Description: Begins Test-First Teaching exercises adapted from Chapters 08, 09 of the RailsTutorial by Michael Hartl. It is assumed that this generator is run after the exercises for Chapter 07 have been completed, and the solutions are implemented. Successive chapters are expected to be run sequentially. Each chapter's generators comes with a delta to the next chapter, in two phase, the "begin" one will create tests, the "finish" one includes the solution files. If all tests pass, the "finish" phase is optional. Example: rails generate chapter08_09:begin This copies new tests into the project, which are failing. The student's task is to write code to make the test pass. The material covered by the tests is consistent with Chapters 08, 09 of the RailsTutorial, however adapted for Devise as authentication solution. When you're done, and all tests pass, or you just want to skip ahead, run: rails generate chapter08_09:solutions This will copy solutions files into the application tree. If you already have a solution file, you'll be prompted whether you want to overwrite your file, see the difference, or keep your file.