require 'rdf' require 'rdf/ntriples' require 'rdf/nquads' require 'rdf/vocab/writer' require 'logger' require 'optparse' begin require 'linkeddata' rescue LoadError # Silently load without linkeddata, but try some others %w( json/ld ld/patch rdf/microdata rdf/n3 rdf/ordered_repo rdf/rdfa rdf/rdfxml rdf/reasoner rdf/tabular rdf/trig rdf/trix rdf/turtle rdf/vocab rdf/xsd shacl shex yaml_ld ).each do |ser| begin require ser rescue LoadError end end end class OptionParser # Actual parsed options def options; @options || {}; end def options=(value); @options = value; end # Arguments remaining after extracting options def args; @args || []; end def args=(value); @args = value; end end module RDF # Individual formats can modify options by updating {Reader.options} or {Writer.options}. Format-specific commands are taken from {Format.cli_commands} for each loaded format, which returns an array of lambdas taking arguments and options. # # Status updates should be logged to `opts[:logger].info`. More complicated information can be added to `:messages` key within `opts`, if present. # # Other than `help`, all commands parse an input file. # # Multiple commands may be added in sequence to execute a pipeline. # # @example Creating Reader-specific options: # class Reader # def self.options # [ # # symbol: :canonicalize, # on: ["--canonicalize"], # description: "Canonicalize URI/literal forms.") {true}, # # symbol: :uri, # on: ["--uri STRING"], # description: "URI.") {|v| RDF::URI(v)}, # ] # end # # @example Creating Format-specific commands: # class Format # def self.cli_commands # { # count: { # description: "", # parse: true, # lambda: ->(argv, opts) {} # }, # } # end # # @example Adding a command manually # class MyCommand # RDF::CLI.add_command(:count, description: "Count statements") do |argv, opts| # count = 0 # RDF::CLI.parse(argv, opts) do |reader| # reader.each_statement do |statement| # count += 1 # end # end # options[:logger].info "Parsed #{count} statements" # end # end # # Format-specific commands should verify that the reader and/or output format are appropriate for the command. class CLI # Option description for use within Readers/Writers. See {RDF::Reader.options} and {RDF::Writer.options} for example usage. class Option # Symbol used for this option when calling `` # @return [Symbol] attr_reader :symbol # Arguments passed to OptionParser#on # @return [Array<String>] attr_reader :on # Description of this option (optional) # @return [String] attr_reader :description # Default value for this option # @return [Object] attr_reader :default # Potential values (for select or radio) or Ruby datatype # @return [Class, Array<String>] attr_reader :datatype # Associated HTML form control # @return [:text, :textarea, :radio, :checkbox, :select, :url, :url2, :none] attr_reader :control # Use of this option # @return [:optional, :disabled, :removed, :required] attr_accessor :use ## # Create a new option with optional callback. # # @param [Symbol] symbol # @param [Array<String>] on # @param [String] datatype # @param [Object] default # @param [String] control # @param [String] description # @param [[:optional, :disabled, :removed, :required]] use # @yield value which may be used within `OptionParser#on` # @yieldparam [Object] value The option value as parsed using `on` argument # @yieldparam [OptionParser] options (nil) optional OptionParser # @yieldreturn [Object] a possibly modified input value def initialize(symbol: nil, on: nil, datatype: nil, control: nil, description: nil, use: :optional, default: nil, **options, &block) raise ArgumentError, "symbol is a required argument" unless symbol raise ArgumentError, "on is a required argument" unless on @symbol, @on, @datatype, @control, @description, @use, @default, @callback = symbol.to_sym, Array(on), datatype, control, description, use, default, block end def call(arg, options = {}) if @callback case @callback.arity when 0 then when 1 then when 2 then, options) else arg end else arg end end # Return version of commands appropriate for use in JSON def to_hash { symbol: symbol, datatype: (datatype.is_a?