require 'selenium-webdriver' require 'oily_png' require 'spec_data' class Element attr_reader :name, :by, :locator def initialize(name, by, locator) @name = name @by = by @locator = locator @element_screenshot = nil #used to store the path of element screenshots for comparison # wrapped driver @driver = Driver.driver # selenium web element @element = nil #how long to wait between clearing an input and sending keys to it @text_padding_time = 0.1 end def to_s "'#{@name}' (By:#{@by} => '#{@locator}')" end def element if stale? wait = :timeout => Gridium.config.element_timeout, :interval => 1 if Gridium.config.visible_elements_only wait.until { @element = displayed_element } else wait.until { @element = @driver.find_element(@by, @locator); Log.debug("Finding element #{self}..."); @element.enabled? } end end @element end def element=(e) @element = e end def displayed_element found_element = nil #Found an issue where the element would go stale after it's found begin elements = @driver.find_elements(@by, @locator) elements.each do |element| if element.displayed? #removed check for element.enabled found_element = element; #this will always return the last displayed element end end rescue StandardError if found_element Log.warn("An element was found, but it was not displayed on the page. Gridium.config.visible_elements_only set to: #{Gridium.config.visible_elements_only} Element: #{self.to_s}") else Log.warn("Could not find Element: #{self.to_s}") end end found_element end # ================ # # Element Commands # # ================ # # soft failure, will not kill test immediately def verify(timeout: nil) Log.debug('Verifying new element...') timeout = Gridium.config.element_timeout if timeout.nil?, timeout) end # hard failure, will kill test immediately def wait_until(timeout: nil) Log.debug('Waiting for new element...') timeout = Gridium.config.element_timeout if timeout.nil?, timeout, fail_test: true) end def attribute(name) element.attribute(name) end def present? return element.enabled? rescue StandardError return false end def displayed? return element.displayed? rescue StandardError return false end def enabled? element.enabled? end def clear element.clear sleep @text_padding_time end def value element.attribute "value" end def click Log.debug("Clicking on #{self}") if element.enabled? ElementExtensions.highlight(self) if Gridium.config.highlight_verifications $verification_passes += 1 else Log.error('Cannot click on element. Element is not present.') end end # # add to what's already in the text field # for cases when you don't want to stomp what's already in the text field # def append_keys(*args) ElementExtensions.highlight(self) if Gridium.config.highlight_verifications $verification_passes += 1 unless element.enabled? raise "Browser Error: tried to enter #{args} but the input is disabled" end element.send_keys(*args) sleep @text_padding_time # when it's possible to validate for more than non-empty outcomes, do that here end # # overwrite to what's already in the text field # and validate afterward # def send_keys(*args) ElementExtensions.highlight(self) if Gridium.config.highlight_verifications $verification_passes += 1 unless element.enabled? raise "Browser Error: tried to enter #{args} but the input is disabled" end if only_symbols? *args append_keys *args else _stomp_input_text *args field_empty_afterward? end end alias_method :text=, :send_keys def location element.location end def hover_over Log.debug("Hovering over element (#{self.to_s})...") # @driver.mouse.move_to(element) # Note: Doesn't work with Selenium 2.42 bindings for Firefox v31 # @driver.action.move_to(element).perform # @driver.mouse_over(@locator) if element.enabled? $verification_passes += 1 ElementExtensions.hover_over(self) # Javascript workaround to above issue else Log.error('Cannot hover over element. Element is not present.') end end def hover_away Log.debug("Hovering away from element (#{self.to_s})...") if element.enabled? $verification_passes += 1 ElementExtensions.hover_away(self) # Javascript workaround to above issue else Log.error('Cannot hover away from element. Element is not present.') end end # Raw webdriver mouse over def mouse_over Log.debug("Triggering mouse over for (#{self.to_s})...") if element.enabled? $verification_passes += 1 ElementExtensions.mouse_over(self) else Log.error('Cannot mouse over. Element is not present.') end end def scroll_into_view if element.enabled? $verification_passes += 1 ElementExtensions.scroll_to(self) else Log.error('Cannot scroll element into view. Element