FROM brandonmathis/taperole:latest # add playbooks to the image. This might be a git repo instead ADD . /taperole # We dont have swap access on travis. Chill this role out RUN truncate -s 0 /taperole/roles/general/tasks/swapfile.yml # Install Tape WORKDIR /taperole RUN gem build taperole.gemspec RUN gem install slack-notifier RUN gem install --local taperole # Configure tape RUN git clone WORKDIR /taperole/vanilla-rails-app RUN echo 'n' | tape installer install ADD ./test/rails/tape_vars.yml taperole/tape_vars.yml # FIXME # Disable ufw bc docker gets mad about iptables RUN sed -i '/ufw/d' taperole/omnibox.yml # Run Tape RUN echo '[omnibox]' > taperole/hosts RUN echo 'localhost ansible_connection=local be_app_env=production be_app_branch=master' >> taperole/hosts RUN tape ansible everything RUN chown deployer:users /home/deployer -R ADD test/rails/ / # Set command that runs the rails app WORKDIR / CMD ["/"]