(NO COPYRIGHT RESTRICTIONS ON THIS CONTENT WHATSOEVER. FULLY PUBLIC DOMAIN) Name the song or poem as you wish, resell it, but please positively influence culture Subject matter | Category 1 -- Abuse of philosophical universalism (making broad claims while intentionally not trying to understand things or see any sides of anything whatsoever, childish behavior worse than a 3 year old, acting retarded) VERSE Maybe the rebels and true communicators are off the grid Socially preordained, don't dare to question, act just like a kid They're such failures, themselves they outdid Cutting out the conversation, putting on the lid Try to talk about something true, they only redirect They don't speak for people's best interests, they only neglect Too long has this gone on, it should have been checked Their ideas are narrow, they always select This is too unreasonable, what could one expect CHORUS The lies are put forth, the lies they erect One should bring about change, one can see the effect They're a complete failure, they only neglect They want man lower, lower just as if an insect They enjoy suffering, they can only conceive of there being a slave Fascism and authoritarianism permeates the airwave Humanity in itself, they want to enslave They act as bad as possible, they don't know how to behave They're messed up as all hell, their character is deprave This is in an insult to everyone, not just disrespect Their ideas are narrow, they always select We don't live in this alone, all of us intersect To human ideals, they don't want to connect They're a complete failure, they only neglect All of this rudeness is something you would not miss They are completely negligent, they are utterly remiss Into the void they plunge everyone, into the abyss It is so rude, I just need to diss Ignorance is not happiness, negligence is not bliss VERSE They are thugs and creeps, don't want no bodyguard Their behavior makes them charred Enlightment values is not something they safeguard They act like a retard This is not politcal at all, it don't matter who you elect This leads to great ruin, this is the disconnect This is in an insult to everyone, not just disrespect They're a complete failure, they only neglect ---