require 'thor' require 'io/console' require 'shellwords' module Jenkins module Builder class CLI < ::Thor class << self def create_alias_commands(aliases) aliases.each do |name, command| desc "#{name}", "Alias for: `#{command}'" define_method name do |*args| self.class.start(Shellwords.split(command) + args) end end end end desc 'setup [-e]', 'Setup URL, username and password, or open config file in an editor when -e specified.' option :edit, type: :boolean, aliases: ['-e'], desc: 'open config file in an editor' def setup if options[:edit] editor = ENV['VISUAL'] || ENV['EDITOR'] || "vim" exec("#{editor} #{File.expand_path('~/.jenkins-builder.yaml')}") else url = read_text('Input Jenkins URL: ') username = read_text('Input Username: ') password = read_password('Input Password: ') git_branches = read_text('Input Git Branches separated by comma, e.g. origin/develop,origin/master: ').split(/\s*,\s*/) url, username: username, password: password, branches: git_branches) end end desc 'info [-p]', 'Show saved URL, username, use -p to show password also.' option :password, type: :boolean, aliases: ['-p'], desc: 'show password also.' def info end desc 'build [-s] [-f] ', 'Build jobs' option :silent, type: :boolean, aliases: ['-s'], desc: 'suppress console output.' option :failfast, type: :boolean, aliases: ['-f'], desc: 'stop immediately when building fails.' option :version, type: :boolean, aliases: ['-v'], desc: 'Show version.' def build(*jobs) if options[:version] puts Jenkins::Builder::VERSION exit end app = if jobs.empty? jobs = fzf(app.fetch_all_jobs) exit if jobs.empty? job = jobs.first if app.use_mbranch?(job) branches = fzf(app.all_branches) exit if branches.empty? branch = branches.first jobs = [format('%s:%s', job, branch)] else jobs = [job] end end puts "Jobs: #{jobs.join(", ")}" app.build_each(jobs) end desc 'alias ', 'Create alias or with no arguments given, it print all aliases.' def alias(name=nil, command=nil) if name.nil? || command.nil? exit end, command) end desc 'unalias ', 'Delete alias' def unalias(name) end desc 'refresh-jobs-cache', 'Refresh cache of job names' def refresh_jobs_cache end desc 'version', 'Print version' def version puts Jenkins::Builder::VERSION end default_task :build no_commands do def read_text(prompt) print "#{prompt}" result = STDIN.gets.chomp result end def read_password(prompt) print "#{prompt}" result = STDIN.noecho(&:gets).chomp puts result end def fzf(lines) IO.popen('fzf', 'r+') do |p| p.puts(lines.join("\n")) p.close_write end end end end end end