--- !ruby/object:Arachni::AuditStore
delta_time: "00:00:00"
finish_datetime: Fri Oct 5 21:24:43 2012
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside a
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: " \n"
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:12630/form/append
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside a
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: " \n"
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:12630/link/append?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside a
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: " \n"
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:12630/cookie/append
var: cookie2
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside a
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: " \n"
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:12630/header/append
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: form
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/unix/form/append
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "76"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
injected: default /bin/cat /etc/passwd
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?-mix:root:x:0:0:.+:[0-9a-zA-Z\/]+)
:match: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:injected_orig: " /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default /bin/cat /etc/passwd
:follow_location: true
:injected: default /bin/cat /etc/passwd
input: default /bin/cat /etc/passwd
:action: http://localhost:6412/unix/form/append
:verification: false
:id: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: (?-mix:root:x:0:0:.+:[0-9a-zA-Z\/]+)
regexp_match: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: "[\"root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh\\n\"]"
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/unix/form/append
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: form
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: POST
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/unix/form/straight
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "76"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
injected: "&& /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: POST
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?-mix:root:x:0:0:.+:[0-9a-zA-Z\/]+)
:match: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:injected_orig: "&& /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: "&& /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
:follow_location: true
:injected: "&& /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
input: "&& /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
:action: http://localhost:6412/unix/form/straight
:verification: false
:id: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: (?-mix:root:x:0:0:.+:[0-9a-zA-Z\/]+)
regexp_match: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: "[\"root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh\\n\"]"
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/unix/form/straight
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: link
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/unix/link/straight?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "76"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
injected: " /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?-mix:root:x:0:0:.+:[0-9a-zA-Z\/]+)
:match: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:injected_orig: " /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: " /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
:follow_location: true
:injected: " /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
input: " /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
:action: http://localhost:6412/unix/link/straight?input=default
:verification: false
:id: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: (?-mix:root:x:0:0:.+:[0-9a-zA-Z\/]+)
regexp_match: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: "[\"root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh\\n\"]"
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/unix/link/straight?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: link
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/unix/link/append?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "76"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
injected: default /bin/cat /etc/passwd
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?-mix:root:x:0:0:.+:[0-9a-zA-Z\/]+)
:match: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:injected_orig: " /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default /bin/cat /etc/passwd
:follow_location: true
:injected: default /bin/cat /etc/passwd
input: default /bin/cat /etc/passwd
:action: http://localhost:6412/unix/link/append?input=default
:verification: false
:id: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: (?-mix:root:x:0:0:.+:[0-9a-zA-Z\/]+)
regexp_match: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: "[\"root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh\\n\"]"
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/unix/link/append?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/unix/cookie/straight
var: cookie
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=+/bin/cat+/etc/passwd;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "76"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
injected: " /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?-mix:root:x:0:0:.+:[0-9a-zA-Z\/]+)
:match: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:injected_orig: " /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
:altered: cookie
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie: " /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
:injected: " /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
cookie: " /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
:action: http://localhost:6412/unix/cookie/straight
:verification: false
:id: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: (?-mix:root:x:0:0:.+:[0-9a-zA-Z\/]+)
regexp_match: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: "[\"root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh\\n\"]"
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/unix/cookie/straight
var: cookie
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/unix/cookie/append
var: cookie2
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value+/bin/cat+/etc/passwd
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "76"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
injected: cookie value /bin/cat /etc/passwd
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?-mix:root:x:0:0:.+:[0-9a-zA-Z\/]+)
:match: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:injected_orig: " /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
:altered: cookie2
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie2: cookie value /bin/cat /etc/passwd
:injected: cookie value /bin/cat /etc/passwd
cookie2: cookie value /bin/cat /etc/passwd
:action: http://localhost:6412/unix/cookie/append
:verification: false
:id: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: (?-mix:root:x:0:0:.+:[0-9a-zA-Z\/]+)
regexp_match: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: "[\"root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh\\n\"]"
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/unix/cookie/append
var: cookie2
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: header
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/unix/header/straight
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: "&& /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "76"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
injected: "&& /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?-mix:root:x:0:0:.+:[0-9a-zA-Z\/]+)
:match: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:injected_orig: "&& /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: "&& /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
:injected: "&& /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
User-Agent: "&& /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
:action: http://localhost:6412/unix/header/straight
:verification: false
:id: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: (?-mix:root:x:0:0:.+:[0-9a-zA-Z\/]+)
regexp_match: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: "[\"root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh\\n\"]"
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/unix/header/straight
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: header
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/unix/header/append
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user /bin/cat /etc/passwd
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "76"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
injected: arachni_user /bin/cat /etc/passwd
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?-mix:root:x:0:0:.+:[0-9a-zA-Z\/]+)
:match: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:injected_orig: " /bin/cat /etc/passwd"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user /bin/cat /etc/passwd
:injected: arachni_user /bin/cat /etc/passwd
User-Agent: arachni_user /bin/cat /etc/passwd
:action: http://localhost:6412/unix/header/append
:verification: false
:id: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: (?-mix:root:x:0:0:.+:[0-9a-zA-Z\/]+)
regexp_match: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: "[\"root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\\ndaemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh\\n\"]"
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/unix/header/append
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: form
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: POST
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/windows/form/straight
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "202"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
injected: " type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: POST
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?-mix:\[boot loader\](.*)\[operating systems\])
:match: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:injected_orig: " type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: " type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
:follow_location: true
:injected: " type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
input: " type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
:action: http://localhost:6412/windows/form/straight
:verification: false
:id: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: (?-mix:\[boot loader\](.*)\[operating systems\])
regexp_match: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: "[\"[boot loader]\\ntimeout=30\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\WINDOWS\\n[operating systems]\\nmulti(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\WINDOWS=\\\"Microsoft Windows XP Professional\\\" /fastdetect\\n\"]"
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/windows/form/straight
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: form
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/windows/form/append
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "202"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
injected: default type %SystemDrive%\\boot.ini
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?-mix:\[boot loader\](.*)\[operating systems\])
:match: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:injected_orig: " type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default type %SystemDrive%\\boot.ini
:follow_location: true
:injected: default type %SystemDrive%\\boot.ini
input: default type %SystemDrive%\\boot.ini
:action: http://localhost:6412/windows/form/append
:verification: false
:id: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: (?-mix:\[boot loader\](.*)\[operating systems\])
regexp_match: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: "[\"[boot loader]\\ntimeout=30\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\WINDOWS\\n[operating systems]\\nmulti(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\WINDOWS=\\\"Microsoft Windows XP Professional\\\" /fastdetect\\n\"]"
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/windows/form/append
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: link
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/windows/link/straight?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "202"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
injected: " type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?-mix:\[boot loader\](.*)\[operating systems\])
:match: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:injected_orig: " type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: " type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
:follow_location: true
:injected: " type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
input: " type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
:action: http://localhost:6412/windows/link/straight?input=default
:verification: false
:id: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: (?-mix:\[boot loader\](.*)\[operating systems\])
regexp_match: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: "[\"[boot loader]\\ntimeout=30\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\WINDOWS\\n[operating systems]\\nmulti(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\WINDOWS=\\\"Microsoft Windows XP Professional\\\" /fastdetect\\n\"]"
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/windows/link/straight?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: link
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/windows/link/append?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "202"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
injected: default type %SystemDrive%\\boot.ini
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?-mix:\[boot loader\](.*)\[operating systems\])
:match: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:injected_orig: " type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default type %SystemDrive%\\boot.ini
:follow_location: true
:injected: default type %SystemDrive%\\boot.ini
input: default type %SystemDrive%\\boot.ini
:action: http://localhost:6412/windows/link/append?input=default
:verification: false
:id: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: (?-mix:\[boot loader\](.*)\[operating systems\])
regexp_match: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: "[\"[boot loader]\\ntimeout=30\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\WINDOWS\\n[operating systems]\\nmulti(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\WINDOWS=\\\"Microsoft Windows XP Professional\\\" /fastdetect\\n\"]"
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/windows/link/append?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/windows/cookie/straight
var: cookie
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=+type+%25SystemDrive%25\\boot.ini;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "202"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
injected: " type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?-mix:\[boot loader\](.*)\[operating systems\])
:match: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:injected_orig: " type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
:altered: cookie
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie: " type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
:injected: " type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
cookie: " type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
:action: http://localhost:6412/windows/cookie/straight
:verification: false
:id: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: (?-mix:\[boot loader\](.*)\[operating systems\])
regexp_match: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: "[\"[boot loader]\\ntimeout=30\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\WINDOWS\\n[operating systems]\\nmulti(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\WINDOWS=\\\"Microsoft Windows XP Professional\\\" /fastdetect\\n\"]"
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/windows/cookie/straight
var: cookie
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/windows/cookie/append
var: cookie2
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value+type+%25SystemDrive%25\\boot.ini
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "202"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
injected: cookie value type %SystemDrive%\\boot.ini
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?-mix:\[boot loader\](.*)\[operating systems\])
:match: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:injected_orig: " type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
:altered: cookie2
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie2: cookie value type %SystemDrive%\\boot.ini
:injected: cookie value type %SystemDrive%\\boot.ini
cookie2: cookie value type %SystemDrive%\\boot.ini
:action: http://localhost:6412/windows/cookie/append
:verification: false
:id: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: (?-mix:\[boot loader\](.*)\[operating systems\])
regexp_match: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: "[\"[boot loader]\\ntimeout=30\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\WINDOWS\\n[operating systems]\\nmulti(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\WINDOWS=\\\"Microsoft Windows XP Professional\\\" /fastdetect\\n\"]"
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/windows/cookie/append
var: cookie2
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: header
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/windows/header/straight
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: "&& type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "202"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
injected: "&& type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?-mix:\[boot loader\](.*)\[operating systems\])
:match: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:injected_orig: "&& type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: "&& type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
:injected: "&& type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
User-Agent: "&& type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
:action: http://localhost:6412/windows/header/straight
:verification: false
:id: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: (?-mix:\[boot loader\](.*)\[operating systems\])
regexp_match: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: "[\"[boot loader]\\ntimeout=30\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\WINDOWS\\n[operating systems]\\nmulti(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\WINDOWS=\\\"Microsoft Windows XP Professional\\\" /fastdetect\\n\"]"
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/windows/header/straight
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: header
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/windows/header/append
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user type %SystemDrive%\\boot.ini
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "202"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
injected: arachni_user type %SystemDrive%\\boot.ini
internal_modname: OSCmdInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection
name: Operating system command injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?-mix:\[boot loader\](.*)\[operating systems\])
:match: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:injected_orig: " type %SystemDrive%\\\\boot.ini"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user type %SystemDrive%\\boot.ini
:injected: arachni_user type %SystemDrive%\\boot.ini
User-Agent: arachni_user type %SystemDrive%\\boot.ini
:action: http://localhost:6412/windows/header/append
:verification: false
:id: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: (?-mix:\[boot loader\](.*)\[operating systems\])
regexp_match: "[\"\\\\ntimeout=30\\\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\\\\\WINDOWS\\\\n\"]"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: "[\"[boot loader]\\ntimeout=30\\ndefault=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\WINDOWS\\n[operating systems]\\nmulti(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\\\\WINDOWS=\\\"Microsoft Windows XP Professional\\\" /fastdetect\\n\"]"
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:6412/windows/header/append
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: POST
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/java/form/straight
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " Thread.sleep(8000);"
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: POST
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1
:timing_string: " Thread.sleep(__TIME__);"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " Thread.sleep(8000);"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: " Thread.sleep(8000);"
:follow_location: true
:injected: " Thread.sleep(8000);"
input: " Thread.sleep(8000);"
:action: http://localhost:7470/java/form/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
response: ""
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/java/form/straight
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/java/link/straight?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " Thread.sleep(8000);"
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1
:timing_string: " Thread.sleep(__TIME__);"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " Thread.sleep(8000);"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: " Thread.sleep(8000);"
:follow_location: true
:injected: " Thread.sleep(8000);"
input: " Thread.sleep(8000);"
:action: http://localhost:7470/java/link/straight?input=default
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
response: ""
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/java/link/straight?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/java/cookie/straight
var: cookie
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=++Thread.sleep(8000)%3B
response: {}
injected: " Thread.sleep(8000);"
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1
:timing_string: " Thread.sleep(__TIME__);"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " Thread.sleep(8000);"
:altered: cookie
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie: " Thread.sleep(8000);"
:injected: " Thread.sleep(8000);"
cookie: " Thread.sleep(8000);"
:action: http://localhost:7470/java/cookie/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
response: ""
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/java/cookie/straight
var: cookie
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/java/header/straight
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: " && Thread.sleep(8000);"
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " && Thread.sleep(8000);"
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1
:timing_string: " && Thread.sleep(__TIME__);"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " && Thread.sleep(8000);"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: " && Thread.sleep(8000);"
:injected: " && Thread.sleep(8000);"
User-Agent: " && Thread.sleep(8000);"
:action: http://localhost:7470/java/header/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
response: ""
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/java/header/straight
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: POST
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/asp/form/straight
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " Thread.Sleep(8000);"
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: POST
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1
:timing_string: " Thread.Sleep(__TIME__);"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " Thread.Sleep(8000);"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: " Thread.Sleep(8000);"
:follow_location: true
:injected: " Thread.Sleep(8000);"
input: " Thread.Sleep(8000);"
:action: http://localhost:7470/asp/form/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
response: ""
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/asp/form/straight
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/asp/link/straight?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " Thread.Sleep(8000);"
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1
:timing_string: " Thread.Sleep(__TIME__);"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " Thread.Sleep(8000);"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: " Thread.Sleep(8000);"
:follow_location: true
:injected: " Thread.Sleep(8000);"
input: " Thread.Sleep(8000);"
:action: http://localhost:7470/asp/link/straight?input=default
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
response: ""
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/asp/link/straight?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/asp/cookie/straight
var: cookie
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=++Thread.Sleep(8000)%3B
response: {}
injected: " Thread.Sleep(8000);"
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1
:timing_string: " Thread.Sleep(__TIME__);"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " Thread.Sleep(8000);"
:altered: cookie
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie: " Thread.Sleep(8000);"
:injected: " Thread.Sleep(8000);"
cookie: " Thread.Sleep(8000);"
:action: http://localhost:7470/asp/cookie/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
response: ""
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/asp/cookie/straight
var: cookie
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/asp/header/straight
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: " && Thread.Sleep(8000);"
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " && Thread.Sleep(8000);"
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1
:timing_string: " && Thread.Sleep(__TIME__);"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " && Thread.Sleep(8000);"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: " && Thread.Sleep(8000);"
:injected: " && Thread.Sleep(8000);"
User-Agent: " && Thread.Sleep(8000);"
:action: http://localhost:7470/asp/header/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
response: ""
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/asp/header/straight
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: POST
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/python/form/straight
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " import time;time.sleep(8000/1000);"
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: POST
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1
:timing_string: " import time;time.sleep(__TIME__/1000);"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " import time;time.sleep(8000/1000);"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: " import time;time.sleep(8000/1000);"
:follow_location: true
:injected: " import time;time.sleep(8000/1000);"
input: " import time;time.sleep(8000/1000);"
:action: http://localhost:7470/python/form/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
response: ""
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/python/form/straight
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/python/link/straight?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " import time;time.sleep(8000/1000);"
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1
:timing_string: " import time;time.sleep(__TIME__/1000);"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " import time;time.sleep(8000/1000);"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: " import time;time.sleep(8000/1000);"
:follow_location: true
:injected: " import time;time.sleep(8000/1000);"
input: " import time;time.sleep(8000/1000);"
:action: http://localhost:7470/python/link/straight?input=default
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
response: ""
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/python/link/straight?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/python/cookie/straight
var: cookie
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=++import+time%3Btime.sleep(8000/1000)%3B
response: {}
injected: " import time;time.sleep(8000/1000);"
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1
:timing_string: " import time;time.sleep(__TIME__/1000);"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " import time;time.sleep(8000/1000);"
:altered: cookie
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie: " import time;time.sleep(8000/1000);"
:injected: " import time;time.sleep(8000/1000);"
cookie: " import time;time.sleep(8000/1000);"
:action: http://localhost:7470/python/cookie/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
response: ""
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/python/cookie/straight
var: cookie
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/python/header/straight
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: " && import time;time.sleep(8000/1000);"
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " && import time;time.sleep(8000/1000);"
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1
:timing_string: " && import time;time.sleep(__TIME__/1000);"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " && import time;time.sleep(8000/1000);"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: " && import time;time.sleep(8000/1000);"
:injected: " && import time;time.sleep(8000/1000);"
User-Agent: " && import time;time.sleep(8000/1000);"
:action: http://localhost:7470/python/header/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
response: ""
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/python/header/straight
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: POST
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/php/form/straight
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " sleep(8000/1000);"
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: POST
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1
:timing_string: " sleep(__TIME__/1000);"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:follow_location: true
:injected: " sleep(8000/1000);"
input: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:action: http://localhost:7470/php/form/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
response: ""
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/php/form/straight
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/php/link/straight?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " sleep(8000/1000);"
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1
:timing_string: " sleep(__TIME__/1000);"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:follow_location: true
:injected: " sleep(8000/1000);"
input: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:action: http://localhost:7470/php/link/straight?input=default
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
response: ""
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/php/link/straight?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/php/cookie/straight
var: cookie
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=++sleep(8000/1000)%3B
response: {}
injected: " sleep(8000/1000);"
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1
:timing_string: " sleep(__TIME__/1000);"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:altered: cookie
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:injected: " sleep(8000/1000);"
cookie: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:action: http://localhost:7470/php/cookie/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
response: ""
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/php/cookie/straight
var: cookie
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/php/header/straight
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: " && sleep(8000/1000);"
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " && sleep(8000/1000);"
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1
:timing_string: " && sleep(__TIME__/1000);"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " && sleep(8000/1000);"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: " && sleep(8000/1000);"
:injected: " && sleep(8000/1000);"
User-Agent: " && sleep(8000/1000);"
:action: http://localhost:7470/php/header/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
response: ""
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/php/header/straight
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: POST
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/perl/form/straight
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " sleep(8000/1000);"
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: POST
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1
:timing_string: " sleep(__TIME__/1000);"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:follow_location: true
:injected: " sleep(8000/1000);"
input: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:action: http://localhost:7470/perl/form/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
response: ""
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/perl/form/straight
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/perl/link/straight?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " sleep(8000/1000);"
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1
:timing_string: " sleep(__TIME__/1000);"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:follow_location: true
:injected: " sleep(8000/1000);"
input: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:action: http://localhost:7470/perl/link/straight?input=default
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
response: ""
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/perl/link/straight?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/perl/cookie/straight
var: cookie
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=++sleep(8000/1000)%3B
response: {}
injected: " sleep(8000/1000);"
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1
:timing_string: " sleep(__TIME__/1000);"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:altered: cookie
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:injected: " sleep(8000/1000);"
cookie: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:action: http://localhost:7470/perl/cookie/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
response: ""
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/perl/cookie/straight
var: cookie
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/perl/header/straight
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: " && sleep(8000/1000);"
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " && sleep(8000/1000);"
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1
:timing_string: " && sleep(__TIME__/1000);"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " && sleep(8000/1000);"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: " && sleep(8000/1000);"
:injected: " && sleep(8000/1000);"
User-Agent: " && sleep(8000/1000);"
:action: http://localhost:7470/perl/header/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
response: ""
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/perl/header/straight
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: POST
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/ruby/form/straight
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " sleep(8000/1000);"
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: POST
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1
:timing_string: " sleep(__TIME__/1000);"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:follow_location: true
:injected: " sleep(8000/1000);"
input: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:action: http://localhost:7470/ruby/form/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
response: ""
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/ruby/form/straight
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/ruby/link/straight?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " sleep(8000/1000);"
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1
:timing_string: " sleep(__TIME__/1000);"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:follow_location: true
:injected: " sleep(8000/1000);"
input: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:action: http://localhost:7470/ruby/link/straight?input=default
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
response: ""
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/ruby/link/straight?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/ruby/cookie/straight
var: cookie
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=++sleep(8000/1000)%3B
response: {}
injected: " sleep(8000/1000);"
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1
:timing_string: " sleep(__TIME__/1000);"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:altered: cookie
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:injected: " sleep(8000/1000);"
cookie: " sleep(8000/1000);"
:action: http://localhost:7470/ruby/cookie/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
response: ""
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/ruby/cookie/straight
var: cookie
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/ruby/header/straight
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
Arbitrary code can be injected into the web application
which is then executed as part of the system.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: " && sleep(8000/1000);"
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " && sleep(8000/1000);"
internal_modname: CodeInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_eval
method: GET
mod_name: Code injection (timing)
name: Code injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1
:timing_string: " && sleep(__TIME__/1000);"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " && sleep(8000/1000);"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: " && sleep(8000/1000);"
:injected: " && sleep(8000/1000);"
User-Agent: " && sleep(8000/1000);"
:action: http://localhost:7470/ruby/header/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
PHP: http://php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html
Python: http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/functions.html#eval
ASP: http://www.aspdev.org/asp/asp-eval-execute/
Ruby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eval#Ruby
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as executable code.
