if defined? ActionController::Routing::RouteSet class ActionController::Routing::RouteSet # Monkey patch this method so routes are reloaded on *every* # request. Without this Rails checks the mtime of config/routes.rb # which doesn't take into account Hobo's auto routing def reload_with_hobo_routes if Hobo::ModelRouter.reload_routes_on_every_request load! else reload_without_hobo_routes end end alias_method_chain :reload, :hobo_routes # temporay hack -- reload assemble.rb whenever routes need reloading def reload_with_hobo_assemble if defined? ::ApplicationController load "#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/assemble.rb" if File.exists? "#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/assemble.rb" end reload_without_hobo_assemble end alias_method_chain :reload, :hobo_assemble end end module Hobo class ModelRouter class << self attr_accessor :reload_routes_on_every_request def reset_linkables @linkable = Set.new end def linkable_key(klass, action, options) subsite = options[:subsite] || options['subsite'] method = options[:method] || options['method'] opts = options.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" unless v.blank? }.compact.join(',') "#{subsite}/#{klass.name}/#{action}/#{method}" end def linkable!(klass, action, options={}) options[:method] ||= :get @linkable << linkable_key(klass, action, options) end def linkable?(klass, action, options={}) options[:method] ||= :get @linkable.member? linkable_key(klass, action, options) end def called_from_generator? caller[-1] =~ /script[\/\\]generate:\d+$/ || caller[-1] =~ /script[\/\\]destroy:\d+$/ end def add_routes(map) # Don't create routes if it's a generator that's running return if called_from_generator? reset_linkables begin ActiveRecord::Base.connection.reconnect! unless ActiveRecord::Base.connection.active? rescue # No database, no routes return end begin require "#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/application" unless Object.const_defined? :ApplicationController rescue MissingSourceFile => ex # must be on Rails 2.3. Yay! end # Add non-subsite, and all subsite routes [nil, *Hobo.subsites].each { |subsite| add_routes_for(map, subsite) } add_developer_routes(map) if Hobo.developer_features? rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid => e # Database problem? Just continue without routes if ActiveRecord::Base.logger ActiveRecord::Base.logger.warn "!! Database exception during Hobo routing -- continuing without routes" ActiveRecord::Base.logger.warn "!! #{e.to_s}" end end def add_routes_for(map, subsite) Hobo::ModelController.all_controllers(subsite, :force).each { |controller| ModelRouter.new(map, controller, subsite) } end def add_developer_routes(map) map.dryml_support "dryml/:action", :controller => "hobo/dryml/dryml_support" map.dev_support "dev/:action", :controller => "hobo/dev" end end # specify that an id CANNOT be null - needed to disambiguate /models from /models/[nil] - see #251 ID_REQUIREMENT = { :id => /[^#{ActionController::Routing::SEPARATORS.join}]+/ } def initialize(map, controller, subsite) @map = map @controller = controller @subsite = subsite add_routes end attr_reader :map, :model, :controller, :subsite def model controller.model end def plural model.name.underscore.pluralize end def singular model.name.underscore end def add_routes if controller < Hobo::ModelController # index routes need to be first so the index names don't get # taken as IDs index_action_routes lifecycle_routes if defined? model::Lifecycle resource_routes owner_routes web_method_routes show_action_routes reorder_route user_routes if controller < Hobo::UserController end end def resource_routes # We re-implement resource routing - routes are not created for # actions that the controller does not provide # FIX ME -- what about routes with formats (e.g. .xml)? linkable_route(plural, plural, :index, :conditions => { :method => :get }) linkable_route("new_#{singular}", "#{plural}/new", :new, :conditions => { :method => :get }) linkable_route("edit_#{singular}", "#{plural}/:id/edit", :edit, :conditions => { :method => :get }) linkable_route(singular, "#{plural}/:id", :show, :conditions => { :method => :get }, :requirements => ID_REQUIREMENT) linkable_route("create_#{singular}", plural, :create, :conditions => { :method => :post }) linkable_route("update_#{singular}", "#{plural}/:id", :update, :conditions => { :method => :put }, :requirements => ID_REQUIREMENT) linkable_route("destroy_#{singular}", "#{plural}/:id", :destroy, :conditions => { :method => :delete }, :requirements => ID_REQUIREMENT) end def owner_routes controller.owner_actions.each_pair do |owner, actions| collection_refl = model.reverse_reflection(owner) raise HoboError, "Hob routing error -- can't find reverse association for #{model}##{owner} " + "(e.g. the :has_many that corresponds to a :belongs_to)" if collection_refl.nil? collection = collection_refl.name owner_class = model.reflections[owner].klass.name.underscore owner = owner.to_s.singularize if model.reflections[owner].macro == :has_many collection_path = "#{owner_class.pluralize}/:#{owner}_id/#{collection}" actions.each do |action| case action when :index linkable_route("#{plural}_for_#{owner}", collection_path, "index_for_#{owner}", :conditions => { :method => :get }) when :new linkable_route("new_#{singular}_for_#{owner}", "#{collection_path}/new", "new_for_#{owner}", :conditions => { :method => :get }) when :create linkable_route("create_#{singular}_for_#{owner}", collection_path, "create_for_#{owner}", :conditions => { :method => :post }) end end end end def web_method_routes controller.web_methods.each do |method| linkable_route("#{plural.singularize}_#{method}", "#{plural}/:id/#{method}", method.to_s, :conditions => { :method => :post }) end end def index_action_routes controller.index_actions.each do |view| linkable_route("#{view}_#{plural}", "#{plural}/#{view}", view.to_s, :conditions => { :method => :get }) end end def show_action_routes controller.show_actions.each do |view| linkable_route("#{plural.singularize}_#{view}", "#{plural}/:id/#{view}", view.to_s, :conditions => { :method => :get }) end end def reorder_route linkable_route("reorder_#{plural}", "#{plural}/reorder", 'reorder', :conditions => { :method => :post }) end def lifecycle_routes model::Lifecycle.creators.values.where.publishable?.*.name.each do |creator| linkable_route("do_#{singular}_#{creator}", "#{plural}/#{creator}", "do_#{creator}", :conditions => { :method => :post }, :linkable_action => creator) linkable_route("#{singular}_#{creator}", "#{plural}/#{creator}", creator, :conditions => { :method => :get }) end model::Lifecycle.transitions.where.publishable?.*.name.each do |transition| linkable_route("do_#{singular}_#{transition}", "#{plural}/:id/#{transition}", "do_#{transition}", :conditions => { :method => :put }, :linkable_action => transition) linkable_route("#{singular}_#{transition}", "#{plural}/:id/#{transition}", transition, :conditions => { :method => :get }) end end def user_routes prefix = plural == "users" ? "" : "#{singular}_" linkable_route("#{singular}_login", "#{prefix}login", 'login') linkable_route("#{singular}_logout", "#{prefix}logout", 'logout') linkable_route("#{singular}_forgot_password", "#{prefix}forgot_password", 'forgot_password') end def named_route(name, route, options={}) if controller.public_method_defined?(options[:action]) options.reverse_merge!(:controller => route_with_subsite(plural)) name = name_with_subsite(name) route = route_with_subsite(route) if HoboSupport::RAILS_AT_LEAST_23 map.named_route(name, "#{route}.:format", options) else # kick it old-skool map.named_route(name, route, options) map.named_route("formatted_#{name}", "#{route}.:format", options) end true else false end end def linkable_route(name, route, action, options={}) linkable_action = options.delete(:linkable_action) || action named_route(name, route, options.merge(:action => action.to_s)) and begin linkable_options = { :method => options[:conditions]._?[:method], :subsite => subsite } self.class.linkable!(model, linkable_action, linkable_options) end end def name_with_subsite(name) subsite ? "#{subsite}_#{name}" : name end def route_with_subsite(route) subsite ? "#{subsite}/#{route}" : route end end end