begin require 'bundler/gem_helper' rescue LoadError => e require('rubygems') && retry raise e end task :default => :spec require 'rspec/core/rake_task' do |spec| spec.rspec_opts = ['--color', "--format documentation"] end desc "Remove all build artifacts" task :clear do sh "rm -rf pkg/" end task :clean => :clear desc "Clear all jar artifacts" task :clear_jars => [ 'tomcat:clear', 'tomcat-core:clear', 'trinidad-rb:clear' ] do end task :clean_jars => :clear_jars ['trinidad', 'trinidad_jars'].each do |name| gem_helper =, name) def gem_helper.version_tag "#{name}-#{version}" # override "v#{version}" end version = gem_helper.send(:version) version_tag = gem_helper.version_tag namespace name do desc "Build #{name}-#{version}.gem into the pkg directory" task('build') { gem_helper.build_gem } desc "Build and install #{name}-#{version}.gem into system gems" task('install') { gem_helper.install_gem } desc "Create tag #{version_tag} and build and push #{name}-#{version}.gem to Rubygems" task('release') { gem_helper.release_gem } end end TOMCAT_CORE_JAR = File.expand_path('../trinidad-libs/tomcat-core.jar', __FILE__) TRINIDAD_RB_JAR = File.expand_path('../trinidad-libs/trinidad-rb.jar', __FILE__) module TrinidadRakeHelpers def javac(source_dir, target_dir, class_path = TOMCAT_CORE_JAR) FileUtils.mkdir target_dir unless File.exist?(target_dir) sh 'javac -Xlint:deprecation -Xlint:unchecked -g -source 1.6 -target 1.6 ' + "-classpath #{class_path} -d #{target_dir} " + Dir["#{source_dir}/**/*.java"].join(" ") end def jar(entries, jar_path) work_dir = Dir.pwd if entries.is_a?(String) && work_dir = entries entries = Dir.entries(entries) - [ '.', '..' ] end Dir.chdir(work_dir) do update = File.exist?(jar_path) log "#{update ? 'updating' : 'creating'} #{jar_path}" options = update ? '-uvf' : '-cvf' %x{jar #{options} #{jar_path} #{entries.join(' ')}} end end def log(msg) puts msg end end namespace :'trinidad-rb' do include TrinidadRakeHelpers TRINIDAD_RB_TARGET_DIR = File.expand_path('../target/trinidad-rb', __FILE__) desc "Compile trinidad-rb java sources" task :compile do javac "src/trinidad-rb/java", TRINIDAD_RB_TARGET_DIR end desc "Package trinidad-rb.jar" task :jar => :compile do rm TRINIDAD_RB_JAR if File.exist?(TRINIDAD_RB_JAR) jar TRINIDAD_RB_TARGET_DIR, TRINIDAD_RB_JAR end desc "Remove trinidad-rb.jar" task :clear do rm_r TRINIDAD_RB_TARGET_DIR if File.exist?(TRINIDAD_RB_TARGET_DIR) rm TRINIDAD_RB_JAR if File.exist?(TRINIDAD_RB_JAR) end task :clean => :clear end task :build => 'trinidad:build' task :install => 'trinidad:install' task :release => 'trinidad:release'