Better yet, the web application should stop evaluating user
inputs as any part of dynamic code altogether.
response: ""
severity: High
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:7470/ruby/header/straight
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/oracle/form/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "151"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: java.sql.SQLException
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:java\.sql\.SQLException)
:match: java.sql.SQLException
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: form
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: ""
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/oracle/form/flip
:verification: false
:id: java.sql.SQLException
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:java\.sql\.SQLException)
regexp_match: java.sql.SQLException
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[\"(PLS|ORA)-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\\njava.sql.SQLException\\nOracle error\\nOracle stuff Driver\\nWarning stuff oci_ stuff\\nWarning stuff ora_ stuff\\n\", nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/oracle/form/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/oracle/form/append
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "136"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: java.sql.SQLException
injected: default'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:java\.sql\.SQLException)
:match: java.sql.SQLException
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default'`--
:follow_location: true
:injected: default'`--
input: default'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/oracle/form/append
:verification: false
:id: java.sql.SQLException
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:java\.sql\.SQLException)
regexp_match: java.sql.SQLException
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
Oracle error
Oracle stuff Driver
Warning stuff oci_ stuff
Warning stuff ora_ stuff
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/oracle/form/append
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/oracle/link/flip?input=default
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "151"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: java.sql.SQLException
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:java\.sql\.SQLException)
:match: java.sql.SQLException
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: link
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: ""
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/oracle/link/flip?input=default
:verification: false
:id: java.sql.SQLException
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:java\.sql\.SQLException)
regexp_match: java.sql.SQLException
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[\"(PLS|ORA)-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\\njava.sql.SQLException\\nOracle error\\nOracle stuff Driver\\nWarning stuff oci_ stuff\\nWarning stuff ora_ stuff\\n\", nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/oracle/link/flip?input=default
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/oracle/link/append?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "136"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: java.sql.SQLException
injected: default'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:java\.sql\.SQLException)
:match: java.sql.SQLException
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default'`--
:follow_location: true
:injected: default'`--
input: default'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/oracle/link/append?input=default
:verification: false
:id: java.sql.SQLException
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:java\.sql\.SQLException)
regexp_match: java.sql.SQLException
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
Oracle error
Oracle stuff Driver
Warning stuff oci_ stuff
Warning stuff ora_ stuff
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/oracle/link/append?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/oracle/cookie/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value;'`--=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "151"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: java.sql.SQLException
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:java\.sql\.SQLException)
:match: java.sql.SQLException
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: ""
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/oracle/cookie/flip
:verification: false
:id: java.sql.SQLException
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:java\.sql\.SQLException)
regexp_match: java.sql.SQLException
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[nil, \"(PLS|ORA)-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\\njava.sql.SQLException\\nOracle error\\nOracle stuff Driver\\nWarning stuff oci_ stuff\\nWarning stuff ora_ stuff\\n\"]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/oracle/cookie/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/oracle/cookie/append
var: cookie2
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value'`--
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "136"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: java.sql.SQLException
injected: cookie value'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:java\.sql\.SQLException)
:match: java.sql.SQLException
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: cookie2
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie2: cookie value'`--
:injected: cookie value'`--
cookie2: cookie value'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/oracle/cookie/append
:verification: false
:id: java.sql.SQLException
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:java\.sql\.SQLException)
regexp_match: java.sql.SQLException
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
Oracle error
Oracle stuff Driver
Warning stuff oci_ stuff
Warning stuff ora_ stuff
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/oracle/cookie/append
var: cookie2
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/oracle/header/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "301"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: java.sql.SQLException
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:java\.sql\.SQLException)
:match: java.sql.SQLException
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: header
:follow_location: true
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: ""
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/oracle/header/flip
:verification: false
:id: java.sql.SQLException
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:java\.sql\.SQLException)
regexp_match: java.sql.SQLException
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, \"(PLS|ORA)-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\\njava.sql.SQLException\\nOracle error\\nOracle stuff Driver\\nWarning stuff oci_ stuff\\nWarning stuff ora_ stuff\\n\", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/oracle/header/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/oracle/header/append
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "136"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: java.sql.SQLException
injected: arachni_user'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:java\.sql\.SQLException)
:match: java.sql.SQLException
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
:injected: arachni_user'`--
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/oracle/header/append
:verification: false
:id: java.sql.SQLException
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:java\.sql\.SQLException)
regexp_match: java.sql.SQLException
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
Oracle error
Oracle stuff Driver
Warning stuff oci_ stuff
Warning stuff ora_ stuff
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/oracle/header/append
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/coldfusion/form/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "46"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:\[SQLServer JDBC Driver\])
:match: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: form
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: ""
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/coldfusion/form/flip
:verification: false
:id: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:\[SQLServer JDBC Driver\])
regexp_match: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[\"[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver]\\n\", nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/coldfusion/form/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/coldfusion/form/append
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "36"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
injected: default'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:\[SQLServer JDBC Driver\])
:match: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default'`--
:follow_location: true
:injected: default'`--
input: default'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/coldfusion/form/append
:verification: false
:id: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:\[SQLServer JDBC Driver\])
regexp_match: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver]
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/coldfusion/form/append
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/coldfusion/link/flip?input=default
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "46"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:\[SQLServer JDBC Driver\])
:match: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: link
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: ""
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/coldfusion/link/flip?input=default
:verification: false
:id: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:\[SQLServer JDBC Driver\])
regexp_match: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[\"[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver]\\n\", nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/coldfusion/link/flip?input=default
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/coldfusion/link/append?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "36"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
injected: default'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:\[SQLServer JDBC Driver\])
:match: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default'`--
:follow_location: true
:injected: default'`--
input: default'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/coldfusion/link/append?input=default
:verification: false
:id: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:\[SQLServer JDBC Driver\])
regexp_match: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver]
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/coldfusion/link/append?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/coldfusion/cookie/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value;'`--=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "46"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:\[SQLServer JDBC Driver\])
:match: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: ""
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/coldfusion/cookie/flip
:verification: false
:id: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:\[SQLServer JDBC Driver\])
regexp_match: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[nil, \"[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver]\\n\"]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/coldfusion/cookie/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/coldfusion/cookie/append
var: cookie2
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value'`--
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "36"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
injected: cookie value'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:\[SQLServer JDBC Driver\])
:match: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: cookie2
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie2: cookie value'`--
:injected: cookie value'`--
cookie2: cookie value'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/coldfusion/cookie/append
:verification: false
:id: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:\[SQLServer JDBC Driver\])
regexp_match: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver]
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/coldfusion/cookie/append
var: cookie2
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/coldfusion/header/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "196"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:\[SQLServer JDBC Driver\])
:match: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: header
:follow_location: true
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: ""
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/coldfusion/header/flip
:verification: false
:id: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:\[SQLServer JDBC Driver\])
regexp_match: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, \"[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver]\\n\", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/coldfusion/header/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/coldfusion/header/append
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "36"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
injected: arachni_user'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:\[SQLServer JDBC Driver\])
:match: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
:injected: arachni_user'`--
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/coldfusion/header/append
:verification: false
:id: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:\[SQLServer JDBC Driver\])
regexp_match: "[SQLServer JDBC Driver]"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver]
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/coldfusion/header/append
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/interbase/form/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "73"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: Unexpected end of command in statement
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:Unexpected end of command in statement)
:match: Unexpected end of command in statement
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: form
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: ""
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/interbase/form/flip
:verification: false
:id: Unexpected end of command in statement
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:Unexpected end of command in statement)
regexp_match: Unexpected end of command in statement
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[\"Warning: ibase_\\nUnexpected end of command in statement\\n\", nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/interbase/form/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/interbase/form/append
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "62"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: Unexpected end of command in statement
injected: default'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:Unexpected end of command in statement)
:match: Unexpected end of command in statement
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default'`--
:follow_location: true
:injected: default'`--
input: default'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/interbase/form/append
:verification: false
:id: Unexpected end of command in statement
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:Unexpected end of command in statement)
regexp_match: Unexpected end of command in statement
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
Warning: ibase_
Unexpected end of command in statement
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/interbase/form/append
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/interbase/link/flip?input=default
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "73"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: Unexpected end of command in statement
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:Unexpected end of command in statement)
:match: Unexpected end of command in statement
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: link
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: ""
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/interbase/link/flip?input=default
:verification: false
:id: Unexpected end of command in statement
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:Unexpected end of command in statement)
regexp_match: Unexpected end of command in statement
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[\"Warning: ibase_\\nUnexpected end of command in statement\\n\", nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/interbase/link/flip?input=default
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/interbase/link/append?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "62"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: Unexpected end of command in statement
injected: default'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:Unexpected end of command in statement)
:match: Unexpected end of command in statement
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default'`--
:follow_location: true
:injected: default'`--
input: default'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/interbase/link/append?input=default
:verification: false
:id: Unexpected end of command in statement
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:Unexpected end of command in statement)
regexp_match: Unexpected end of command in statement
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
Warning: ibase_
Unexpected end of command in statement
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/interbase/link/append?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/interbase/cookie/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value;'`--=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "73"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: Unexpected end of command in statement
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:Unexpected end of command in statement)
:match: Unexpected end of command in statement
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: ""
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/interbase/cookie/flip
:verification: false
:id: Unexpected end of command in statement
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:Unexpected end of command in statement)
regexp_match: Unexpected end of command in statement
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[nil, \"Warning: ibase_\\nUnexpected end of command in statement\\n\"]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/interbase/cookie/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/interbase/cookie/append
var: cookie2
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value'`--
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "62"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: Unexpected end of command in statement
injected: cookie value'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:Unexpected end of command in statement)
:match: Unexpected end of command in statement
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: cookie2
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie2: cookie value'`--
:injected: cookie value'`--
cookie2: cookie value'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/interbase/cookie/append
:verification: false
:id: Unexpected end of command in statement
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:Unexpected end of command in statement)
regexp_match: Unexpected end of command in statement
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
Warning: ibase_
Unexpected end of command in statement
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/interbase/cookie/append
var: cookie2
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/interbase/header/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "223"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: Unexpected end of command in statement
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:Unexpected end of command in statement)
:match: Unexpected end of command in statement
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: header
:follow_location: true
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: ""
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/interbase/header/flip
:verification: false
:id: Unexpected end of command in statement
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:Unexpected end of command in statement)
regexp_match: Unexpected end of command in statement
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, \"Warning: ibase_\\nUnexpected end of command in statement\\n\", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/interbase/header/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/interbase/header/append
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "62"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: Unexpected end of command in statement
injected: arachni_user'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:Unexpected end of command in statement)
:match: Unexpected end of command in statement
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
:injected: arachni_user'`--
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/interbase/header/append
:verification: false
:id: Unexpected end of command in statement
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:Unexpected end of command in statement)
regexp_match: Unexpected end of command in statement
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
Warning: ibase_
Unexpected end of command in statement
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/interbase/header/append
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/postgresql/form/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "185"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:PostgreSQL query failed:)
:match: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: form
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: ""
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/postgresql/form/flip
:verification: false
:id: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:PostgreSQL query failed:)
regexp_match: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[\"PostgreSQL query failed:\\nsupplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL result\\npg_query() [:\\npg_exec() [:\\nPostgreSQL.*ERROR\\nWarning stuff pg_ stuff\\nvalid PostgreSQL result\\n\", nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/postgresql/form/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/postgresql/form/append
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "169"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
injected: default'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:PostgreSQL query failed:)
:match: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default'`--
:follow_location: true
:injected: default'`--
input: default'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/postgresql/form/append
:verification: false
:id: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:PostgreSQL query failed:)
regexp_match: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
PostgreSQL query failed:
supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL result
pg_query() [:
pg_exec() [:
Warning stuff pg_ stuff
valid PostgreSQL result
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/postgresql/form/append
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/postgresql/link/flip?input=default
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "185"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:PostgreSQL query failed:)
:match: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: link
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: ""
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/postgresql/link/flip?input=default
:verification: false
:id: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:PostgreSQL query failed:)
regexp_match: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[\"PostgreSQL query failed:\\nsupplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL result\\npg_query() [:\\npg_exec() [:\\nPostgreSQL.*ERROR\\nWarning stuff pg_ stuff\\nvalid PostgreSQL result\\n\", nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/postgresql/link/flip?input=default
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/postgresql/link/append?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "169"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
injected: default'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:PostgreSQL query failed:)
:match: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default'`--
:follow_location: true
:injected: default'`--
input: default'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/postgresql/link/append?input=default
:verification: false
:id: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:PostgreSQL query failed:)
regexp_match: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
PostgreSQL query failed:
supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL result
pg_query() [:
pg_exec() [:
Warning stuff pg_ stuff
valid PostgreSQL result
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/postgresql/link/append?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/postgresql/cookie/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value;)=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "185"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:PostgreSQL query failed:)
:match: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: )
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
): 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: ""
): 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/postgresql/cookie/flip
:verification: false
:id: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:PostgreSQL query failed:)
regexp_match: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[nil, \"PostgreSQL query failed:\\nsupplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL result\\npg_query() [:\\npg_exec() [:\\nPostgreSQL.*ERROR\\nWarning stuff pg_ stuff\\nvalid PostgreSQL result\\n\"]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/postgresql/cookie/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/postgresql/cookie/append
var: cookie2
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value'`--
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "169"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
injected: cookie value'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:PostgreSQL query failed:)
:match: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: cookie2
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie2: cookie value'`--
:injected: cookie value'`--
cookie2: cookie value'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/postgresql/cookie/append
:verification: false
:id: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:PostgreSQL query failed:)
regexp_match: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
PostgreSQL query failed:
supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL result
pg_query() [:
pg_exec() [:
Warning stuff pg_ stuff
valid PostgreSQL result
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/postgresql/cookie/append
var: cookie2
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/postgresql/header/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "335"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:PostgreSQL query failed:)
:match: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: header
:follow_location: true
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: ""
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/postgresql/header/flip
:verification: false
:id: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:PostgreSQL query failed:)
regexp_match: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, \"PostgreSQL query failed:\\nsupplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL result\\npg_query() [:\\npg_exec() [:\\nPostgreSQL.*ERROR\\nWarning stuff pg_ stuff\\nvalid PostgreSQL result\\n\", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/postgresql/header/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/postgresql/header/append
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "169"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
injected: arachni_user'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:PostgreSQL query failed:)
:match: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
:injected: arachni_user'`--
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/postgresql/header/append
:verification: false
:id: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:PostgreSQL query failed:)
regexp_match: "PostgreSQL query failed:"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
PostgreSQL query failed:
supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL result
pg_query() [:
pg_exec() [:
Warning stuff pg_ stuff
valid PostgreSQL result
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/postgresql/header/append
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mysql/form/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "409"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:supplied argument is not a valid MySQL)
:match: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: form
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: ""
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/mysql/form/flip
:verification: false
:id: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:supplied argument is not a valid MySQL)
regexp_match: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[\"supplied argument is not a valid MySQL\\nColumn count doesn't match value count at row\\nmysql_fetch_array()\\non MySQL result index\\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax;\\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax near\\nMySQL server version for the right syntax to use\\n[MySQL][ODBC\\nColumn count doesn't match\\nTable 'Stuff' doesn't exist\\nSQL syntax stuff MySQL\\nWarning stuff mysql_\\nvalid MySQL result\\n\", nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mysql/form/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mysql/form/append
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "387"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
injected: default'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:supplied argument is not a valid MySQL)
:match: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default'`--
:follow_location: true
:injected: default'`--
input: default'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/mysql/form/append
:verification: false
:id: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:supplied argument is not a valid MySQL)
regexp_match: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
Column count doesn't match value count at row
on MySQL result index
You have an error in your SQL syntax;
You have an error in your SQL syntax near
MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
Column count doesn't match
Table 'Stuff' doesn't exist
SQL syntax stuff MySQL
Warning stuff mysql_
valid MySQL result
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mysql/form/append
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mysql/link/flip?input=default
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "409"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:supplied argument is not a valid MySQL)
:match: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: link
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: ""
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/mysql/link/flip?input=default
:verification: false
:id: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:supplied argument is not a valid MySQL)
regexp_match: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[\"supplied argument is not a valid MySQL\\nColumn count doesn't match value count at row\\nmysql_fetch_array()\\non MySQL result index\\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax;\\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax near\\nMySQL server version for the right syntax to use\\n[MySQL][ODBC\\nColumn count doesn't match\\nTable 'Stuff' doesn't exist\\nSQL syntax stuff MySQL\\nWarning stuff mysql_\\nvalid MySQL result\\n\", nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mysql/link/flip?input=default
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mysql/link/append?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "387"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
injected: default'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:supplied argument is not a valid MySQL)
:match: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default'`--
:follow_location: true
:injected: default'`--
input: default'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/mysql/link/append?input=default
:verification: false
:id: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:supplied argument is not a valid MySQL)
regexp_match: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
Column count doesn't match value count at row
on MySQL result index
You have an error in your SQL syntax;
You have an error in your SQL syntax near
MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
Column count doesn't match
Table 'Stuff' doesn't exist
SQL syntax stuff MySQL
Warning stuff mysql_
valid MySQL result
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mysql/link/append?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mysql/cookie/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value;)=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "409"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:supplied argument is not a valid MySQL)
:match: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: )
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
): 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: ""
): 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/mysql/cookie/flip
:verification: false
:id: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:supplied argument is not a valid MySQL)
regexp_match: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[nil, \"supplied argument is not a valid MySQL\\nColumn count doesn't match value count at row\\nmysql_fetch_array()\\non MySQL result index\\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax;\\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax near\\nMySQL server version for the right syntax to use\\n[MySQL][ODBC\\nColumn count doesn't match\\nTable 'Stuff' doesn't exist\\nSQL syntax stuff MySQL\\nWarning stuff mysql_\\nvalid MySQL result\\n\"]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mysql/cookie/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mysql/cookie/append
var: cookie2
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value)
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "387"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
injected: cookie value)
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:supplied argument is not a valid MySQL)
:match: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: )
:altered: cookie2
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie2: cookie value)
:injected: cookie value)
cookie2: cookie value)
:action: http://localhost:7842/mysql/cookie/append
:verification: false
:id: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:supplied argument is not a valid MySQL)
regexp_match: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
Column count doesn't match value count at row
on MySQL result index
You have an error in your SQL syntax;
You have an error in your SQL syntax near
MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
Column count doesn't match
Table 'Stuff' doesn't exist
SQL syntax stuff MySQL
Warning stuff mysql_
valid MySQL result
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mysql/cookie/append
var: cookie2
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mysql/header/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "559"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:supplied argument is not a valid MySQL)
:match: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: header
:follow_location: true
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: ""
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/mysql/header/flip
:verification: false
:id: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:supplied argument is not a valid MySQL)
regexp_match: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, \"supplied argument is not a valid MySQL\\nColumn count doesn't match value count at row\\nmysql_fetch_array()\\non MySQL result index\\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax;\\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax near\\nMySQL server version for the right syntax to use\\n[MySQL][ODBC\\nColumn count doesn't match\\nTable 'Stuff' doesn't exist\\nSQL syntax stuff MySQL\\nWarning stuff mysql_\\nvalid MySQL result\\n\", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mysql/header/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mysql/header/append
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "387"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
injected: arachni_user'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:supplied argument is not a valid MySQL)
:match: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
:injected: arachni_user'`--
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/mysql/header/append
:verification: false
:id: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:supplied argument is not a valid MySQL)
regexp_match: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
Column count doesn't match value count at row
on MySQL result index
You have an error in your SQL syntax;
You have an error in your SQL syntax near
MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
Column count doesn't match
Table 'Stuff' doesn't exist
SQL syntax stuff MySQL
Warning stuff mysql_
valid MySQL result
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mysql/header/append
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mssql/form/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "884"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:System\.Data\.OleDb\.OleDbException)
:match: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: form
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: ""
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/mssql/form/flip
:verification: false
:id: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:System\.Data\.OleDb\.OleDbException)
regexp_match: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[\"System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException\\n[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]\\n[SQLServer JDBC Driver]\\n[SqlException\\nSystem.Data.SqlClient.SqlException\\nUnclosed quotation mark after the character string\\n'80040e14'\\nmssql_query()\\nMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers\\nMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server\\nIncorrect syntax near\\nSintaxis incorrecta cerca de\\nSyntax error in string in query expression\\nProcedure or function 'ColumnSeek' expects parameter\\nUnclosed quotation mark before the character string\\nSyntax Error (missing operator) in query expression\\nData type mismatch in criteria expression\\nADODB.Field (0x800A0BCD)\\n[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]\\nthe used select statements have different number of columns\\nOLE DB stuff SQL Server\\nWarningstuff mssql_\\nAccess stuff Driver\\nDriver stuff Access\\nJET Database Engine\\nAccess Database Engine\\n\", nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mssql/form/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mssql/form/append
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "849"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
injected: default'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:System\.Data\.OleDb\.OleDbException)
:match: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default'`--
:follow_location: true
:injected: default'`--
input: default'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/mssql/form/append
:verification: false
:id: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:System\.Data\.OleDb\.OleDbException)
regexp_match: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]
[SQLServer JDBC Driver]
Unclosed quotation mark after the character string
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Incorrect syntax near
Sintaxis incorrecta cerca de
Syntax error in string in query expression
Procedure or function 'ColumnSeek' expects parameter
Unclosed quotation mark before the character string
Syntax Error (missing operator) in query expression
Data type mismatch in criteria expression
ADODB.Field (0x800A0BCD)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]
the used select statements have different number of columns
OLE DB stuff SQL Server
Warningstuff mssql_
Access stuff Driver
Driver stuff Access
JET Database Engine
Access Database Engine
