages_remaining, :type => Integer, :default => 0 attr_accessible :id, :name, :group_id, :group_name, :subscription_level, :subscription_expires, :type, :column_names, :fields, :intouch_fields, :mobile_fields, :flexi_records, :gocardless, :myscout_events_expires, :myscout_badges_expires, :myscout_programme_expires, :myscout_details_expires, :myscout_events, :myscout_badges, :myscout_programme, :myscout_payments, :myscout_details, :myscout_emails, :myscout_email_address_from, :myscout_email_address_copy, :myscout_badges_partial, :myscout_programme_summary, :myscout_programme_times, :myscout_programme_show, :myscout_event_reminder_count, :myscout_event_reminder_frequency, :myscout_payment_reminder_count, :myscout_payment_reminder_frequency, :myscout_details_email_changes_to, :sms_sent_test, :sms_messages_sent, :sms_messages_remaining validates_numericality_of :id, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than=>0, :allow_nil => true validates_numericality_of :group_id, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than=>0, :allow_nil => true validates_numericality_of :myscout_event_reminder_count, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than_or_equal_to=>-1 validates_numericality_of :myscout_event_reminder_frequency, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than_or_equal_to=>-1 validates_numericality_of :myscout_payment_reminder_count, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than_or_equal_to=>-1 validates_numericality_of :myscout_payment_reminder_frequency, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than_or_equal_to=>-1 validates_numericality_of :sms_messages_sent, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than_or_equal_to=>0 validates_numericality_of :sms_messages_remaining, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than_or_equal_to=>0 validates_presence_of :name validates_presence_of :group_name validates_presence_of :subscription_level validates_presence_of :subscription_expires validates_presence_of :type # validates_presence_of :column_names, :unless => { |a| a.column_names == {} } # validates_presence_of :fields, :unless => { |a| a.fields == {} } # validates_presence_of :intouch_fields, :unless => { |a| a.intouch_fields == {} } # validates_presence_of :mobile_fields, :unless => { |a| a.mobile_fields == {} } # validates_presence_of :flexi_records, :unless => { |a| a.flexi_records == [] } validates_inclusion_of :subscription_level, :in => (1..3), :message => 'is not a valid subscription level' validates_inclusion_of :gocardless, :in => [true, false] validates_inclusion_of :myscout_events, :in => [true, false] validates_inclusion_of :myscout_badges, :in => [true, false] validates_inclusion_of :myscout_programme, :in => [true, false] validates_inclusion_of :myscout_payments, :in => [true, false] validates_inclusion_of :myscout_details, :in => [true, false] validates_inclusion_of :myscout_badges_partial, :in => [true, false] validates_inclusion_of :myscout_programme_summary, :in => [true, false] validates_inclusion_of :myscout_programme_times, :in => [true, false] validates_inclusion_of :myscout_programme_show, :in => [-2, -1, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20] validates_inclusion_of :sms_sent_test, :in => [true, false] validates :column_names, :hash => {:key_type => Symbol, :value_type => String} validates :fields, :hash => {:key_type => Symbol, :value_in => [true, false]} validates :intouch_fields, :hash => {:key_type => Symbol, :value_in => [true, false]} validates :mobile_fields, :hash => {:key_type => Symbol, :value_in => [true, false]} validates :myscout_emails, :hash => {:key_in => [:email1, :email2, :email3, :email4], :value_in => [true, false]} validates :flexi_records, :array_of => {:item_type => Osm::FlexiRecord, :item_valid => true} # @!method initialize # Initialize a new Section # @param [Hash] attributes The hash of attributes (see attributes for descriptions, use Symbol of attribute name as the key) # Get the user's sections # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request # @!macro options_get # @return [Array] def self.get_all(api, options={}) cache_key = ['sections', api.user_id] if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?(api, cache_key) ids = cache_read(api, cache_key) return get_from_ids(api, ids, 'section', options, :get_all) end data = api.perform_query('api.php?action=getUserRoles') result = ids = permissions = data.each do |role_data| unless role_data['section'].eql?('discount') # It's not an actual section section_data = role_data['sectionConfig'].is_a?(String) ? ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(role_data['sectionConfig']) : role_data['sectionConfig'] myscout_data = section_data['portal'] || {} section_data['portalExpires'] ||= {} section_id = Osm::to_i_or_nil(role_data['sectionid']) # Make sense of flexi records fr_data = [] flexi_records = [] fr_data = section_data['extraRecords'] if section_data['extraRecords'].is_a?(Array) fr_data = section_data['extraRecords'].values if section_data['extraRecords'].is_a?(Hash) fr_data.each do |record_data| # Expect item to be: {:name=>String, :extraid=>Fixnum} # Sometimes get item as: [String, {"name"=>String, "extraid"=>Fixnum}] record_data = record_data[1] if record_data.is_a?(Array) flexi_records.push :id => Osm::to_i_or_nil(record_data['extraid']), :name => record_data['name'], :section_id => section_id, ) end section = new( :id => section_id, :name => role_data['sectionname'], :subscription_level => Osm::to_i_or_nil(section_data['subscription_level']), :subscription_expires => Osm::parse_date(section_data['subscription_expires']), :type => !section_data['sectionType'].nil? ? section_data['sectionType'].to_sym : (!section_data['section'].nil? ? section_data['section'].to_sym : :unknown), :num_scouts => section_data['numscouts'], :column_names => section_data['columnNames'].is_a?(Hash) ? Osm::symbolize_hash(section_data['columnNames']) : {}, :fields => section_data['fields'].is_a?