# FigMkr.rb =begin Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Bill Paxton This file is part of Tioga. Tioga is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Library Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Tioga is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with Tioga; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA =end require 'Tioga/FigureConstants.rb' require 'Tioga/Utils' module Tioga class FigureMaker include FigureConstants # For the parsing of Hash arguments include HashArguments # For instance methods extend HashArguments # For class methods @@default_figure_maker = nil @@which_pdflatex = nil @@initialized = false # set true by the C code when first make a figure # This URL will contain tioga-(...) when it is exported from the # SVN repository. This is where we'll look for version information. SVN_URL = '$HeadURL: svn+ssh://rubyforge.org/var/svn/tioga/tags/tioga/Tioga%201.16/lib/Tioga/FigMkr.rb $' TIOGA_VERSION = if SVN_URL =~ /tags\/tioga\/Tioga%20([^\/]+)/ $1 else "SVN version" end def FigureMaker.version TIOGA_VERSION end def FigureMaker.default @@default_figure_maker = FigureMaker.new if @@default_figure_maker == nil @@default_figure_maker end def FigureMaker.default=(fm) @@default_figure_maker = fm end def FigureMaker.pdflatex if ! @@which_pdflatex @@which_pdflatex = if ENV.key? 'TIOGA_PDFLATEX' ENV['TIOGA_PDFLATEX'] else "pdflatex" end end return @@which_pdflatex end def FigureMaker.pdflatex=(s) @@which_pdflatex = s end def FigureMaker.make_name_lookup_hash(ary) dict = Hash.new ary.each { |name| dict[name] = true } return dict end def FigureMaker.make_pdf(name='immediate', &block) self.default.make_pdf(name, &block) end def FigureMaker.def_enter_page_function(&cmd) self.default.def_enter_page_function(&cmd) end def FigureMaker.page_style(&cmd) FigureMaker.def_enter_page_function(&cmd) end def FigureMaker.exec(&cmd) cmd.call(self.default) end attr_accessor :title attr_accessor :xlabel attr_accessor :ylabel attr_accessor :xaxis_locations_for_major_ticks attr_accessor :xaxis_locations_for_minor_ticks attr_accessor :xaxis_tick_labels attr_accessor :yaxis_locations_for_major_ticks attr_accessor :yaxis_locations_for_minor_ticks attr_accessor :yaxis_tick_labels attr_accessor :style_filename attr_accessor :legend_info attr_reader :line_type attr_reader :num_figures attr_reader :figure_names attr_reader :figure_pdfs attr_reader :run_dir attr_accessor :save_dir attr_accessor :quiet_mode attr_accessor :legend_defaults attr_accessor :marker_defaults attr_accessor :tex_preamble attr_accessor :xaxis_numeric_label_tex attr_accessor :yaxis_numeric_label_tex attr_accessor :tex_fontsize attr_accessor :tex_fontfamily attr_accessor :tex_fontseries attr_accessor :tex_fontshape attr_accessor :default_page_width attr_accessor :default_page_height attr_accessor :default_frame_left attr_accessor :default_frame_right attr_accessor :default_frame_top attr_accessor :default_frame_bottom attr_accessor :num_error_lines # Whether or not to create _save_dir_ if it doesn't exist attr_accessor :create_save_dir # Whether or not do do automatic cleanup of the files attr_accessor :autocleanup # Whether or not do do multithreading for parallel pdflatex calls attr_accessor :multithreads_okay_for_tioga # An accessor for @measures_info: attr_accessor :measures_info # If we want to use #legend_bounding_box. It is off by default # as it causes a systematic second run of pdflatex. attr_accessor :measure_legends # Stores the errors recorded in the last run of pdflatex. attr_accessor :pdflatex_errors # old preview attributes -- to be removed later attr_accessor :model_number attr_accessor :add_model_number attr_accessor :need_to_reload_data attr_accessor :auto_refresh_filename #attr_accessor :tex_preview_documentclass #attr_accessor :tex_preview_pagestyle #attr_accessor :tex_preview_tiogafigure_command attr_accessor :tex_xoffset attr_accessor :tex_yoffset #attr_accessor :tex_preview_paper_width #attr_accessor :tex_preview_paper_height #attr_accessor :tex_preview_hoffset #attr_accessor :tex_preview_voffset #attr_accessor :tex_preview_figure_width #attr_accessor :tex_preview_figure_height #attr_accessor :tex_preview_minwhitespace #attr_accessor :tex_preview_fullpage def reset_figures # set the state to default values @figure_commands = [] @num_figures = 0 @create_save_dir = true # creates +save_dir+ by default @name = nil @auto_refresh_filename = nil @figure_names = [ ] @figure_pdfs = [ ] @legend_info = [ ] @run_dir = Dir.getwd @save_dir = nil @quiet_mode = false @model_number = -1 @need_to_reload_data = true @add_model_number = false @tex_preview_documentclass = 'article' @tex_preamble = '% start of preamble. \usepackage[dvipsnames,usenames]{color} % need this for text colors ' # \usepackage[pdftex]{geometry} % need this for setting page size for preview # This has been commented out as it's place lie in the texout.c, for # it's parameters to be set properly... @tex_preview_pagestyle = 'empty' @default_page_width = 72*5 # in big-points (1/72 inch) @default_page_height = 72*5 # in big-points (1/72 inch) @default_frame_left = 0.15 # as fraction of width from left edge @default_frame_right = 0.85 # as fraction of width from left edge @default_frame_top = 0.85 # as fraction of width from bottom edge @default_frame_bottom = 0.15 # as fraction of width from bottom edge @xaxis_numeric_label_tex = '$#1$' @yaxis_numeric_label_tex = '$#1$' @tex_preview_fullpage = true @tex_preview_minwhitespace = nil # use default @tex_preview_tiogafigure_command = 'tiogafigurescaledtofit' @tex_preview_figure_width = '\paperwidth - 2in' @tex_preview_figure_height = '\paperheight - 2in' @num_error_lines = 10 reset_plot_attrs @tex_xoffset = 0 @tex_yoffset = 0 @tex_preview_hoffset = '1in' @tex_preview_voffset = '1in' @tex_fontsize = '10.0' @tex_fontfamily = 'rmdefault' @tex_fontseries = 'mddefault' @tex_fontshape = 'updefault' @legend_defaults = { 'legend_top_margin' => 0.03, 'legend_bottom_margin' => 0.03, 'legend_left_margin' => 0.83, 'legend_right_margin' => 0.0, 'plot_top_margin' => 0.0, 'plot_bottom_margin' => 0.0, 'plot_left_margin' => 0.0, 'plot_right_margin' => 0.18, 'plot_scale' => 1, 'legend_background_function' => false, 'legend_scale' => 1 } @marker_defaults = { 'fill_color' => Black, 'stroke_color' => Black, 'scale' => 1, 'angle' => 0, 'justification' => CENTERED, 'alignment' => ALIGNED_AT_MIDHEIGHT, 'horizontal_scale' => 1.0, 'vertical_scale' => 1.0, 'italic_angle' => 0.0, 'ascent_angle' => 0.0 } @eval_command = nil @enter_show_plot_function = nil @exit_show_plot_function = nil @enter_subfigure_function = nil @exit_subfigure_function = nil @enter_subplot_function = nil @exit_subplot_function = nil @enter_context_function = nil @exit_context_function = nil @enter_page_function = lambda { |t| t.default_enter_page_function } @exit_page_function = nil @tex_preview_paper_width = '297mm' @tex_preview_paper_height = '210mm' @plot_box_command = lambda { show_plot_box } # Automatic cleanup of by default @autocleanup = true # multithreads by default @multithreads_okay_for_tioga = true # The values of the sizes measured during the pdflatex run # we need to keep track of them so we can decide how many times # we'll run pdflatex. @measures = {} # We *must* initialize the measures_info hash. @measures_info = {} # We don't measure legends by default. @measure_legends = false # By default, we use Bill's algorithm for major ticks positions self.vincent_or_bill = false self.log_minor_ticks_limit = 10 end def reset_plot_attrs @title = nil @xlabel = nil @ylabel = nil @line_type = nil @xaxis_locations_for_major_ticks = nil @xaxis_locations_for_minor_ticks = nil @xaxis_tick_labels = nil @yaxis_locations_for_major_ticks = nil @yaxis_locations_for_minor_ticks = nil @yaxis_tick_labels = nil private_init_fm_data end def initialize @fm_data = Dvector.new(@@fm_data_size) reset_figures end # Returns informations about the size of the named element. # Returns a hash: # * 'width' : the width of the box in figure coordinates # * 'height': the height of the box in figure coordinates # * 'just' : the justification used # * 'align' : the vertical alignment used # * 'angle' : the angle used # * 'scale' : the *total* scale used. # # If the measurement did not take place yet, the width, height, # and other attributes will be missing. Look for those. def get_text_size(name, default = 1.0) if self.measures_info.key? name return self.measures_info[name] else return {} # Empty hash end end def reset_state reset_figures end def tex_xaxis_numeric_label self.xaxis_numeric_label_tex end def tex_xaxis_numeric_label=(str) self.xaxis_numeric_label_tex = str end def tex_yaxis_numeric_label self.yaxis_numeric_label_tex end def tex_yaxis_numeric_label=(str) self.yaxis_numeric_label_tex = str end def default_line_scale=(s) self.rescale_lines(s) end def default_enter_page_function page_setup(self.default_page_width,self.default_page_height) set_frame_sides(self.default_frame_left,self.default_frame_right, self.default_frame_top,self.default_frame_bottom) end def set_default_font_size(size, update_preview_size_string = true) private_set_default_font_size(size) return unless update_preview_size_string == true @tex_preview_fontsize = sprintf("%0.2fbp", size) end def page_setup(width,height) # in big-points (1/72 inch) set_device_pagesize(width*10-1, height*10-1) @tex_preview_figure_width = width.to_s + 'bp' @tex_preview_figure_height = height.to_s + 'bp' @tex_preview_paper_height = "#{height}bp" @tex_preview_paper_width = "#{width}bp" @tex_preview_tiogafigure_command = 'tiogafigureshow' @tex_preview_fullpage = false @tex_xoffset = 0 @tex_yoffset = 0 @tex_preview_hoffset = '0in' @tex_preview_voffset = '0in' set_frame_sides(0,1,1,0) set_bounds( 'left_boundary' => 0, 'right_boundary' => 1, 'top_boundary' => 1, 'bottom_boundary' => 0) self.update_bbox(0,0) self.update_bbox(0,1) self.update_bbox(1,0) self.update_bbox(1,1) end def tex_preview_preamble # for backward compatibility self.tex_preamble end def tex_preview_preamble=(str) self.tex_preamble = str end def figure_name(num) @figure_names[num] end def figure_pdf(name) if name.kind_of?