(Class) ? : datatype), default: default, control: control, description: description, use: use } end end # Built-in commands. Other commands are imported from the Format class of different readers/writers using {RDF::Format#cli_commands}. `COMMANDS` is a Hash who's keys are commands that may be executed by {RDF::CLI.exec}. The value is a hash containing the following keys: # * `description` used for providing information about the command. # * `parse` Boolean value to determine if input files should automatically be parsed into `repository`. # * `help` used for the CLI help output. # * `lambda` code run to execute command. # * `filter` value is a Hash whose keys are matched against selected command options. All specified `key/value` pairs are compared against the equivalent key in the current invocation. # If an Array, option value (as a string) must match any value of the array (as a string) # If a Proc, it is passed the option value and must return `true`. # Otherwise, the option value (as a string) must equal the `value` (as a string). # * `control` Used to indicate how (if) command is displayed # * `repository` Use this repository, if set # * `options` an optional array of `RDF::CLI::Option` describing command-specific options. # * `option_use`: A hash of option symbol to option usage, used for overriding the default status of an option for this command. # @return [Hash{Symbol => Hash{Symbol => Object}}] COMMANDS = { count: { description: "Count statements in parsed input", parse: false, control: :none, help: "count [options] [args...]\nreturns number of parsed statements", lambda: ->(argv, opts) do unless repository.count > 0 start = count = 0 self.parse(argv, **opts) do |reader| reader.each_statement do |statement| count += 1 end end secs = - start opts[:output].puts "Parsed #{count} statements with #{@readers.join(', ')} in #{secs} seconds @ #{count/secs} statements/second." end end, option_use: {output_format: :disabled} }, help: { description: "This message", parse: false, control: :none, lambda: ->(argv, opts) {self.usage(self.options)} }, lengths: { description: "Lengths of each parsed statement", parse: true, control: :none, help: "lengths [options] [args...]\nreturns lengths of each parsed statement", lambda: ->(argv, opts) do opts[:output].puts "Lengths" repository.each_statement do |statement| opts[:output].puts statement.to_s.size end end, option_use: {output_format: :disabled} }, objects: { description: "Serialize each parsed object to N-Triples", parse: true, control: :none, help: "objects [options] [args...]\nreturns unique objects serialized in N-Triples format", lambda: ->(argv, opts) do opts[:output].puts "Objects" repository.each_object do |object| opts[:output].puts object.to_ntriples end end, option_use: {output_format: :disabled} }, predicates: { parse: true, description: "Serialize each parsed predicate to N-Triples", control: :none, help: "predicates [options] [args...]\nreturns unique predicates serialized in N-Triples format", lambda: ->(argv, opts) do opts[:output].puts "Predicates" repository.each_predicate do |predicate| opts[:output].puts predicate.to_ntriples end end, option_use: {output_format: :disabled} }, serialize: { description: "Serialize using output-format (or N-Triples)", parse: true, help: "serialize [options] [args...]\nserialize output using specified format (or N-Triples if not specified)", lambda: ->(argv, opts) do writer_class = RDF::Writer.for(opts[:output_format]) || RDF::NTriples::Writer out = opts[:output] writer_opts = {prefixes: {}, standard_prefixes: true}.merge(opts), **writer_opts) do |writer| writer << repository end end }, subjects: { parse: true, control: :none, description: "Serialize each parsed subject to N-Triples", help: "subjects [options] [args...]\nreturns unique subjects serialized in N-Triples format", lambda: ->(argv, opts) do opts[:output].puts "Subjects" repository.each_subject do |subject| opts[:output].puts subject.to_ntriples end end, option_use: {output_format: :disabled} }, validate: { description: "Validate parsed input", control: :none, parse: true, help: "validate [options] [args...]