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mssql/form/append
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mssql/link/flip?input=default
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "884"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:System\.Data\.OleDb\.OleDbException)
:match: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: link
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: ""
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/mssql/link/flip?input=default
:verification: false
:id: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:System\.Data\.OleDb\.OleDbException)
regexp_match: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[\"System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException\\n[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]\\n[SQLServer JDBC Driver]\\n[SqlException\\nSystem.Data.SqlClient.SqlException\\nUnclosed quotation mark after the character string\\n'80040e14'\\nmssql_query()\\nMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers\\nMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server\\nIncorrect syntax near\\nSintaxis incorrecta cerca de\\nSyntax error in string in query expression\\nProcedure or function 'ColumnSeek' expects parameter\\nUnclosed quotation mark before the character string\\nSyntax Error (missing operator) in query expression\\nData type mismatch in criteria expression\\nADODB.Field (0x800A0BCD)\\n[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]\\nthe used select statements have different number of columns\\nOLE DB stuff SQL Server\\nWarningstuff mssql_\\nAccess stuff Driver\\nDriver stuff Access\\nJET Database Engine\\nAccess Database Engine\\n\", nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mssql/link/flip?input=default
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mssql/link/append?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "849"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
injected: default'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:System\.Data\.OleDb\.OleDbException)
:match: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default'`--
:follow_location: true
:injected: default'`--
input: default'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/mssql/link/append?input=default
:verification: false
:id: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:System\.Data\.OleDb\.OleDbException)
regexp_match: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]
[SQLServer JDBC Driver]
Unclosed quotation mark after the character string
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Incorrect syntax near
Sintaxis incorrecta cerca de
Syntax error in string in query expression
Procedure or function 'ColumnSeek' expects parameter
Unclosed quotation mark before the character string
Syntax Error (missing operator) in query expression
Data type mismatch in criteria expression
ADODB.Field (0x800A0BCD)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]
the used select statements have different number of columns
OLE DB stuff SQL Server
Warningstuff mssql_
Access stuff Driver
Driver stuff Access
JET Database Engine
Access Database Engine
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mssql/link/append?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mssql/cookie/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value;'`--=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "884"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:System\.Data\.OleDb\.OleDbException)
:match: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: ""
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/mssql/cookie/flip
:verification: false
:id: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:System\.Data\.OleDb\.OleDbException)
regexp_match: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[nil, \"System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException\\n[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]\\n[SQLServer JDBC Driver]\\n[SqlException\\nSystem.Data.SqlClient.SqlException\\nUnclosed quotation mark after the character string\\n'80040e14'\\nmssql_query()\\nMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers\\nMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server\\nIncorrect syntax near\\nSintaxis incorrecta cerca de\\nSyntax error in string in query expression\\nProcedure or function 'ColumnSeek' expects parameter\\nUnclosed quotation mark before the character string\\nSyntax Error (missing operator) in query expression\\nData type mismatch in criteria expression\\nADODB.Field (0x800A0BCD)\\n[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]\\nthe used select statements have different number of columns\\nOLE DB stuff SQL Server\\nWarningstuff mssql_\\nAccess stuff Driver\\nDriver stuff Access\\nJET Database Engine\\nAccess Database Engine\\n\"]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mssql/cookie/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mssql/cookie/append
var: cookie2
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value)
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "849"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
injected: cookie value)
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:System\.Data\.OleDb\.OleDbException)
:match: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: )
:altered: cookie2
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie2: cookie value)
:injected: cookie value)
cookie2: cookie value)
:action: http://localhost:7842/mssql/cookie/append
:verification: false
:id: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:System\.Data\.OleDb\.OleDbException)
regexp_match: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]
[SQLServer JDBC Driver]
Unclosed quotation mark after the character string
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Incorrect syntax near
Sintaxis incorrecta cerca de
Syntax error in string in query expression
Procedure or function 'ColumnSeek' expects parameter
Unclosed quotation mark before the character string
Syntax Error (missing operator) in query expression
Data type mismatch in criteria expression
ADODB.Field (0x800A0BCD)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]
the used select statements have different number of columns
OLE DB stuff SQL Server
Warningstuff mssql_
Access stuff Driver
Driver stuff Access
JET Database Engine
Access Database Engine
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mssql/cookie/append
var: cookie2
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mssql/header/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "1034"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:System\.Data\.OleDb\.OleDbException)
:match: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: header
:follow_location: true
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: ""
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/mssql/header/flip
:verification: false
:id: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:System\.Data\.OleDb\.OleDbException)
regexp_match: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, \"System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException\\n[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]\\n[SQLServer JDBC Driver]\\n[SqlException\\nSystem.Data.SqlClient.SqlException\\nUnclosed quotation mark after the character string\\n'80040e14'\\nmssql_query()\\nMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers\\nMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server\\nIncorrect syntax near\\nSintaxis incorrecta cerca de\\nSyntax error in string in query expression\\nProcedure or function 'ColumnSeek' expects parameter\\nUnclosed quotation mark before the character string\\nSyntax Error (missing operator) in query expression\\nData type mismatch in criteria expression\\nADODB.Field (0x800A0BCD)\\n[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]\\nthe used select statements have different number of columns\\nOLE DB stuff SQL Server\\nWarningstuff mssql_\\nAccess stuff Driver\\nDriver stuff Access\\nJET Database Engine\\nAccess Database Engine\\n\", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mssql/header/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mssql/header/append
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "849"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
injected: arachni_user'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:System\.Data\.OleDb\.OleDbException)
:match: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
:injected: arachni_user'`--
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/mssql/header/append
:verification: false
:id: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:System\.Data\.OleDb\.OleDbException)
regexp_match: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]
[SQLServer JDBC Driver]
Unclosed quotation mark after the character string
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Incorrect syntax near
Sintaxis incorrecta cerca de
Syntax error in string in query expression
Procedure or function 'ColumnSeek' expects parameter
Unclosed quotation mark before the character string
Syntax Error (missing operator) in query expression
Data type mismatch in criteria expression
ADODB.Field (0x800A0BCD)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]
the used select statements have different number of columns
OLE DB stuff SQL Server
Warningstuff mssql_
Access stuff Driver
Driver stuff Access
JET Database Engine
Access Database Engine
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/mssql/header/append
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/emc/form/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "64"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:\[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX\])
:match: "[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX]"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: form
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: ""
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/emc/form/flip
:verification: false
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:\[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX\])
regexp_match: "[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX]"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[\"[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX]\\nhas occurred in the vicinity of:\\n\", nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/emc/form/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/emc/form/append
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "53"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
injected: default'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:\[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX\])
:match: "[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX]"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default'`--
:follow_location: true
:injected: default'`--
input: default'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/emc/form/append
:verification: false
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:\[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX\])
regexp_match: "[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX]"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
has occurred in the vicinity of:
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/emc/form/append
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/emc/link/flip?input=default
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "64"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:\[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX\])
:match: "[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX]"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: link
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: ""
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/emc/link/flip?input=default
:verification: false
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:\[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX\])
regexp_match: "[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX]"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[\"[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX]\\nhas occurred in the vicinity of:\\n\", nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/emc/link/flip?input=default
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/emc/link/append?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "53"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
injected: default'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:\[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX\])
:match: "[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX]"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default'`--
:follow_location: true
:injected: default'`--
input: default'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/emc/link/append?input=default
:verification: false
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:\[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX\])
regexp_match: "[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX]"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
has occurred in the vicinity of:
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/emc/link/append?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/emc/cookie/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value;'`--=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "64"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:\[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX\])
:match: "[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX]"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: ""
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/emc/cookie/flip
:verification: false
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:\[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX\])
regexp_match: "[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX]"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[nil, \"[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX]\\nhas occurred in the vicinity of:\\n\"]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/emc/cookie/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/emc/cookie/append
var: cookie2
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value)
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "53"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
injected: cookie value)
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:\[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX\])
:match: "[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX]"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: )
:altered: cookie2
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie2: cookie value)
:injected: cookie value)
cookie2: cookie value)
:action: http://localhost:7842/emc/cookie/append
:verification: false
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:\[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX\])
regexp_match: "[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX]"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
has occurred in the vicinity of:
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/emc/cookie/append
var: cookie2
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/emc/header/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "214"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:\[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX\])
:match: "[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX]"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: header
:follow_location: true
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: ""
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/emc/header/flip
:verification: false
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:\[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX\])
regexp_match: "[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX]"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, \"[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX]\\nhas occurred in the vicinity of:\\n\", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/emc/header/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/emc/header/append
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "53"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
injected: arachni_user'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:\[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX\])
:match: "[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX]"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
:injected: arachni_user'`--
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/emc/header/append
:verification: false
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:\[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX\])
regexp_match: "[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX]"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
has occurred in the vicinity of:
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/emc/header/append
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/sqlite/form/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "105"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: Warning stuff sqlite_\nSQLite/JDBCDriver\nSQLite.Exception\nSystem.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException\n", nil]
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:Warning.*sqlite_.*)
:match: Warning stuff sqlite_\nSQLite/JDBCDriver\nSQLite.Exception\nSystem.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException\n", nil]
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: form
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: ""
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/sqlite/form/flip
:verification: false
:id: Warning stuff sqlite_\nSQLite/JDBCDriver\nSQLite.Exception\nSystem.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException\n", nil]
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:Warning.*sqlite_.*)
regexp_match: Warning stuff sqlite_\nSQLite/JDBCDriver\nSQLite.Exception\nSystem.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException\n", nil]
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[\"Warning stuff sqlite_\\nSQLite/JDBCDriver\\nSQLite.Exception\\nSystem.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException\\n\", nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/sqlite/form/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/sqlite/form/append
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "92"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: Warning stuff sqlite_
injected: default'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:Warning.*sqlite_.*)
:match: Warning stuff sqlite_
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default'`--
:follow_location: true
:injected: default'`--
input: default'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/sqlite/form/append
:verification: false
:id: Warning stuff sqlite_
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:Warning.*sqlite_.*)
regexp_match: Warning stuff sqlite_
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
Warning stuff sqlite_
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/sqlite/form/append
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/sqlite/link/flip?input=default
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "105"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: Warning stuff sqlite_\nSQLite/JDBCDriver\nSQLite.Exception\nSystem.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException\n", nil]
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:Warning.*sqlite_.*)
:match: Warning stuff sqlite_\nSQLite/JDBCDriver\nSQLite.Exception\nSystem.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException\n", nil]
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: link
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: ""
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/sqlite/link/flip?input=default
:verification: false
:id: Warning stuff sqlite_\nSQLite/JDBCDriver\nSQLite.Exception\nSystem.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException\n", nil]
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:Warning.*sqlite_.*)
regexp_match: Warning stuff sqlite_\nSQLite/JDBCDriver\nSQLite.Exception\nSystem.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException\n", nil]
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[\"Warning stuff sqlite_\\nSQLite/JDBCDriver\\nSQLite.Exception\\nSystem.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException\\n\", nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/sqlite/link/flip?input=default
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/sqlite/link/append?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "92"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: Warning stuff sqlite_
injected: default'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:Warning.*sqlite_.*)
:match: Warning stuff sqlite_
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default'`--
:follow_location: true
:injected: default'`--
input: default'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/sqlite/link/append?input=default
:verification: false
:id: Warning stuff sqlite_
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:Warning.*sqlite_.*)
regexp_match: Warning stuff sqlite_
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
Warning stuff sqlite_
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/sqlite/link/append?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/sqlite/cookie/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value;'`--=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "105"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: Warning stuff sqlite_\nSQLite/JDBCDriver\nSQLite.Exception\nSystem.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException\n"]
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:Warning.*sqlite_.*)
:match: Warning stuff sqlite_\nSQLite/JDBCDriver\nSQLite.Exception\nSystem.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException\n"]
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: ""
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/sqlite/cookie/flip
:verification: false
:id: Warning stuff sqlite_\nSQLite/JDBCDriver\nSQLite.Exception\nSystem.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException\n"]
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:Warning.*sqlite_.*)
regexp_match: Warning stuff sqlite_\nSQLite/JDBCDriver\nSQLite.Exception\nSystem.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException\n"]
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[nil, \"Warning stuff sqlite_\\nSQLite/JDBCDriver\\nSQLite.Exception\\nSystem.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException\\n\"]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/sqlite/cookie/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/sqlite/cookie/append
var: cookie2
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value'`--
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "92"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: Warning stuff sqlite_
injected: cookie value'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:Warning.*sqlite_.*)
:match: Warning stuff sqlite_
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: cookie2
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie2: cookie value'`--
:injected: cookie value'`--
cookie2: cookie value'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/sqlite/cookie/append
:verification: false
:id: Warning stuff sqlite_
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:Warning.*sqlite_.*)
regexp_match: Warning stuff sqlite_
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
Warning stuff sqlite_
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/sqlite/cookie/append
var: cookie2
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/sqlite/header/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "255"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: Warning stuff sqlite_\nSQLite/JDBCDriver\nSQLite.Exception\nSystem.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException\n", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:Warning.*sqlite_.*)
:match: Warning stuff sqlite_\nSQLite/JDBCDriver\nSQLite.Exception\nSystem.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException\n", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: header
:follow_location: true
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: ""
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/sqlite/header/flip
:verification: false
:id: Warning stuff sqlite_\nSQLite/JDBCDriver\nSQLite.Exception\nSystem.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException\n", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:Warning.*sqlite_.*)
regexp_match: Warning stuff sqlite_\nSQLite/JDBCDriver\nSQLite.Exception\nSystem.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException\n", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, \"Warning stuff sqlite_\\nSQLite/JDBCDriver\\nSQLite.Exception\\nSystem.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException\\n\", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/sqlite/header/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/sqlite/header/append
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "92"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: Warning stuff sqlite_
injected: arachni_user'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:Warning.*sqlite_.*)
:match: Warning stuff sqlite_
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
:injected: arachni_user'`--
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/sqlite/header/append
:verification: false
:id: Warning stuff sqlite_
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:Warning.*sqlite_.*)
regexp_match: Warning stuff sqlite_
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
Warning stuff sqlite_
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/sqlite/header/append
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/db2/form/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "91"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "DB2 SQL error:"
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:DB2 SQL error:)
:match: "DB2 SQL error:"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: form
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: ""
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/db2/form/flip
:verification: false
:id: "DB2 SQL error:"
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:DB2 SQL error:)
regexp_match: "DB2 SQL error:"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[\"DB2 SQL error:\\n[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/6000]\\nCLI Driver stuff DB2\\nDB2 SQL error\\n\", nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/db2/form/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/db2/form/append
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "78"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "DB2 SQL error:"
injected: default'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:DB2 SQL error:)
:match: "DB2 SQL error:"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default'`--
:follow_location: true
:injected: default'`--
input: default'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/db2/form/append
:verification: false
:id: "DB2 SQL error:"
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:DB2 SQL error:)
regexp_match: "DB2 SQL error:"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
DB2 SQL error:
[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/6000]
CLI Driver stuff DB2
DB2 SQL error
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/db2/form/append
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/db2/link/flip?input=default
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "91"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "DB2 SQL error:"
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:DB2 SQL error:)
:match: "DB2 SQL error:"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: link
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: ""
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/db2/link/flip?input=default
:verification: false
:id: "DB2 SQL error:"
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:DB2 SQL error:)
regexp_match: "DB2 SQL error:"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[\"DB2 SQL error:\\n[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/6000]\\nCLI Driver stuff DB2\\nDB2 SQL error\\n\", nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/db2/link/flip?input=default
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/db2/link/append?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "78"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "DB2 SQL error:"
injected: default'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:DB2 SQL error:)
:match: "DB2 SQL error:"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default'`--
:follow_location: true
:injected: default'`--
input: default'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/db2/link/append?input=default
:verification: false
:id: "DB2 SQL error:"
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:DB2 SQL error:)
regexp_match: "DB2 SQL error:"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
DB2 SQL error:
[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/6000]
CLI Driver stuff DB2
DB2 SQL error
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/db2/link/append?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/db2/cookie/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value;'`--=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "91"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "DB2 SQL error:"
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:DB2 SQL error:)
:match: "DB2 SQL error:"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: ""
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/db2/cookie/flip
:verification: false
:id: "DB2 SQL error:"
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:DB2 SQL error:)
regexp_match: "DB2 SQL error:"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[nil, \"DB2 SQL error:\\n[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/6000]\\nCLI Driver stuff DB2\\nDB2 SQL error\\n\"]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/db2/cookie/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/db2/cookie/append
var: cookie2
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value'`--
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "78"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "DB2 SQL error:"
injected: cookie value'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:DB2 SQL error:)
:match: "DB2 SQL error:"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: cookie2
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie2: cookie value'`--
:injected: cookie value'`--
cookie2: cookie value'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/db2/cookie/append
:verification: false
:id: "DB2 SQL error:"
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:DB2 SQL error:)
regexp_match: "DB2 SQL error:"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
DB2 SQL error:
[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/6000]
CLI Driver stuff DB2
DB2 SQL error
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/db2/cookie/append
var: cookie2
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/db2/header/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "241"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "DB2 SQL error:"
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:DB2 SQL error:)
:match: "DB2 SQL error:"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: header
:follow_location: true
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: ""
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/db2/header/flip
:verification: false
:id: "DB2 SQL error:"
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:DB2 SQL error:)
regexp_match: "DB2 SQL error:"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, \"DB2 SQL error:\\n[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/6000]\\nCLI Driver stuff DB2\\nDB2 SQL error\\n\", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/db2/header/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/db2/header/append
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "78"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "DB2 SQL error:"
injected: arachni_user'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:DB2 SQL error:)
:match: "DB2 SQL error:"
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
:injected: arachni_user'`--
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/db2/header/append
:verification: false
:id: "DB2 SQL error:"
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:DB2 SQL error:)
regexp_match: "DB2 SQL error:"
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
DB2 SQL error:
[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/6000]
CLI Driver stuff DB2
DB2 SQL error
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/db2/header/append
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/informix/form/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "108"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: com.informix.jdbc
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:com\.informix\.jdbc)
:match: com.informix.jdbc
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: form
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: ""
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/informix/form/flip
:verification: false
:id: com.informix.jdbc
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:com\.informix\.jdbc)
regexp_match: com.informix.jdbc
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[\"An illegal character has been found in the statement\\ncom.informix.jdbc\\nException stuff Informix\\n\", nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/informix/form/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/informix/form/append
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "96"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: com.informix.jdbc
injected: default'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:com\.informix\.jdbc)
:match: com.informix.jdbc
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default'`--
:follow_location: true
:injected: default'`--
input: default'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/informix/form/append
:verification: false
:id: com.informix.jdbc
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:com\.informix\.jdbc)
regexp_match: com.informix.jdbc
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
An illegal character has been found in the statement
Exception stuff Informix
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/informix/form/append
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/informix/link/flip?input=default
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "108"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: com.informix.jdbc
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:com\.informix\.jdbc)
:match: com.informix.jdbc
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: link
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: ""
input: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/informix/link/flip?input=default
:verification: false
:id: com.informix.jdbc
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:com\.informix\.jdbc)
regexp_match: com.informix.jdbc
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[\"An illegal character has been found in the statement\\ncom.informix.jdbc\\nException stuff Informix\\n\", nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/informix/link/flip?input=default
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/informix/link/append?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "96"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: com.informix.jdbc
injected: default'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:com\.informix\.jdbc)
:match: com.informix.jdbc
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:param_flip: true
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default'`--
:follow_location: true
:injected: default'`--
input: default'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/informix/link/append?input=default
:verification: false
:id: com.informix.jdbc
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:com\.informix\.jdbc)
regexp_match: com.informix.jdbc
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
An illegal character has been found in the statement
Exception stuff Informix
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/informix/link/append?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/informix/cookie/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value;'`--=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "108"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: com.informix.jdbc
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:com\.informix\.jdbc)
:match: com.informix.jdbc
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: ""
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/informix/cookie/flip
:verification: false
:id: com.informix.jdbc
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:com\.informix\.jdbc)
regexp_match: com.informix.jdbc
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[nil, \"An illegal character has been found in the statement\\ncom.informix.jdbc\\nException stuff Informix\\n\"]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/informix/cookie/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/informix/cookie/append
var: cookie2
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value'`--
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "96"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: com.informix.jdbc
injected: cookie value'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:com\.informix\.jdbc)
:match: com.informix.jdbc
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: cookie2
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie2: cookie value'`--
:injected: cookie value'`--
cookie2: cookie value'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/informix/cookie/append
:verification: false
:id: com.informix.jdbc
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:com\.informix\.jdbc)
regexp_match: com.informix.jdbc
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
An illegal character has been found in the statement
Exception stuff Informix
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/informix/cookie/append
var: cookie2
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/informix/header/flip
var: Parameter flip
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "258"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: com.informix.jdbc
injected: ""
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:com\.informix\.jdbc)
:match: com.informix.jdbc
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: Parameter flip
:element: header
:follow_location: true
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: ""
"'`--": 71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:7842/informix/header/flip
:verification: false
:id: com.informix.jdbc
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:com\.informix\.jdbc)
regexp_match: com.informix.jdbc
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: "[nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, \"An illegal character has been found in the statement\\ncom.informix.jdbc\\nException stuff Informix\\n\", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]"
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/informix/header/flip
var: Parameter flip
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/informix/header/append
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: SQL code can be injected into the web application.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "96"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: com.informix.jdbc
injected: arachni_user'`--
internal_modname: SQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: SQLInjection
name: SQL Injection
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: (?i-mx:com\.informix\.jdbc)
:match: com.informix.jdbc
- String or binary data would be truncated
- Access denied for user
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'`--"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
:injected: arachni_user'`--
User-Agent: arachni_user'`--
:action: http://localhost:7842/informix/header/append
:verification: false
:id: com.informix.jdbc
UnixWiz: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
SecuriTeam: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
regexp: (?i-mx:com\.informix\.jdbc)
regexp_match: com.informix.jdbc
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
An illegal character has been found in the statement
Exception stuff Informix
severity: High
- sql
- injection
- regexp
- database
- error
url: http://localhost:7842/informix/header/append
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cwe: "384"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/384.html
description: The web application allows the session ID to be fixed by a 3rd party.