(Integer) num = name else num = @figure_names.index(name) end return nil if num == nil @figure_pdfs[num] end def line_color self.stroke_color end def line_color=(color) self.stroke_color=(color) end def line_type=(val) self.line_type_set(val) end def stroke_width self.line_width end def stroke_width=(width) self.line_width=(width) end def opacity_for_stroke self.stroke_opacity end def opacity_for_stroke=(frac) self.stroke_opacity=(frac) end def opacity_for_fill self.fill_opacity end def opacity_for_fill=(frac) self.fill_opacity=(frac) end def transparency_for_stroke 1.0 - self.stroke_opacity end def transparency_for_stroke=(frac) self.stroke_opacity=(1.0 - frac) end def transparency_for_fill 1.0 - self.fill_opacity end def transparency_for_fill=(frac) self.fill_opacity=(1.0 - frac) end def fill_transparency self.transparency_for_fill end def fill_transparency=(frac) self.transparency_for_fill = frac end def stroke_transparency self.transparency_for_stroke end def stroke_transparency=(frac) self.transparency_for_stroke = frac end def title_visible=(bool) if bool != false raise "Sorry: can only set 'title_visible' to false." end self.no_title end def xlabel_visible=(bool) if bool != false raise "Sorry: can only set 'xlabel_visible' to false." end self.no_xlabel end def ylabel_visible=(bool) if bool != false raise "Sorry: can only set 'ylabel_visible' to false." end self.no_ylabel end def xaxis_visible=(bool) if bool != false raise "Sorry: can only set 'xaxis_visible' to false." end self.no_xaxis end def yaxis_visible=(bool) if bool != false raise "Sorry: can only set 'yaxis_visible' to false." end self.no_yaxis end def left_edge_visible=(bool) if bool != false raise "Sorry: can only set 'left_edge_visible' to false." end self.no_left_edge end def right_edge_visible=(bool) if bool != false raise "Sorry: can only set 'right_edge_visible' to false." end self.no_right_edge end def top_edge_visible=(bool) if bool != false raise "Sorry: can only set 'top_edge_visible' to false." end self.no_top_edge end def bottom_edge_visible=(bool) if bool != false raise "Sorry: can only set 'bottom_edge_visible' to false." end self.no_bottom_edge end Required = '!required!'.to_sym # A helper function to prepare a default hash for a function, and to check # for extraneous or missing arguments. It takes two arguments: # * _dict_, the user-provided dictionnary to check and complete # * _specs_, a hash representing the valid arguments and their default # value. # Symbols in the _specs_ hash have special meanings: # * a normal symbol means: call self.symbol to get the default value. If # this call fails with a MethodMissing error, the symbol is returned. # * a '->stuff'.to_sym symbol means: copy the value from the value # associated with the key 'stuff'. # * a '!required!' symbol means that if the key is missing from # the original, raise an exception. (use the Required consant for that) # # You should find a few examples in the constants of this class... # # This function modifies _dict_ in place ! def prepare_argument_hash(spec, dict, strict = true) for key in dict.keys if (not spec.key?(key)) and strict warn "Unkown key #{key} for #{caller.first}, information removed" dict.delete(key) end end for key in spec.keys dict[key] = argument_value(spec, dict, key) end return dict end # Returns the value associated with the given key. Default value is # returned in case the key is missing from the _dict_ hash. See def argument_value(spec, dict, key) return dict[key] if dict.key?(key) raise "Unknown key asked for" unless spec.key?(key) default = spec[key] return default unless default.is_a?(::Symbol) if default.to_s =~ /^->(.*)/ # Special symbol: # return the value of the pointed key return argument_value(spec, dict, $1) elsif default == Required raise "Required key #{key} is missing from #{dict.inspect}" end begin return self.send(default) rescue NoMethodError return default end end @@keys_for_save_legend_info = FigureMaker.make_name_lookup_hash(['text', 'dy', 'line_color', 'stroke_color', 'line_width', 'stroke_width', 'line_cap', 'line_type', 'marker', 'marker_color', 'marker_scale', 'marker_dict' ]) Save_legend_info_args = { 'text' => nil, 'dy' => :legend_text_dy, 'line_color' => :line_color, 'line_width' => :line_width, 'line_cap' => :line_cap, 'line_type' => :line_type, 'stroke_color' => nil, 'stroke_width' => nil, 'marker' => nil, 'marker_dict' => nil, # use again #prepare_argument_hash ? 'marker_color' => nil, 'marker_scale' => nil, } def save_legend_info(arg) if arg.kind_of?String dict = { 'text' => arg } else dict = arg end prepare_argument_hash(Save_legend_info_args, dict) if dict['marker_dict'] == nil dict['marker'] = false if dict['marker'] == nil dict['marker_color'] = self.line_color if dict['marker_color'] == nil dict['marker_scale'] = 0.5 if dict['marker_scale'] == nil end @legend_info << dict end def show_legend(legend_background_function=nil) char_dx = self.default_text_height_dx char_dy = self.default_text_height_dy line_ht_x = char_dx * self.legend_scale line_ht_y = char_dy * self.legend_scale x = self.legend_text_xstart*line_ht_x ltw = self.legend_text_width if ltw < 0 if @pr_margin == 0 ltw = 1 else ltw = 7 end end xright = x + ltw*line_ht_x y = 1.0 - self.legend_text_ystart*line_ht_y update_bbox(xright, y) line_x0 = self.legend_line_x0*line_ht_x line_x1 = self.legend_line_x1*line_ht_x line_dy = self.legend_line_dy*line_ht_y # If we are measuring legends, we come up with a more # accurate version of xright: if @measure_legends xright = x + convert_output_to_figure_dx(legend_text_width) xright += line_x0 # To leave a symetric space around # the legend ! end self.label_left_margin = self.label_right_margin = self.label_top_margin = self.label_bottom_margin = -1e99 unless legend_background_function == nil || legend_background_function == false ybot = y # we need to remove the first element ;-)... @legend_info[1..-1].each do |dict| dy = dict['dy']; dy = 1 if dy == nil ybot -= line_ht_y * dy end # We add half a line below to look good ybot -= line_ht_y * 0.5 ytop = y + @legend_info.first['dy'] * line_ht_y * 0.5 legend_background_function.call([ 0, xright, ytop, ybot ]) end legend_index = 0 if @legend_info != nil @legend_info.each do |dict| text = dict['text'] if text != nil # We prepare a dictionnary: dct = { 'text' => text, 'x' => x, 'y' => y, 'scale' => self.legend_scale, 'justification' => self.legend_justification, 'alignment' => self.legend_alignment } if @measure_legends dct['measure'] = "legend-#{legend_index}" legend_index += 1 end show_text(dct) end line_width = dict['line_width'] line_type = dict['line_type'] unless (line_width < 0) || ((line_type.kind_of?String) && (line_type.casecmp('none') == 0)) save_line_color = self.line_color save_line_width = self.line_width save_line_cap = self.line_cap save_line_type = self.line_type self.line_color = dict['line_color'] self.line_width = dict['line_width'] self.line_cap = dict['line_cap'] self.line_type = line_type stroke_line(line_x0, y+line_dy, line_x1, y+line_dy) self.line_color = save_line_color self.line_width = save_line_width self.line_cap = save_line_cap self.line_type = save_line_type end # place any marker right in the middle of the line if dict['marker_dict'] != nil marker_dict = dict['marker_dict'] marker_dict['x'] = 0.5*(line_x0 + line_x1) marker_dict['y'] = y+line_dy show_marker(marker_dict) elsif dict['marker'] show_marker( 'x' => 0.5*(line_x0 + line_x1), 'y' => (y+line_dy), 'marker' => dict['marker'], 'color' => dict['marker_color'], 'scale' => dict['marker_scale']) end dy = dict['dy']; dy = 1 if dy == nil y -= line_ht_y * dy end end end # Returns the exact length of the text width in output # coordinates def legend_text_width index = 0 width = 0.0 while h = get_text_size("legend-#{index}") and h.key?