= Arbre - Ruby Object Oriented HTML Views
Arbre is the DOM implemented in Ruby. This project is primarily used as
the object oriented view layer in Active Admin.
== Simple Usage
A simple example of setting up an Arbre context and creating some html
html = Arbre::Context.new do
h2 "Why Arbre is awesome?"
ul do
li "The DOM is implemented in ruby"
li "You can create object oriented views"
li "Templates suck"
puts html.to_s #=>
== The DOM in Ruby
The purpose of Arbre is to leave the view as ruby objects as long
as possible. This allows OO Design to be used to implement the view layer.
html = Arbre::Context.new do
h2 "Why Arbre is awesome?"
html.children.size #=> 1
html.children.first #=> #
== Components
The purpose of Arbre is to be able to create shareable and extendable HTML
components. To do this, you create a subclass of Arbre::Component.
For example:
class Panel < Arbre::Component
builder_method :panel
def build(title, attributes = {})
h3(title, :class => "panel-title")
The builder_method defines the method that will be called to build this component
when using the DSL. The arguments passed into the builder_method will be passed
into the #build method for you.
You can now use this panel in any Arbre context:
html = Arbre::Context.new do
panel "Hello World", :id => "my-panel" do
span "Inside the panel"
html.to_s #=>
Hello World
# Inside the panel