require 'spec_helper' describe PT::Flow::UI do let(:endpoint) { "" } let(:prompt) { double('HighLine') } before do HighLine.stub(new: prompt) stub_request(:get, /projects$/).to_return(body: fixture_file('projects.xml')) stub_request(:get, /stories\?/).to_return(body: fixture_file('stories.xml')) stub_request(:any, /stories\/\d+/).to_return(body: fixture_file('story.xml')) end describe '#start' do context 'given an unestimated story' do it "shows lists of stories - choosing one asks you to estimate, starts/assigns the story on pt and checks out a new branch." do prompt.should_receive(:ask).with("Please select a task to start working on (1-14, 'q' to exit)".bold).and_return('2') prompt.should_receive(:ask).with("How many points do you estimate for it? (0,1,2,3)".bold).and_return('3') %w{ start } WebMock.should have_requested(:get, "#{endpoint}/projects/102622/stories?filter=current_state:unscheduled,unstarted,started") WebMock.should have_requested(:put, "#{endpoint}/projects/102622/stories/4459994").with(body: /3<\/estimate>/) WebMock.should have_requested(:put, "#{endpoint}/projects/102622/stories/4459994").with(body: /Jon Mischo<\/owned_by>/) WebMock.should have_requested(:put, "#{endpoint}/projects/102622/stories/4459994").with(body: /started<\/current_state>/) current_branch.should == 'master-4459994' end end context 'given an already estimated story' do it "does not prompt to estimate" do prompt.should_receive(:ask).once.with("Please select a task to start working on (1-14, 'q' to exit)".bold).and_return('3') %w{ start } end end context 'when run from a feature branch' do before { system('git checkout -B new_feature') } it "creates an appropriately namespaced branch" do prompt.should_receive(:ask).and_return('3') %w{ start } current_branch.should == 'new_feature-4460038' end end context 'when run from an existing story branch' do before { system('git checkout -B new_feature-12345') } it "creates a branch within the same namespace" do prompt.should_receive(:ask).and_return('3') %w{ start } current_branch.should == 'new_feature-4460038' end end end describe '#finish' do before do #TODO: Stubbed endpoint ALWAYS returns story 4459994, need a way to check it is actually getting the right id from the branch system('git checkout -B new_feature-4459994') system('git remote add origin') end it "pushes the current branch to origin, flags the story as finished, and opens a github pull request" do PT::Flow::UI.any_instance.should_receive(:run).with('git push origin new_feature-4459994') PT::Flow::UI.any_instance.should_receive(:run).with("hub pull-request -b new_feature -h cookpad:new_feature-4459994 \"It's an Unestimated Feature [#4459994]\"") %w{ finish } WebMock.should have_requested(:put, "#{endpoint}/projects/102622/stories/4459994").with(body: /finished<\/current_state>/) end end describe '#deliver' do before do #TODO: Stubbed endpoint ALWAYS returns story 4459994, need a way to check it is actually getting the right id from the branch system('git checkout -B new_feature-4459994') end it "pushes the current branch to origin, flags the story as finished, and opens a github pull request" do PT::Flow::UI.any_instance.should_receive(:run).with('git fetch') PT::Flow::UI.any_instance.should_receive(:run).with('git checkout new_feature') PT::Flow::UI.any_instance.should_receive(:run).with('git pull --rebase origin new_feature') PT::Flow::UI.any_instance.should_receive(:run).with('git merge new_feature-4459994') PT::Flow::UI.any_instance.should_receive(:run).with('git push origin new_feature') PT::Flow::UI.any_instance.should_receive(:run).with('git push origin :new_feature-4459994') PT::Flow::UI.any_instance.should_receive(:run).with('git branch -d new_feature-4459994') %w{ deliver } WebMock.should have_requested(:put, "#{endpoint}/projects/102622/stories/4459994").with(body: /delivered<\/current_state>/) end end end