3.1.12 (Brainy Betty) 363d883ef0fa4057d3908047c27524329f5ade55 o:Sass::Tree::RootNode : @options{:@has_childrenT:@templateI"#// Based on [Eric Meyer's reset 2.0](http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/index.html) // Global reset rules. // For more specific resets, use the reset mixins provided below @mixin global-reset { html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code, del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp, small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var, b, u, i, center, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td, article, aside, canvas, details, embed, figure, figcaption, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, output, ruby, section, summary, time, mark, audio, video { @include reset-box-model; @include reset-font; } body { @include reset-body; } ol, ul { @include reset-list-style; } table { @include reset-table; } caption, th, td { @include reset-table-cell; } q, blockquote { @include reset-quotation; } a img { @include reset-image-anchor-border; } @include reset-html5; } // Reset all elements within some selector scope. To reset the selector itself, // mixin the appropriate reset mixin for that element type as well. This could be // useful if you want to style a part of your page in a dramatically different way. @mixin nested-reset { div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code, del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp, small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var, b, u, i, center, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td, article, aside, canvas, details, embed, figure, figcaption, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, output, ruby, section, summary, time, mark, audio, video { @include reset-box-model; @include reset-font; } table { @include reset-table; } caption, th, td { @include reset-table-cell; } q, blockquote { @include reset-quotation; } a img { @include reset-image-anchor-border; } } // Reset the box model measurements. @mixin reset-box-model { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; } // Reset the font and vertical alignment. @mixin reset-font { font-size: 100%; font: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; } // Resets the outline when focus. // For accessibility you need to apply some styling in its place. @mixin reset-focus { outline: 0; } // Reset a body element. @mixin reset-body { line-height: 1; } // Reset the list style of an element. @mixin reset-list-style { list-style: none; } // Reset a table @mixin reset-table { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; } // Reset a table cell (`th`, `td`) @mixin reset-table-cell { text-align: left; font-weight: normal; vertical-align: middle; } // Reset a quotation (`q`, `blockquote`) @mixin reset-quotation { quotes: none; &:before, &:after { content: ""; content: none; } } // Resets the border. @mixin reset-image-anchor-border { border: none; } // Unrecognized elements are displayed inline. // This reset provides a basic reset for block html5 elements // so they are rendered correctly in browsers that don't recognize them // and reset in browsers that have default styles for them. @mixin reset-html5 { #{elements-of-type(html5-block)} { display: block; } } // Resets the display of inline and block elements to their default display // according to their tag type. Elements that have a default display that varies across // versions of html or browser are not handled here, but this covers the 90% use case. // Usage Example: // // // Turn off the display for both of these classes // .unregistered-only, .registered-only // display: none // // Now turn only one of them back on depending on some other context. // body.registered // +reset-display(".registered-only") // body.unregistered // +reset-display(".unregistered-only") @mixin reset-display($selector: "", $important: false) { #{append-selector(elements-of-type("inline"), $selector)} { @if $important { display: inline !important; } @else { display: inline; } } #{append-selector(elements-of-type("block"), $selector)} { @if $important { display: block !important; } @else { display: block; } } } :ET:@children[o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode : @value[I"/* Based on [Eric Meyer's reset 2.0](http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/index.html) * Global reset rules. * For more specific resets, use the reset mixins provided below */; T: @linei: @loud0: @silenti;@; [o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode ; i : @args[: @nameI"global-reset; T;@;T; [ o:Sass::Tree::RuleNode : @tabsi; i: @rule[I"html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code, del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp, small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var, b, u, i, center, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td, article, aside, canvas, details, embed, figure, figcaption, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, output, ruby, section, summary, time, mark, audio, video; T;@;T; [o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ; i;[:@keywords{;I"reset-box-model; T;@; [o; ; i;[;{;I"reset-font; T;@; [:@parsed_ruleso:"Sass::Selector::CommaSequence; i: @members[Vo:Sass::Selector::Sequence;[o:#Sass::Selector::SimpleSequence; i;[o:Sass::Selector::Element ; i:@namespace0:@filenameI"; F;[I" html; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" body; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"div; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" span; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" applet; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" object; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" iframe; T;@&o;;[I" ; Fo;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"h1; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"h2; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"h3; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"h4; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"h5; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"h6; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"p; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"blockquote; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"pre; T;@&o;;[I" ; Fo;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"a; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" abbr; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" acronym; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" address; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"big; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" cite; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" code; T;@&o;;[I" ; Fo;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"del; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"dfn; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"em; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"img; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"ins; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"kbd; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"q; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"s; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" samp; T;@&o;;[I" ; Fo;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" small; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" strike; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" strong; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"sub; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"sup; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"tt; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"var; T;@&o;;[I" ; Fo;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"b; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"u; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"i; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" center; T;@&o;;[I" ; Fo;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"dl; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"dt; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"dd; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"ol; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"ul; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"li; T;@&o;;[I" ; Fo;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" fieldset; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" form; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" label; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" legend; T;@&o;;[I" ; Fo;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" table; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" caption; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" tbody; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" tfoot; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" thead; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"tr; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"th; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"td; T;@&o;;[I" ; Fo;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" article; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" aside; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" canvas; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" details; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" embed; T;@&o;;[I" ; Fo;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" figure; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"figcaption; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" footer; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" header; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" hgroup; T;@&o;;[I" ; Fo;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" menu; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I"nav; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" output; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" ruby; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" section; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" summary; T;@&o;;[I" ; Fo;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" time; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" mark; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" audio; T;@&o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@&;[I" video; T;@&;@&o; ;i; i;[I" body; T;@;T; [o; ; i;[;{;I"reset-body; T;@; [;o;; i;[o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;I"; F;[I" body; T;@p;@po; ;i; i;[I" ol, ul; T;@;T; [o; ; i;[;{;I"reset-list-style; T;@; [;o;; i;[o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;I"; F;[I"ol; T;@o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@;[I"ul; T;@;@o; ;i; i;[I" table; T;@;T; [o; ; i;[;{;I"reset-table; T;@; [;o;; i;[o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;I"; F;[I" table; T;@;@o; ;i; i;[I"caption, th, td; T;@;T; [o; ; i ;[;{;I"reset-table-cell; T;@; [;o;; i;[o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;I"; F;[I" caption; T;@o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@;[I"th; T;@o;;[o;; i;[o; ; i;0;@;[I"td; T;@;@o; ;i; i!;[I"q, blockquote; T;@;T; [o; ; i";[;{;I"reset-quotation; T;@; [;o;; i!;[o;;[o;; i!;[o; ; i!;0;I"; F;[I"q; T;@o;;[o;; i!;[o; ; i!;0;@;[I"blockquote; T;@;@o; ;i; i#;[I" a