\nvalidates resulting repository (may also be used with --validate to check for parse-time errors)", lambda: ->(argv, opts) do opts[:output].puts "Input is " + (repository.valid? ? "" : "in") + "valid" end, option_use: {output_format: :disabled} } } # Options to setup, may be modified by selected command. Options are also read from {RDF::Reader#options} and {RDF::Writer#options}. When a specific input- or ouput-format is selected, options are also discovered from the associated subclass reader or writer. # @return [Array<RDF::CLI::Option>] OPTIONS = ([ symbol: :debug, control: :checkbox, datatype: TrueClass, on: ["-d", "--debug"], description: 'Enable debug output for troubleshooting.'), symbol: :verbose, control: :checkbox, datatype: TrueClass, on: ['-v', '--verbose'], description: 'Enable verbose output. May be given more than once.'), symbol: :evaluate, control: :none, datatype: TrueClass, on: ["-e", "--evaluate STRING"], description: "Evaluate argument as RDF input, if no files are specified"), symbol: :output, control: :none, on: ["-o", "--output FILE"], description: "File to write output, defaults to STDOUT") {|arg|, "w")}, symbol: :ordered, control: :checkbox, datatype: TrueClass, on: ["--ordered"], description: "Use order preserving repository"), symbol: :format, control: :select, datatype: {|ft| ft.reader}.map(&:to_sym).sort, on: ["--input-format FORMAT", "--format FORMAT"], description: "Format of input file, uses heuristic if not specified" ) do |arg, options| unless reader = RDF::Reader.for(arg.downcase.to_sym) RDF::CLI.abort "No reader found for #{arg.downcase.to_sym}. Available readers:\n #{RDF::CLI.formats(reader: true).join("\n ")}" end # Add format-specific reader options reader.options.each do |cli_opt| next if options.options.key?(cli_opt.symbol) on_args = cli_opt.on || [] on_args << cli_opt.description if cli_opt.description options.on(*on_args) do |opt_arg| options.options[cli_opt.symbol] =, options) end end if reader arg.downcase.to_sym end, symbol: :output_format, control: :select, datatype: {|ft| ft.writer}.map(&:to_sym).sort, on: ["--output-format FORMAT"], description: "Format of output file, defaults to NTriples" ) do |arg, options| unless writer = RDF::Writer.for(arg.downcase.to_sym) RDF::CLI.abort "No writer found for #{arg.downcase.to_sym}. Available writers:\n #{self.formats(writer: true).join("\n ")}" end # Add format-specific writer options writer.options.each do |cli_opt| next if options.options.key?(cli_opt.symbol) on_args = cli_opt.on || [] on_args << cli_opt.description if cli_opt.description options.on(*on_args) do |opt_arg| options.options[cli_opt.symbol] =, options) end end if writer arg.downcase.to_sym end, ] + RDF::Reader.options + RDF::Writer.options).uniq(&:symbol) class << self # Repository containing parsed statements # @return [RDF::Repository] attr_accessor :repository end ## # @return [String] def self.basename() File.basename($0) end ## # Return OptionParser set with appropriate options # # The yield return should provide one or more commands from which additional options will be extracted. # @overload options(argv) # @param [Array<String>] argv # @return [OptionParser] # @overload options(argv, format: :json) # @param [Array<String>] argv # @param [:json] format (:json) # @return [Array<RDF::CLI::Option>] # Returns discovered options def self.options(argv, format: nil) options = cli_opts = logger =$stderr) logger.level = Logger::WARN logger.formatter = lambda {|severity, datetime, progname, msg| "#{severity} #{msg}\n"} opts = options.options = {logger: logger} # Pre-load commands load_commands # Add options for the specified command(s) cmds, args = argv.partition {|e| COMMANDS.include?(e.to_sym)} cmds.each do |cmd| Array(RDF::CLI::COMMANDS[cmd.to_sym][:options]).each do |option| # Replace any existing option with the same symbol cli_opts.delete_if {|cli_opt| cli_opt.symbol == option.symbol} # Add the option, unless disabled or removed cli_opts.unshift(option) end # Update usage of options for this command RDF::CLI::COMMANDS[cmd.to_sym].fetch(:option_use, {}).each do |sym, use| if opt = cli_opts.find {|cli_opt| cli_opt.symbol == sym} opt.use = use end end end cli_opts.each do |cli_opt| next if opts.key?