require "zipcoder/version" require "ext/string" require "ext/integer" require "yaml" module Zipcoder # Data Structure Load and Lookup @@zip_data = nil def self.zip_data self.load_data if @@zip_data == nil @@zip_data end @@city_cache = {} def self.city_cache @@city_cache end # Loads the data into memory def self.load_data this_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) zip_data = File.join(this_dir, 'data', 'zip_data.yml') @@zip_data = YAML.load( end # Looks up zip code information def self.zip_info(zip=nil, **kwargs, &block) # If zip is not nil, then we are returning a single value if zip != nil # Get the info info = self.zip_data[zip.to_zip] # Inform callback that we have a match if block != nil # Filter to the included keys self._filter_hash_args info, kwargs[:keys] else # If zip is nil, then we are returning an array of values infos = [] city_filter = kwargs[:city] != nil ? kwargs[:city].upcase : nil state_filter = kwargs[:state] != nil ? kwargs[:state].upcase : nil # Iterate through and only add the ones that match the filters self.zip_data.values.each { |info| if (city_filter == nil or info[:city] == city_filter) and (state_filter == nil or info[:state] == state_filter) infos << self._filter_hash_args(info, kwargs[:keys]) # Inform callback that we have a match if block != nil end } infos end end # Looks up city information def self.city_info(city_state, **kwargs) unless city_state.include? ',' raise Exception, "city/state must include ','" end # Check the cache cache_key = city_state.delete(' ').upcase cached_value = self.city_cache[cache_key] if cached_value != nil return self._filter_hash_args cached_value, kwargs[:keys] end # Cleanup city/state components = city_state.split(",") city = components[0].strip.upcase state = components[1].strip.upcase # Normalize response zip_min = 100000 zip_max = 0 lat_min = 200 lat_max = 0 long_min = 200 long_max = 0 # Get the infos associated with this city/state. While # getting those, store the min/max so we can create a # normalized version of this object infos = self.zip_info(city: city, state: state) do |info| zip = info[:zip].to_i zip_min = zip if zip < zip_min zip_max = zip if zip > zip_max lat_min = info[:lat] if info[:lat] < lat_min lat_max = info[:lat] if info[:lat] > lat_max long_min = info[:long] if info[:long] < long_min long_max = info[:long] if info[:long] > long_max end if infos.count == 0 # If there were no matches, return 0 info = nil elsif infos.count == 1 # If there was 1 match, return it info = infos[0] else # Create normalized object info = { zip: "#{zip_min.to_zip}-#{zip_max.to_zip}", city: city, state: state, lat: (lat_min+lat_max)/2, long: (long_min+long_max)/2 } end # Cache the value self.city_cache[cache_key] = info if info != nil # Filter the args self._filter_hash_args info, kwargs[:keys] end # Filters arguments in return hash def self._filter_hash_args(hash, keys) return nil if hash == nil if keys != nil new_hash = {} keys.each { |k| new_hash[k] = hash[k] } hash = new_hash end hash end end