img; T;@;T; [o; ; i$;[;{;I"reset-image-anchor-border; T;@; [;o;; i#;[o;;[o;; i#;[o; ; i#;0;I"; F;[I"a; T;@o;; i#;[o; ; i#;0;@;[I"img; T;@;@o; ; i%;[;{;I"reset-html5; T;@; [o; ; [I"/* Reset all elements within some selector scope. To reset the selector itself, * mixin the appropriate reset mixin for that element type as well. This could be * useful if you want to style a part of your page in a dramatically different way. */; T; i';0;i;@; [o; ; i*;[;I"nested-reset; T;@;T; [ o; ;i; i7;[I"div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code, del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp, small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var, b, u, i, center, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td, article, aside, canvas, details, embed, figure, figcaption, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, output, ruby, section, summary, time, mark, audio, video; T;@;T; [o; ; i8;[;{;I"reset-box-model; T;@; [o; ; i9;[;{;I"reset-font; T;@; [;o;; i7;[To;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;I"; F;[I"div; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" span; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" applet; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" object; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" iframe; T;@o;;[I" ; Fo;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"h1; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"h2; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"h3; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"h4; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"h5; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"h6; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"p; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"blockquote; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"pre; T;@o;;[I" ; Fo;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"a; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" abbr; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" acronym; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" address; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"big; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" cite; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" code; T;@o;;[I" ; Fo;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"del; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"dfn; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"em; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"img; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"ins; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"kbd; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"q; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"s; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" samp; T;@o;;[I" ; Fo;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" small; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" strike; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" strong; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"sub; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"sup; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"tt; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"var; T;@o;;[I" ; Fo;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"b; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"u; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"i; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" center; T;@o;;[I" ; Fo;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"dl; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"dt; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"dd; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"ol; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"ul; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"li; T;@o;;[I" ; Fo;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" fieldset; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" form; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" label; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" legend; T;@o;;[I" ; Fo;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" table; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" caption; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" tbody; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" tfoot; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" thead; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"tr; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"th; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"td; T;@o;;[I" ; Fo;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" article; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" aside; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" canvas; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" details; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" embed; T;@o;;[I" ; Fo;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" figure; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"figcaption; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" footer; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" header; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" hgroup; T;@o;;[I" ; Fo;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" menu; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I"nav; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" output; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" ruby; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" section; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" summary; T;@o;;[I" ; Fo;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" time; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" mark; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" audio; T;@o;;[o;; i7;[o; ; i7;0;@;[I" video; T;@;@o; ;i; i:;[I" table; T;@;T; [o; ; i;;[;{;I"reset-table; T;@; [;o;; i:;[o;;[o;; i:;[o; ; i:;0;I"; F;[I" table; T;@V;@Vo; ;i; i<;[I"caption, th, td; T;@;T; [o; ; i=;[;{;I"reset-table-cell; T;@; [;o;; i<;[o;;[o;; i<;[o; ; i<;0;I"; F;[I" caption; T;@io;;[o;; i<;[o; ; i<;0;@i;[I"th; T;@io;;[o;; i<;[o; ; i<;0;@i;[I"td; T;@i;@io; ;i; i>;[I"q, blockquote; T;@;T; [o; ; i?;[;{;I"reset-quotation; T;@; [;o;; i>;[o;;[o;; i>;[o; ; i>;0;I"; F;[I"q; T;@o;;[o;; i>;[o; ; i>;0;@;[I"blockquote; T;@;@o; ;i; i@;[I" a