('width') if width < h['width'] width = h['width'] end index += 1 end return 10 * width end def legend_height height = 0.0 @legend_info.each { |dict| height += dict['dy'] } return height end def reset_legend_info @legend_info = [ ] end def save_legend_separator(dy) save_legend_info('dy' => dy, 'line_width' => -1) end def do_box_labels(title, xlabel, ylabel) if title != nil show_title(title); no_title end if xlabel != nil show_xlabel(xlabel); no_xlabel end if ylabel != nil show_ylabel(ylabel); no_ylabel end end def set_aspect_ratio_relative_to_frame(width_to_height) if width_to_height >= 1 margin = (1 - 1.0/width_to_height) * 0.5 set_subframe('top_margin' => margin, 'bottom_margin' => margin) else margin = (1 - width_to_height) * 0.5 set_subframe('left_margin' => margin, 'right_margin' => margin) end end def set_physical_aspect_ratio(width_to_height) wd = convert_frame_to_page_dx(1) ht = convert_frame_to_page_dy(1) set_aspect_ratio_relative_to_frame(width_to_height * ht / wd) end def set_aspect_ratio(width_to_height) set_physical_aspect_ratio(width_to_height) end def set_landscape set_aspect_ratio(11.0/8.5) end def landscape set_landscape end def set_portrait set_aspect_ratio(8.5/11.0) end def portrait set_portrait end @@keys_for_set_subframe = FigureMaker.make_name_lookup_hash(['margins', 'left_margin', 'right_margin', 'top_margin', 'bottom_margin', 'left', 'right', 'plot_left_margin', 'top', 'bottom' ]) def set_subframe(dict=nil) return if dict == nil if dict.kind_of?Array and dict.size == 4 left = dict[0] right = dict[1] top = dict[2] bottom = dict[3] else check_dict(dict, @@keys_for_set_subframe, 'set_subframe') if (margins = dict['margins']) != nil and margins.kind_of?Array and margins.size == 4 left = margins[0] right = margins[1] top = margins[2] bottom = margins[3] else left = alt_names(dict, 'left_margin', 'left') right = alt_names(dict, 'right_margin', 'right') top = alt_names(dict, 'top_margin', 'top') bottom = alt_names(dict, 'bottom_margin', 'bottom') end end left = 0 if left == nil right = 0 if right == nil top = 0 if top == nil bottom = 0 if bottom == nil private_set_subframe(left, right, top, bottom) end @@keys_for_set_bounds = FigureMaker.make_name_lookup_hash([ 'bounds_left', 'bounds_right', 'bounds_top', 'bounds_bottom', 'left_boundary', 'right_boundary', 'top_boundary', 'bottom_boundary', 'boundaries' ]) def set_bounds(dict=nil) return if dict == nil if dict.kind_of?Array and dict.size == 4 left = dict[0] right = dict[1] top = dict[2] bottom = dict[3] else check_dict(dict, @@keys_for_set_bounds, 'set_bounds') if (boundaries = dict['boundaries']) != nil and boundaries.kind_of?Array and boundaries.size == 4 left = boundaries[0] right = boundaries[1] top = boundaries[2] bottom = boundaries[3] else left = complain_if_missing_numeric_arg(dict,'bounds_left','left_boundary','set_bounds') right = complain_if_missing_numeric_arg(dict,'bounds_right','right_boundary','set_bounds') top = complain_if_missing_numeric_arg(dict,'bounds_top','top_boundary','set_bounds') bottom = complain_if_missing_numeric_arg(dict,'bounds_bottom','bottom_boundary','set_bounds') end end private_set_bounds(left, right, top, bottom) end def trace_cmd_no_arg(entry_function, exit_function, &cmd) unless entry_function == nil begin entry_function.call(self) rescue Exception => er report_error(er, nil) end end result = cmd.call(self) unless exit_function == nil begin exit_function.call(self) rescue Exception => er report_error(er, nil) end end return result end def trace_cmd_one_arg(entry_function, exit_function, arg, &cmd) unless entry_function == nil begin entry_function.call(arg) rescue Exception => er report_error(er, nil) end end result = cmd.call(self) unless exit_function == nil begin exit_function.call(arg) rescue Exception => er report_error(er, nil) end end return result end def show_plot(bounds=nil,&cmd) trace_cmd_one_arg(@enter_show_plot_function, @exit_show_plot_function, bounds) { set_bounds(bounds) context { clip_to_frame; cmd.call(self) } show_plot_box } end def show_plot_without_clipping(bounds=nil,&cmd) trace_cmd_one_arg(@enter_show_plot_function, @exit_show_plot_function, bounds) { set_bounds(bounds) context { cmd.call(self) } show_plot_box } end def subfigure(margins=nil,&cmd) trace_cmd_one_arg(@enter_subfigure_function, @exit_subfigure_function, margins) { context { doing_subfigure; set_subframe(margins); cmd.call(self) } } end def root_plot return ! self.in_subplot end def in_subfigure return ! self.root_figure end def subplot(margins=nil,&cmd) trace_cmd_one_arg(@enter_subplot_function, @exit_subplot_function, margins) { reset_legend_info context { doing_subplot; set_subframe(margins); cmd.call(self) } } end @@keys_for_column_margins = FigureMaker.make_name_lookup_hash([ 'left_margin', 'right_margin', 'column_margin', 'column', 'first_column', 'last_column', 'num_columns' ]) def column_margins(dict) check_dict(dict, @@keys_for_column_margins, 'column_margins') left_margin = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'left_margin', 0) right_margin = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'right_margin', 0) num_columns = dict['num_columns'] first_column = dict['first_column'] last_column = dict['last_column'] column_margin = dict['column_margin'] column = dict['column'] if column != nil first_column = last_column = column end first_column = 1 if first_column == nil last_column = first_column if last_column == nil first_column -= 1; last_column -= 1 # switch to 0 for left column instead of 1 num_columns = last_column + 1 if num_columns == nil column_margin = 0 if column_margin == nil columns_after = num_columns - last_column - 1 columns_before = first_column column_width = (1.0 - (left_margin + right_margin + column_margin * (num_columns-1))) / num_columns left_margin = left_margin + columns_before * (column_width + column_margin) right_margin = right_margin + columns_after * (column_width + column_margin) return { 'left_margin' => left_margin, 'right_margin' => right_margin } end @@keys_for_row_margins = FigureMaker.make_name_lookup_hash([ 'top_margin', 'bottom_margin', 'row_margin', 'row', 'first_row', 'last_row', 'num_rows' ]) def row_margins(dict) check_dict(dict, @@keys_for_row_margins, 'row_margins') top_margin = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'top_margin', 0) bottom_margin = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'bottom_margin', 0) num_rows = dict['num_rows'] first_row = dict['first_row'] last_row = dict['last_row'] row_margin = dict['row_margin'] row = dict['row'] if row != nil first_row = last_row = row end first_row = 1 if first_row == nil last_row = first_row if last_row == nil first_row -= 1; last_row -= 1 # switch to 0 for top row instead of 1 num_rows = last_row + 1 if num_rows == nil row_margin = 0 if row_margin == nil rows_below = num_rows - last_row - 1 rows_above = first_row row_width = (1.0 - (top_margin + bottom_margin + row_margin * (num_rows-1))) / num_rows top_margin = top_margin + rows_above * (row_width + row_margin) bottom_margin = bottom_margin + rows_below * (row_width + row_margin) return { 'top_margin' => top_margin, 'bottom_margin' => bottom_margin } end def context(&cmd) trace_cmd_no_arg(@enter_context_function, @exit_context_function) { save_title = self.title save_xlabel = self.xlabel save_ylabel = self.ylabel save_line_type = self.line_type save_xaxis_locations_for_major_ticks = self.xaxis_locations_for_major_ticks save_xaxis_locations_for_minor_ticks = self.xaxis_locations_for_minor_ticks save_xaxis_tick_labels = self.xaxis_tick_labels save_yaxis_locations_for_major_ticks = self.yaxis_locations_for_major_ticks save_yaxis_locations_for_minor_ticks = self.yaxis_locations_for_minor_ticks save_yaxis_tick_labels = self.yaxis_tick_labels save_fm_data = Dvector.new(@@fm_data_size).replace(@fm_data) pdf_gsave begin cmd.call(self) ensure pdf_grestore self.title = save_title self.xlabel = save_xlabel self.ylabel = save_ylabel self.line_type = save_line_type self.xaxis_locations_for_major_ticks = save_xaxis_locations_for_major_ticks self.xaxis_locations_for_minor_ticks = save_xaxis_locations_for_minor_ticks self.xaxis_tick_labels = save_xaxis_tick_labels self.yaxis_locations_for_major_ticks = save_yaxis_locations_for_major_ticks self.yaxis_locations_for_minor_ticks = save_yaxis_locations_for_minor_ticks self.yaxis_tick_labels = save_yaxis_tick_labels @fm_data.replace(save_fm_data) end } end def rescale(factor) rescale_text(factor) rescale_lines(factor) end def show_plot_box show_xaxis show_yaxis show_edges show_title show_xlabel show_ylabel end def show_xaxis show_axis(self.xaxis_loc) if self.xaxis_visible end def show_yaxis show_axis(self.yaxis_loc) if self.yaxis_visible end def show_edges show_top_edge show_bottom_edge show_left_edge show_right_edge end def show_top_edge show_edge(TOP) if self.top_edge_visible && self.xaxis_loc != TOP