is not present.') end end def trigger_onblur Log.debug("Triggering onblur for (#{self.to_s})...") if element.enabled? $verification_passes += 1 ElementExtensions.trigger_onblur(self) else Log.error('Cannot trigger onblur. Element is not present.') end end def size element.size end def selected? element.selected? end def tag_name element.tag_name end def submit element.submit end def text #this is used for text based elements element.text end # # Search for an element within this element # # @param [Symbol] by (:css or :xpath) # @param [String] locator # # @return [Element] element # def find_element(by, locator) Log.debug('Finding element...') element.find_element(by, locator) end # # Search for an elements within this element # # @param [Symbol] by (:css or :xpath) # @param [String] locator # # @return [Array] elements # def find_elements(by, locator) element.find_elements(by, locator) end def save_element_screenshot Log.debug ("Capturing screenshot of element...") self.scroll_into_view timestamp ="%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M_%S") name =' ', '_') screenshot_path = File.join($current_run_dir, "#{name}__#{timestamp}.png") @driver.save_screenshot(screenshot_path) location_x = self.location.x location_y = self.location.y element_width = self.size.width element_height = self.size.height # ChunkyPNG commands tap into oily_png (performance-enhanced version of chunky_png) image = ChunkyPNG::Image.from_file(screenshot_path.to_s) image1 = image.crop(location_x, location_y, element_width, element_height) image2 = image1.to_image element_screenshot_path = File.join($current_run_dir, "#{name}__#{timestamp}.png") @element_screenshot = element_screenshot_path SpecData.screenshots_captured.push("#{name}__#{timestamp}.png") end def compare_element_screenshot(base_image_path) #Returns TRUE if there are no differences, FALSE if there are begin Log.debug("Loading Images for Comparison...") images = [ ChunkyPNG::Image.from_file(base_image_path), ChunkyPNG::Image.from_file(@element_screenshot) ] #used to store image x,y diff diff = [] Log.debug("Comparing Images...") images.first.height.times do |y| images.first.row(y).each_with_index do |pixel, x| diff << [x,y] unless pixel == images.last[x,y] end end Log.debug("Pixels total: #{images.first.pixels.length}") Log.debug("Pixels changed: #{diff.length}") Log.debug("Pixels changed: #{(diff.length.to_f / images.first.pixels.length) * 100}%") x, y ={|xy| xy[0]},{|xy| xy[1]} if x.any? && y.any? Log.debug("Differences Detected! Writing Diff Image...") name =' ', '_') #timestamp ="%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M_%S") element_screenshot_path = File.join($current_run_dir, "#{name}__diff_.png") images.last.rect(x.min, y.min, x.max, y.max, ChunkyPNG::Color(0,255,0)) return false else return true end rescue Exception => e Log.error("There was a problem comparing element images. #{e.to_s}") end end def method_missing(method_sym, *arguments, &block) Log.debug("called #{method_sym} on element #{@locator} by #{@by_type}") if @element.respond_to?(method_sym) @element.method(method_sym).call(*arguments, &block) else super end end private def stale? return true if @element.nil? @element.disabled? rescue StandardError Log.warn("Stale element detected.... #{self.to_s}") return true end # # helper to clear input and put new text in # def _stomp_input_text(*args) Log.debug("Clearing \"#{value}\" from element: (#{self})") element.clear sleep @text_padding_time Log.debug("Typing: #{args} into element: (#{self}).") element.send_keys(*args) sleep @text_padding_time end # # raise error if the field is empty after we sent it values # TODO: verify if text correct afterward, but need to be able to handle cases # of symbols like :space and :enter correctly # def field_empty_afterward?(*args) check_again = (not args.empty? and no_symbols? *args) field_is_empty_but_should_not_be = (check_again and field_empty?) if field_is_empty_but_should_not_be raise "Browser Error: tried to input #{args} but found an empty string afterward: #{actual_text}" end end def field_empty? value.empty? end # # helper to check if *args to send_keys has any symbols # if so, don't bother trying to validate the text afterward # def no_symbols?(*args) symbols = { |_| _.is_a? Symbol } if symbols.length > 0 return false end true end # # helper to check if *args to send_keys has only symbols # if so, don't bother clearing the field first # def only_symbols?(*args) symbols = { |_| _.is_a? Symbol } if symbols.length == args.length return true end false end end