img; T;@;T; [o; ; iA;[;{;I"reset-image-anchor-border; T;@; [;o;; i@;[o;;[o;; i@;[o; ; i@;0;I"; F;[I"a; T;@o;; i@;[o; ; i@;0;@;[I"img; T;@;@o; ; [I",/* Reset the box model measurements. */; T; iC;0;i;@; [o; ; iD;[;I"reset-box-model; T;@;T; [o:Sass::Tree::PropNode ; o:Sass::Script::String; I"0; T: @type:identifier;@;i; iE:@prop_syntax:new;[I" margin; T;@; [o; ; o;!; I"0; T;";#;@;i; iF;$;%;[I" padding; T;@; [o; ; o;!; I"0; T;";#;@;i; iG;$;%;[I" border; T;@; [o; ; [I"1/* Reset the font and vertical alignment. */; T; iI;0;i;@; [o; ; iJ;[;I"reset-font; T;@;T; [o; ; o;!; I" 100%; T;";#;@;i; iK;$;%;[I"font-size; T;@; [o; ; o;!; I" inherit; T;";#;@;i; iL;$;%;[I" font; T;@; [o; ; o;!; I" baseline; T;";#;@;i; iM;$;%;[I"vertical-align; T;@; [o; ; [I"k/* Resets the outline when focus. * For accessibility you need to apply some styling in its place. */; T; iO;0;i;@; [o; ; iQ;[;I"reset-focus; T;@;T; [o; ; o;!; I"0; T;";#;@;i; iR;$;%;[I" outline; T;@; [o; ; [I" /* Reset a body element. */; T; iT;0;i;@; [o; ; iU;[;I"reset-body; T;@;T; [o; ; o;!; I"1; T;";#;@;i; iV;$;%;[I"line-height; T;@; [o; ; [I"./* Reset the list style of an element. */; T; iX;0;i;@; [o; ; iY;[;I"reset-list-style; T;@;T; [o; ; o;!; I" none; T;";#;@;i; iZ;$;%;[I"list-style; T;@; [o; ; [I"/* Reset a table */; T; i\;0;i;@; [o; ; i];[;I"reset-table; T;@;T; [o; ; o;!; I" collapse; T;";#;@;i; i^;$;%;[I"border-collapse; T;@; [o; ; o;!; I"0; T;";#;@;i; i_;$;%;[I"border-spacing; T;@; [o; ; [I"*/* Reset a table cell (`th`, `td`) */; T; ia;0;i;@; [o; ; ib;[;I"reset-table-cell; T;@;T; [o; ; o;!; I" left; T;";#;@;i; ic;$;%;[I"text-align; T;@; [o; ; o;!; I" normal; T;";#;@;i; id;$;%;[I"font-weight; T;@; [o; ; o;!; I" middle; T;";#;@;i; ie;$;%;[I"vertical-align; T;@; [o; ; [I"0/* Reset a quotation (`q`, `blockquote`) */; T; ig;0;i;@; [o; ; ih;[;I"reset-quotation; T;@;T; [o; ; o;!; I" none; T;";#;@;i; ii;$;%;[I" quotes; T;@; [o; ;i; ij;[I"&:before, &:after; F;@;T; [o; ; o;!; I"""; T;";#;@;i; ik;$;%;[I" content; T;@; [o; ; o;!; I" none; T;";#;@;i; il;$;%;[I" content; T;@; [;o;; ij;[o;;[o;; ij;[o:Sass::Selector::Parent; ij;I"; Fo:Sass::Selector::Pseudo ; ij;": class;@]: @arg0;[I" before; F;@]o;;[o;; ij;[o;&; ij;@]o;' ; ij;";(;@];)0;[I" after; F;@];@]o; ; [I"/* Resets the border. */; T; in;0;i;@; [o; ; io;[;I"reset-image-anchor-border; T;@;T; [o; ; o;!; I" none; T;";#;@;i; ip;$;%;[I" border; T;@; [o; ; [I"/* Unrecognized elements are displayed inline. * This reset provides a basic reset for block html5 elements * so they are rendered correctly in browsers that don't recognize them * and reset in browsers that have default styles for them. */; T; ir;0;i;@; [o; ; iv;[;I"reset-html5; T;@;T; [o; ;i; iw;[o:Sass::Script::Funcall ; iw;[o;! ; I"html5-block; T; iw;";#;@;{;I"elements-of-type; T;@;@;T; [o; ; o;!; I" block; T;";#;@;i; ix;$;%;[I" display; T;@; [o; ; [I"e/* Resets the display of inline and block elements to their default display * according to their tag type. Elements that have a default display that varies across * versions of html or browser are not handled here, but this covers the 90% use case. * Usage Example: * * // Turn off the display for both of these classes * .unregistered-only, .registered-only * display: none * // Now turn only one of them back on depending on some other context. * body.registered * +reset-display(".registered-only") * body.unregistered * +reset-display(".unregistered-only") */; T; iz;0;i;@; [o; ; i;[[o:Sass::Script::Variable:@underscored_nameI" selector; T;I" selector; T;@o;! ; I"; T; i;": string;@[o;+;,I"important; T;I"important; T;@o:Sass::Script::Bool; F; i;@;I"reset-display; T;@;T; [o; ;i; i;[o;* ; i;[o;* ; i;[o;! ; I" inline; T; i;";-;@;{;I"elements-of-type; T;@o;+ ; i;,I" selector; T;I" selector; T;@;{;I"append-selector; T;@;@;T; [u:Sass::Tree::IfNode[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @linei:@underscored_nameI"important:ET: @nameI"important;T: @options{u:Sass::Tree::IfNode[00[o:Sass::Tree::PropNode : @valueo:Sass::Script::String;I" inline:ET: @type:identifier: @options{: @tabsi: @linei:@prop_syntax:new: @name[I" display;T; @ :@children[[o:Sass::Tree::PropNode : @valueo:Sass::Script::String; I"inline !important;T: @type:identifier; @ : @tabsi;i:@prop_syntax:new; [I" display;T; @ :@children[o; ;i; i;[o;* ; i;[o;* ; i;[o;! ; I" block; T; i;";-;@;{;I"elements-of-type; T;@o;+ ; i;,I" selector; T;I" selector; T;@;{;I"append-selector; T;@;@;T; [u;/[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @linei:@underscored_nameI"important:ET: @nameI"important;T: @options{u:Sass::Tree::IfNode[00[o:Sass::Tree::PropNode : @valueo:Sass::Script::String;I" block:ET: @type:identifier: @options{: @tabsi: @linei:@prop_syntax:new: @name[I" display;T; @ :@children[[o:Sass::Tree::PropNode : @valueo:Sass::Script::String; I"block !important;T: @type:identifier; @ : @tabsi;i:@prop_syntax:new; [I" display;T; @ :@children[; i