# rack-noie6 rack-noie6 does _everyone_ a favor: it shows the way out of your website to poor souls out there using Internet Explorer 6 (or a user configurable minimum). Originally developed by [juliocesar](http://github.com/juliocesar), [sant0sk1](http://github.com/sant0sk1) forked and gemified for easier distribution and [wjessop](http://github.com/wjessop) added the minimum version option. # general usage just gem install sant0sk1-rack-noie6 --source http://gems.github.com require 'noie6' and use Rack::NoIE6, :redirect => '/noieplease.html' the above will redirect to a page noieplease.html in your website. You can redirect to a URL as well, like so use Rack::NoIE6, :redirect => 'http://slashdot.org' or let the default kick in use Rack::NoIE6 You can even specify a minimum version of IE like so use Rack::NoIE6, :redirect => 'http://slashdot.org', :minimum => 6.0 # Rails usage inside environment.rb's Rails::Initializer.run config.gem 'sant0sk1-rack-noie6', :lib => 'noie6' config.middleware.use "Rack::NoIE6" Piece o' cake! # disclaimer The default URL points to Microsoft's IE8 upgrade page. # license MIT