/** namey */ namey = { /* * Lightweight JSONP fetcher * Copyright 2010 Erik Karlsson. All rights reserved. * BSD licensed */ // Lightweight JSONP fetcher - www.nonobtrusive.com jsonP:(function(){var a=0,c,f,b,d=this;function e(j){var i=document.createElement("script"),h=false;i.src=j;i.async=true;i.onload=i.onreadystatechange=function(){if(!h&&(!this.readyState||this.readyState==="loaded"||this.readyState==="complete")){h=true;i.onload=i.onreadystatechange=null;if(i&&i.parentNode){i.parentNode.removeChild(i)}}};if(!c){c=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]}c.appendChild(i)}function g(h,j,k){f="?";j=j||{};for(b in j){if(j.hasOwnProperty(b)){f+=encodeURIComponent(b)+"="+encodeURIComponent(j[b])+"&"}}var i="json"+(++a);d[i]=function(l){k(l);try{delete d[i]}catch(m){}d[i]=null;};e(h+f+"callback="+i);return i}return{get:g}}()), /** * API for namey random name generator. There's two basic ways to use it. First, just call namey.get with a callback: * * namey.get(function(n) { console.log(n); }); => ["John Clark"] * * The call returns an array because there's an option to request more than one random name. For example: * * namey.get({ count: 3, callback: function(n) { console.log(n); }}); ; => ["John Cook", "Ruth Fisher", "Donna Collins"] * * Here's the full list of parameters: * * count -- how many names you would like (default: 1) * * type -- what sort of name you want 'female', 'male', 'surname', or leave blank if you want both genders * * with_surname -- true/false, if you want surnames with the first * name. If false, you'll just get first names. Default is true. * * frequency -- 'common', 'rare', 'all' -- default is 'common'. This * picks a subset of names from the database -- common names are * names that occur frequently, rare is names that occur rarely. * * min_freq/max_freq -- specific values to get back a really * specific subset of the names db. values should be between 0 and * 100. You probably don't need this, but here's an example: * namey.get({ count: 3, min_freq: 30, max_freq: 50, callback: function(n) { console.log(n); }}); * => ["Crystal Zimmerman", "Joshua Rivas", "Tina Bryan"] * * callback -- a function to do something with the data. The data * passed in will be an array of names -- use them wisely. * */ get : function(options) { var callback; var tmp_params = {}; var host = "namey.muffinlabs.com"; if ( typeof(options) == "function" ) { callback = options; } else if ( typeof(options) == "object" ) { callback = options.callback; if ( typeof(options.host) !== "undefined" ) { host = options.host; } if ( typeof(options.count) == "undefined" ) { options.count = 1; } tmp_params.count = options.count; if ( typeof(options.type) != "undefined" && options.type != "both" ) { tmp_params.type = options.type; }; if ( options.type != "surname" && typeof(options.with_surname) != "undefined" ) { tmp_params.with_surname = options.with_surname; } if ( options.min_freq ) { tmp_params.min_freq = options.min_freq; tmp_params.max_freq = options.max_freq; } else if ( typeof(options.frequency) != "undefined" ) { tmp_params.frequency = options.frequency; } } this.jsonP.get('//' + host + '/name.json', tmp_params, function(d) { if ( typeof(callback) == "function" ) { callback(d); } else { console.log(d); } }); } }