end def show_bottom_edge show_edge(BOTTOM) if self.bottom_edge_visible && self.xaxis_loc != BOTTOM end def show_left_edge show_edge(LEFT) if self.left_edge_visible && self.yaxis_loc != LEFT end def show_right_edge show_edge(RIGHT) if self.right_edge_visible && self.yaxis_loc != RIGHT end def show_title(text = nil) text = self.title if text == nil if (self.title_visible && text != nil) show_text('text' => text, 'side' => self.title_side, 'position' => self.title_position, 'scale' => self.title_scale, 'shift' => self.title_shift, 'angle' => self.title_angle, 'alignment' => self.title_alignment, 'justification' => self.title_justification, 'color' => self.title_color) end end def show_xlabel(text = nil) text = self.xlabel if text == nil if (self.xlabel_visible && text != nil) angle = self.xlabel_angle side = self.xlabel_side shift = self.xlabel_shift shift -= 0.5 if (side == TOP && angle == 0) show_text('text' => text, 'side' => side, 'position' => self.xlabel_position, 'scale' => self.xlabel_scale, 'shift' => shift, 'angle' => angle, 'alignment' => self.xlabel_alignment, 'justification' => self.xlabel_justification, 'color' => self.xlabel_color) end end def show_ylabel(text = nil) text = self.ylabel if text == nil if (self.ylabel_visible && text != nil) angle = self.ylabel_angle side = self.ylabel_side shift = self.ylabel_shift shift += 0.5 if (side == RIGHT && angle == 0) show_text('text' => text, 'side' => side, 'position' => self.ylabel_position, 'scale' => self.ylabel_scale, 'shift' => shift, 'angle' => angle, 'alignment' => self.ylabel_alignment, 'justification' => self.ylabel_justification, 'color' => self.ylabel_color) end end @@keys_for_show_grid = %w[ stroke_color line_type rescale_lines line_width stroke_opacity stroke_transparency ] # Draws the gridlines associated with the X and Y axis. # # The following list shows the keys that cen be used in +dict+. In the # list, 'A' stands for either 'x' or 'y', and 'M' stands for 'major' or # 'minor'. Keys can also be specified without the "A_M_" prefix to specify # "grid-global" defaults. The +grid+ key, if true, enables both major and # minor gridlines for both x and y axes. # # * A_M_grid # * A_M_line_type # * A_M_line_width # * A_M_stroke_opacity # * A_M_stroke_transparency # * A_M_stroke_color def show_grid(dict={}) dict = { 'line_type' => Line_Type_Dot, 'rescale_lines' => 0.25, 'stroke_color' => Gray, 'major_grid' => true, 'minor_grid' => false, 'x_minor_rescale_lines' => 0.5, 'y_minor_rescale_lines' => 0.5, }.merge(dict) # "grid-global" context context do @@keys_for_show_grid.each do |k| next unless val = dict[k] k += '=' if respond_to? "#{k}=" next unless respond_to? k send(k, val) end if dict['x_major_grid'] || dict['x_minor_grid'] || dict[ 'major_grid'] || dict[ 'minor_grid'] || dict['grid'] top = axis_information(TOP) bottom = axis_information(BOTTOM) y0 = bottom['y0'] y1 = top['y1'] # Do minor and major grid lines in same context so minor lines will # inherit properties from major lines. context do %w[ major minor ].each do |m| next unless dict["x_#{m}_grid"] || dict["#{m}_grid"] || dict["grid"] @@keys_for_show_grid.each do |k| next unless val = dict["x_#{m}_#{k}"] k += '=' if respond_to? "#{k}=" send(k, val) end bottom["#{m}_ticks"].each {|x| stroke_line(x, y0, x, y1)} end end end if dict['y_major_grid'] || dict['y_minor_grid'] || dict[ 'major_grid'] || dict[ 'minor_grid'] || dict['grid'] left = axis_information(LEFT) right = axis_information(RIGHT) x0 = left['x0'] x1 = right['x1'] # Do minor and major grid lines in same context so minor lines will # inherit properties from major lines. context do %w[ major minor ].each do |m| next unless dict["y_#{m}_grid"] || dict["#{m}_grid"] || dict["grid"] @@keys_for_show_grid.each do |k| next unless val = dict["y_#{m}_#{k}"] k += '=' if respond_to? "#{k}=" send(k, val) end left["#{m}_ticks"].each {|y| stroke_line(x0, y, x1, y)} end end end end end @@keys_for_show_plot_with_legend = FigureMaker.make_name_lookup_hash([ 'legend_top_margin', 'legend_bottom_margin', 'legend_left_margin', 'legend_right_margin', 'plot_top_margin', 'plot_bottom_margin', 'plot_left_margin', 'plot_right_margin', 'plot_scale', 'legend_scale', 'legend_background_function' ]) def show_plot_with_legend(dict=nil, &cmd) check_dict(dict, @@keys_for_show_plot_with_legend, 'show_plot_with_legend') if dict != nil legend_top_margin = get_if_given_else_use_default_dict(dict, 'legend_top_margin', @legend_defaults) legend_bottom_margin = get_if_given_else_use_default_dict(dict, 'legend_bottom_margin', @legend_defaults) legend_left_margin = get_if_given_else_use_default_dict(dict, 'legend_left_margin', @legend_defaults) legend_right_margin = get_if_given_else_use_default_dict(dict, 'legend_right_margin', @legend_defaults) legend_scale = get_if_given_else_use_default_dict(dict, 'legend_scale', @legend_defaults) plot_top_margin = get_if_given_else_use_default_dict(dict, 'plot_top_margin', @legend_defaults) plot_bottom_margin = get_if_given_else_use_default_dict(dict, 'plot_bottom_margin', @legend_defaults) plot_left_margin = get_if_given_else_use_default_dict(dict, 'plot_left_margin', @legend_defaults) plot_right_margin = get_if_given_else_use_default_dict(dict, 'plot_right_margin', @legend_defaults) plot_scale = get_if_given_else_use_default_dict(dict, 'plot_scale', @legend_defaults) legend_background_function = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'legend_background_function', nil) @legend_subframe = [legend_left_margin, legend_right_margin, legend_top_margin, legend_bottom_margin] reset_legend_info rescale(plot_scale) subplot([plot_left_margin, plot_right_margin, plot_top_margin, plot_bottom_margin]) { cmd.call(self) } # We temporary store the legend information in @legend_subframes set_subframe(@legend_subframe) rescale(legend_scale) # note that legend_scale is an addition to the plot_scale, not a replacement @pr_margin = plot_right_margin show_legend(legend_background_function) @legend_subframe = nil end def append_points_with_gaps_to_path(xs, ys, gaps, close_subpaths = false) private_append_points_with_gaps_to_path(xs, ys, gaps, close_subpaths) end def show_polyline(xs, ys, color = nil, legend = nil, type = nil, gaps = nil, close_subpaths = nil) context do self.line_type = type if type != nil self.stroke_color = color if color != nil append_points_with_gaps_to_path(xs, ys, gaps, close_subpaths) stroke save_legend_info(legend) if legend != nil end end def stroke_polyline(xs, ys, color = nil, legend = nil, type = nil, gaps = nil, close_subpaths = nil) show_polyline(xs, ys, color, legend, type, gaps, close_subpaths) end def show_contour(xs, ys, gaps = nil, color = nil, type = nil, legend = nil) show_polyline(xs, ys, color, legend, type, gaps, false) end @@keys_for_make_contour = FigureMaker.make_name_lookup_hash([ 'dest_xs', 'dest_ys', 'z_level', 'z', 'level', 'xs', 'ys', 'gaps', 'zs', 'data', 'legit', 'method']) def make_contour(dict) return FigureMaker.make_contour(dict) end def self.make_contour(dict) check_dict(dict, @@keys_for_make_contour, 'make_contour') z_level = dict['z_level'] if z_level == nil z_level = complain_if_missing_numeric_arg(dict, 'z', 'level', 'make_contour') end dest_xs = dict['dest_xs'] dest_ys = dict['dest_ys'] xs = get_dvec(dict, 'xs', 'make_contour') ys = get_dvec(dict, 'ys', 'make_contour') gaps = dict['gaps'] if (!(gaps.kind_of? Array)) raise "Sorry: 'gaps' for 'make_contour' must be an Array" end zs = alt_names(dict, 'zs', 'data') if (!(zs.kind_of? Dtable)) raise "Sorry: 'zs' for 'make_contour' must be a Dtable" end dest_xs.clear unless dest_xs == nil dest_ys.clear unless dest_ys == nil gaps.clear legit = dict['legit'] if legit == nil legit = Dtable.new(xs.length,ys.length).set(1.0) elsif (!(legit.kind_of? Dtable)) raise "Sorry: 'legit' for 'make_contour' must be a Dtable -- nonzero means legitimate value in corresponding entry in zs" end method = dict['method'] use_conrec = (method == 'conrec' or method == 'CONREC')? 