require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' class TestSched include Scheduler end describe "Scheduler" do before(:each) do @test = end it "should create a ScheduleTasks" do @test._tasker.class.should == ScheduleTasks end describe "run_thread_loop" do before(:each) do @klass = @klass.stub!(:pop).once.and_return true @block = {@klass.pop} end it "should yield the block that it is given" do @test.run_thread_list &@block end it "should run run_threads" do @test.should_receive(:run_threads).and_return true @test.run_thread_list &@block end it "should call run on the _tasker" do @test._tasker.should_receive(:run).once.and_return true @test.run_thread_list &@block end describe "ScheduleTasks class" do before(:each) do @stasks = @test.stub!(:_tasker).and_return(@stasks) end it "should have its tasks listed as an empty array if there are no tasks added" do @stasks.tasks.should == [] end it "should have one task listed if it is added" do @test.add_task {@klass.pop} @stasks.tasks.size.should == 1 end it "should add each task as a thread" do Thread.should_receive(:new).once @stasks.push proc{puts "hi"} end end describe "when running" do before(:each) do @test.add_task {@klass.pop} end it "should not run the tasks after adding them" do @klass.should_not_receive(:pop) @test.add_task {@klass.pop} end it "should run the tasks when run_thread_list" do @klass.should_receive(:pop) @test.run_thread_list end it "should be able to add tasks and have the run_thread_list run" do @test._tasker.class.should_receive(:synchronize).once @test.run_thread_list end it "should empty all the tasks after running them in the loop" do @test.run_thread_list @test._tasker.tasks.size.should == 0 end end end end