require "masamune" module BulletTrain module Themes module Application def self.eject_theme(theme_name, ejected_theme_name) theme_parts = { |str| str.capitalize } constantized_theme = theme_parts.join humanized_theme = theme_parts.join(" ") theme_base_path = `bundle show --paths bullet_train-themes-#{theme_name}`.chomp puts "Ejecting from #{humanized_theme} theme in `#{theme_base_path}`." puts "Ejecting Tailwind configuration into `./tailwind.#{ejected_theme_name}.config.js`." `cp #{theme_base_path}/tailwind.#{theme_name}.config.js #{Rails.root}/tailwind.#{ejected_theme_name}.config.js` puts "Ejecting Tailwind mailer configuration into `./tailwind.mailer.#{ejected_theme_name}.config.js`." `cp #{theme_base_path}/tailwind.mailer.#{theme_name}.config.js #{Rails.root}/tailwind.mailer.#{ejected_theme_name}.config.js` %x(sed -i #{'""' if `echo $OSTYPE`.include?("darwin")} "s/#{theme_name}/#{ejected_theme_name}/g" #{Rails.root}/tailwind.mailer.#{ejected_theme_name}.config.js) puts "Ejecting stylesheets into `./app/assets/stylesheets/#{ejected_theme_name}`." `mkdir #{Rails.root}/app/assets/stylesheets` `cp -R #{theme_base_path}/app/assets/stylesheets/#{theme_name} #{Rails.root}/app/assets/stylesheets/#{ejected_theme_name}` `cp -R #{theme_base_path}/app/assets/stylesheets/#{theme_name}.tailwind.css #{Rails.root}/app/assets/stylesheets/#{ejected_theme_name}.tailwind.css` %x(sed -i #{'""' if `echo $OSTYPE`.include?("darwin")} "s/light/#{ejected_theme_name}/g" #{Rails.root}/app/assets/stylesheets/#{ejected_theme_name}.tailwind.css) puts "Ejecting JavaScript into `./app/javascript/application.#{ejected_theme_name}.js`." `cp #{theme_base_path}/app/javascript/application.#{theme_name}.js #{Rails.root}/app/javascript/application.#{ejected_theme_name}.js` `mkdir #{Rails.root}/app/views/themes` new_files = {} { "bullet_train-themes" => "base", "bullet_train-themes-tailwind_css" => "tailwind_css", "bullet_train-themes-light" => "light" }.each do |gem, theme_name| gem_path = `bundle show --paths #{gem}`.chomp showcase_partials = Dir.glob("#{gem_path}/app/views/showcase/**/*.html.erb") `find #{gem_path}/app/views/themes` do |file_or_directory| target_file_or_directory = file_or_directory.gsub(gem_path, "").gsub("/#{theme_name}", "/#{ejected_theme_name}") target_file_or_directory = Rails.root.to_s + target_file_or_directory if puts "Creating `#{target_file_or_directory}`." `mkdir #{target_file_or_directory}` else puts "Copying `#{target_file_or_directory}`." `cp #{file_or_directory} #{target_file_or_directory}` gem_with_version = gem_path.split("/").last new_files[target_file_or_directory] = file_or_directory.split(/(?=#{gem_with_version})/).last end # Look for showcase preview. file_name = target_file_or_directory.split("/").last showcase_preview = showcase_partials.find { _1.end_with?(file_name) } if showcase_preview puts "Ejecting showcase preview for #{target_file_or_directory}" partial_relative_path = showcase_preview.scan(/(?=app\/views\/showcase).*/).last directory = partial_relative_path.split("/")[0..-2].join("/") FileUtils.mkdir_p(directory) FileUtils.touch(partial_relative_path) `cp #{showcase_preview} #{partial_relative_path}` new_files[partial_relative_path] = "#{gem_path.scan(/#{gem}.*/).pop}/#{partial_relative_path}" end end end %x(sed -i #{'""' if `echo $OSTYPE`.include?("darwin")} "s/#{theme_name}/#{ejected_theme_name}/g" #{Rails.root}/app/views/themes/#{ejected_theme_name}/layouts/_head.html.erb) %x(sed -i #{'""' if `echo $OSTYPE`.include?("darwin")} "s/#{theme_name}/#{ejected_theme_name}/g" #{Rails.root}/app/views/themes/#{ejected_theme_name}/layouts/_mailer.html.erb) puts "Cutting local `` over from `#{theme_name}` to `#{ejected_theme_name}`." %x(sed -i #{'""' if `echo $OSTYPE`.include?("darwin")} "s/#{theme_name}/#{ejected_theme_name}/g" #{Rails.root}/ puts "Cutting local `package.json` over from `#{theme_name}` to `#{ejected_theme_name}`." %x(sed -i #{'""' if `echo $OSTYPE`.include?("darwin")} "s/#{theme_name}/#{ejected_theme_name}/g" #{Rails.root}/package.json) puts "Cutting `test/system/resolver_system_test.rb` over from `#{theme_name}` to `#{ejected_theme_name}`." %x(sed -i #{'""' if `echo $OSTYPE`.include?("darwin")} "s/light/#{ejected_theme_name}/g" #{Rails.root}/test/system/resolver_system_test.rb) # Stub out the class that represents this theme and establishes its inheritance structure. target_path = "#{Rails.root}/app/lib/bullet_train/themes/#{ejected_theme_name}.rb" puts "Stubbing out a class that represents this theme in `.#{target_path}`." `mkdir -p #{Rails.root}/app/lib/bullet_train/themes` `cp #{theme_base_path}/lib/bullet_train/themes/#{theme_name}.rb #{target_path}` %x(sed -i #{'""' if `echo $OSTYPE`.include?