require 'pp' require 'ruport' require 'default_logger' require 'matlab_helpers/matlab_queue' ############################################### START OF CLASS ###################################################### # An object that helps parse and format Behavioral Logfiles. class Logfile include DefaultLogger # An array of rows raw text data attr_accessor :textfile_data # Conditions to extract time vectors from attr_accessor :conditions # Filename for output csv attr_accessor :csv_filename # Original Presentation Processed Logfile (.txt) attr_reader :textfile # A hash of Onset Vectors keyed by condition attr_reader :vectors def initialize(path, *conditions) @textfile = path @textfile_data = [] @conditions = {|cond| cond.respond_to? 'to_sym' } # Add the keys of any hashes (the combined conditions) to the list of # conditions and add the separate vectors to the list of combined_conditions @combined_conditions = [] {|cond| cond.respond_to? 'keys' }.each do |cond| cond.keys.collect {|key| @conditions << key } @combined_conditions << cond end raise IOError, "Can't find file #{path}" unless File.exist?(path), 'r').each do |line| @textfile_data << line.split(/[\,\:\n\r]+/).each { |val| val.strip } end raise IOError, "Problem reading #{@textfile} - no data found." if @textfile_data.empty? if @conditions.empty? raise ScriptError, "Could not set conditions #{conditions}" unless conditions.empty? end setup_logger end def condition_vectors return @vectors if @vectors raise ScriptError, "Conditions must be set to extract vectors" if @conditions.empty? vectors = extract_condition_vectors(@conditions) @vectors = zero_and_convert_to_reps(vectors) end def to_csv rows = condition_vectors.values rows = pad_array(rows) output = "" output << vectors.keys.join(', ') + "\n" vectors.values.transpose.each do |row| output << row.join(', ') + "\n" end return output end def write_csv(filename), 'w') { |f| f.puts to_csv } raise ScriptError, "Unable to write #{filename}" unless File.exist?(filename) @csv_filename = filename end def write_mat(prefix) queue = queue.paths << [, 'matlab_helpers')).realpath ] raise ScriptError, "Can't find #{@csv_filename}" unless File.exist?(@csv_filename) queue << "prepare_onsets( \ '#{@csv_filename}', \ '#{prefix}', \ { #{@conditions.collect {|c| "'#{c}'"}.join(' ') } } \ )"! raise ScriptError, "Problem writing #{prefix}.mat" unless File.exist?(prefix + '.mat') return prefix + '.mat' end # Sort Logfiles by their Modification Time def <=>(other_logfile) File.stat(@textfile).mtime <=> File.stat(other_logfile.textfile).mtime end def self.write_summary(filename = 'tmp.csv', directory = Dir.pwd, grouping = 'version') table = self.summarize_directory(directory), 'w') do |f| f.puts Ruport::Data::Grouping(table, :by => grouping).to_csv end end def self.summarize_directory(directory) table = Dir.glob(File.join(directory, '*.txt')).each do |logfile| # Intialize a logfile without any conditions. lf = table << lf.ruport_summary table.column_names = lf.summary_attributes if table.column_names.empty? end return table end # Create an item analysis table containing average response time and # accuracy for each item over all logfiles. def self.item_analysis(directory) logfiles = Dir.glob(File.join(directory, '*.txt')).collect { |lf| lf = } all_items = self.item_table(logfiles) item_groups = self.group_items_by(all_items, ['code1', 'pair_type']) summary = self.item_summary(item_groups) return summary end # Create a Ruport::Data::Table of all the response pairs for a given logfile. def response_pairs_table response_pairs = [] @textfile_data.each do |line| next if line.empty? header = line.first.gsub(/(\(|\))/, '_').downcase.chomp("_").to_sym if line[1] =~ /(o|n)_\w\d{2}/ response_pairs <<, :attributes => response_pair_attributes) end end return response_pairs end # Fields to be included in a Response Pair Table def response_pair_attributes ['enum', 'version', 'ctime', 'pair_type', 'code1', 'time1', 'code2', 'time2', 'time_diff'] end def ruport_summary, :attributes => summary_attributes ) end def summary_attributes ['enum', 'task', 'version', 