(cli_opt.symbol) on_args = cli_opt.on || [] on_args << cli_opt.description if cli_opt.description options.on(*on_args) do |arg| opts[cli_opt.symbol] =, options) end end if format == :json # Return options else options.banner = "Usage: #{self.basename} command+ [options] [args...]" options.on_tail('-V', '--version', 'Display the RDF.rb version and exit.') do puts RDF::VERSION; exit(0) end show_help = false options.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do show_help = true end begin args = options.parse!(args) rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption, OptionParser::InvalidArgument, ArgumentError => e abort e end # Make sure options are processed first if show_help self.usage(options); exit(0) end options.args = cmds + args options end end ## # Output usage message def self.usage(options, cmd_opts: {}, banner: nil) options.banner = banner if banner $stdout.puts options $stdout.puts "Note: available commands and options may be different depending on selected --input-format and/or --output-format." $stdout.puts "Available commands:\n\t#{self.commands(**options.options).join("\n\t")}" $stdout.puts "Available formats:\n\t#{(self.formats).join("\n\t")}" end ## # Execute one or more commands, parsing input as necessary # # @param [Array<String>] args # @param [IO] output # @param [OptionParser] option_parser # @param [Hash{Symbol => Hash{Symbol => Array[String]}}] messages used for conveying non primary-output which is structured. # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @return [Boolean] def self.exec(args, output: $stdout, option_parser: nil, messages: {}, **options) option_parser ||= self.options(args) options[:logger] ||= option_parser.options[:logger] output.set_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if output.respond_to?(:set_encoding) && RUBY_PLATFORM == "java" # Separate commands from file options; arguments already extracted cmds, args = args.partition {|e| COMMANDS.include?(e.to_sym)} if cmds.empty? usage(option_parser) raise ArgumentError, "No command given" end if cmds.first == 'help' on_cmd = cmds[1] cmd_opts = COMMANDS.fetch(on_cmd.to_s.to_sym, {}) if on_cmd && cmd_opts[:help] usage(option_parser, cmd_opts: cmd_opts, banner: "Usage: #{self.basename.split('/').last} #{COMMANDS[on_cmd.to_sym][:help]}") elsif on_cmd usage(option_parser, cmd_opts: cmd_opts) else usage(option_parser) end return end # Make sure any selected command isn't filtered out cmds.each do |c| COMMANDS[c.to_sym].fetch(:filter, {}).each do |opt, val| case val when Array unless[opt].to_s) usage(option_parser, banner: "Command #{c.inspect} requires #{opt} in #{}, not #{options.fetch(opt, 'null')}") raise ArgumentError, "Incompatible command #{c} used with option #{opt}=#{options[opt]}" end when Proc unless[opt]) usage(option_parser, banner: "Command #{c.inspect} #{opt} inconsistent with #{options.fetch(opt, 'null')}") raise ArgumentError, "Incompatible command #{c} used with option #{opt}=#{options[opt]}" end else unless val.to_s == options[opt].to_s usage(option_parser, banner: "Command #{c.inspect} requires compatible value for #{opt}, not #{options.fetch(opt, 'null')}") raise ArgumentError, "Incompatible command #{c} used with option #{opt}=#{options[opt]}" end end end # The command may specify a repository instance to use options[:repository] ||= COMMANDS[c.to_sym][:repository] end # Hacks for specific options options[:logger].level = Logger::INFO if options[:verbose] options[:logger].level = Logger::DEBUG if options[:debug] options[:format] = options[:format].to_sym if options[:format] options[:output_format] = options[:output_format].to_sym if options[:output_format] # Allow repository to be set via option. # If RDF::OrderedRepo is present, use it if the `ordered` option is specified, otherwise extend an Array. @repository = options[:repository] || case when RDF.const_defined?