1 : 0 pts_array = FigureMaker.private_make_contour(gaps, xs, ys, zs, z_level, legit, use_conrec) unless dest_xs == nil dest_xs.resize(pts_array[0].size) dest_xs.replace(pts_array[0]) end unless dest_ys == nil dest_ys.resize(pts_array[1].size) dest_ys.replace(pts_array[1]) end return pts_array end @@keys_for_make_steps = FigureMaker.make_name_lookup_hash([ 'xfirst', 'x_first', 'yfirst', 'y_first', 'xlast', 'x_last', 'ylast', 'y_last', 'xs', 'ys', 'dest_xs', 'dest_ys']) def make_steps(dict) check_dict(dict, @@keys_for_make_steps, 'make_steps') xfirst = complain_if_missing_numeric_arg(dict, 'xfirst', 'x_first', 'make_steps') yfirst = complain_if_missing_numeric_arg(dict, 'yfirst', 'y_first', 'make_steps') xlast = complain_if_missing_numeric_arg(dict, 'xlast', 'x_last', 'make_steps') ylast = complain_if_missing_numeric_arg(dict, 'ylast', 'y_last', 'make_steps') dest_xs = dict['dest_xs'] dest_ys = dict['dest_ys'] xs = get_dvec(dict, 'xs', 'make_steps') ys = get_dvec(dict, 'ys', 'make_steps') pts_array = private_make_steps(xs, ys, xfirst, yfirst, xlast, ylast) unless dest_xs == nil dest_xs.resize(pts_array[0].size) dest_xs.replace(pts_array[0]) end unless dest_ys == nil dest_ys.resize(pts_array[1].size) dest_ys.replace(pts_array[1]) end return pts_array end @@keys_for_make_curves = FigureMaker.make_name_lookup_hash([ 'start_slope', 'end_slope', 'xs', 'ys', 'sample_xs', 'result_ys']) def make_spline_interpolated_points(dict) check_dict(dict, @@keys_for_make_curves, 'make_spline_interpolated_points') start_slope = dict['start_slope'] end_slope = dict['end_slope'] sample_xs = get_dvec(dict, 'sample_xs', 'make_spline_interpolated_points') xs = get_dvec(dict, 'xs', 'make_spline_interpolated_points') ys = get_dvec(dict, 'ys', 'make_spline_interpolated_points') yvec = private_make_spline_interpolated_points(sample_xs, xs, ys, start_slope, end_slope) result_ys = dict['result_ys'] unless result_ys == nil result_ys.resize(yvec.size) result_ys.replace(yvec) end return yvec end @@keys_for_make_interpolant = FigureMaker.make_name_lookup_hash([ 'start_slope', 'end_slope', 'xs', 'ys']) def make_interpolant(dict) check_dict(dict, @@keys_for_make_interpolant, 'make_smoothed') start_slope = dict['start_slope'] end_slope = dict['end_slope'] xs = get_dvec(dict, 'xs', 'make_interpolant') ys = get_dvec(dict, 'ys', 'make_interpolant') return Dvector.create_spline_interpolant(xs, ys, (start_slope != nil), start_slope, (end_slope != nil), end_slope) end def append_interpolant_to_path(interp) x_s = interp[0]; y_s = interp[1]; a_s = interp[2]; b_s = interp[3]; c_s = interp[4] ctrl = Dvector.new move_to_point(x_s[0], y_s[0]); (x_s.size - 1).times do |i| x0 = x_s[i]; delta_x = x_s[i+1] - x0 ctrl.make_bezier_control_points_for_cubic_in_x(x0, y_s[i], delta_x, a_s[i], b_s[i], c_s[i]) append_curve_to_path(ctrl[0], ctrl[1], ctrl[2], ctrl[3], ctrl[4], ctrl[5]) end end @@keys_for_show_error_bars = FigureMaker.make_name_lookup_hash(['x', 'y', 'dx', 'dy', 'dx_plus', 'dx_minus', 'dy_plus', 'dy_minus', 'color', 'end_cap', 'line_width']) def show_error_bars(dict) check_dict(dict, @@keys_for_show_error_bars, 'show_error_bars') x = dict['x'] y = dict['y'] if (x == nil || y == nil) raise "Sorry: Must give both 'x' and 'y' for show_error_bar." end dx = dict['dx'] dx_plus = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'dx_plus', dx) dx_minus = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'dx_minus', dx) dx_plus = 0 if dx_plus == nil dx_minus = 0 if dx_minus == nil dy = dict['dy'] dy_plus = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'dy_plus', dy) dy_minus = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'dy_minus', dy) dy_plus = 0 if dy_plus == nil dy_minus = 0 if dy_minus == nil if (dx_plus == 0 && dy_minus == 0) raise "Sorry: Must give either or both 'dx' and 'dy' error ranges for show_error_bar." end end_cap = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'end_cap', 0.15) # end_cap length in default text heights x_end_cap = end_cap * self.default_text_height_dy y_end_cap = end_cap * self.default_text_height_dx line_width = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'line_width', 1) prev_line_width = self.line_width self.line_width = line_width if prev_line_width != line_width color = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'color', Black) prev_color = self.stroke_color self.stroke_color = color if prev_color != color # vertical error (dy) if (dy_plus != 0 || dy_minus != 0) stroke_line(x, y+dy_plus, x, y-dy_minus) stroke_line(x-y_end_cap, y+dy_plus, x+y_end_cap, y+dy_plus) stroke_line(x-y_end_cap, y-dy_minus, x+y_end_cap, y-dy_minus) end # horizontal error (dx) if (dx_plus != 0 || dx_minus != 0) stroke_line(x+dx_plus, y, x-dx_minus, y) stroke_line(x+dx_plus, y-x_end_cap, x+dx_plus, y+x_end_cap) stroke_line(x-dx_minus, y-x_end_cap, x-dx_minus, y+x_end_cap) end self.line_width = prev_line_width if prev_line_width != line_width self.stroke_color = prev_color if prev_color != color end @@keys_for_show_arrow = FigureMaker.make_name_lookup_hash([ 'x_head', 'y_head', 'x_tail', 'y_tail', 'head', 'tail', 'color', 'head_color', 'tail_color', 'line_color', 'line_style', 'head_marker', 'tail_marker', 'line_width', 'head_angle', 'head_just', 'tail_just', 'tail_angle', 'head_scale', 'tail_scale']) # TODO: add linestyle capacities to arrows. def show_arrow(dict) check_dict(dict, @@keys_for_show_arrow, 'show_arrow') if check_pair(head = dict['head'], 'head', 'show_arrow') x_head = head[0] y_head = head[1] else x_head = dict['x_head'] y_head = dict['y_head'] end if (x_head == nil || y_head == nil) raise "Sorry: Must give both 'x_head' and 'y_head' for show_arrow." end if check_pair(tail = dict['tail'], 'tail', 'show_arrow') x_tail = tail[0] y_tail = tail[1] else x_tail = dict['x_tail'] y_tail = dict['y_tail'] end if (x_tail == nil || y_tail == nil) raise "Sorry: Must give both 'x_tail' and 'y_tail' for show_arrow." end color = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'color', Black) head_color = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'head_color', color) tail_color = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'tail_color', color) head_angle = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'head_angle', 0) tail_angle = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'tail_angle', -180) line_color = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'line_color', color) head_marker = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'head_marker', Arrowhead) tail_marker = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'tail_marker', BarThin) line_width = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'line_width', 1) head_scale = dict['head_scale'] head_scale = @marker_defaults['scale'] if head_scale == nil tail_scale = dict['tail_scale'] # Automatic detection of marker justification dict['tail_just'] ||= if tail_marker == Arrowhead || tail_marker == ArrowheadOpen RIGHT_JUSTIFIED else CENTERED end dict['head_just'] ||= if head_marker == Arrowhead || head_marker == ArrowheadOpen RIGHT_JUSTIFIED else CENTERED end prev_line_cap = self.line_cap self.line_cap = LINE_CAP_BUTT if prev_line_cap != LINE_CAP_BUTT prev_line_width = self.line_width self.line_width = line_width if prev_line_width != line_width prev_stroke_color = self.stroke_color self.stroke_color = line_color if line_color != prev_stroke_color prev_line_type = self.line_type if dict['line_style'] self.line_type = dict['line_style'] end dx = x_head - x_tail dy = y_head - y_tail pg_dx = convert_figure_to_output_dx(dx) pg_dy = convert_figure_to_output_dy(dy) len = (pg_dx*pg_dx + pg_dy*pg_dy).sqrt chsz = convert_figure_to_output_dx(default_text_height_dx) * head_scale chsz = -chsz if chsz < 0 tail_frac = if dict['tail_just'] == RIGHT_JUSTIFIED 0.5 * chsz/len else 0.0 end head_frac = if dict['head_just'] == RIGHT_JUSTIFIED (len - 0.5 * chsz)/len else 1.0 end if head_frac < tail_frac # Pretty uncommon, I guess head_frac = tail_frac = 0.5 # We put everything in the middle, then end # Don't actually stroke the line if line_width is null. Can be used # to draw only the markers. stroke_line(x_tail + tail_frac*dx, y_tail + tail_frac*dy, x_tail + head_frac*dx, y_tail + head_frac*dy) if line_width > 0 angle = convert_to_degrees(dx, dy) if head_marker != 'None' show_marker('marker' => head_marker, 'point' => [x_head, y_head], 'color' => head_color, 'justification' => dict['head_just'], 'angle'=> (angle + head_angle), 'scale' => head_scale) end if tail_marker != 'None' if tail_marker == Arrowhead || tail_marker == ArrowheadOpen just = RIGHT_JUSTIFIED else just = CENTERED end show_marker('marker' => tail_marker, 'point' => [x_tail, y_tail], 'color' => tail_color, 'angle'=> (angle + tail_angle), 'scale' => tail_scale, 'justification' => dict['tail_just']) end self.line_cap = prev_line_cap if prev_line_cap != LINE_CAP_BUTT self.line_width = prev_line_width if prev_line_width != line_width self.stroke_color = prev_stroke_color if prev_stroke_color != line_color self.line_type = prev_line_type end @@keys_for_axial_shading = FigureMaker.make_name_lookup_hash(['extend_start', 'extend_end', 'x_start', 'y_start', 'start', 'start_point', 'x_end', 'y_end', 'end', 'end_point', 'colormap', 'color_map']) def axial_shading(dict) check_dict(dict, @@keys_for_axial_shading, 'axial_shading') x_start = y_start = nil start = alt_names(dict, 'start', 'start_point') if check_pair(start, 'start', 'axial_shading') x_start = start[0]; y_start = start[1]; end x_start = dict['x_start'] if x_start == nil y_start = dict['y_start'] if y_start == nil if (x_start == nil || y_start == nil) raise "Sorry: Must give both 'x_start' and 'y_start' for axial_shading." end x_end = y_end = nil endpt = alt_names(dict, 'end', 'end_point') if check_pair(endpt, 'end', 'axial_shading') x_end = endpt[0]; y_end= endpt[1]; end x_end = dict['x_end'] if x_end == nil y_end = dict['y_end'] if y_end == nil