elem: form
internal_modname: SessionFixation
method: GET
mod_name: Session fixation
name: Session fixation
OWASP - Session fixation: hhttps://www.owasp.org/index.php/Session_fixation
severity: High
- session
- cookie
- injection
- fixation
- hijacking
url: http://localhost:9008/form/straight
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cwe: "384"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/384.html
description: The web application allows the session ID to be fixed by a 3rd party.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: blah=blah1;blah2=blah2;session=blah
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Set-Cookie: session=_arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1; domain=localhost; path=/; HttpOnly
Content-Length: "76"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
injected: _arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
internal_modname: SessionFixation
method: GET
mod_name: Session fixation
name: Session fixation
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
:injected_orig: _arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:altered: input
:element: form
input: _arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: _arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
input: _arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:9008/form/straight
:regexp: ""
OWASP - Session fixation: hhttps://www.owasp.org/index.php/Session_fixation
regexp: ""
response: _arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
severity: High
- session
- cookie
- injection
- fixation
- hijacking
url: http://localhost:9008/form/straight
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cwe: "384"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/384.html
description: The web application allows the session ID to be fixed by a 3rd party.
elem: form
internal_modname: SessionFixation
method: GET
mod_name: Session fixation
name: Session fixation
OWASP - Session fixation: hhttps://www.owasp.org/index.php/Session_fixation
severity: High
- session
- cookie
- injection
- fixation
- hijacking
url: http://localhost:9008/form/append
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cwe: "384"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/384.html
description: The web application allows the session ID to be fixed by a 3rd party.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: blah=blah1;blah2=blah2;session=blah
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Set-Cookie: session=_arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1; domain=localhost; path=/; HttpOnly
Content-Length: "76"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
injected: default_arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
internal_modname: SessionFixation
method: GET
mod_name: Session fixation
name: Session fixation
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
:injected_orig: _arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default_arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: default_arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
input: default_arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:9008/form/append
:regexp: ""
OWASP - Session fixation: hhttps://www.owasp.org/index.php/Session_fixation
regexp: ""
response: _arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
severity: High
- session
- cookie
- injection
- fixation
- hijacking
url: http://localhost:9008/form/append
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cwe: "384"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/384.html
description: The web application allows the session ID to be fixed by a 3rd party.
elem: link
internal_modname: SessionFixation
method: GET
mod_name: Session fixation
name: Session fixation
OWASP - Session fixation: hhttps://www.owasp.org/index.php/Session_fixation
severity: High
- session
- cookie
- injection
- fixation
- hijacking
url: http://localhost:9008/link/straight?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cwe: "384"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/384.html
description: The web application allows the session ID to be fixed by a 3rd party.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: blah=blah1;blah2=blah2;session=blah
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Set-Cookie: session=_arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1; domain=localhost; path=/; HttpOnly
Content-Length: "0"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
injected: _arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
internal_modname: SessionFixation
method: GET
mod_name: Session fixation
name: Session fixation
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
:injected_orig: _arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:altered: input
:element: link
input: _arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: _arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
input: _arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:9008/link/straight?input=default
:regexp: ""
OWASP - Session fixation: hhttps://www.owasp.org/index.php/Session_fixation
regexp: ""
response: ""
severity: High
- session
- cookie
- injection
- fixation
- hijacking
url: http://localhost:9008/link/straight?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cwe: "384"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/384.html
description: The web application allows the session ID to be fixed by a 3rd party.
elem: link
internal_modname: SessionFixation
method: GET
mod_name: Session fixation
name: Session fixation
OWASP - Session fixation: hhttps://www.owasp.org/index.php/Session_fixation
severity: High
- session
- cookie
- injection
- fixation
- hijacking
url: http://localhost:9008/link/append?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cwe: "384"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/384.html
description: The web application allows the session ID to be fixed by a 3rd party.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: blah=blah1;blah2=blah2;session=blah
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Set-Cookie: session=_arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1; domain=localhost; path=/; HttpOnly
Content-Length: "76"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
injected: default_arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
internal_modname: SessionFixation
method: GET
mod_name: Session fixation
name: Session fixation
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
:injected_orig: _arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default_arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: default_arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
input: default_arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:9008/link/append?input=default
:regexp: ""
OWASP - Session fixation: hhttps://www.owasp.org/index.php/Session_fixation
regexp: ""
response: _arachni_sf_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
severity: High
- session
- cookie
- injection
- fixation
- hijacking
url: http://localhost:9008/link/append?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Client-side code, like JavaScript, can
be injected into the web application.
elem: path
internal_modname: XSSPath
method: GET
mod_name: XSSPath
name: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in path
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
Path must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
severity: High
- xss
- path
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:10965/%3Cmy_tag_71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1/%3E
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Client-side code, like JavaScript, can
be injected into the web application.
elem: path
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "75"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
msxml4.dll -
msxml3.dll :ignore: :elements: - link - form - cookie - header - body :train: :format: - 2 :injected_orig: "'\"" :altered: input :element: form :params: input: default'" :follow_location: true :injected: default'" :combo: input: default'" :action: http://localhost:13845/general/form/append :verification: false :id: A closing bracket expected in references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection regexp: A closing bracket expected in regexp_match: A closing bracket expected in remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. response: | A closing bracket expected in An operand in Union Expression does not produce a node-set Cannot convert expression to a number Document Axis does not allow any context Location Steps Empty Path Expression Empty Relative Location Path Empty Union Expression Expected ')' in Expected node test or name specification after axis operator Incompatible XPath key Incorrect Variable Binding A document must contain exactly one root element. Expected token ']' severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/general/form/append var: input variations: [] verification: false verification: false - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: link internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/general/link/append?input=default var: input variations: - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: link headers: request: Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 User-Agent: default Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value response: X-Frame-Options: sameorigin X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Content-Length: "453" Connection: keep-alive Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo id: A closing bracket expected in injected: default'" internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection opts: :redundant: false :async: true :regexp: A closing bracket expected in :match: A closing bracket expected in :substring: - "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" - SimpleXMLElement::xpath() - XPathException - MS.Internal.Xml. - Unknown error in XPath - org.apache.xpath.XPath - A closing bracket expected in - An operand in Union Expression does not produce a node-set - Cannot convert expression to a number - Document Axis does not allow any context Location Steps - Empty Path Expression - Empty Relative Location Path - Empty Union Expression - Expected ')' in - Expected node test or name specification after axis operator - Incompatible XPath key - Incorrect Variable Binding - libxml2 library function failed - xmlsec library function - error '80004005' - A document must contain exactly one root element. - Expression must evaluate to a node-set. - Expected token ']' -
msxml4.dll -
msxml3.dll :ignore: :elements: - link - form - cookie - header - body :train: :format: - 2 :injected_orig: "'\"" :altered: input :element: link :params: input: default'" :follow_location: true :injected: default'" :combo: input: default'" :action: http://localhost:13845/general/link/append?input=default :verification: false :id: A closing bracket expected in references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection regexp: A closing bracket expected in regexp_match: A closing bracket expected in remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. response: | A closing bracket expected in An operand in Union Expression does not produce a node-set Cannot convert expression to a number Document Axis does not allow any context Location Steps Empty Path Expression Empty Relative Location Path Empty Union Expression Expected ')' in Expected node test or name specification after axis operator Incompatible XPath key Incorrect Variable Binding A document must contain exactly one root element. Expected token ']' severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/general/link/append?input=default var: input variations: [] verification: false verification: false - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: cookie internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/general/cookie/append var: cookie2 variations: - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: cookie headers: request: Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 User-Agent: default Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value'" response: X-Frame-Options: sameorigin X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Content-Length: "453" Connection: keep-alive Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo id: A closing bracket expected in injected: cookie value'" internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection opts: :redundant: false :async: true :regexp: A closing bracket expected in :match: A closing bracket expected in :substring: - "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" - SimpleXMLElement::xpath() - XPathException - MS.Internal.Xml. - Unknown error in XPath - org.apache.xpath.XPath - A closing bracket expected in - An operand in Union Expression does not produce a node-set - Cannot convert expression to a number - Document Axis does not allow any context Location Steps - Empty Path Expression - Empty Relative Location Path - Empty Union Expression - Expected ')' in - Expected node test or name specification after axis operator - Incompatible XPath key - Incorrect Variable Binding - libxml2 library function failed - xmlsec library function - error '80004005' - A document must contain exactly one root element. - Expression must evaluate to a node-set. - Expected token ']' -
msxml4.dll -
msxml3.dll :ignore: :elements: - link - form - cookie - header - body :train: :format: - 2 :injected_orig: "'\"" :altered: cookie2 :element: cookie :params: {} :follow_location: true :cookies: cookie2: cookie value'" :injected: cookie value'" :combo: cookie2: cookie value'" :action: http://localhost:13845/general/cookie/append :verification: false :id: A closing bracket expected in references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection regexp: A closing bracket expected in regexp_match: A closing bracket expected in remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. response: | A closing bracket expected in An operand in Union Expression does not produce a node-set Cannot convert expression to a number Document Axis does not allow any context Location Steps Empty Path Expression Empty Relative Location Path Empty Union Expression Expected ')' in Expected node test or name specification after axis operator Incompatible XPath key Incorrect Variable Binding A document must contain exactly one root element. Expected token ']' severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/general/cookie/append var: cookie2 variations: [] verification: false verification: false - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: header internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/general/header/append var: User-Agent variations: - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: header headers: request: Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 User-Agent: arachni_user'" Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value response: X-Frame-Options: sameorigin X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Content-Length: "453" Connection: keep-alive Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo id: A closing bracket expected in injected: arachni_user'" internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection opts: :redundant: false :async: true :regexp: A closing bracket expected in :match: A closing bracket expected in :substring: - "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" - SimpleXMLElement::xpath() - XPathException - MS.Internal.Xml. - Unknown error in XPath - org.apache.xpath.XPath - A closing bracket expected in - An operand in Union Expression does not produce a node-set - Cannot convert expression to a number - Document Axis does not allow any context Location Steps - Empty Path Expression - Empty Relative Location Path - Empty Union Expression - Expected ')' in - Expected node test or name specification after axis operator - Incompatible XPath key - Incorrect Variable Binding - libxml2 library function failed - xmlsec library function - error '80004005' - A document must contain exactly one root element. - Expression must evaluate to a node-set. - Expected token ']' -
msxml4.dll -
msxml3.dll :ignore: :elements: - link - form - cookie - header - body :train: :format: - 2 :injected_orig: "'\"" :altered: User-Agent :element: header :params: :follow_location: true :headers: User-Agent: arachni_user'" :injected: arachni_user'" :combo: User-Agent: arachni_user'" :action: http://localhost:13845/general/header/append :verification: false :id: A closing bracket expected in references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection regexp: A closing bracket expected in regexp_match: A closing bracket expected in remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. response: | A closing bracket expected in An operand in Union Expression does not produce a node-set Cannot convert expression to a number Document Axis does not allow any context Location Steps Empty Path Expression Empty Relative Location Path Empty Union Expression Expected ')' in Expected node test or name specification after axis operator Incompatible XPath key Incorrect Variable Binding A document must contain exactly one root element. Expected token ']' severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/general/header/append var: User-Agent variations: [] verification: false verification: false - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: form internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/php/form/append var: input variations: - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: form headers: request: Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 User-Agent: default Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value response: X-Frame-Options: sameorigin X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Content-Length: "58" Connection: keep-alive Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo id: "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" injected: default'" internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection opts: :redundant: false :async: true :regexp: "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" :match: "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" :substring: - "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" - SimpleXMLElement::xpath() - XPathException - MS.Internal.Xml. - Unknown error in XPath - org.apache.xpath.XPath - A closing bracket expected in - An operand in Union Expression does not produce a node-set - Cannot convert expression to a number - Document Axis does not allow any context Location Steps - Empty Path Expression - Empty Relative Location Path - Empty Union Expression - Expected ')' in - Expected node test or name specification after axis operator - Incompatible XPath key - Incorrect Variable Binding - libxml2 library function failed - xmlsec library function - error '80004005' - A document must contain exactly one root element. - Expression must evaluate to a node-set. - Expected token ']' -
msxml4.dll -
msxml3.dll :ignore: :elements: - link - form - cookie - header - body :train: :format: - 2 :injected_orig: "'\"" :altered: input :element: form :params: input: default'" :follow_location: true :injected: default'" :combo: input: default'" :action: http://localhost:13845/php/form/append :verification: false :id: "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection regexp: "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" regexp_match: "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. response: | xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed SimpleXMLElement::xpath() severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/php/form/append var: input variations: [] verification: false verification: false - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: link internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/php/link/append?input=default var: input variations: - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: link headers: request: Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 User-Agent: default Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value response: X-Frame-Options: sameorigin X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Content-Length: "58" Connection: keep-alive Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo id: "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" injected: default'" internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection opts: :redundant: false :async: true :regexp: "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" :match: "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" :substring: - "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" - SimpleXMLElement::xpath() - XPathException - MS.Internal.Xml. - Unknown error in XPath - org.apache.xpath.XPath - A closing bracket expected in - An operand in Union Expression does not produce a node-set - Cannot convert expression to a number - Document Axis does not allow any context Location Steps - Empty Path Expression - Empty Relative Location Path - Empty Union Expression - Expected ')' in - Expected node test or name specification after axis operator - Incompatible XPath key - Incorrect Variable Binding - libxml2 library function failed - xmlsec library function - error '80004005' - A document must contain exactly one root element. - Expression must evaluate to a node-set. - Expected token ']' -
msxml4.dll -
msxml3.dll :ignore: :elements: - link - form - cookie - header - body :train: :format: - 2 :injected_orig: "'\"" :altered: input :element: link :params: input: default'" :follow_location: true :injected: default'" :combo: input: default'" :action: http://localhost:13845/php/link/append?input=default :verification: false :id: "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection regexp: "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" regexp_match: "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. response: | xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed SimpleXMLElement::xpath() severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/php/link/append?input=default var: input variations: [] verification: false verification: false - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: cookie internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/php/cookie/append var: cookie2 variations: - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: cookie headers: request: Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 User-Agent: default Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value]]]]]]]]] response: X-Frame-Options: sameorigin X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Content-Length: "58" Connection: keep-alive Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo id: "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" injected: cookie value]]]]]]]]] internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection opts: :redundant: false :async: true :regexp: "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" :match: "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" :substring: - "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" - SimpleXMLElement::xpath() - XPathException - MS.Internal.Xml. - Unknown error in XPath - org.apache.xpath.XPath - A closing bracket expected in - An operand in Union Expression does not produce a node-set - Cannot convert expression to a number - Document Axis does not allow any context Location Steps - Empty Path Expression - Empty Relative Location Path - Empty Union Expression - Expected ')' in - Expected node test or name specification after axis operator - Incompatible XPath key - Incorrect Variable Binding - libxml2 library function failed - xmlsec library function - error '80004005' - A document must contain exactly one root element. - Expression must evaluate to a node-set. - Expected token ']' -
msxml4.dll -
msxml3.dll :ignore: :elements: - link - form - cookie - header - body :train: :format: - 2 :injected_orig: "]]]]]]]]]" :altered: cookie2 :element: cookie :params: {} :follow_location: true :cookies: cookie2: cookie value]]]]]]]]] :injected: cookie value]]]]]]]]] :combo: cookie2: cookie value]]]]]]]]] :action: http://localhost:13845/php/cookie/append :verification: false :id: "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection regexp: "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" regexp_match: "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. response: | xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed SimpleXMLElement::xpath() severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/php/cookie/append var: cookie2 variations: [] verification: false verification: false - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: header internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/php/header/append var: User-Agent variations: - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: header headers: request: Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 User-Agent: arachni_user'" Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value response: X-Frame-Options: sameorigin X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Content-Length: "58" Connection: keep-alive Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo id: "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" injected: arachni_user'" internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection opts: :redundant: false :async: true :regexp: "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" :match: "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" :substring: - "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" - SimpleXMLElement::xpath() - XPathException - MS.Internal.Xml. - Unknown error in XPath - org.apache.xpath.XPath - A closing bracket expected in - An operand in Union Expression does not produce a node-set - Cannot convert expression to a number - Document Axis does not allow any context Location Steps - Empty Path Expression - Empty Relative Location Path - Empty Union Expression - Expected ')' in - Expected node test or name specification after axis operator - Incompatible XPath key - Incorrect Variable Binding - libxml2 library function failed - xmlsec library function - error '80004005' - A document must contain exactly one root element. - Expression must evaluate to a node-set. - Expected token ']' -
msxml4.dll -
msxml3.dll :ignore: :elements: - link - form - cookie - header - body :train: :format: - 2 :injected_orig: "'\"" :altered: User-Agent :element: header :params: :follow_location: true :headers: User-Agent: arachni_user'" :injected: arachni_user'" :combo: User-Agent: arachni_user'" :action: http://localhost:13845/php/header/append :verification: false :id: "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection regexp: "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" regexp_match: "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. response: | xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed SimpleXMLElement::xpath() severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/php/header/append var: User-Agent variations: [] verification: false verification: false - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: form internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/java/form/append var: input variations: - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: form headers: request: Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 User-Agent: default Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value response: X-Frame-Options: sameorigin X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Content-Length: "61" Connection: keep-alive Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo id: XPathException injected: default'" internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection opts: :redundant: false :async: true :regexp: XPathException :match: XPathException :substring: - "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" - SimpleXMLElement::xpath() - XPathException - MS.Internal.Xml. - Unknown error in XPath - org.apache.xpath.XPath - A closing bracket expected in - An operand in Union Expression does not produce a node-set - Cannot convert expression to a number - Document Axis does not allow any context Location Steps - Empty Path Expression - Empty Relative Location Path - Empty Union Expression - Expected ')' in - Expected node test or name specification after axis operator - Incompatible XPath key - Incorrect Variable Binding - libxml2 library function failed - xmlsec library function - error '80004005' - A document must contain exactly one root element. - Expression must evaluate to a node-set. - Expected token ']' -