(:OrderedRepo) then when options[:ordered] then [].extend(RDF::Enumerable, RDF::Queryable) else end # Parse input files if any command requires it if cmds.any? {|c| COMMANDS[c.to_sym][:parse]} start = count = 0 self.parse(args, **options) do |reader| reader.each_statement {|st| @repository << st} # Remember prefixes from reading options[:prefixes] ||= reader.prefixes end secs = - start options[:logger].info "Parsed #{repository.count} statements with #{@readers.join(', ')} in #{secs} seconds @ #{count/secs} statements/second." end # Run each command in sequence cmds.each do |command| COMMANDS[command.to_sym][:lambda].call(args, output: output, messages: messages, **options.merge(repository: repository)) end # Normalize messages messages.each do |kind, term_messages| case term_messages when Hash when Array messages[kind] = {result: term_messages} else messages[kind] = {result: [term_messages]} end end if options[:statistics] options[:statistics][:reader] = @readers.first unless (@readers || []).empty? options[:statistics][:count] = @repository.count end end ## # @overload commands(**options) # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options already set # @return [Array<String>] list of executable commands # @overload commands(format: :json, **options) # Returns commands as JSON, for API usage. # @param [:json] format # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options already set # @return [Array{Object}] # Returns an array of commands including the command symbol def self.commands(format: nil, **options) # First, load commands from other formats load_commands case format when :json do |k, v| v = v.merge(symbol: k, options: v.fetch(:options, []).map(&:to_hash)) v.delete(:lambda) v.delete(:help) v.delete(:options) if v[:options].empty? v[:control] == :none ? nil : v end.compact else # Subset commands based on filter options cmds = COMMANDS.reject do |k, c| c.fetch(:filter, {}).any? do |opt, val| case val when Array ![opt].to_s) when Proc ![opt]) else val.to_s != options[opt].to_s end end end sym_len = {|k| k.to_s.length}.max do |k| "%*s: %s" % [sym_len, k, cmds[k][:description]] end end end ## # Load commands from formats # @return [Hash{Symbol => Hash{Symbol => Object}}] def self.load_commands unless @commands_loaded RDF::Format.each do |format| format.cli_commands.each do |command, options| options = {lambda: options} unless options.is_a?(Hash) add_command(command, **options) end end @commands_loaded = true end COMMANDS end ## # Add a command. # # @param [#to_sym] command # @param [Hash{Symbol => String}] options # @option options [String] description # @option options [String] help string to display for help # @option options [Boolean] parse parse input files in to Repository, or not. # @option options [Array<RDF::CLI::Option>] options specific to this command # @yield argv, opts # @yieldparam [Array<String>] argv # @yieldparam [Hash] opts # @yieldreturn [void] def self.add_command(command, **options, &block) options[:lambda] = block if block_given? COMMANDS[command.to_sym] ||= options end ## # @return [Array<String>] list of available formats def self.formats(reader: false, writer: false) f = RDF::Format.sort_by(&:to_sym). select {|ft| (reader ? ft.reader : (writer ? ft.writer : (ft.reader || ft.writer)))}. inject({}) do |memo, r| memo.merge(r.to_sym => end sym_len = {|k| k.to_s.length}.max {|s, t| "%*s: %s" % [sym_len, s, t]} end ## # Parse each file, $stdin or specified string in `options[:evaluate]` # yielding a reader # # @param [Array<String>] files # @param [String] evaluate from command-line, rather than referenced file # @param [Symbol] format (:ntriples) Reader symbol for finding reader # @param [Encoding] encoding set on the input # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options sent to reader # @yield [reader] # @yieldparam [RDF::Reader] # @return [nil] def self.parse(files, evaluate: nil, format: nil, encoding: Encoding::UTF_8, **options, &block) if files.empty? # If files are empty, either use options[:execute] input = evaluate ? : $stdin input.set_encoding(encoding ) if !format sample = input.rewind end r = RDF::Reader.for(format|| {sample: sample}) raise ArgumentError, "Unknown format for evaluated input" unless r (@readers ||= []) << r, **options) do |reader| yield(reader) end else options[:format] = format if format files.each do |file|, **options) do |reader| (@readers ||= []) << reader.class.to_s yield(reader) end end end end ## # @param [String] msg # @return [void] def self.abort(msg) Kernel.abort "#{basename}: #{msg}" end end end