("darwin")} "s/module #{constantized_theme}/module #{ejected_theme_name.titlecase}/g" #{target_path}) %x(sed -i #{'""' if `echo $OSTYPE`.include?("darwin")} "s/TailwindCss/#{constantized_theme}/g" #{target_path}) %x(sed -i #{'""' if `echo $OSTYPE`.include?("darwin")} "s/#{theme_name}/#{ejected_theme_name}/g" #{target_path}) theme_file = msmn = data_to_skip = msmn.method_calls(name: "require") + msmn.method_calls(name: "mattr_accessor") + { |comment| comment[:token].match?("TODO") } lines_to_skip = { |data| data[:line_number] - 1 } new_lines = do |line, idx| !lines_to_skip.include?(idx) || line.match?("mattr_accessor :colors") end theme_file.write new_lines.join # We add the comment to the ejected files here so the sed calls don't # overwrite package names like `bullet_train-themes-light`. new_files.each do |key, value| file = lines = file.readlines new_lines = case key.split(".").last when "rb", "yml" lines.unshift("# Ejected from #{value}\n\n") when "erb" lines.unshift("<% # Ejected from #{value} %>\n\n") end file.write(new_lines.join) end `standardrb --fix #{target_path}` puts "Cutting local project over from `#{theme_name}` to `#{ejected_theme_name}` in `app/helpers/application_helper.rb`." %x(sed -i #{'""' if `echo $OSTYPE`.include?("darwin")} "s/:#{theme_name}/:#{ejected_theme_name}/g" #{Rails.root}/app/helpers/application_helper.rb) puts "You must restart `bin/dev` at this point, because of the changes to `` and `package.json`." end def self.release_theme(original_theme_name, args) # We only want developers publishing gems off of `bullet_train-themes-light`, so if the task looks # something like `rake bullet_train:themes:foo:release[bar]`, we prevent them from moving any further here. if original_theme_name != "light" puts "You can only release new themes based off of Bullet Train's Light theme. Please eject a new theme from there, and publish your gem once you've finished making changes.".red exit 1 elsif original_theme_name.nil? puts "Please run the command with the name of the theme you want to release.".red puts "For example: > rake bullet_train:themes:light:release[foo]" end puts "Preparing to release your custom theme: ".blue + args[:theme_name] puts "" puts "Before we make a new Ruby gem for your theme, you'll have to set up a GitHub repository first.".blue puts "Hit and we'll open a browser to GitHub where you can create a new repository.".blue puts "Make sure you name the repository ".blue + "bullet_train-themes-#{args[:theme_name]}" puts "" puts "When you're done, copy the SSH path from the new repository and return here.".blue ask "We'll ask you to paste it to us in the next step." `#{(Gem::Platform.local.os == "linux") ? "xdg-open" : "open"}` ssh_path = ask "OK, what was the SSH path? (It should look like ``.)" puts "" puts "Great, you're all set.".blue puts "We'll take it from here, so sit back and enjoy the ride 🚄️".blue puts "" puts "Creating a Ruby gem for ".blue + "#{args[:theme_name]}..." Dir.mkdir("local") unless Dir.exist?("./local") if Dir.exist?("./local/bullet_train-themes-#{args[:theme_name]}") raise "You already have a repository named `bullet_train-themes-#{args[:theme_name]}` in `./local`.\n" \ "Make sure you delete it first to create an entirely new gem." end # Pull `bullet_train-themes-light` only from `bullet_train-core` into the new theme directory. # `mkdir ./local/bullet_train-themes-#{args[:theme_name]}` `cd ./local/bullet_train-themes-#{args[:theme_name]} && git init && git remote add bullet-train-core` `cd ./local/bullet_train-themes-#{args[:theme_name]} && git config core.sparseCheckout true && echo "bullet_train-themes-light/**/*" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout` `cd ./local/bullet_train-themes-#{args[:theme_name]} && git pull bullet-train-core main && git remote rm bullet-train-core` `cd ./local/bullet_train-themes-#{args[:theme_name]} && mv bullet_train-themes-light/* . && mv bullet_train-themes-light/.* .` `cd ./local/bullet_train-themes-#{args[:theme_name]} && rmdir bullet_train-themes-light/` `cd ./local/bullet_train-themes-#{args[:theme_name]} && git config core.sparseCheckout false`, args[:theme_name]).replace_theme work_tree_flag = "--work-tree=local/bullet_train-themes-#{args[:theme_name]}" git_dir_flag = "--git-dir=local/bullet_train-themes-#{args[:theme_name]}/.git" path = "./local/bullet_train-themes-#{args[:theme_name]}" # Set up the proper remote. `git #{work_tree_flag} #{git_dir_flag} remote add origin #{ssh_path}` `git #{work_tree_flag} #{git_dir_flag} add .` `git #{work_tree_flag} #{git_dir_flag} commit -m "Add initial files"` `git #{work_tree_flag} #{git_dir_flag} branch -m main` # Build the gem. `(cd #{path} && gem build bullet_train-themes-#{args[:theme_name]}.gemspec)` `git #{work_tree_flag} #{git_dir_flag} add .