if (x_end == nil || y_end == nil) raise "Sorry: Must give both 'x_end' and 'y_end' for axial_shading." end colormap = alt_names(dict, 'colormap', 'color_map') extend_start = dict['extend_start'] extend_end = dict['extend_end'] private_axial_shading(x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end, colormap, extend_start, extend_end) end @@keys_for_radial_shading = FigureMaker.make_name_lookup_hash(['extend_start', 'extend_end', 'x_start', 'y_start', 'radius_start', 'start_radius', 'start', 'start_circle', 'x_end', 'y_end', 'radius_start', 'end_radius', 'end', 'end_circle', 'colormap', 'color_map', 'x_hat', 'y_hat', 'xhat', 'yhat']) def radial_shading(dict) check_dict(dict, @@keys_for_radial_shading, 'radial_shading') start_circle = alt_names(dict, 'start_circle', 'start') end_circle = alt_names(dict, 'end_circle', 'end') colormap = alt_names(dict, 'colormap', 'color_map') x_hat = alt_names(dict, 'x_hat', 'xhat') x_hat = [1, 0] if x_hat == nil y_hat = alt_names(dict, 'y_hat', 'yhat') y_hat = [0, 1] if y_hat == nil origin = dict['origin'] origin = [0, 0] if origin == nil extend_start = dict['extend_start'] extend_end = dict['extend_end'] private_radial_shading(start_circle[0], start_circle[1], start_circle[2], end_circle[0], end_circle[1], end_circle[2], colormap, x_hat[0], y_hat[0], x_hat[1], y_hat[1], extend_start, extend_end) end def string_hls_to_rgb(str) string_hls_to_rgb!(String.new(str)) end def string_rgb_to_hls(str) string_rgb_to_hls!(String.new(str)) end @@keys_for_show_image = FigureMaker.make_name_lookup_hash([ 'll', 'lr', 'ul', 'w', 'width', 'height', 'h', 'opacity_mask', 'stencil_mask', 'jpg', 'JPG', 'jpeg', 'JPEG', 'interpolate', 'data', 'value_mask', 'color_space', 'color_map', 'colormap']) def show_image(dict) internal_show_image(dict, false) end @@keys_for_create_colormap = FigureMaker.make_name_lookup_hash(['length', 'points', 'Rs', 'Gs', 'Bs', 'Hs', 'Ls', 'Ss']) def create_colormap(dict) check_dict(dict, @@keys_for_create_colormap, 'create_colormap') length = dict['length'] length = 256 if length == nil if !(length >= 2 && length <= 256) raise "Sorry: dictionary for create color map must have 'length' between 2 and 256" end points = dict['points'] if points == nil raise "Sorry: dictionary for create color map must have 'points' set to a vector of increasing locations from 0.0 to 1.0" end c1s = dict['Rs'] c2s = dict['Gs'] c3s = dict['Bs'] if c1s != nil && c2s != nil && c3s != nil rgb_flag = true else c1s = dict['Hs'] c2s = dict['Ls'] c3s = dict['Ss'] if c1s == nil || c2s == nil || c3s == nil raise "Sorry: dictionary for create color map must have 'Rs', 'Gs', and 'Bs', or 'Hs', 'Ls', and 'Ss'." end rgb_flag = false end private_create_colormap(rgb_flag, length, points, c1s, c2s, c3s) end def intense_colormap if @intense_colormap == nil @intense_colormap = create_colormap( 'points' => [0.0, 0.44, 0.50, 0.50, 0.56, 1.0], 'Hs' => [240, 240, 240, 0, 0, 0], 'Ls' => [0.5, 0.90, 0.99, 0.99, 0.90, 0.5], 'Ss' => [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] ) end @intense_colormap end def mellow_colormap if @mellow_colormap == nil @mellow_colormap = create_colormap( 'points' => [0.0, 0.44, 0.50, 0.50, 0.56, 1.0], 'Hs' => [240, 240, 240, 0, 0, 0], 'Ls' => [0.5, 0.90, 0.99, 0.99, 0.90, 0.5], 'Ss' => [0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5] ) end @mellow_colormap end def rainbow_colormap if @rainbow_colormap == nil @rainbow_colormap = create_colormap( 'points' => [0.00, 0.27, 0.46, 0.73, 1.00], # distorted to reduce size of green # modified for debugging purposes... 'Hs' => (Dvector[0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]*90.0 - 20.0)*(340.0/360.0) + 10.0, 'Ls' => [ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 'Ss' => [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] ) end @rainbow_colormap end @@keys_for_create_gradient_colormap = FigureMaker.make_name_lookup_hash([ 'hue', 'starting_H', 'ending_H', 'lightness', 'starting_L', 'ending_L', 'saturation', 'starting_S', 'ending_S']) def create_gradient_colormap(dict) check_dict(dict, @@keys_for_create_gradient_colormap, 'create_gradient_colormap') hue = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'hue', 0) starting_H = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'starting_H', hue) ending_H = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'ending_H', hue) lightness = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'lightness', 0.5) starting_L = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'starting_L', lightness) ending_L = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'ending_L', lightness) saturation = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'saturation', 0.5) starting_S = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'starting_S', saturation) ending_S = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'ending_S', saturation) create_colormap( 'points' => [0.00, 1.00], 'Hs' => [starting_H, ending_H], 'Ls' => [starting_L, ending_L], 'Ss' => [starting_S, ending_S] ) end @@keys_for_create_image_data = FigureMaker.make_name_lookup_hash([ 'first_row', 'last_row', 'first_column', 'last_column', 'min_value', 'max_value', 'max_code', 'if_below_range', 'if_above_range', 'masking']) def create_image_data(data, dict) check_dict(dict, @@keys_for_create_image_data, 'create_image_data') first_row = dict['first_row'] last_row = dict['last_row'] first_column = dict['first_column'] last_column = dict['last_column'] min_value = dict['min_value'] max_value = dict['max_value'] max_code = dict['max_code'] if_below_range = dict['if_below_range'] if_above_range = dict['if_above_range'] first_row = 0 if first_row == nil last_row = -1 if last_row == nil first_column = 0 if first_column == nil last_column = -1 if last_column == nil min_value = data.min if min_value == nil max_value = data.max if max_value == nil max_code = 255 if max_code == nil if_below_range = 0 if if_below_range == nil if_above_range = max_code if if_above_range == nil if dict['masking'] == true max_code = 254; if_below_range = if_above_range = 255 end return private_create_image_data(data, first_row, last_row, first_column, last_column, min_value, max_value, max_code, if_below_range, if_above_range); end @@keys_for_create_monochrome_image_data = FigureMaker.make_name_lookup_hash([ 'first_row', 'last_row', 'first_column', 'last_column', 'boundary', 'reverse']) def create_monochrome_image_data(data, dict) check_dict(dict, @@keys_for_create_monochrome_image_data, 'create_monochrome_image_data') first_row = dict['first_row'] last_row = dict['last_row'] first_column = dict['first_column'] last_column = dict['last_column'] boundary = dict['boundary'] reverse = dict['reverse'] first_row = 0 if first_row == nil last_row = -1 if last_row == nil first_column = 0 if first_column == nil last_column = -1 if last_column == nil boundary = 0 if boundary == nil reverse = false if reverse == nil return private_create_monochrome_image_data(data, first_row, last_row, first_column, last_column, boundary, reverse); end @@keys_for_show_marker = FigureMaker.make_name_lookup_hash([ 'marker', 'x', 'y', 'at', 'point', 'Xs', 'Ys', 'xs', 'ys', 'mode', 'rendering_mode', 'legend', 'angle', 'scale', 'font', 'string', 'text', 'color', 'fill_color', 'stroke_color', 'stroke_width', 'horizontal_scale', 'vertical_scale', 'italic_angle', 'ascent_angle', 'alignment', 'justification']) def show_marker(dict) check_dict(dict, @@keys_for_show_marker, 'show_marker') marker = dict['marker'] x = y = nil at = alt_names(dict, 'at', 'point') if check_pair(at, 'at', 'show_text') x = at[0]; y = at[1]; end x = dict['x'] if x == nil y = dict['y'] if y == nil xs = alt_names(dict, 'Xs', 'xs') ys = alt_names(dict, 'Ys', 'ys') if ((xs != nil && ys == nil) || (ys != nil && xs == nil)) raise "Sorry: Must supply both xs and ys for show_marker" end if (xs != nil && ys != nil && xs.size != ys.size) raise "Sorry: Must equal length xs and ys for show_marker" end color = dict['color'] if color == nil fill_color = get_if_given_else_use_default_dict(dict, 'fill_color', @marker_defaults) stroke_color = get_if_given_else_use_default_dict(dict, 'stroke_color', @marker_defaults) else stroke_color = dict['stroke_color'] || color fill_color = dict['fill_color'] || color end font = dict['font'] mode = alt_names(dict, 'mode', 'rendering_mode') string = alt_names(dict, 'string', 'text') if (marker == nil && string == nil) raise "Sorry: Must give either 'marker' or 'string' for show_marker" end if (marker != nil && string != nil) raise "Sorry: Must give either 'marker' or 'string' for show_marker, but not both" end stroke_width = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'stroke_width', stroke_width) angle = get_if_given_else_use_default_dict(dict, 'angle', @marker_defaults) scale = get_if_given_else_use_default_dict(dict, 'scale', @marker_defaults) just = get_if_given_else_use_default_dict(dict, 'justification', @marker_defaults) align = get_if_given_else_use_default_dict(dict, 'alignment', @marker_defaults) h_scale = get_if_given_else_use_default_dict(dict, 'horizontal_scale', @marker_defaults) v_scale = get_if_given_else_use_default_dict(dict, 'vertical_scale', @marker_defaults) it_angle = get_if_given_else_use_default_dict(dict, 'italic_angle', @marker_defaults) ascent_angle = get_if_given_else_use_default_dict(dict, 'ascent_angle', @marker_defaults) glyph = 0 if glyph == nil args = [marker, font, mode, align, just, stroke_width, string, x, y, xs, ys, h_scale, v_scale, scale, it_angle, ascent_angle, angle, fill_color, stroke_color] private_show_marker(args) legend_arg = dict['legend'] if legend_arg != nil if legend_arg.kind_of?Hash legend = legend_arg.dup legend["line_type"] = 'None' if legend["line_type"] == nil legend["marker"] = marker if legend["marker"] == nil legend["marker_scale"] = scale if legend["marker_scale"] == nil legend["marker_color"] = fill_color if legend["marker_color"] == nil save_legend_info(legend) elsif legend_arg.kind_of?String save_legend_info( 'line_type' => 'None', 'marker' => marker, 'marker_scale' => scale, 'marker_color' => fill_color, 'text' => legend_arg) else save_legend_info(legend_arg) end end end def show_label(dict) at = alt_names(dict, 'at', 'point') if check_pair(at, 'at', 'show_text') xloc = at[0] yloc = at[1] else xloc = dict['x'] yloc = dict['y'] end if (xloc == nil || yloc == nil) raise "Sorry: Must supply 'at', 'point', or 'x' and 'y' for show_label" end return if !check_label_clip(xloc, yloc) show_text(dict) end @@keys_for_show_text = FigureMaker.make_name_lookup_hash([ 'text', 'side', 'loc', 'position', 'pos', 'x', 'y', 'shift', 'scale', 'color', 'angle', 'alignment', 'justification', 'at', 'point', 'measure']) def show_text(dict) check_dict(dict, @@keys_for_show_text, 'show_text') text = dict['text'] if text == nil raise "Sorry: Must supply 'text' entry in dictionary for show_text" end scale = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'scale', 1) color = dict['color'] # color is [r,g,b] array. this adds \textcolor[rgb]{r,g,b}{...} if color != nil if !color.kind_of? Array raise "Sorry: 'color' must be array of [r,g,b] intensities for show_text (#{color})" end r = color[0]; g = color[1]; b = color[2]; if (!(r.kind_of? Numeric) || !(g.kind_of? Numeric) || !(b.kind_of? Numeric) ) raise "Sorry: 'color' must be array of [r,g,b] intensities for show_text" end text = sprintf("\\textcolor[rgb]{%0.2f,%0.2f,%0.2f}{%s}", r, g, b, text) end just = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'justification', self.justification) align = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'alignment', self.alignment) angle = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'angle', 0) loc = alt_names(dict, 'loc', 'side') if (loc == nil) at = alt_names(dict, 'at', 'point') if check_pair(at, 'at', 'show_text') xloc = at[0] yloc = at[1] else xloc = dict['x'] yloc = dict['y'] end if (xloc == nil || yloc == nil) raise "Sorry: Must supply a location for show_text" end show_rotated_label(text, xloc, yloc, scale, angle, just, align, dict['measure'] || nil) return end position = alt_names(dict, 'position', 'pos') position = 0.5 if position == nil shift = dict['shift'] if loc == LEFT shift = self.text_shift_on_left if shift == nil elsif loc == RIGHT shift = self.text_shift_on_right if shift == nil elsif loc == TOP shift = self.text_shift_on_top if shift == nil elsif loc == BOTTOM shift = self.text_shift_on_bottom if shift == nil else if (loc == AT_X_ORIGIN) shift = self.text_shift_from_x_origin if shift == nil xloc = shift*self.char_height_dx yloc = convert_frame_to_figure_y(position) return elsif (loc == AT_Y_ORIGIN) shift = self.text_shift_from_y_origin if shift == nil yloc = shift*self.char_height_dy xloc = convert_frame_to_figure_x(position) else raise "Sorry: 'loc' must be LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM, AT_X_ORIGIN, or AT_Y_ORIGIN for show_text" end show_rotated_label(text, xloc, yloc, scale, angle, just, align, dict['measure']) return end show_rotated_text(text, loc, shift, position, scale, angle, just, align, dict['measure']) end def reset_eval_function @eval_command = nil end def def_eval_function(&cmd) if cmd == nil raise "Sorry: must provide a command block for def_eval" end @eval_command = cmd end def def_enter_page_function(&cmd) if cmd == nil raise "Sorry: must provide a command block for def_enter_page_function" end @enter_page_function = cmd end def reset_enter_page_function @enter_page_function = nil end def def_exit_page_function(&cmd) if cmd == nil raise "Sorry: must provide a command block for def_exit_page_function" end @exit_page_function = cmd end def reset_exit_page_function @exit_page_function = nil end def def_enter_show_plot_function(&cmd) if cmd == nil raise "Sorry: must provide a command block for def_enter_show_plot_function" end @enter_show_plot_function = cmd end def reset_enter_show_plot_function @enter_show_plot_function = nil end def def_exit_show_plot_function(&cmd) if cmd == nil raise "Sorry: must provide a command block for def_exit_show_plot_function" end @exit_show_plot_function = cmd end def reset_exit_show_plot_function @exit_show_plot_function = nil end def def_enter_subfigure_function(&cmd) if cmd == nil raise "Sorry: must provide a command block for def_enter_subfigure_function" end @enter_subfigure_function = cmd end def reset_enter_subfigure_function @enter_subfigure_function = nil end def def_exit_subfigure_function(&cmd) if cmd == nil raise "Sorry: must provide a command block for def_exit_subfigure_function" end @exit_subfigure_function = cmd end def reset_exit_subfigure_function @exit_subfigure_function = nil end def def_enter_subplot_function(&cmd) if cmd == nil raise "Sorry: must provide a command block for def_enter_subplot_function" end @enter_subplot_function = cmd end def reset_enter_subplot_function @enter_subplot_function = nil end def def_exit_subplot_function(&cmd) if cmd == nil raise "Sorry: must provide a command block for def_exit_subplot_function" end @exit_subplot_function = cmd end def reset_exit_subplot_function @exit_subplot_function = nil end def def_enter_context_function(&cmd) if cmd == nil raise "Sorry: must provide a command block for def_enter_context_function" end @enter_context_function = cmd end def reset_enter_context_function @enter_subplot_context = nil end def def_exit_context_function(&cmd) if cmd == nil raise "Sorry: must provide a command block for def_exit_context_function" end @exit_context_function = cmd end def reset_exit_context_function @exit_subplot_context = nil end def eval_function(string) result = string if @eval_command == nil begin result = eval(string) rescue Exception => er report_error(er, nil) end else begin result = @eval_command.call(string) rescue Exception => er report_error(er, nil) end end return result end def def_figure(name, &cmd) name = name.split(' ').join('_') # replace blanks by underscores since names must be okay for shell if cmd == nil raise "Sorry: must provide a command block for def_figure" end if (num = @figure_names.index(name)) == nil @figure_names << name num = @figure_names.index(name) @num_figures = @figure_names.length end @figure_commands[num] = cmd return cmd end def figure_index(name) return @figure_names.index(name) end def make_figure(num) make_pdf(num) end def make_preview_pdf(num) # old name make_pdf(num) end # We wrap the call so that if the keys of @measures # did change during the call, we call it again. def make_pdf(num,&cmd) # returns pdf name if successful, false if failed. def_figure(num,&cmd) if Kernel.block_given? old_measure_keys = @measures.keys num = get_num_for_pdf(num) result = start_making_pdf(num) return unless result begin @figure_pdfs[num] = finish_making_pdf(@figure_names[num]) # If the keys have changed, we run that again. rescue Exception => e p e, e.backtrace end if @measures.keys != old_measure_keys # we dont need to pass &cmd since it has now been defined make_pdf(num) end return @figure_pdfs[num] end def require_pdf(num) num = get_num_for_pdf(num) make_pdf(num) if @figure_pdfs[num] == nil return @figure_pdfs[num] end def require_all(fignums=nil, report=false, always_make=false) fignums = Array.new(@figure_names.length) {|i| i} if fignums == nil nums = [] fignums.each do |num| if always_make || (@figure_pdfs[num] == nil) result = start_making_pdf(num) if result report_number_and_name(num,@figure_names[num]) if report nums << num else puts 'ERROR: Failed to make pdf for ' + @figure_names[num] end end end finish_making_pdfs(nums,report) return true end def make_all(fignums=nil, report=false) require_all(fignums, report, true) end def make_portfolio_pdf(name, fignums=nil, report=false) make_portfolio(name,fignums,report) end def make_portfolio(name, fignums=nil, report=false) require_all(fignums,report) private_make_portfolio(name, fignums, @figure_names) finish_making_pdf(name) end # make create_figure_temp_files public for use by applications like ctioga. def create_figure_temp_files(name) # returns true if successful, false if failed. if name.kind_of?