msxml4.dll -
msxml3.dll :ignore: :elements: - link - form - cookie - header - body :train: :format: - 2 :injected_orig: "'\"" :altered: input :element: form :params: input: default'" :follow_location: true :injected: default'" :combo: input: default'" :action: http://localhost:13845/java/form/append :verification: false :id: XPathException references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection regexp: XPathException regexp_match: XPathException remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. response: | XPathException Unknown error in XPath org.apache.xpath.XPath severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/java/form/append var: input variations: [] verification: false verification: false - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: link internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/java/link/append?input=default var: input variations: - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: link headers: request: Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 User-Agent: default Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value response: X-Frame-Options: sameorigin X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Content-Length: "61" Connection: keep-alive Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo id: XPathException injected: default'" internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection opts: :redundant: false :async: true :regexp: XPathException :match: XPathException :substring: - "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" - SimpleXMLElement::xpath() - XPathException - MS.Internal.Xml. - Unknown error in XPath - org.apache.xpath.XPath - A closing bracket expected in - An operand in Union Expression does not produce a node-set - Cannot convert expression to a number - Document Axis does not allow any context Location Steps - Empty Path Expression - Empty Relative Location Path - Empty Union Expression - Expected ')' in - Expected node test or name specification after axis operator - Incompatible XPath key - Incorrect Variable Binding - libxml2 library function failed - xmlsec library function - error '80004005' - A document must contain exactly one root element. - Expression must evaluate to a node-set. - Expected token ']' -
msxml4.dll -
msxml3.dll :ignore: :elements: - link - form - cookie - header - body :train: :format: - 2 :injected_orig: "'\"" :altered: input :element: link :params: input: default'" :follow_location: true :injected: default'" :combo: input: default'" :action: http://localhost:13845/java/link/append?input=default :verification: false :id: XPathException references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection regexp: XPathException regexp_match: XPathException remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. response: | XPathException Unknown error in XPath org.apache.xpath.XPath severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/java/link/append?input=default var: input variations: [] verification: false verification: false - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: cookie internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/java/cookie/append var: cookie2 variations: - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: cookie headers: request: Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 User-Agent: default Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value'" response: X-Frame-Options: sameorigin X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Content-Length: "61" Connection: keep-alive Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo id: XPathException injected: cookie value'" internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection opts: :redundant: false :async: true :regexp: XPathException :match: XPathException :substring: - "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" - SimpleXMLElement::xpath() - XPathException - MS.Internal.Xml. - Unknown error in XPath - org.apache.xpath.XPath - A closing bracket expected in - An operand in Union Expression does not produce a node-set - Cannot convert expression to a number - Document Axis does not allow any context Location Steps - Empty Path Expression - Empty Relative Location Path - Empty Union Expression - Expected ')' in - Expected node test or name specification after axis operator - Incompatible XPath key - Incorrect Variable Binding - libxml2 library function failed - xmlsec library function - error '80004005' - A document must contain exactly one root element. - Expression must evaluate to a node-set. - Expected token ']' -
msxml4.dll -
msxml3.dll :ignore: :elements: - link - form - cookie - header - body :train: :format: - 2 :injected_orig: "'\"" :altered: cookie2 :element: cookie :params: {} :follow_location: true :cookies: cookie2: cookie value'" :injected: cookie value'" :combo: cookie2: cookie value'" :action: http://localhost:13845/java/cookie/append :verification: false :id: XPathException references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection regexp: XPathException regexp_match: XPathException remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. response: | XPathException Unknown error in XPath org.apache.xpath.XPath severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/java/cookie/append var: cookie2 variations: [] verification: false verification: false - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: header internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/java/header/append var: User-Agent variations: - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: header headers: request: Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 User-Agent: arachni_user'" Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value response: X-Frame-Options: sameorigin X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Content-Length: "61" Connection: keep-alive Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo id: XPathException injected: arachni_user'" internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection opts: :redundant: false :async: true :regexp: XPathException :match: XPathException :substring: - "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" - SimpleXMLElement::xpath() - XPathException - MS.Internal.Xml. - Unknown error in XPath - org.apache.xpath.XPath - A closing bracket expected in - An operand in Union Expression does not produce a node-set - Cannot convert expression to a number - Document Axis does not allow any context Location Steps - Empty Path Expression - Empty Relative Location Path - Empty Union Expression - Expected ')' in - Expected node test or name specification after axis operator - Incompatible XPath key - Incorrect Variable Binding - libxml2 library function failed - xmlsec library function - error '80004005' - A document must contain exactly one root element. - Expression must evaluate to a node-set. - Expected token ']' -
msxml4.dll -
msxml3.dll :ignore: :elements: - link - form - cookie - header - body :train: :format: - 2 :injected_orig: "'\"" :altered: User-Agent :element: header :params: :follow_location: true :headers: User-Agent: arachni_user'" :injected: arachni_user'" :combo: User-Agent: arachni_user'" :action: http://localhost:13845/java/header/append :verification: false :id: XPathException references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection regexp: XPathException regexp_match: XPathException remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. response: | XPathException Unknown error in XPath org.apache.xpath.XPath severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/java/header/append var: User-Agent variations: [] verification: false verification: false - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: form internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/dotnet/form/append var: input variations: - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: form headers: request: Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 User-Agent: default Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value response: X-Frame-Options: sameorigin X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Content-Length: "116" Connection: keep-alive Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo id: MS.Internal.Xml. injected: default'" internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection opts: :redundant: false :async: true :regexp: MS.Internal.Xml. :match: MS.Internal.Xml. :substring: - "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" - SimpleXMLElement::xpath() - XPathException - MS.Internal.Xml. - Unknown error in XPath - org.apache.xpath.XPath - A closing bracket expected in - An operand in Union Expression does not produce a node-set - Cannot convert expression to a number - Document Axis does not allow any context Location Steps - Empty Path Expression - Empty Relative Location Path - Empty Union Expression - Expected ')' in - Expected node test or name specification after axis operator - Incompatible XPath key - Incorrect Variable Binding - libxml2 library function failed - xmlsec library function - error '80004005' - A document must contain exactly one root element. - Expression must evaluate to a node-set. - Expected token ']' -
msxml4.dll -
msxml3.dll :ignore: :elements: - link - form - cookie - header - body :train: :format: - 2 :injected_orig: "'\"" :altered: input :element: form :params: input: default'" :follow_location: true :injected: default'" :combo: input: default'" :action: http://localhost:13845/dotnet/form/append :verification: false :id: MS.Internal.Xml. references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection regexp: MS.Internal.Xml. regexp_match: MS.Internal.Xml. remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. response: | MS.Internal.Xml. error '80004005' Expression must evaluate to a node-set.
msxml3.dll severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/dotnet/form/append var: input variations: [] verification: false verification: false - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: link internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/dotnet/link/append?input=default var: input variations: - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: link headers: request: Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 User-Agent: default Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value response: X-Frame-Options: sameorigin X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Content-Length: "116" Connection: keep-alive Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo id: MS.Internal.Xml. injected: default'" internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection opts: :redundant: false :async: true :regexp: MS.Internal.Xml. :match: MS.Internal.Xml. :substring: - "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" - SimpleXMLElement::xpath() - XPathException - MS.Internal.Xml. - Unknown error in XPath - org.apache.xpath.XPath - A closing bracket expected in - An operand in Union Expression does not produce a node-set - Cannot convert expression to a number - Document Axis does not allow any context Location Steps - Empty Path Expression - Empty Relative Location Path - Empty Union Expression - Expected ')' in - Expected node test or name specification after axis operator - Incompatible XPath key - Incorrect Variable Binding - libxml2 library function failed - xmlsec library function - error '80004005' - A document must contain exactly one root element. - Expression must evaluate to a node-set. - Expected token ']' -
msxml4.dll -
msxml3.dll :ignore: :elements: - link - form - cookie - header - body :train: :format: - 2 :injected_orig: "'\"" :altered: input :element: link :params: input: default'" :follow_location: true :injected: default'" :combo: input: default'" :action: http://localhost:13845/dotnet/link/append?input=default :verification: false :id: MS.Internal.Xml. references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection regexp: MS.Internal.Xml. regexp_match: MS.Internal.Xml. remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. response: | MS.Internal.Xml. error '80004005' Expression must evaluate to a node-set.
msxml3.dll severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/dotnet/link/append?input=default var: input variations: [] verification: false verification: false - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: cookie internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/dotnet/cookie/append var: cookie2 variations: - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: cookie headers: request: Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 User-Agent: default Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value'" response: X-Frame-Options: sameorigin X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Content-Length: "116" Connection: keep-alive Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo id: MS.Internal.Xml. injected: cookie value'" internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection opts: :redundant: false :async: true :regexp: MS.Internal.Xml. :match: MS.Internal.Xml. :substring: - "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" - SimpleXMLElement::xpath() - XPathException - MS.Internal.Xml. - Unknown error in XPath - org.apache.xpath.XPath - A closing bracket expected in - An operand in Union Expression does not produce a node-set - Cannot convert expression to a number - Document Axis does not allow any context Location Steps - Empty Path Expression - Empty Relative Location Path - Empty Union Expression - Expected ')' in - Expected node test or name specification after axis operator - Incompatible XPath key - Incorrect Variable Binding - libxml2 library function failed - xmlsec library function - error '80004005' - A document must contain exactly one root element. - Expression must evaluate to a node-set. - Expected token ']' -
msxml4.dll -
msxml3.dll :ignore: :elements: - link - form - cookie - header - body :train: :format: - 2 :injected_orig: "'\"" :altered: cookie2 :element: cookie :params: {} :follow_location: true :cookies: cookie2: cookie value'" :injected: cookie value'" :combo: cookie2: cookie value'" :action: http://localhost:13845/dotnet/cookie/append :verification: false :id: MS.Internal.Xml. references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection regexp: MS.Internal.Xml. regexp_match: MS.Internal.Xml. remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. response: | MS.Internal.Xml. error '80004005' Expression must evaluate to a node-set.
msxml3.dll severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/dotnet/cookie/append var: cookie2 variations: [] verification: false verification: false - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: header internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/dotnet/header/append var: User-Agent variations: - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: header headers: request: Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 User-Agent: arachni_user'" Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value response: X-Frame-Options: sameorigin X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Content-Length: "116" Connection: keep-alive Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo id: MS.Internal.Xml. injected: arachni_user'" internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection opts: :redundant: false :async: true :regexp: MS.Internal.Xml. :match: MS.Internal.Xml. :substring: - "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" - SimpleXMLElement::xpath() - XPathException - MS.Internal.Xml. - Unknown error in XPath - org.apache.xpath.XPath - A closing bracket expected in - An operand in Union Expression does not produce a node-set - Cannot convert expression to a number - Document Axis does not allow any context Location Steps - Empty Path Expression - Empty Relative Location Path - Empty Union Expression - Expected ')' in - Expected node test or name specification after axis operator - Incompatible XPath key - Incorrect Variable Binding - libxml2 library function failed - xmlsec library function - error '80004005' - A document must contain exactly one root element. - Expression must evaluate to a node-set. - Expected token ']' -
msxml4.dll -
msxml3.dll :ignore: :elements: - link - form - cookie - header - body :train: :format: - 2 :injected_orig: "'\"" :altered: User-Agent :element: header :params: :follow_location: true :headers: User-Agent: arachni_user'" :injected: arachni_user'" :combo: User-Agent: arachni_user'" :action: http://localhost:13845/dotnet/header/append :verification: false :id: MS.Internal.Xml. references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection regexp: MS.Internal.Xml. regexp_match: MS.Internal.Xml. remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. response: | MS.Internal.Xml. error '80004005' Expression must evaluate to a node-set.
msxml3.dll severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/dotnet/header/append var: User-Agent variations: [] verification: false verification: false - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: form internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/libxml2/form/append var: input variations: - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: form headers: request: Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 User-Agent: default Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value response: X-Frame-Options: sameorigin X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Content-Length: "56" Connection: keep-alive Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo id: libxml2 library function failed injected: default'" internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection opts: :redundant: false :async: true :regexp: libxml2 library function failed :match: libxml2 library function failed :substring: - "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" - SimpleXMLElement::xpath() - XPathException - MS.Internal.Xml. - Unknown error in XPath - org.apache.xpath.XPath - A closing bracket expected in - An operand in Union Expression does not produce a node-set - Cannot convert expression to a number - Document Axis does not allow any context Location Steps - Empty Path Expression - Empty Relative Location Path - Empty Union Expression - Expected ')' in - Expected node test or name specification after axis operator - Incompatible XPath key - Incorrect Variable Binding - libxml2 library function failed - xmlsec library function - error '80004005' - A document must contain exactly one root element. - Expression must evaluate to a node-set. - Expected token ']' -
msxml4.dll -
msxml3.dll :ignore: :elements: - link - form - cookie - header - body :train: :format: - 2 :injected_orig: "'\"" :altered: input :element: form :params: input: default'" :follow_location: true :injected: default'" :combo: input: default'" :action: http://localhost:13845/libxml2/form/append :verification: false :id: libxml2 library function failed references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection regexp: libxml2 library function failed regexp_match: libxml2 library function failed remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. response: | libxml2 library function failed xmlsec library function severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/libxml2/form/append var: input variations: [] verification: false verification: false - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: link internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/libxml2/link/append?input=default var: input variations: - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: link headers: request: Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 User-Agent: default Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value response: X-Frame-Options: sameorigin X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Content-Length: "56" Connection: keep-alive Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo id: libxml2 library function failed injected: default'" internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection opts: :redundant: false :async: true :regexp: libxml2 library function failed :match: libxml2 library function failed :substring: - "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" - SimpleXMLElement::xpath() - XPathException - MS.Internal.Xml. - Unknown error in XPath - org.apache.xpath.XPath - A closing bracket expected in - An operand in Union Expression does not produce a node-set - Cannot convert expression to a number - Document Axis does not allow any context Location Steps - Empty Path Expression - Empty Relative Location Path - Empty Union Expression - Expected ')' in - Expected node test or name specification after axis operator - Incompatible XPath key - Incorrect Variable Binding - libxml2 library function failed - xmlsec library function - error '80004005' - A document must contain exactly one root element. - Expression must evaluate to a node-set. - Expected token ']' -
msxml4.dll -
msxml3.dll :ignore: :elements: - link - form - cookie - header - body :train: :format: - 2 :injected_orig: "'\"" :altered: input :element: link :params: input: default'" :follow_location: true :injected: default'" :combo: input: default'" :action: http://localhost:13845/libxml2/link/append?input=default :verification: false :id: libxml2 library function failed references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection regexp: libxml2 library function failed regexp_match: libxml2 library function failed remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. response: | libxml2 library function failed xmlsec library function severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/libxml2/link/append?input=default var: input variations: [] verification: false verification: false - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: cookie internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/libxml2/cookie/append var: cookie2 variations: - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: cookie headers: request: Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 User-Agent: default Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value'" response: X-Frame-Options: sameorigin X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Content-Length: "56" Connection: keep-alive Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo id: libxml2 library function failed injected: cookie value'" internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection opts: :redundant: false :async: true :regexp: libxml2 library function failed :match: libxml2 library function failed :substring: - "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" - SimpleXMLElement::xpath() - XPathException - MS.Internal.Xml. - Unknown error in XPath - org.apache.xpath.XPath - A closing bracket expected in - An operand in Union Expression does not produce a node-set - Cannot convert expression to a number - Document Axis does not allow any context Location Steps - Empty Path Expression - Empty Relative Location Path - Empty Union Expression - Expected ')' in - Expected node test or name specification after axis operator - Incompatible XPath key - Incorrect Variable Binding - libxml2 library function failed - xmlsec library function - error '80004005' - A document must contain exactly one root element. - Expression must evaluate to a node-set. - Expected token ']' -
msxml4.dll -
msxml3.dll :ignore: :elements: - link - form - cookie - header - body :train: :format: - 2 :injected_orig: "'\"" :altered: cookie2 :element: cookie :params: {} :follow_location: true :cookies: cookie2: cookie value'" :injected: cookie value'" :combo: cookie2: cookie value'" :action: http://localhost:13845/libxml2/cookie/append :verification: false :id: libxml2 library function failed references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection regexp: libxml2 library function failed regexp_match: libxml2 library function failed remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. response: | libxml2 library function failed xmlsec library function severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/libxml2/cookie/append var: cookie2 variations: [] verification: false verification: false - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: header internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection references: OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection remedy_guidance: |- User inputs must be validated and filtered before being included in database queries. severity: High tags: - xpath - database - error - injection - regexp url: http://localhost:13845/libxml2/header/append var: User-Agent variations: - !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue cwe: "91" cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/91.html description: XPath queries can be injected into the web application. elem: header headers: request: Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 User-Agent: arachni_user'" Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value response: X-Frame-Options: sameorigin X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Content-Length: "56" Connection: keep-alive Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo id: libxml2 library function failed injected: arachni_user'" internal_modname: XPathInjection method: GET mod_name: XPathInjection name: XPath Injection opts: :redundant: false :async: true :regexp: libxml2 library function failed :match: libxml2 library function failed :substring: - "xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed" - SimpleXMLElement::xpath() - XPathException - MS.Internal.Xml. - Unknown error in XPath - org.apache.xpath.XPath - A closing bracket expected in - An operand in Union Expression does not produce a node-set - Cannot convert expression to a number - Document Axis does not allow any context Location Steps - Empty Path Expression - Empty Relative Location Path - Empty Union Expression - Expected ')' in - Expected node test or name specification after axis operator - Incompatible XPath key - Incorrect Variable Binding - libxml2 library function failed - xmlsec library function - error '80004005' - A document must contain exactly one root element. - Expression must evaluate to a node-set. - Expected token ']' -
msxml4.dll -
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "'\""
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user'"
:injected: arachni_user'"
User-Agent: arachni_user'"
:action: http://localhost:13845/libxml2/header/append
:verification: false
:id: libxml2 library function failed
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/XPATH_Injection
regexp: libxml2 library function failed
regexp_match: libxml2 library function failed
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in database queries.