'ctime'] + @textfile_data[0] end # Combine vectors into a new one (new_misses + old_misses = misses) def combine_vectors(combined_vector_title, original_vector_titles) # Add the combined vectors to the vectors instance variable. condition_vectors[combined_vector_title] = combined_vectors(original_vector_titles) # Add the new condition to @conditions @conditions << combined_vector_title end private def combined_vectors(titles) combined_vector = [] puts titles titles.each do |title| if condition_vectors[title] combined_vector << condition_vectors[title] else pp condition_vectors raise "Couldn't find vector called #{title}" end end pp combined_vector return combined_vector.flatten.sort end # Create a table of all responses to all items. # Pass in an array of #Logfiles def self.item_table(logfiles) table = logfiles.each do |logfile| logfile.response_pairs_table.collect { |pair| table << pair } table.column_names = logfile.response_pair_attributes if table.column_names.empty? end return table end def self.item_summary(grouping) item_summary_table = do |code| # Create a new copy of the grouping, because the act of summarizing a # grouping does something destructive to it. current_group = grouping.dup; samples = # Return the summary of codes for each item (in the current case, that's # _correct, _incorrect, and misses) item_records = current_group.subgrouping(code).summary(:code1, :response_time_average => lambda {|sub| sub.sigma("time_diff").to_f / sub.length}, :count => lambda {|sub| sub.length}, :accuracy => lambda {|sub| sub.length / samples.to_f }, :version => lambda {|sub|[0][1] } ); # Extract just the first record (correct responses) for the item analysis # as incorrect can be inferred. Currently, ditch the misses. item_record = item_records.to_a.first # Add the item to the record as a column (the summary doesn't give this # by default because it assumes we already know what we're summarizing.) item_record['code1'] = code; item_summary_table << item_record end return item_summary_table end def self.group_items_by(table, groupings), :by => groupings) end def response_pair_data(line) enum, task, version = File.basename(@textfile).split("_").values_at(0,3,4) enum = File.basename(enum) unless enum.nil? version = File.basename(version, '.txt') unless version.nil? ctime = File.stat(@textfile).ctime [enum, version, ctime] + line end def summary_data enum, task, version = File.basename(@textfile).split("_").values_at(0,3,4) enum = File.basename(enum) unless enum.nil? version = File.basename(version, '.txt') unless version.nil? ctime = File.stat(@textfile).ctime [[enum, task, version, ctime], @textfile_data[1]].flatten end def extract_condition_vectors(conditions) vectors = {} @conditions @textfile_data.each do |line| next if line.empty? # Headers are written in the Textfile as "New(Correct)". # Convert them to proper condition names - downcase separated by underscores header = pretty_condition(line.first) vector = line[2..-1].collect {|val| val.to_f } if line[2..-1] # Make sure this isn't a column line inside the logfile. if line[1] =~ /time/ # Check if this vector matches any combined conditions. @combined_conditions.each do |vector_group| vector_group.each_pair do |key, vals| if vals.include?(header) vectors[key] = vectors[key] ? vector.collect{ |timepoint| vectors[key] << timepoint} : vector vectors[key].flatten! end end end # Check if this vector matches a single condition. vectors[header] = vector if @conditions.include?(header); end end # Ensure that the vecotors are in order. vectors.each_value { |vector| vector.sort! } raise ScriptError, "Unable to read vectors for #{@textfile}" if vectors.empty? return vectors end def zero_and_convert_to_reps(vectors) minimum = vectors.values.flatten.min vectors.values.each do |row| row.collect! { |val| (val - minimum) / 2000 } end return vectors end def pad_array(rows) max_length = rows.inject(0) { |max, row| max >= row.length ? max : row.length } rows.each do |row| row[max_length] = nil row.pop end end def pretty_condition(condition) condition.gsub(/(\(|\))/, '_').downcase.chomp("_").to_sym end end