require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', "spec_helper") describe "When generating URLs," do describe "passing params in anonymously to routes" do before(:each) do Merb::Router.prepare do match("/:first/:second/:third").name(:ordered) end end it "should match the params to the segment variables in the order that they were declared" do url(:ordered, "one", "two", "three").should == "/one/two/three" end it "should not generate unless all the params are present" do lambda { url(:ordered, "one", "two") }.should raise_error(Merb::Router::GenerationError) end it "should not generate if there are too many anonymous params" do lambda { url(:ordered, "one", "two", "three", "four") }.should raise_error(Merb::Router::GenerationError) end it "should be able to mix and match with the params hash" do url(:ordered, "one", "two", :third => "three").should == "/one/two/three" end it "should be able to set query params with the params hash" do url(:ordered, "one", "two", "three", :fourth => "four").should == "/one/two/three?fourth=four" end it "should give precedence to the params hash" do url(:ordered, "one", "two", :first => "un").should == "/un/one/two" url(:ordered, "one", :first => "un", :second => "deux").should == "/un/deux/one" url(:ordered, "one", :first => "un", :third => "trois").should == "/un/one/trois" url(:ordered, "one", "two", :second => "deux").should == "/one/deux/two" end it "should raise an exception when there are two many anonymous params after the named params were placed" do lambda { url(:ordered, "one", "two", :first => "un", :second => "deux") }.should raise_error(Merb::Router::GenerationError) end end describe "passing params anonymously to resource routes with identifiers" do module ::AP class ORM ; end class User < ORM ; def id ; 10 ; end ; end class Comment < ORM ; def id ; 25 ; end ; end end before(:each) do Merb::Router.prepare do identify AP::ORM => :id do resources :users do resources :comments end end end end it "should work the same as normal routes" do url(:user, ).should == "/users/10" url(:user_comment,, == "/users/10/comments/25" url(:user_comment, 30, == "/users/30/comments/25" url(:user_comment,, "42" ).should == "/users/10/comments/42" end end end