require "spec_helper" describe Massive::Authenticators::S3 do let(:filename) { 'some/path/my-filename.png' } subject(:authenticator) { } after do Massive.storage_config = { key: nil, secret: nil } end context 'when no key/secret are set' do it "returns the given url without any authentication params" do expect(authenticator.url).to eq("https://#{Massive.storage_config[:directory]}{filename}") end end context 'when key/secret are set' do before do Massive.storage_config[:key] = 'some-key' Massive.storage_config[:secret] = 'some-secret' Time.stub(:now).and_return(Time.parse("2014-05-15T13:25:45Z")) end def parsed_query(url) CGI.parse(URI.parse(url).query || '').with_indifferent_access end it "returns a url pointing to the proper bucket" do expect(URI.parse(authenticator.url).host).to eq("#{Massive.storage_config[:directory]}") end it "returns a url using https" do expect(URI.parse(authenticator.url).scheme).to eq("https") end it "returns a url with the filename as path" do expect(URI.parse(authenticator.url).path).to eq("/#{filename}") end it "returns a url with the expiration as a query string parameter using a timestamped format" do now = { |now| Time.stub(:now).and_return(now) } expect(parsed_query(authenticator.url)[:Expires].first.to_i).to eq(now.to_i + Massive.storage_config[:expiration]) end it "returns a url with the AWSAccessKeyId as a query string parameter using the configured key" do expect(parsed_query(authenticator.url)[:AWSAccessKeyId].first).to eq(Massive.storage_config[:key]) end it "returns a url with the Signature as a query string parameter properly signing the GET request" do expect(parsed_query(authenticator.url)[:Signature].first).to eq("FD38leXqSdFYGYrAXgNF8cX98os=") end context "when changing the expiration" do before do Time.stub(:now).and_return(Time.parse("2009-08-01T20:03:27Z")) end it "returns a url with the Signature properly signing based on the current time" do expect(parsed_query(authenticator.url)[:Signature].first).to eq("ehM0n71BUPduV9WwWE73PIMmQYM=") end end context "when changing the secret" do before do Massive.storage_config[:secret] = 'other-secret' end it "returns a url with the Signature based the configured secret" do expect(parsed_query(authenticator.url)[:Signature].first).to eq("mE6pvT9pRLOUcufs+fX45vbbATQ=") end end context "when changing the key" do before do Massive.storage_config[:key] = 'other-key' end it "returns a url with the AWSAccessKeyId as a query string parameter using the configured key" do expect(parsed_query(authenticator.url)[:AWSAccessKeyId].first).to eq(Massive.storage_config[:key]) end end context "when changing the directory" do before do Massive.storage_config[:directory] = 'other-directory' end it "returns a url with the expiration as a query string parameter using a timestamped format" do now = { |now| Time.stub(:now).and_return(now) } expect(parsed_query(authenticator.url)[:Expires].first.to_i).to eq(now.to_i + Massive.storage_config[:expiration]) end it "returns a url pointing to the proper bucket" do expect(URI.parse(authenticator.url).host).to eq("#{Massive.storage_config[:directory]}") end it "returns a url with the Signature based the configured directory" do expect(parsed_query(authenticator.url)[:Signature].first).to eq("f37FDYE7lcewcpApQhFYBEUQjhs=") end end context "when changing the filename" do let(:filename) { 'some/other/file.txt' } it "returns a url with the filename as path" do expect(URI.parse(authenticator.url).path).to eq("/#{filename}") end it "returns a url with the Signature based the configured directory" do expect(parsed_query(authenticator.url)[:Signature].first).to eq("fQCrfdk1FhSRZnecyZ2+Jye2HUY=") end end end end