` `git #{work_tree_flag} #{git_dir_flag} commit -m "Build gem"` # Commit the deleted files on the main application. `git add .` `git commit -m "Remove #{args[:theme_name]} files from application"` # Push the gem's source code, but not the last commit in the main application. `git #{work_tree_flag} #{git_dir_flag} push -u origin main` puts "" puts "" puts "You're all set! Copy and paste the following commands to publish your gem:".blue puts "cd ./local/bullet_train-themes-#{args[:theme_name]}" puts "gem push bullet_train-themes-#{args[:theme_name]}-1.0.gem && cd ../../" puts "" puts "You may have to wait for some time until the gem can be downloaded via the Gemfile.".blue puts "After a few minutes, run the following command in your main application:".blue puts "bundle add bullet_train-themes-#{args[:theme_name]}" puts "" puts "Then you'll be ready to use your custom gem in your Bullet Train application.".blue puts "" puts "Please note that we have deleted the new theme from your main application.".blue puts "run `git log -1` for details." puts "" puts "Use `rake bullet_train:themes:light:install` to revert to the original theme,".blue puts "or run `rake bullet_train:themes:#{args[:theme_name]}:install` whenever you want to use your new theme.".blue end def self.install_theme(theme_name) helper ="./app/helpers/application_helper.rb") msmn = current_theme_def = msmn.method_definitions(name: "current_theme").pop current_theme = msmn.symbols.find { |node| node[:line_number] > current_theme_def[:line_number] }[:token] helper.write msmn.replace(type: :symbol, old_token: current_theme, new_token: theme_name) ["./"),"./package.json")].each do |file| changed =! current_theme, theme_name if changed file.write changed end end puts "Finished installing `#{theme_name}`.".blue end def self.clean_theme(theme_name, args) light_base_path = `bundle show --paths bullet_train-themes-light`.chomp tailwind_base_path = `bundle show --paths bullet_train-themes-tailwind_css`.chomp theme_base_path = `bundle show --paths bullet_train-themes`.chomp directory_content = `find . | grep 'app/.*#{args[:theme]}'` directory_content = directory_content.reject { |content| content.match?("app/assets/builds/") } files = { |file| file.match?(/(\.erb)|(\.rb)|(\.css)|(\.js)$/) } # Files that exist outside of "./app/" that we need to check. files += [ "tailwind.#{args[:theme]}.config.js", "tailwind.mailer.#{args[:theme]}.config.js", ] # This file doesn't exist under "app/" in its original gem, so we handle it differently. # Also, don't remove this file from the starter repository in case # the developer has any ejected files that have been customized. files.delete("./app/lib/bullet_train/themes/#{args[:theme]}.rb") files.each do |file| original_theme_path = nil # Remove the current directory syntax for concatenation with the gem base path. file.gsub!("./", "") [light_base_path, tailwind_base_path, theme_base_path].each do |theme_path| # Views exist under "base" when the gem is "bullet_train-themes". theme_gem_name = theme_path.scan(/(.*themes-)(.*$)/).flatten.pop || "base" original_theme_path = file.gsub(args[:theme], theme_gem_name) if File.exist?("#{theme_path}/#{original_theme_path}") original_theme_path = "#{theme_path}/#{original_theme_path}" break end end ejected_file_content = # These are the only files where we replace the theme name inside of them when ejecting, # so we revert the contents and check if the file has been changed or not. transformed_files = [ "app/views/themes/foo/layouts/_head.html.erb", "app/assets/stylesheets/foo.tailwind.css", "tailwind.mailer.#{args[:theme]}.config.js" ] ejected_file_content.gsub!(/#{args[:theme]}/i, theme_name) if transformed_files.include?(file) if ejected_file_content == puts "No changes in `#{file}` since being ejected. Removing." `rm #{file}` end end # Delete all leftover directories with empty content. [ "./app/assets/stylesheets/", "./app/views/themes/" ].each do |remaining_directory| puts "Cleaning out directory: #{remaining_directory}" remaining_directory_content = Dir.glob(remaining_directory + "**/*") remaining_directories = { |content| } remaining_directories.reverse_each { |dir| Dir.rmdir dir if Dir.empty?(dir) } FileUtils.rmdir(remaining_directory) if Dir.empty?(remaining_directory) end # These are files from the starter repository that need to be set back to the original theme. [ "", "app/helpers/application_helper.rb", "package.json", "test/system/resolver_system_test.rb" ].each do |file| puts "Reverting changes in #{file}." new_lines ={args[:theme]}/i, theme_name) File.write(file, new_lines) end end def self.ask(string) puts $stdin.gets.strip end end end end