(Hash) ? Osm::symbolize_hash(section_data['fields']) : {}, :intouch_fields => section_data['intouch'].is_a?(Hash) ? Osm::symbolize_hash(section_data['intouch']) : {}, :mobile_fields => section_data['mobFields'].is_a?(Hash) ? Osm::symbolize_hash(section_data['mobFields']) : {}, :flexi_records => flexi_records.sort, :group_id => role_data['groupid'], :group_name => role_data['groupname'], :gocardless => (section_data['gocardless'] || 'false').downcase.eql?('true'), :myscout_events_expires => Osm::parse_date(section_data['portalExpires']['events']), :myscout_badges_expires => Osm::parse_date(section_data['portalExpires']['badges']), :myscout_programme_expires => Osm::parse_date(section_data['portalExpires']['programme']), :myscout_details_expires => Osm::parse_date(section_data['portalExpires']['details']), :myscout_events => myscout_data['events'] == 1, :myscout_badges => myscout_data['badges'] == 1, :myscout_programme => myscout_data['programme'] == 1, :myscout_payments => myscout_data['payments'] == 1, :myscout_details => myscout_data['details'] == 1, :myscout_emails => (myscout_data['emails'] || {}).inject({}) { |n,(k,v)| n[k.to_sym] = v.eql?('true'); n}, :myscout_email_address_from => myscout_data['emailAddress'] ? myscout_data['emailAddress'] : '', :myscout_email_address_copy => myscout_data['emailAddressCopy'] ? myscout_data['emailAddressCopy'] : '', :myscout_badges_partial => myscout_data['badgesPartial'] == 1, :myscout_programme_summary => myscout_data['programmeSummary'] == 1, :myscout_programme_times => myscout_data['programmeTimes'] == 1, :myscout_programme_show => myscout_data['programmeShow'].to_i, :myscout_event_reminder_count => myscout_data['eventRemindCount'].to_i, :myscout_event_reminder_frequency => myscout_data['eventRemindFrequency'].to_i, :myscout_payment_reminder_count => myscout_data['paymentRemindCount'].to_i, :myscout_payment_reminder_frequency => myscout_data['paymentRemindFrequency'].to_i, :myscout_details_email_changes_to => myscout_data['contactNotificationEmail'], :sms_sent_test => section_data['hasSentTestSMS'], :sms_messages_sent => section_data['sms_sent'], :sms_messages_remaining => section_data['sms_remaining'], ) result.push section ids.push cache_write(api, ['section',], section) permissions.merge!( => Osm.make_permissions_hash(role_data['permissions'])) end end permissions.each do |s_id, perms| api.set_user_permissions(s_id, perms) end cache_write(api, cache_key, ids) return result end # Get a section # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request # @param [Fixnum] section_id The section id of the required section # @!macro options_get # @return nil if an error occured or the user does not have access to that section # @return [Osm::Section] def self.get(api, section_id, options={}) cache_key = ['section', section_id] if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?(api, cache_key) && can_access_section?(api, section_id) return cache_read(api, cache_key) end sections = get_all(api, options) return nil unless sections.is_a? Array sections.each do |section| return section if == section_id end return nil end # Get the section's notepad from OSM # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request # @!macro options_get # @return [String] the section's notepad def get_notepad(api, options={}) require_access_to_section(api, self, options) cache_key = ['notepad', id] if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?(api, cache_key) && can_access_section?(api, return cache_read(api, cache_key) end notepads = api.perform_query('api.php?action=getNotepads') return '' unless notepads.is_a?(Hash) notepad = '' notepads.each do |key, value| cache_write(api, ['notepad', key.to_i], value) notepad = value if key.to_i == id end return notepad end # Set the section's notepad in OSM # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request # @param [String] content The content of the notepad # @return [Boolean] whether the notepad was sucessfully updated def set_notepad(api, content) require_access_to_section(api, self) data = api.perform_query("users.php?action=updateNotepad§ionid=#{id}", {'value' => content}) if data.is_a?(Hash) && data['ok'] # Success cache_write(api, ['notepad', id], content) return true end return false end # Check if this section is one of the youth sections # @return [Boolean] def youth_section? [:beavers, :cubs, :scouts, :explorers].include?(type) end # Custom section type checkers # @!method beavers? # Check if this is a Beavers section # @return (Boolean) # @!method cubs? # Check if this is a Cubs section # @return (Boolean) # @!method scouts? # Check if this is a Scouts section # @return (Boolean) # @!method explorers? # Check if this is an Explorers section # @return (Boolean) # @!method network? # Check if this is a Network section # @return (Boolean) # @!method adults? # Check if this is an Adults section # @return (Boolean) # @!method waiting? # Check if this is a waiting list # @return (Boolean) [:beavers, :cubs, :scouts, :explorers, :network, :adults, :waiting].each do |attribute| define_method "#{attribute}?" do type == attribute end end # Get the name for the section's subscription level # @return [String, nil] the name of the subscription level (nil if no name exists) # @deprecated Please use Osm::SUBSCRIPTION_LEVEL_NAMES[section.subscription_level instead def subscription_level_name warn "[DEPRECATION] `subscription_level_name` is deprecated. Please use `Osm::SUBSCRIPTION_LEVEL_NAMES[section.subscription_level` instead." Osm::SUBSCRIPTION_LEVEL_NAMES[subscription_level] end # Compare Section based on group_name type (age order), then name def <=>(another) result = self.group_name <=> another.try(:group_name) result = 0 if self.type == another.try(:type) && result == 0 [:beavers, :cubs, :scouts, :explorers, :network, :adults, :waiting].each do |type| if result == 0 result = -1 if self.type == type result = 1 if another.try(:type) == type end end result = <=> another.try(:name) if result == 0 return result end end # Class Section end # Module