(Integer) num = name name = @figure_names[num] else num = @figure_names.index(name) end return false if num == nil cmd = @figure_commands[num] return false unless cmd.kind_of?(Proc) begin reset_plot_attrs reset_legend_info private_make(name, cmd) return true rescue Exception => er report_error(er, "ERROR while executing command: #{cmd}") end return false end private def report_number_and_name(num,name) if num < 10 puts ' ' + num.to_s + ' ' + name elsif num < 100 puts ' ' + num.to_s + ' ' + name else puts num.to_s + ' ' + name end end def get_num_for_pdf(num) num = @figure_names.index(num) unless num.kind_of?(Integer) ensure_safe_save_dir num = num.to_i num_figures = @figure_names.size num += num_figures if num < 0 if ((num < 0) or (num >= num_figures)) puts "Sorry: number must be between 0 and #{num_figures-1}" num = nil end return num end def start_making_pdf(num) # returns true if successful, false if failed. num = get_num_for_pdf(num) if num == nil result = false else name = @figure_names[num] begin result = create_figure_temp_files(num) name = get_save_filename(name) rescue Exception => er report_error(er, "ERROR: make failed for #{name}") result = false end end return result end def finish_making_pdfs(fignums,report) if @multithreads_okay_for_tioga # run separate threads for the pdflatex processing threads = [] fignums.each do |num| threads << Thread.new(num) { |i| finish_1_pdf(i,report) } end threads.each {|thr| thr.join} else fignums.each {|num| finish_1_pdf(num,report)} end return true end def finish_1_pdf(num,report) old_measure_keys = @measures.keys pdfname = finish_making_pdf(@figure_names[num]) if pdfname != false @figure_pdfs[num] = pdfname report_number_and_name(num,pdfname) if report else puts 'ERROR: pdflatex failed to make pdf for ' + @figure_names[num] end end def finish_making_pdf(name) # returns pdfname if succeeds, false if fails. pdflatex = FigureMaker.pdflatex quiet = @quiet_mode run_directory = @run_dir logname = "pdflatex.log" new_dir = @save_dir || "." syscmd = "#{pdflatex} -interaction nonstopmode #{name}.tex" popen_error = nil @pdflatex_errors = [] Dir.chdir(new_dir) do # Now fun begins: # We use IO::popen for three reasons: # * first, we want to be able to read back information from # pdflatex (see \tiogameasure) # * second, this way of doing should be portable to win, while # the > trick might not be that much... # * third, closing the standard input of pdflatex will remove # painful bugs, when pdflatex gets interrupted but waits # for an input for which it didn't prompt. @measures = {} begin IO::popen(syscmd, "r+") do |f| f.close_write # We don't need that. log = File.open(logname, "w") error_pending = false for line in f log.print line if line =~ /^(.*)\[(\d)\]=(.+pt)/ n = $1 num = $2.to_i dim = Utils::tex_dimension_to_bp($3) @measures[n] ||= [] @measures[n][num] = dim elsif line =~ /^!/ error_pending = true elsif line =~ /^\s*$/ # errors seem to stop at blank lines error_pending = false end if error_pending @pdflatex_errors << line end end end rescue SystemCallError => e popen_error = e end end if ($?.exitstatus == 127) or popen_error $stderr.puts <<"EOE" ERROR: Tioga doesn't seem to find pdflatex (as '#{pdflatex}'). This probably means that you don't have any working version of pdflatex, in which case you can get it there: http://www.tug.org/texlive/ or try installing texlive with your favorite package manager. Alternatively, if you're positive that you have a working version of pdflatex installed, either make sur it is in your path or define the TIOGA_PDFLATEX environment variable to its full path, by adding for instance: export TIOGA_PDFLATEX=/path/to/pdflatex in your ~/.bashrc. EOE if popen_error $stderr.puts "Error: #{popen_error.inspect}" end end # Now passing the saved measures to the C code. for key, val in @measures # p @fm_data private_save_measure(key, *val) end result = $? if !result $stderr.puts "ERROR: #{pdflatex} failed with error code #{$?.exitstatus}" file = File.open(logname) if file == nil puts "cannot open #{logname}" else reporting = false; linecount = 0 file.each_line do |line| reporting = true if line =~ /^!/ if reporting puts line linecount = linecount + 1 break if linecount == @num_error_lines end end file.close end end if result pdfname = name logname = "pdflatex.log" files = %w(.tex .out .aux .log _figure.pdf _figure.txt).map do |suffix| pdfname + suffix end files << logname files << "color_names.aux" if @save_dir # prepend directory specification files.map! do |f| "#{@save_dir}/#{f}" end end begin if @autocleanup files.each do |f| begin File.delete(f) rescue end end end end pdfname = "#{@save_dir}/#{pdfname}" if @save_dir != nil pdfname = "#{run_directory}/#{pdfname}" if run_directory != nil && pdfname[0..0] != '/' pdfname += ".pdf" return pdfname end return false end def internal_show_image(dict, is_mask) check_dict(dict, @@keys_for_show_image, 'show_image') ll = dict['ll']; lr = dict['lr']; ul = dict['ul'] w = alt_names(dict, 'w', 'width') h = alt_names(dict, 'h', 'height') opacity_mask = alt_names(dict, 'opacity_mask', 'stencil_mask') if opacity_mask != nil mask_xo_num = internal_show_image(opacity_mask, true) else mask_xo_num = 0 end filename = alt_names(dict, 'jpg', 'JPG') filename = dict['jpeg'] if filename == nil filename = dict['JPEG'] if filename == nil if filename != nil return private_show_jpg(filename, w, h, [ll[0], ll[1], lr[0], lr[1], ul[0], ul[1]], mask_xo_num) end interpolate = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'interpolate', true) data = dict['data'] value_mask = dict['value_mask'] color_space = alt_names(dict, 'color_space', 'colormap') color_space = dict['color_map'] if color_space == nil if color_space == nil raise "Sorry: must specify 'color_space' for the image" end if color_space == 'MONO' || color_space == 'mono' raise "Sorry: monochrome image must not itself have a mask" unless mask_xo_num == 0 reversed = get_if_given_else_default(dict, 'reversed', false) xo_obj = private_show_monochrome_image(ll[0], ll[1], lr[0], lr[1], ul[0], ul[1], interpolate, reversed, w, h, data, ((is_mask)? -1 : 0)) return is_mask ? xo_obj : self end if color_space == 'GRAY' || color_space == 'gray' || color_space == 'GREY' || color_space == 'grey' if is_mask raise("Sorry: mask must not itself have a mask") unless mask_xo_num == 0 mask_xo_num = -1 end xo_obj = private_show_grayscale_image(ll[0], ll[1], lr[0], lr[1], ul[0], ul[1], interpolate, w, h, data, mask_xo_num) return is_mask ? xo_obj : self end if is_mask raise "Sorry: mask image must have 'color_space' set to 'gray' or 'mono'" end if color_space == 'RGB' || color_space == 'rgb' private_show_rgb_image(ll[0], ll[1], lr[0], lr[1], ul[0], ul[1], interpolate, w, h, data, mask_xo_num) return self end if color_space == 'HLS' || color_space == 'hls' private_show_hls_image(ll[0], ll[1], lr[0], lr[1], ul[0], ul[1], interpolate, w, h, data, mask_xo_num) return self end if color_space == 'CMYK' || color_space == 'cmyk' private_show_cmyk_image(ll[0], ll[1], lr[0], lr[1], ul[0], ul[1], interpolate, w, h, data, mask_xo_num) return self end if value_mask == nil value_mask_min = value_mask_max = 256 elsif value_mask.kind_of?Integer value_mask_min = value_mask_max = value_mask else value_mask_min = value_mask[0]; value_mask_max = value_mask[1]; end private_show_image( ll[0], ll[1], lr[0], lr[1], ul[0], ul[1], interpolate, w, h, data, value_mask_min, value_mask_max, color_space[0], color_space[1], mask_xo_num) return self end def report_error(er, msg) if msg != nil puts msg puts "" end puts " #{er.message} [version: #{ FigureMaker.version}]" puts "\t#{er.backtrace.join("\n\t")}" end def make_page(cmd) # the C implementation uses this to call the page function for the figure entry_function = @enter_page_function exit_function = @exit_page_function unless entry_function == nil begin entry_result = entry_function.call(self) rescue Exception => er report_error(er, nil) end end result = do_cmd(cmd) unless result == false or exit_function == nil begin exit_result = exit_function.call(self) rescue Exception => er report_error(er, nil) end end return result end def do_cmd(cmd) # the C implementation uses this to call Ruby commands begin cmd.call(self) return true rescue Exception => er report_error(er, nil) end return false end # We make sure that save_dir exists and is a directory, creating it # if necessary. def ensure_safe_save_dir if @save_dir if File.exists?(@save_dir) raise "save_dir (#{@save_dir}) exists and is not a directory" unless File.directory?(@save_dir) else # we create the directory if possible if @create_save_dir Dir.mkdir @save_dir else raise "save_dir (#{@save_dir}) doesn't exist " + " and I was told not to create it" end end end end end # class FigureMaker end # module Tioga