module Oboe class InstallGenerator < ::Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'templates') desc "Copies an oboe initializer files to your application." def copy_initializer # Set defaults @tracing_mode = 'through' @sampling_rate = '300000' @verbose = 'false' say "" say shell.set_color "Welcome to the TraceView Ruby instrumentation setup.", :green, :bold say "" say "To instrument your Rails application, you have the option to setup sampling strategies here." say "" say shell.set_color "Documentation Links", :magenta say "-------------------" say "" say "Details on configuring your sampling rate:" say "" say "" say "More information on instrumenting Ruby applications can be found here:" say "" while true do say "" say shell.set_color "Tracing Mode", :magenta say "------------" say "Tracing Mode determines when traces should be initiated for incoming requests. Valid" say "options are #{shell.set_color "always", :yellow}, #{shell.set_color "through", :yellow} (when using an instrumented Apache or Nginx) and #{shell.set_color "never", :yellow}." say "" say "If you're not using an instrumented Apache or Nginx, set this directive to #{shell.set_color "always", :yellow} in" say "order to initiate tracing from Ruby." say "" user_tracing_mode = ask shell.set_color "* Tracing Mode? [through]:", :yellow user_tracing_mode.downcase! break if user_tracing_mode.blank? valid = ['always', 'through', 'never'].include?(user_tracing_mode) say shell.set_color "Valid values are 'always', 'through' or 'never'", :red, :bold unless valid if valid @tracing_mode = user_tracing_mode break end end say "" say "You can change configuration values in the future by modifying config/initializers/oboe.rb" say "" say "Thanks! Creating the TraceView initializer..." say "" template "oboe_initializer.rb", "config/initializers/oboe.rb" end end end