response: |
libxml2 library function failed
xmlsec library function
severity: High
- xpath
- database
- error
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:13845/libxml2/header/append
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onload
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "403"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onload
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/form/onload
:id: onload
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onloadonloadonload
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onload
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onunload
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "415"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onunload
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/form/onunload
:id: onunload
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onunloadonunloadonunload
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onunload
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onblur
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "403"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onblur
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/form/onblur
:id: onblur
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onbluronbluronblur
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onblur
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onchange
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "415"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onchange
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/form/onchange
:id: onchange
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onchangeonchangeonchange
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onchange
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onfocus
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "409"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onfocus
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/form/onfocus
:id: onfocus
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onfocusonfocusonfocus
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onfocus
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onreset
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "409"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onreset
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/form/onreset
:id: onreset
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onresetonresetonreset
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onreset
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onselect
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "415"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onselect
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/form/onselect
:id: onselect
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onselectonselectonselect
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onselect
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onsubmit
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "415"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onsubmit
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/form/onsubmit
:id: onsubmit
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onsubmitonsubmitonsubmit
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onsubmit
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onabort
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "409"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onabort
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/form/onabort
:id: onabort
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onabortonabortonabort
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onabort
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onkeydown
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "421"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onkeydown
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/form/onkeydown
:id: onkeydown
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onkeydownonkeydownonkeydown
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onkeydown
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onkeypress
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "427"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onkeypress
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/form/onkeypress
:id: onkeypress
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onkeypressonkeypressonkeypress
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onkeypress
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onkeyup
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "409"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onkeyup
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/form/onkeyup
:id: onkeyup
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onkeyuponkeyuponkeyup
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onkeyup
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onclick
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "409"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onclick
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/form/onclick
:id: onclick
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onclickonclickonclick
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onclick
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/ondblclick
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "427"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: ondblclick
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/form/ondblclick
:id: ondblclick
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: ondblclickondblclickondblclick
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/ondblclick
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onmousedown
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "433"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onmousedown
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/form/onmousedown
:id: onmousedown
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onmousedownonmousedownonmousedown
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onmousedown
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onmousemove
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "433"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onmousemove
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/form/onmousemove
:id: onmousemove
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onmousemoveonmousemoveonmousemove
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onmousemove
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onmouseout
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "427"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onmouseout
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/form/onmouseout
:id: onmouseout
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onmouseoutonmouseoutonmouseout
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onmouseout
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onmouseover
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "433"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onmouseover
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/form/onmouseover
:id: onmouseover
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onmouseoveronmouseoveronmouseover
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onmouseover
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onmouseup
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "421"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onmouseup
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/form/onmouseup
:id: onmouseup
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onmouseuponmouseuponmouseup
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/onmouseup
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/src
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "385"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: src
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/form/src
:id: src
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: srcsrcsrc
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/form/src
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onload?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "403"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onload
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/link/onload?input=default
:id: onload
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onloadonloadonload
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onload?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onunload?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "415"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onunload
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/link/onunload?input=default
:id: onunload
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onunloadonunloadonunload
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onunload?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onblur?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "403"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onblur
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/link/onblur?input=default
:id: onblur
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onbluronbluronblur
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onblur?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onchange?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "415"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onchange
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/link/onchange?input=default
:id: onchange
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onchangeonchangeonchange
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onchange?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onfocus?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "409"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onfocus
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/link/onfocus?input=default
:id: onfocus
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onfocusonfocusonfocus
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onfocus?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onreset?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "409"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onreset
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/link/onreset?input=default
:id: onreset
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onresetonresetonreset
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onreset?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onselect?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "415"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onselect
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/link/onselect?input=default
:id: onselect
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onselectonselectonselect
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onselect?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onsubmit?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "415"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onsubmit
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/link/onsubmit?input=default
:id: onsubmit
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onsubmitonsubmitonsubmit
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onsubmit?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onabort?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "409"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onabort
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/link/onabort?input=default
:id: onabort
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onabortonabortonabort
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onabort?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onkeydown?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "421"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onkeydown
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/link/onkeydown?input=default
:id: onkeydown
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onkeydownonkeydownonkeydown
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onkeydown?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onkeypress?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "427"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onkeypress
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/link/onkeypress?input=default
:id: onkeypress
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onkeypressonkeypressonkeypress
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onkeypress?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onkeyup?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "409"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onkeyup
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/link/onkeyup?input=default
:id: onkeyup
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onkeyuponkeyuponkeyup
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onkeyup?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onclick?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "409"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onclick
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/link/onclick?input=default
:id: onclick
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onclickonclickonclick
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onclick?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/ondblclick?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "427"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: ondblclick
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/link/ondblclick?input=default
:id: ondblclick
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: ondblclickondblclickondblclick
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/ondblclick?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onmousedown?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "433"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onmousedown
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/link/onmousedown?input=default
:id: onmousedown
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onmousedownonmousedownonmousedown
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onmousedown?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onmousemove?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "433"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onmousemove
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/link/onmousemove?input=default
:id: onmousemove
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onmousemoveonmousemoveonmousemove
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onmousemove?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onmouseout?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "427"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onmouseout
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/link/onmouseout?input=default
:id: onmouseout
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onmouseoutonmouseoutonmouseout
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onmouseout?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onmouseover?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "433"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onmouseover
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/link/onmouseover?input=default
:id: onmouseover
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onmouseoveronmouseoveronmouseover
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onmouseover?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onmouseup?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "421"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onmouseup
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/link/onmouseup?input=default
:id: onmouseup
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onmouseuponmouseuponmouseup
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/onmouseup?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/src?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "385"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: src
injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
input: default;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/link/src?input=default
:id: src
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: srcsrcsrc
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/link/src?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onload
var: onload
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload%3Barachni_xss_in_element_event%3D71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "424"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onload
injected: default-onload;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: onload
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
onload: default-onload;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: default-onload;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
onload: default-onload;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onload
:id: onload
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onloadonloadonload
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onload
var: onload
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onunload
var: onunload
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload%3Barachni_xss_in_element_event%3D71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "442"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onunload
injected: default-onunload;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: onunload
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
onunload: default-onunload;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: default-onunload;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
onunload: default-onunload;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onunload
:id: onunload
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onunloadonunloadonunload
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onunload
var: onunload
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onblur
var: onblur
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur%3Barachni_xss_in_element_event%3D71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "424"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onblur
injected: default-onblur;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: onblur
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
onblur: default-onblur;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: default-onblur;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
onblur: default-onblur;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onblur
:id: onblur
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onbluronbluronblur
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onblur
var: onblur
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onchange
var: onchange
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange%3Barachni_xss_in_element_event%3D71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "442"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onchange
injected: default-onchange;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: onchange
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
onchange: default-onchange;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: default-onchange;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
onchange: default-onchange;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onchange
:id: onchange
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onchangeonchangeonchange
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onchange
var: onchange
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onfocus
var: onfocus
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus%3Barachni_xss_in_element_event%3D71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "433"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onfocus
injected: default-onfocus;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: onfocus
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
onfocus: default-onfocus;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: default-onfocus;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
onfocus: default-onfocus;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onfocus
:id: onfocus
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onfocusonfocusonfocus
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onfocus
var: onfocus
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onreset
var: onreset
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset%3Barachni_xss_in_element_event%3D71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "433"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onreset
injected: default-onreset;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: onreset
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
onreset: default-onreset;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: default-onreset;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
onreset: default-onreset;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onreset
:id: onreset
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onresetonresetonreset
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onreset
var: onreset
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onselect
var: onselect
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect%3Barachni_xss_in_element_event%3D71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "442"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onselect
injected: default-onselect;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: onselect
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
onselect: default-onselect;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: default-onselect;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
onselect: default-onselect;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onselect
:id: onselect
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onselectonselectonselect
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onselect
var: onselect
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onsubmit
var: onsubmit
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit%3Barachni_xss_in_element_event%3D71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "442"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onsubmit
injected: default-onsubmit;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: onsubmit
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
onsubmit: default-onsubmit;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: default-onsubmit;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
onsubmit: default-onsubmit;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onsubmit
:id: onsubmit
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onsubmitonsubmitonsubmit
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onsubmit
var: onsubmit
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onabort
var: onabort
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort%3Barachni_xss_in_element_event%3D71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "433"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onabort
injected: default-onabort;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: onabort
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
onabort: default-onabort;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: default-onabort;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
onabort: default-onabort;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onabort
:id: onabort
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onabortonabortonabort
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onabort
var: onabort
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onkeydown
var: onkeydown
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown%3Barachni_xss_in_element_event%3D71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "451"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onkeydown
injected: default-onkeydown;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: onkeydown
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
onkeydown: default-onkeydown;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: default-onkeydown;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
onkeydown: default-onkeydown;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onkeydown
:id: onkeydown
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onkeydownonkeydownonkeydown
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onkeydown
var: onkeydown
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onkeypress
var: onkeypress
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress%3Barachni_xss_in_element_event%3D71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "460"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onkeypress
injected: default-onkeypress;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: onkeypress
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
onkeypress: default-onkeypress;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: default-onkeypress;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
onkeypress: default-onkeypress;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onkeypress
:id: onkeypress
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onkeypressonkeypressonkeypress
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onkeypress
var: onkeypress
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onkeyup
var: onkeyup
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup%3Barachni_xss_in_element_event%3D71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "433"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onkeyup
injected: default-onkeyup;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: onkeyup
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
onkeyup: default-onkeyup;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: default-onkeyup;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
onkeyup: default-onkeyup;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onkeyup
:id: onkeyup
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onkeyuponkeyuponkeyup
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onkeyup
var: onkeyup
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onclick
var: onclick
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick%3Barachni_xss_in_element_event%3D71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "433"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onclick
injected: default-onclick;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: onclick
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
onclick: default-onclick;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: default-onclick;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
onclick: default-onclick;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onclick
:id: onclick
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onclickonclickonclick
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onclick
var: onclick
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/ondblclick
var: ondblclick
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick%3Barachni_xss_in_element_event%3D71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "460"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: ondblclick
injected: default-ondblclick;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: ondblclick
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
ondblclick: default-ondblclick;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: default-ondblclick;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
ondblclick: default-ondblclick;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/cookie/ondblclick
:id: ondblclick
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: ondblclickondblclickondblclick
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/ondblclick
var: ondblclick
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onmousedown
var: onmousedown
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown%3Barachni_xss_in_element_event%3D71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "469"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onmousedown
injected: default-onmousedown;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: onmousedown
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
onmousedown: default-onmousedown;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: default-onmousedown;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
onmousedown: default-onmousedown;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onmousedown
:id: onmousedown
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onmousedownonmousedownonmousedown
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onmousedown
var: onmousedown
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onmousemove
var: onmousemove
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove%3Barachni_xss_in_element_event%3D71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "469"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onmousemove
injected: default-onmousemove;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: onmousemove
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
onmousemove: default-onmousemove;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: default-onmousemove;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
onmousemove: default-onmousemove;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onmousemove
:id: onmousemove
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onmousemoveonmousemoveonmousemove
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onmousemove
var: onmousemove
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onmouseout
var: onmouseout
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout%3Barachni_xss_in_element_event%3D71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "460"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onmouseout
injected: default-onmouseout;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: onmouseout
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
onmouseout: default-onmouseout;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: default-onmouseout;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
onmouseout: default-onmouseout;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onmouseout
:id: onmouseout
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onmouseoutonmouseoutonmouseout
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onmouseout
var: onmouseout
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onmouseover
var: onmouseover
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover%3Barachni_xss_in_element_event%3D71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "469"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onmouseover
injected: default-onmouseover;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: onmouseover
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
onmouseover: default-onmouseover;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: default-onmouseover;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
onmouseover: default-onmouseover;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onmouseover
:id: onmouseover
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onmouseoveronmouseoveronmouseover
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onmouseover
var: onmouseover
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onmouseup
var: onmouseup
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup%3Barachni_xss_in_element_event%3D71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "451"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onmouseup
injected: default-onmouseup;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: onmouseup
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
onmouseup: default-onmouseup;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: default-onmouseup;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
onmouseup: default-onmouseup;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onmouseup
:id: onmouseup
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onmouseuponmouseuponmouseup
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/onmouseup
var: onmouseup
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/src
var: src
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src%3Barachni_xss_in_element_event%3D71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "397"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: src
injected: default-src;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: src
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
src: default-src;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: default-src;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
src: default-src;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/cookie/src
:id: src
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: srcsrcsrc
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/cookie/src
var: src
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onload
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "418"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onload
injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/header/onload
:id: onload
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onloadonloadonload
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onload
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onunload
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "430"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onunload
injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/header/onunload
:id: onunload
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onunloadonunloadonunload
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onunload
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onblur
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "418"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onblur
injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/header/onblur
:id: onblur
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onbluronbluronblur
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onblur
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onchange
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "430"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onchange
injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/header/onchange
:id: onchange
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onchangeonchangeonchange
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onchange
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onfocus
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "424"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onfocus
injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/header/onfocus
:id: onfocus
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onfocusonfocusonfocus
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onfocus
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onreset
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "424"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onreset
injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/header/onreset
:id: onreset
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onresetonresetonreset
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onreset
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onselect
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "430"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onselect
injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/header/onselect
:id: onselect
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onselectonselectonselect
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onselect
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onsubmit
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "430"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onsubmit
injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/header/onsubmit
:id: onsubmit
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onsubmitonsubmitonsubmit
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onsubmit
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onabort
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "424"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onabort
injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/header/onabort
:id: onabort
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onabortonabortonabort
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onabort
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onkeydown
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "436"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onkeydown
injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/header/onkeydown
:id: onkeydown
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onkeydownonkeydownonkeydown
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onkeydown
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onkeypress
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "442"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onkeypress
injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/header/onkeypress
:id: onkeypress
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onkeypressonkeypressonkeypress
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onkeypress
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onkeyup
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "424"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onkeyup
injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/header/onkeyup
:id: onkeyup
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onkeyuponkeyuponkeyup
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onkeyup
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onclick
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "424"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onclick
injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/header/onclick
:id: onclick
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onclickonclickonclick
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onclick
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/ondblclick
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "442"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: ondblclick
injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/header/ondblclick
:id: ondblclick
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: ondblclickondblclickondblclick
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/ondblclick
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onmousedown
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "448"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onmousedown
injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/header/onmousedown
:id: onmousedown
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onmousedownonmousedownonmousedown
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onmousedown
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onmousemove
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "448"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onmousemove
injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/header/onmousemove
:id: onmousemove
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onmousemoveonmousemoveonmousemove
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onmousemove
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onmouseout
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "442"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onmouseout
injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/header/onmouseout
:id: onmouseout
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onmouseoutonmouseoutonmouseout
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onmouseout
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onmouseover
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "448"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onmouseover
injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/header/onmouseover
:id: onmouseover
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onmouseoveronmouseoveronmouseover
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onmouseover
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onmouseup
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "436"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: onmouseup
injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/header/onmouseup
:id: onmouseup
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: onmouseuponmouseuponmouseup
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/onmouseup
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/src
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded inside an HMTL event element such as "onmouseover".
This makes Cross-Site Scripting attacks much easier to mount since the user input
lands in code waiting to be executed.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
Cookie: onload=default-onload;onunload=default-onunload;onblur=default-onblur;onchange=default-onchange;onfocus=default-onfocus;onreset=default-onreset;onselect=default-onselect;onsubmit=default-onsubmit;onabort=default-onabort;onkeydown=default-onkeydown;onkeypress=default-onkeypress;onkeyup=default-onkeyup;onclick=default-onclick;ondblclick=default-ondblclick;onmousedown=default-onmousedown;onmousemove=default-onmousemove;onmouseout=default-onmouseout;onmouseover=default-onmouseover;onmouseup=default-onmouseup;src=default-src
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "400"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: src
injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
internal_modname: XSSEvent
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML element event attribute
name: Cross-Site Scripting in event tag of HTML element.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: ;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:injected: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
User-Agent: arachni_user;arachni_xss_in_element_event=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1//
:action: http://localhost:10012/header/src
:id: src
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being included in executable code or not be included at all.
response: srcsrcsrc
severity: High
- xss
- event
- injection
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
url: http://localhost:10012/header/src
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
elem: form
internal_modname: BlindrDiffSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (rDiff) SQL Injection
name: Blind SQL Injection
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- rdiff
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:6291/form/append?input=default'+and+'1
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=default
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "31"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "' and '1"
injected: "' and '1"
internal_modname: BlindrDiffSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (rDiff) SQL Injection
name: Blind SQL Injection
:var: input
:injected_orig: "' and '1"
input: default' and '1
:injected: "' and '1"
:id: "' and '1"
:elem: form
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: "1 item found: Blah blah blah..."
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- rdiff
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:6291/form/append?input=default'+and+'1
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
elem: link
internal_modname: BlindrDiffSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (rDiff) SQL Injection
name: Blind SQL Injection
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- rdiff
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:6291/link/append?input=default'+and+'1
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=default
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "31"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "' and '1"
injected: "' and '1"
internal_modname: BlindrDiffSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (rDiff) SQL Injection
name: Blind SQL Injection
:var: input
:injected_orig: "' and '1"
input: default' and '1
:injected: "' and '1"
:id: "' and '1"
:elem: link
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: "1 item found: Blah blah blah..."
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- rdiff
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:6291/link/append?input=default'+and+'1
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: BlindrDiffSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (rDiff) SQL Injection
name: Blind SQL Injection
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- rdiff
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:6291/cookie/append
var: cookie
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=default'+and+'1
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "31"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: "' and '1"
injected: "' and '1"
internal_modname: BlindrDiffSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (rDiff) SQL Injection
name: Blind SQL Injection
:var: cookie
:injected_orig: "' and '1"
cookie: default' and '1
:injected: "' and '1"
:id: "' and '1"
:elem: cookie
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: "1 item found: Blah blah blah..."
