describe 'SpriteKit' do before do scene = SKScene.alloc.initWithSize([10, 10]) path = CGPathCreateWithRect([[0, 0], [10, 10]], nil) @node_a = SKShapeNode.shapeNodeWithPath(path, centered: true) @node_a.position = [100, 100] = 'parent' scene.addChild(@node_a) @node_b = SKShapeNode.shapeNodeWithPath(path, centered: true) @node_b.position = [0, 20] = 'child' @node_c = SKShapeNode.shapeNodeWithPath(path, centered: true) @node_c.position = [20, 20] = 'child' @node_d = SKShapeNode.shapeNodeWithPath(path, centered: true) @node_d.position = [20, 0] = 'not a child!' main_window = NSWindow.alloc.initWithContentRect([[240, 180], [480, 360]], styleMask: NSTitledWindowMask|NSClosableWindowMask|NSMiniaturizableWindowMask|NSResizableWindowMask, backing: NSBackingStoreBuffered, defer: false) main_window.orderFrontRegardless view = main_window.contentView.addSubview(view) view.presentScene(scene) end describe '<< method' do it 'should add child nodes' do @node_a << @node_b @node_a << @node_c @node_b.parent.should == @node_a @node_c.parent.should == @node_a @node_a.children.should == [@node_b, @node_c] end end describe 'run_action method' do it 'should run an action and then call the completion block' do @completed = false @node_a.run_action(SKAction.moveTo([1, 1], duration: 1)) do @completed = true end wait 2 do @completed.should == true @node_a.position.x.should == 1 @node_a.position.y.should == 1 end end end describe '[] and []= methods' do it 'should assign user data with []=' do @node_a['life'] = 100 @node_a.userData['life'].should == 100 end it 'should assign user data and convert symbols to strings' do @node_a[:life] = 100 @node_a.userData['life'].should == 100 end it 'should get user data with []' do @node_a['life'] = 100 @node_a['life'].should == 100 end it 'should get user data and convert symbols to strings' do @node_a[:life] = 100 @node_a[:life].should == 100 end end describe 'each_named method' do before do @node_a << @node_b @node_a << @node_c @node_a << @node_d end it 'should iterate over child nodes (arity: 1)' do @found_b = false @found_c = false @found_d = false @node_a.each_named('child') do |node| @found_b = true if node == @node_b @found_c = true if node == @node_c @found_d = true if node == @node_d end @found_b.should == true @found_c.should == true @found_d.should == false end it 'should iterate over child nodes and stop with stop-pointer (arity: 2)' do @found = 0 @node_a.each_named('child') do |node, stop_ptr| @found += 1 stop_ptr.assign(true) end @found.should == 1 end end end