module RSpec module Sidekiq module Matchers def have_enqueued_job(*expected_arguments) expected_arguments end if'rspec-rails', '>= 3.4.0').matching_specs.max_by(&:version) warn "[DEPRECATION] `have_enqueued_job` is deprecated. Please use `have_enqueued_sidekiq_job` instead." alias have_enqueued_sidekiq_job have_enqueued_job end class JobOptionParser attr_reader :job def initialize(job) @job = job end def matches?(option, value) raise ArgumentError, "Option `#{option}` is not defined." unless %w(in at).include?(option.to_s) send("#{option}_evaluator", value) end private def at_evaluator(value) return false if job['at'].blank? value.to_time.to_s ==['at']).to_s end def in_evaluator(value) return false if job['at'].blank? ( + value).to_s ==['at']).to_s end end class JobMatcher attr_reader :jobs def initialize(klass) @jobs = unwrap_jobs( end def present?(arguments, options) !!find_job(arguments, options) end private def matches?(job, arguments, options) arguments_matches?(job, arguments) && options_matches?(job, options) end def arguments_matches?(job, arguments) arguments_got = job_arguments(job) contain_exactly?(arguments, arguments_got) end def options_matches?(job, options) options.all? do |option, value| parser = parser.matches?(option, value) end end def find_job(arguments, options) jobs.find { |job| matches?(job, arguments, options) } end def job_arguments(job) args = job['args'] return args[0]['arguments'] if args.is_a?(Array) && args[0].is_a?(Hash) && args[0].has_key?('arguments') args end def unwrap_jobs(jobs) return jobs if jobs.is_a?(Array) jobs.values.flatten end def contain_exactly?(expected, got) exactly = exactly.matches?(got) end end class HaveEnqueuedJob attr_reader :klass, :expected_arguments, :actual_arguments, :expected_options, :actual_options def initialize(expected_arguments) @expected_arguments = normalize_arguments(expected_arguments) @expected_options = {} end def matches?(klass) @klass = klass @actual_arguments = unwrapped_job_arguments( @actual_options = unwrapped_job_options(, expected_options) end def at(timestamp) @expected_options['at'] = timestamp self end def in(interval) @expected_options['in'] = interval self end def description "have an enqueued #{klass} job with arguments #{expected_arguments}" end def failure_message message = ["expected to have an enqueued #{klass} job"] message << " arguments: #{expected_arguments}" if expected_arguments message << " options: #{expected_options}" if expected_options.any? message << "found" message << " arguments: #{actual_arguments}" if expected_arguments message << " options: #{actual_options}" if expected_options.any? message.join("\n") end def failure_message_when_negated message = ["expected not to have an enqueued #{klass} job"] message << " arguments: #{expected_arguments}" if expected_arguments.any? message << " options: #{expected_options}" if expected_options.any? message.join("\n") end private def unwrapped_job_options(jobs) jobs = jobs.values if jobs.is_a?(Hash) do |job| { 'at' => job['at'] } end end def unwrapped_job_arguments(jobs) if jobs.is_a? Hash do |job| map_arguments(job) end else map_arguments(jobs) { |job| job.flatten } end def map_arguments(job) args = job_arguments(job) || job if args.respond_to?(:any?) && args.any? { |e| e.is_a? Hash } { |a| map_arguments(a) } else args end end def job_arguments(hash) hash['arguments'] || hash['args'] if hash.is_a? Hash end def normalize_arguments(args) if args.is_a?(Array){ |x| normalize_arguments(x) } elsif args.is_a?(Hash) args.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), hash| hash[key.to_s] = normalize_arguments(value) end elsif args.is_a?(Symbol) args.to_s else args end end end end end end