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- rdiff
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:6291/cookie/append
var: cookie
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: POST
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/linux/form/straight
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " sleep 20"
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: POST
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 14000.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: " sleep __TIME__"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " sleep 20"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: " sleep 20"
:follow_location: true
:injected: " sleep 20"
input: " sleep 20"
:action: http://localhost:11226/linux/form/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: ""
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/linux/form/straight
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/linux/link/straight?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " sleep 20"
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 14000.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: " sleep __TIME__"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " sleep 20"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: " sleep 20"
:follow_location: true
:injected: " sleep 20"
input: " sleep 20"
:action: http://localhost:11226/linux/link/straight?input=default
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: ""
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/linux/link/straight?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/linux/cookie/straight
var: cookie
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=+sleep+20
response: {}
injected: " sleep 20"
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 14000.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: " sleep __TIME__"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " sleep 20"
:altered: cookie
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie: " sleep 20"
:injected: " sleep 20"
cookie: " sleep 20"
:action: http://localhost:11226/linux/cookie/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: ""
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/linux/cookie/straight
var: cookie
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/linux/header/straight
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: "&& sleep 20"
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: "&& sleep 20"
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 14000.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: "&& sleep __TIME__"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: "&& sleep 20"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: "&& sleep 20"
:injected: "&& sleep 20"
User-Agent: "&& sleep 20"
:action: http://localhost:11226/linux/header/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: ""
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/linux/header/straight
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: POST
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/bsd/form/straight
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " sleep 20"
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: POST
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 14000.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: " sleep __TIME__"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " sleep 20"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: " sleep 20"
:follow_location: true
:injected: " sleep 20"
input: " sleep 20"
:action: http://localhost:11226/bsd/form/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: ""
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/bsd/form/straight
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/bsd/link/straight?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " sleep 20"
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 14000.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: " sleep __TIME__"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " sleep 20"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: " sleep 20"
:follow_location: true
:injected: " sleep 20"
input: " sleep 20"
:action: http://localhost:11226/bsd/link/straight?input=default
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: ""
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/bsd/link/straight?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/bsd/cookie/straight
var: cookie
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=+sleep+20
response: {}
injected: " sleep 20"
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 14000.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: " sleep __TIME__"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " sleep 20"
:altered: cookie
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie: " sleep 20"
:injected: " sleep 20"
cookie: " sleep 20"
:action: http://localhost:11226/bsd/cookie/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: ""
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/bsd/cookie/straight
var: cookie
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/bsd/header/straight
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: "&& sleep 20"
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: "&& sleep 20"
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 14000.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: "&& sleep __TIME__"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: "&& sleep 20"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: "&& sleep 20"
:injected: "&& sleep 20"
User-Agent: "&& sleep 20"
:action: http://localhost:11226/bsd/header/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: ""
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/bsd/header/straight
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: POST
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/solaris/form/straight
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " sleep 20"
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: POST
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 14000.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: " sleep __TIME__"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " sleep 20"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: " sleep 20"
:follow_location: true
:injected: " sleep 20"
input: " sleep 20"
:action: http://localhost:11226/solaris/form/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: ""
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/solaris/form/straight
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/solaris/link/straight?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " sleep 20"
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 14000.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: " sleep __TIME__"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " sleep 20"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: " sleep 20"
:follow_location: true
:injected: " sleep 20"
input: " sleep 20"
:action: http://localhost:11226/solaris/link/straight?input=default
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: ""
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/solaris/link/straight?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/solaris/cookie/straight
var: cookie
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=+sleep+20
response: {}
injected: " sleep 20"
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 14000.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: " sleep __TIME__"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " sleep 20"
:altered: cookie
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie: " sleep 20"
:injected: " sleep 20"
cookie: " sleep 20"
:action: http://localhost:11226/solaris/cookie/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: ""
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/solaris/cookie/straight
var: cookie
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/solaris/header/straight
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: "&& sleep 20"
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: "&& sleep 20"
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 14000.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: "&& sleep __TIME__"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: "&& sleep 20"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: "&& sleep 20"
:injected: "&& sleep 20"
User-Agent: "&& sleep 20"
:action: http://localhost:11226/solaris/header/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: ""
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/solaris/header/straight
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: POST
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/windows/form/straight
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " sleep 20"
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: POST
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 14000.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: " sleep __TIME__"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " sleep 20"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: " sleep 20"
:follow_location: true
:injected: " sleep 20"
input: " sleep 20"
:action: http://localhost:11226/windows/form/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: ""
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/windows/form/straight
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/windows/link/straight?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: " sleep 20"
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 14000.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: " sleep __TIME__"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " sleep 20"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: " sleep 20"
:follow_location: true
:injected: " sleep 20"
input: " sleep 20"
:action: http://localhost:11226/windows/link/straight?input=default
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: ""
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/windows/link/straight?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/windows/cookie/straight
var: cookie
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=+sleep+20
response: {}
injected: " sleep 20"
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 14000.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: " sleep __TIME__"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: " sleep 20"
:altered: cookie
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie: " sleep 20"
:injected: " sleep 20"
cookie: " sleep 20"
:action: http://localhost:11226/windows/cookie/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: ""
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/windows/cookie/straight
var: cookie
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/windows/header/straight
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "78"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/78.html
description: |-
The web application allows an attacker to
execute arbitrary OS commands even though it does not return
the command output in the HTML body.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: "&& sleep 20"
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: "&& sleep 20"
internal_modname: OSCmdInjectionTiming
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_exec
method: GET
mod_name: OS command injection (timing)
name: Operating system command injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
:timeout: 14000.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: "&& sleep __TIME__"
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: "&& sleep 20"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: "&& sleep 20"
:injected: "&& sleep 20"
User-Agent: "&& sleep 20"
:action: http://localhost:11226/windows/header/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/OS_Command_Injection
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being evaluated as OS level commands.
response: ""
severity: High
- os
- command
- code
- injection
- timing
- blind
url: http://localhost:11226/windows/header/straight
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
The web application can be forced to include
3rd party remote content which can often lead to arbitrary code
execution, amongst other attacks.
elem: form
internal_modname: RFI
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_include
method: GET
mod_name: Remote File Inclusion
name: Remote file inclusion
WASC: http://projects.webappsec.org/Remote-File-Inclusion
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_File_Inclusion
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Enforce strict validation and filtering
on user inputs.
severity: High
- remote
- file
- inclusion
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:9251/form/straight
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
The web application can be forced to include
3rd party remote content which can often lead to arbitrary code
execution, amongst other attacks.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value;cookie=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Connection: close
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
injected: hTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
internal_modname: RFI
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_include
method: GET
mod_name: Remote File Inclusion
name: Remote file inclusion
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
:match: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
:substring: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
:follow_location: false
:injected_orig: hTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
:altered: input
:element: form
input: hTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
:injected: hTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
input: hTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
:action: http://localhost:9251/form/straight
:verification: false
:id: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
WASC: http://projects.webappsec.org/Remote-File-Inclusion
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_File_Inclusion
regexp: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
regexp_match: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Enforce strict validation and filtering
on user inputs.
response: |
severity: High
- remote
- file
- inclusion
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:9251/form/straight
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
The web application can be forced to include
3rd party remote content which can often lead to arbitrary code
execution, amongst other attacks.
elem: form
internal_modname: RFI
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_include
method: GET
mod_name: Remote File Inclusion
name: Remote file inclusion
WASC: http://projects.webappsec.org/Remote-File-Inclusion
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_File_Inclusion
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Enforce strict validation and filtering
on user inputs.
severity: High
- remote
- file
- inclusion
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:9251/form/append
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
The web application can be forced to include
3rd party remote content which can often lead to arbitrary code
execution, amongst other attacks.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie2=cookie+value;cookie=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Connection: close
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
injected: !binary |
internal_modname: RFI
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_include
method: GET
mod_name: Remote File Inclusion
name: Remote file inclusion
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
:match: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
:substring: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
:follow_location: false
:injected_orig: arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
:altered: input
:element: form
input: !binary |
:injected: !binary |
input: !binary |
:action: http://localhost:9251/form/append
:verification: false
:id: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
WASC: http://projects.webappsec.org/Remote-File-Inclusion
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_File_Inclusion
regexp: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
regexp_match: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Enforce strict validation and filtering
on user inputs.
response: |
severity: High
- remote
- file
- inclusion
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:9251/form/append
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
The web application can be forced to include
3rd party remote content which can often lead to arbitrary code
execution, amongst other attacks.
elem: link
internal_modname: RFI
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_include
method: GET
mod_name: Remote File Inclusion
name: Remote file inclusion
WASC: http://projects.webappsec.org/Remote-File-Inclusion
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_File_Inclusion
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Enforce strict validation and filtering
on user inputs.
severity: High
- remote
- file
- inclusion
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:9251/link/straight?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
The web application can be forced to include
3rd party remote content which can often lead to arbitrary code
execution, amongst other attacks.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Connection: close
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
injected: !binary |
internal_modname: RFI
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_include
method: GET
mod_name: Remote File Inclusion
name: Remote file inclusion
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
:match: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
:substring: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
:follow_location: false
:injected_orig: hTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
:altered: input
:element: link
input: !binary |
:injected: !binary |
input: !binary |
:action: http://localhost:9251/link/straight?input=default
:verification: false
:id: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
WASC: http://projects.webappsec.org/Remote-File-Inclusion
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_File_Inclusion
regexp: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
regexp_match: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Enforce strict validation and filtering
on user inputs.
response: |
severity: High
- remote
- file
- inclusion
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:9251/link/straight?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
The web application can be forced to include
3rd party remote content which can often lead to arbitrary code
execution, amongst other attacks.
elem: link
internal_modname: RFI
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_include
method: GET
mod_name: Remote File Inclusion
name: Remote file inclusion
WASC: http://projects.webappsec.org/Remote-File-Inclusion
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_File_Inclusion
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Enforce strict validation and filtering
on user inputs.
severity: High
- remote
- file
- inclusion
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:9251/link/append?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
The web application can be forced to include
3rd party remote content which can often lead to arbitrary code
execution, amongst other attacks.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Connection: close
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
injected: defaulthTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
internal_modname: RFI
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_include
method: GET
mod_name: Remote File Inclusion
name: Remote file inclusion
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
:match: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
:substring: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
:follow_location: false
:injected_orig: hTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
:altered: input
:element: link
input: defaulthTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
:injected: defaulthTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
input: defaulthTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
:action: http://localhost:9251/link/append?input=default
:verification: false
:id: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
WASC: http://projects.webappsec.org/Remote-File-Inclusion
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_File_Inclusion
regexp: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
regexp_match: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Enforce strict validation and filtering
on user inputs.
response: |
severity: High
- remote
- file
- inclusion
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:9251/link/append?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
The web application can be forced to include
3rd party remote content which can often lead to arbitrary code
execution, amongst other attacks.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: RFI
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_include
method: GET
mod_name: Remote File Inclusion
name: Remote file inclusion
WASC: http://projects.webappsec.org/Remote-File-Inclusion
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_File_Inclusion
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Enforce strict validation and filtering
on user inputs.
severity: High
- remote
- file
- inclusion
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:9251/cookie/straight
var: cookie
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
The web application can be forced to include
3rd party remote content which can often lead to arbitrary code
execution, amongst other attacks.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=hTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt%00;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Connection: close
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
injected: !binary |
internal_modname: RFI
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_include
method: GET
mod_name: Remote File Inclusion
name: Remote file inclusion
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
:match: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
:substring: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
:follow_location: false
:injected_orig: hTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
:altered: cookie
:element: cookie
:params: {}
cookie: !binary |
:injected: !binary |
cookie: !binary |
:action: http://localhost:9251/cookie/straight
:verification: false
:id: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
WASC: http://projects.webappsec.org/Remote-File-Inclusion
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_File_Inclusion
regexp: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
regexp_match: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Enforce strict validation and filtering
on user inputs.
response: |
severity: High
- remote
- file
- inclusion
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:9251/cookie/straight
var: cookie
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
The web application can be forced to include
3rd party remote content which can often lead to arbitrary code
execution, amongst other attacks.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: RFI
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_include
method: GET
mod_name: Remote File Inclusion
name: Remote file inclusion
WASC: http://projects.webappsec.org/Remote-File-Inclusion
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_File_Inclusion
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Enforce strict validation and filtering
on user inputs.
severity: High
- remote
- file
- inclusion
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:9251/cookie/append
var: cookie2
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
The web application can be forced to include
3rd party remote content which can often lead to arbitrary code
execution, amongst other attacks.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+valuehTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt%00
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Connection: close
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
injected: !binary |
internal_modname: RFI
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_include
method: GET
mod_name: Remote File Inclusion
name: Remote file inclusion
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
:match: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
:substring: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
:follow_location: false
:injected_orig: hTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
:altered: cookie2
:element: cookie
:params: {}
cookie2: !binary |
:injected: !binary |
cookie2: !binary |
:action: http://localhost:9251/cookie/append
:verification: false
:id: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
WASC: http://projects.webappsec.org/Remote-File-Inclusion
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_File_Inclusion
regexp: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
regexp_match: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Enforce strict validation and filtering
on user inputs.
response: |
severity: High
- remote
- file
- inclusion
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:9251/cookie/append
var: cookie2
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
The web application can be forced to include
3rd party remote content which can often lead to arbitrary code
execution, amongst other attacks.
elem: header
internal_modname: RFI
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_include
method: GET
mod_name: Remote File Inclusion
name: Remote file inclusion
WASC: http://projects.webappsec.org/Remote-File-Inclusion
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_File_Inclusion
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Enforce strict validation and filtering
on user inputs.
severity: High
- remote
- file
- inclusion
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:9251/header/append
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
The web application can be forced to include
3rd party remote content which can often lead to arbitrary code
execution, amongst other attacks.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_userhTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Connection: close
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
injected: arachni_userhTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
internal_modname: RFI
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_include
method: GET
mod_name: Remote File Inclusion
name: Remote file inclusion
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
:match: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
:substring: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
:follow_location: false
:injected_orig: hTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
User-Agent: arachni_userhTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
:injected: arachni_userhTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
User-Agent: arachni_userhTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
:action: http://localhost:9251/header/append
:verification: false
:id: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
WASC: http://projects.webappsec.org/Remote-File-Inclusion
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_File_Inclusion
regexp: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
regexp_match: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Enforce strict validation and filtering
on user inputs.
response: |
severity: High
- remote
- file
- inclusion
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:9251/header/append
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
The web application can be forced to include
3rd party remote content which can often lead to arbitrary code
execution, amongst other attacks.
elem: header
internal_modname: RFI
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_include
method: GET
mod_name: Remote File Inclusion
name: Remote file inclusion
WASC: http://projects.webappsec.org/Remote-File-Inclusion
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_File_Inclusion
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Enforce strict validation and filtering
on user inputs.
severity: High
- remote
- file
- inclusion
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:9251/header/straight
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "7.5"
cwe: "94"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/94.html
description: |-
The web application can be forced to include
3rd party remote content which can often lead to arbitrary code
execution, amongst other attacks.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: hTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Connection: close
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
id: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
injected: hTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
internal_modname: RFI
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_php_include
method: GET
mod_name: Remote File Inclusion
name: Remote file inclusion
:redundant: false
:async: true
:regexp: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
:match: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
:substring: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
:follow_location: false
:injected_orig: hTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
User-Agent: hTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
:injected: hTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
User-Agent: hTtP://arachni.github.com/arachni/rfi.md5.txt
:action: http://localhost:9251/header/straight
:verification: false
:id: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
WASC: http://projects.webappsec.org/Remote-File-Inclusion
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_File_Inclusion
regexp: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
regexp_match: 705cd559b16e6946826207c2199bd890
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Enforce strict validation and filtering
on user inputs.
response: |
severity: High
- remote
- file
- inclusion
- injection
- regexp
url: http://localhost:9251/header/straight
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: POST
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mysql/form/straight
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: sleep(8)#
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: POST
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: sleep(__TIME__)#
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: sleep(8)#
:altered: input
:element: form
input: sleep(8)#
:follow_location: true
:injected: sleep(8)#
input: sleep(8)#
:action: http://localhost:7499/mysql/form/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: ""
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mysql/form/straight
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: POST
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mysql/form/append
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: defaultsleep(8)#
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: POST
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: sleep(__TIME__)#
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: sleep(8)#
:altered: input
:element: form
input: defaultsleep(8)#
:follow_location: true
:injected: defaultsleep(8)#
input: defaultsleep(8)#
:action: http://localhost:7499/mysql/form/append
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: ""
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mysql/form/append
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mysql/link/straight?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: sleep(8)#
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: sleep(__TIME__)#
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: sleep(8)#
:altered: input
:element: link
input: sleep(8)#
:follow_location: true
:injected: sleep(8)#
input: sleep(8)#
:action: http://localhost:7499/mysql/link/straight?input=default
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: ""
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mysql/link/straight?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mysql/link/append?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: defaultsleep(8)#
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: sleep(__TIME__)#
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: sleep(8)#
:altered: input
:element: link
input: defaultsleep(8)#
:follow_location: true
:injected: defaultsleep(8)#
input: defaultsleep(8)#
:action: http://localhost:7499/mysql/link/append?input=default
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: ""
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mysql/link/append?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mysql/cookie/straight
var: cookie
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=sleep(8)#;cookie2=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: sleep(8)#
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: sleep(__TIME__)#
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: sleep(8)#
:altered: cookie
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie: sleep(8)#
:injected: sleep(8)#
cookie: sleep(8)#
:action: http://localhost:7499/mysql/cookie/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: ""
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mysql/cookie/straight
var: cookie
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mysql/cookie/append
var: cookie2
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+valuesleep(8)#
response: {}
injected: cookie valuesleep(8)#
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: sleep(__TIME__)#
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: sleep(8)#
:altered: cookie2
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie2: cookie valuesleep(8)#
:injected: cookie valuesleep(8)#
cookie2: cookie valuesleep(8)#
:action: http://localhost:7499/mysql/cookie/append
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: ""
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mysql/cookie/append
var: cookie2
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mysql/header/straight
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: sleep(8)#
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: sleep(8)#
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: sleep(__TIME__)#
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: sleep(8)#
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: sleep(8)#
:injected: sleep(8)#
User-Agent: sleep(8)#
:action: http://localhost:7499/mysql/header/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: ""
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mysql/header/straight
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mysql/header/append
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_usersleep(8)#
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: arachni_usersleep(8)#
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: sleep(__TIME__)#
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: sleep(8)#
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_usersleep(8)#
:injected: arachni_usersleep(8)#
User-Agent: arachni_usersleep(8)#
:action: http://localhost:7499/mysql/header/append
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: ""
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mysql/header/append
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: POST
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/postgresql/form/straight
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: pg_sleep(8)--
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: POST
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: pg_sleep(__TIME__)--
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: pg_sleep(8)--
:altered: input
:element: form
input: pg_sleep(8)--
:follow_location: true
:injected: pg_sleep(8)--
input: pg_sleep(8)--
:action: http://localhost:7499/postgresql/form/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: ""
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/postgresql/form/straight
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: POST
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/postgresql/form/append
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: defaultpg_sleep(8)--
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: POST
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: pg_sleep(__TIME__)--
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: pg_sleep(8)--
:altered: input
:element: form
input: defaultpg_sleep(8)--
:follow_location: true
:injected: defaultpg_sleep(8)--
input: defaultpg_sleep(8)--
:action: http://localhost:7499/postgresql/form/append
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: ""
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/postgresql/form/append
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/postgresql/link/straight?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: pg_sleep(8)--
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: pg_sleep(__TIME__)--
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: pg_sleep(8)--
:altered: input
:element: link
input: pg_sleep(8)--
:follow_location: true
:injected: pg_sleep(8)--
input: pg_sleep(8)--
:action: http://localhost:7499/postgresql/link/straight?input=default
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: ""
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/postgresql/link/straight?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/postgresql/link/append?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: defaultpg_sleep(8)--
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: pg_sleep(__TIME__)--
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: pg_sleep(8)--
:altered: input
:element: link
input: defaultpg_sleep(8)--
:follow_location: true
:injected: defaultpg_sleep(8)--
input: defaultpg_sleep(8)--
:action: http://localhost:7499/postgresql/link/append?input=default
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: ""
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/postgresql/link/append?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/postgresql/cookie/straight
var: cookie
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=pg_sleep(8)--;cookie2=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: pg_sleep(8)--
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: pg_sleep(__TIME__)--
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: pg_sleep(8)--
:altered: cookie
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie: pg_sleep(8)--
:injected: pg_sleep(8)--
cookie: pg_sleep(8)--
:action: http://localhost:7499/postgresql/cookie/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: ""
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/postgresql/cookie/straight
var: cookie
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/postgresql/cookie/append
var: cookie2
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+valuepg_sleep(8)--
response: {}
injected: cookie valuepg_sleep(8)--
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: pg_sleep(__TIME__)--
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: pg_sleep(8)--
:altered: cookie2
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie2: cookie valuepg_sleep(8)--
:injected: cookie valuepg_sleep(8)--
cookie2: cookie valuepg_sleep(8)--
:action: http://localhost:7499/postgresql/cookie/append
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: ""
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/postgresql/cookie/append
var: cookie2
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/postgresql/header/straight
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: pg_sleep(8)--
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: pg_sleep(8)--
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: pg_sleep(__TIME__)--
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: pg_sleep(8)--
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: pg_sleep(8)--
:injected: pg_sleep(8)--
User-Agent: pg_sleep(8)--
:action: http://localhost:7499/postgresql/header/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: ""
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/postgresql/header/straight
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/postgresql/header/append
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_userpg_sleep(8)--
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: arachni_userpg_sleep(8)--
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: pg_sleep(__TIME__)--
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: pg_sleep(8)--
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_userpg_sleep(8)--
:injected: arachni_userpg_sleep(8)--
User-Agent: arachni_userpg_sleep(8)--
:action: http://localhost:7499/postgresql/header/append
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: ""
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/postgresql/header/append
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: POST
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mssql/form/straight
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: POST
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: ;waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'--
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
:altered: input
:element: form
input: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
:follow_location: true
:injected: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
input: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
:action: http://localhost:7499/mssql/form/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: ""
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mssql/form/straight
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: POST
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mssql/form/append
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: default;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: POST
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: ;waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'--
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
input: default;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
:action: http://localhost:7499/mssql/form/append
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: ""
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mssql/form/append
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mssql/link/straight?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: ;waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'--
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
:altered: input
:element: link
input: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
:follow_location: true
:injected: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
input: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
:action: http://localhost:7499/mssql/link/straight?input=default
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: ""
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mssql/link/straight?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mssql/link/append?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: default;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: ;waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'--
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
:follow_location: true
:injected: default;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
input: default;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
:action: http://localhost:7499/mssql/link/append?input=default
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: ""
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mssql/link/append?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mssql/cookie/straight
var: cookie
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=%3Bwaitfor+delay+'0:0:8'--;cookie2=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: ;waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'--
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
:altered: cookie
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
:injected: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
cookie: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
:action: http://localhost:7499/mssql/cookie/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: ""
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mssql/cookie/straight
var: cookie
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mssql/cookie/append
var: cookie2
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value%3Bwaitfor+delay+'0:0:8'--
response: {}
injected: cookie value;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: ;waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'--
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
:altered: cookie2
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie2: cookie value;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
:injected: cookie value;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
cookie2: cookie value;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
:action: http://localhost:7499/mssql/cookie/append
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: ""
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mssql/cookie/append
var: cookie2
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mssql/header/straight
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: ;waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'--
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
:injected: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
User-Agent: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
:action: http://localhost:7499/mssql/header/straight
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: ""
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mssql/header/straight
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mssql/header/append
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "89"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/89.html
description: |-
SQL code can be injected into the web application
even though it may not be obvious due to suppression of error messages.
(This issue was discovered using a timing attack; timing attacks
can result in false positives in cases where the server takes
an abnormally long time to respond.
Either case, these issues will require further investigation
even if they are false positives.)
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
response: {}
injected: arachni_user;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
internal_modname: BlindTimingSQLInjection
metasploitable: unix/webapp/arachni_sqlmap
method: GET
mod_name: Blind (timing) SQL injection
name: Blind SQL Injection (timing attack)
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 1
- 2
:timeout: 5600.0
:timeout_divider: 1000
:timing_string: ;waitfor delay '0:0:__TIME__'--
:skip_orig: true
:injected_orig: ;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
:injected: arachni_user;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
User-Agent: arachni_user;waitfor delay '0:0:8'--
:action: http://localhost:7499/mssql/header/append
:silent: true
:regexp: ""
OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Blind_SQL_Injection
MITRE - CAPEC: http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/7.html
regexp: ""
remedy_code: ""
remedy_guidance: |-
Suppression of error messages leads to
security through obscurity which is not a good practise.
The web application needs to enforce stronger validation
on user inputs.
response: ""
severity: High
- sql
- blind
- timing
- injection
- database
url: http://localhost:7499/mssql/header/append
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded in a HTML element.
This can lead to a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability or a form of HTML manipulation.
elem: form
internal_modname: XSSHTMLTag
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML tag
name: Cross-Site Scripting in HTML tag.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:14528/form/double
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded in a HTML element.
This can lead to a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability or a form of HTML manipulation.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie1=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "122"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
injected: default" arachni_xss_in_tag="71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
internal_modname: XSSHTMLTag
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML tag
name: Cross-Site Scripting in HTML tag.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "\" arachni_xss_in_tag=\"71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1"
:altered: input
:element: form
:no_auditor: true
input: default" arachni_xss_in_tag="71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: default" arachni_xss_in_tag="71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
input: default" arachni_xss_in_tag="71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:14528/form/double
:match: Vuln
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
regexp_match: Vuln
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
response: Vuln
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:14528/form/double
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded in a HTML element.
This can lead to a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability or a form of HTML manipulation.
elem: form
internal_modname: XSSHTMLTag
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML tag
name: Cross-Site Scripting in HTML tag.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:14528/form/single
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded in a HTML element.
This can lead to a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability or a form of HTML manipulation.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie1=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "122"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
injected: default' arachni_xss_in_tag='71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
internal_modname: XSSHTMLTag
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML tag
name: Cross-Site Scripting in HTML tag.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "' arachni_xss_in_tag='71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1"
:altered: input
:element: form
:no_auditor: true
input: default' arachni_xss_in_tag='71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: default' arachni_xss_in_tag='71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
input: default' arachni_xss_in_tag='71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:14528/form/single
:match: Vuln
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
regexp_match: Vuln
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
response: Vuln
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:14528/form/single
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded in a HTML element.
This can lead to a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability or a form of HTML manipulation.
elem: form
internal_modname: XSSHTMLTag
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML tag
name: Cross-Site Scripting in HTML tag.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:14528/form/no
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded in a HTML element.
This can lead to a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability or a form of HTML manipulation.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie1=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "118"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
injected: default arachni_xss_in_tag=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
internal_modname: XSSHTMLTag
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML tag
name: Cross-Site Scripting in HTML tag.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: " arachni_xss_in_tag=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1"
:altered: input
:element: form
input: default arachni_xss_in_tag=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: default arachni_xss_in_tag=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
input: default arachni_xss_in_tag=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:14528/form/no
:match: Vuln
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
regexp_match: Vuln
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
response: Vuln
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:14528/form/no
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded in a HTML element.
This can lead to a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability or a form of HTML manipulation.
elem: link
internal_modname: XSSHTMLTag
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML tag
name: Cross-Site Scripting in HTML tag.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:14528/link/no?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded in a HTML element.
This can lead to a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability or a form of HTML manipulation.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie1=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "118"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
injected: default arachni_xss_in_tag=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
internal_modname: XSSHTMLTag
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML tag
name: Cross-Site Scripting in HTML tag.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: " arachni_xss_in_tag=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default arachni_xss_in_tag=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: default arachni_xss_in_tag=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
input: default arachni_xss_in_tag=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:14528/link/no?input=default
:match: Vuln
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
regexp_match: Vuln
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
response: Vuln
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:14528/link/no?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded in a HTML element.
This can lead to a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability or a form of HTML manipulation.
elem: link
internal_modname: XSSHTMLTag
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML tag
name: Cross-Site Scripting in HTML tag.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:14528/link/double?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded in a HTML element.
This can lead to a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability or a form of HTML manipulation.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie1=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "122"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
injected: default" arachni_xss_in_tag="71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
internal_modname: XSSHTMLTag
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML tag
name: Cross-Site Scripting in HTML tag.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "\" arachni_xss_in_tag=\"71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default" arachni_xss_in_tag="71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: default" arachni_xss_in_tag="71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
input: default" arachni_xss_in_tag="71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:14528/link/double?input=default
:match: Vuln
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
regexp_match: Vuln
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
response: Vuln
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:14528/link/double?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded in a HTML element.
This can lead to a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability or a form of HTML manipulation.
elem: link
internal_modname: XSSHTMLTag
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML tag
name: Cross-Site Scripting in HTML tag.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:14528/link/single?input=default
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded in a HTML element.
This can lead to a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability or a form of HTML manipulation.
elem: link
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie1=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "122"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
injected: default' arachni_xss_in_tag='71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
internal_modname: XSSHTMLTag
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML tag
name: Cross-Site Scripting in HTML tag.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "' arachni_xss_in_tag='71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1"
:altered: input
:element: link
input: default' arachni_xss_in_tag='71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:follow_location: true
:injected: default' arachni_xss_in_tag='71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
input: default' arachni_xss_in_tag='71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:14528/link/single?input=default
:match: Vuln
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
regexp_match: Vuln
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
response: Vuln
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:14528/link/single?input=default
var: input
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded in a HTML element.
This can lead to a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability or a form of HTML manipulation.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: XSSHTMLTag
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML tag
name: Cross-Site Scripting in HTML tag.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:14528/cookie/no
var: cookie
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded in a HTML element.
This can lead to a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability or a form of HTML manipulation.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value+arachni_xss_in_tag%3D71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1;cookie1=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "123"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
injected: cookie value arachni_xss_in_tag=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
internal_modname: XSSHTMLTag
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML tag
name: Cross-Site Scripting in HTML tag.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: " arachni_xss_in_tag=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1"
:altered: cookie
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie: cookie value arachni_xss_in_tag=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: cookie value arachni_xss_in_tag=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
cookie: cookie value arachni_xss_in_tag=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:14528/cookie/no
:match: Vuln
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
regexp_match: Vuln
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
response: Vuln
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:14528/cookie/no
var: cookie
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded in a HTML element.
This can lead to a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability or a form of HTML manipulation.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: XSSHTMLTag
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML tag
name: Cross-Site Scripting in HTML tag.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:14528/cookie/single
var: cookie1
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded in a HTML element.
This can lead to a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability or a form of HTML manipulation.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie1=cookie+value'+arachni_xss_in_tag%3D'71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "127"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
injected: cookie value' arachni_xss_in_tag='71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
internal_modname: XSSHTMLTag
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML tag
name: Cross-Site Scripting in HTML tag.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "' arachni_xss_in_tag='71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1"
:altered: cookie1
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie1: cookie value' arachni_xss_in_tag='71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: cookie value' arachni_xss_in_tag='71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
cookie1: cookie value' arachni_xss_in_tag='71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:14528/cookie/single
:match: Vuln
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
regexp_match: Vuln
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
response: Vuln
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:14528/cookie/single
var: cookie1
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded in a HTML element.
This can lead to a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability or a form of HTML manipulation.
elem: cookie
internal_modname: XSSHTMLTag
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML tag
name: Cross-Site Scripting in HTML tag.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:14528/cookie/double
var: cookie2
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded in a HTML element.
This can lead to a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability or a form of HTML manipulation.
elem: cookie
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie1=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value"+arachni_xss_in_tag%3D"71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "127"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
injected: cookie value" arachni_xss_in_tag="71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
internal_modname: XSSHTMLTag
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML tag
name: Cross-Site Scripting in HTML tag.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "\" arachni_xss_in_tag=\"71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1"
:altered: cookie2
:element: cookie
:params: {}
:follow_location: true
cookie2: cookie value" arachni_xss_in_tag="71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: cookie value" arachni_xss_in_tag="71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
cookie2: cookie value" arachni_xss_in_tag="71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:14528/cookie/double
:match: Vuln
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
regexp_match: Vuln
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
response: Vuln
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:14528/cookie/double
var: cookie2
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded in a HTML element.
This can lead to a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability or a form of HTML manipulation.
elem: header
internal_modname: XSSHTMLTag
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML tag
name: Cross-Site Scripting in HTML tag.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:14528/header/no
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded in a HTML element.
This can lead to a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability or a form of HTML manipulation.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user arachni_xss_in_tag=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie1=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "123"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
injected: arachni_user arachni_xss_in_tag=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
internal_modname: XSSHTMLTag
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML tag
name: Cross-Site Scripting in HTML tag.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: " arachni_xss_in_tag=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user arachni_xss_in_tag=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: arachni_user arachni_xss_in_tag=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
User-Agent: arachni_user arachni_xss_in_tag=71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:14528/header/no
:match: Vuln
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
regexp_match: Vuln
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
response: Vuln
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:14528/header/no
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded in a HTML element.
This can lead to a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability or a form of HTML manipulation.
elem: header
internal_modname: XSSHTMLTag
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML tag
name: Cross-Site Scripting in HTML tag.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:14528/header/single
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded in a HTML element.
This can lead to a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability or a form of HTML manipulation.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user' arachni_xss_in_tag='71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie1=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "127"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
injected: arachni_user' arachni_xss_in_tag='71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
internal_modname: XSSHTMLTag
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML tag
name: Cross-Site Scripting in HTML tag.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "' arachni_xss_in_tag='71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user' arachni_xss_in_tag='71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: arachni_user' arachni_xss_in_tag='71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
User-Agent: arachni_user' arachni_xss_in_tag='71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:14528/header/single
:match: Vuln
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
regexp_match: Vuln
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
response: Vuln
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:14528/header/single
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded in a HTML element.
This can lead to a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability or a form of HTML manipulation.
elem: header
internal_modname: XSSHTMLTag
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML tag
name: Cross-Site Scripting in HTML tag.
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:14528/header/double
var: User-Agent
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Unvalidated user input is being embedded in a HTML element.
This can lead to a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability or a form of HTML manipulation.
elem: header
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: arachni_user" arachni_xss_in_tag="71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie1=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "127"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
injected: arachni_user" arachni_xss_in_tag="71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
internal_modname: XSSHTMLTag
method: GET
mod_name: XSS in HTML tag
name: Cross-Site Scripting in HTML tag.
:redundant: false
:async: true
- link
- form
- cookie
- header
- body
- 2
:injected_orig: "\" arachni_xss_in_tag=\"71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1"
:altered: User-Agent
:element: header
:follow_location: true
User-Agent: arachni_user" arachni_xss_in_tag="71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:injected: arachni_user" arachni_xss_in_tag="71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
User-Agent: arachni_user" arachni_xss_in_tag="71da6143bd299d0dac635e2dbf2d0f804fdfa4aa20be08b2aab53f0444373bb1
:action: http://localhost:14528/header/double
:match: Vuln
:regexp: ""
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
regexp: ""
regexp_match: Vuln
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
response: Vuln
severity: High
- xss
- script
- tag
- regexp
- dom
- attribute
- injection
url: http://localhost:14528/header/double
var: User-Agent
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Client-side code (like JavaScript) can
be injected into the web application which is then returned to the user's browser.
This can lead to a compromise of the client's system or serve as a pivoting point for other attacks.
elem: form
internal_modname: XSS
method: GET
mod_name: XSS
name: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
ha.ckers: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html
Secunia: http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
remedy_guidance: |-
User inputs must be validated and filtered
before being returned as part of the HTML code of a page.
severity: High
- xss
- regexp
- injection
- script
url: http://localhost:11161/form/straight
var: input
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cvssv2: "9.0"
cwe: "79"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html
description: |-
Client-side code (like JavaScript) can
be injected into the web application which is then returned to the user's browser.
This can lead to a compromise of the client's system or serve as a pivoting point for other attacks.
elem: form
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
Cookie: cookie=cookie+value;cookie2=cookie+value
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "88"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
severity: Low
- path
- directory
- listing
- index
url: http://localhost:7472/some/
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cwe: "200"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/200.html
description: A CVS or SVN user is disclosed in the body of the HTML page.
elem: body
internal_modname: CvsSvnUsers
method: GET
mod_name: CVS/SVN users
name: CVS/SVN user disclosure.
CWE: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/200.html
remedy_guidance: Remove all CVS and SVN users from the body of the HTML page.
severity: Low
tags: []
url: http://localhost:14511/locker
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cwe: "200"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/200.html
description: A CVS or SVN user is disclosed in the body of the HTML page.
elem: body
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "24"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
internal_modname: CvsSvnUsers
method: GET
mod_name: CVS/SVN users
name: CVS/SVN user disclosure.
:regexp: "(?-mix:\\$Locker: (\\w+) \\$)"
:match: markd_locker
:element: body
CWE: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/200.html
regexp: "(?-mix:\\$Locker: (\\w+) \\$)"
regexp_match: markd_locker
remedy_guidance: Remove all CVS and SVN users from the body of the HTML page.
response: "$Locker: markd_locker $ "
severity: Low
tags: []
url: http://localhost:14511/locker
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cwe: "200"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/200.html
description: A CVS or SVN user is disclosed in the body of the HTML page.
elem: body
internal_modname: CvsSvnUsers
method: GET
mod_name: CVS/SVN users
name: CVS/SVN user disclosure.
CWE: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/200.html
remedy_guidance: Remove all CVS and SVN users from the body of the HTML page.
severity: Low
tags: []
url: http://localhost:14511/author
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cwe: "200"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/200.html
description: A CVS or SVN user is disclosed in the body of the HTML page.
elem: body
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "24"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
internal_modname: CvsSvnUsers
method: GET
mod_name: CVS/SVN users
name: CVS/SVN user disclosure.
:regexp: "(?-mix:\\$Author: (\\w+) \\$)"
:match: markd_author
:element: body
CWE: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/200.html
regexp: "(?-mix:\\$Author: (\\w+) \\$)"
regexp_match: markd_author
remedy_guidance: Remove all CVS and SVN users from the body of the HTML page.
response: "$Author: markd_author $ "
severity: Low
tags: []
url: http://localhost:14511/author
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cwe: "200"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/200.html
description: A CVS or SVN user is disclosed in the body of the HTML page.
elem: body
internal_modname: CvsSvnUsers
method: GET
mod_name: CVS/SVN users
name: CVS/SVN user disclosure.
CWE: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/200.html
remedy_guidance: Remove all CVS and SVN users from the body of the HTML page.
severity: Low
tags: []
url: http://localhost:14511/id
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cwe: "200"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/200.html
description: A CVS or SVN user is disclosed in the body of the HTML page.
elem: body
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "60"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
internal_modname: CvsSvnUsers
method: GET
mod_name: CVS/SVN users
name: CVS/SVN user disclosure.
:regexp: "(?-mix:\\$Id: .* (\\w+) Exp \\$)"
:match: john_id1
:element: body
CWE: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/200.html
regexp: "(?-mix:\\$Id: .* (\\w+) Exp \\$)"
regexp_match: john_id1
remedy_guidance: Remove all CVS and SVN users from the body of the HTML page.
response: "$Id: https-test.pl 1081 2008-09-30 19:03:23Z john_id1 Exp $ "
severity: Low
tags: []
url: http://localhost:14511/id
variations: []
verification: false
verification: false
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cwe: "200"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/200.html
description: A CVS or SVN user is disclosed in the body of the HTML page.
elem: body
internal_modname: CvsSvnUsers
method: GET
mod_name: CVS/SVN users
name: CVS/SVN user disclosure.
CWE: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/200.html
remedy_guidance: Remove all CVS and SVN users from the body of the HTML page.
severity: Low
tags: []
url: http://localhost:14511/id2
- !ruby/object:Arachni::Issue
cwe: "200"
cwe_url: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/200.html
description: A CVS or SVN user is disclosed in the body of the HTML page.
elem: body
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
User-Agent: default
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: "56"
Connection: keep-alive
Server: thin 1.4.1 codename Chromeo
internal_modname: CvsSvnUsers
method: GET
mod_name: CVS/SVN users
name: CVS/SVN user disclosure.
:regexp: "(?-mix:\\$Id: .* (\\w+) (?(.*)<\/object>)
:match: " width=\"400\" height=\"400\" data=\"helloworld.swf\""
:element: body
references: {}
regexp: (?mi-x: