module Formstrap class MediaView < ViewModel include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers include Formstrap::Hintable include Formstrap::Labelable include Formstrap::Placeholderable include Formstrap::Validatable include Formstrap::Wrappable def input_group_options default_input_group_options .deep_merge(label_input_group_options) .deep_merge(@input_group || {}) end def wrapper_options default_wrapper_options.deep_merge({ class: ["mb-3", ("form-floating" if float)], data: { controller: "media", name: name, min: min, max: max, sort: sort, accept: accept, required: required.nil? ? 0 : required } }).deep_merge(@wrapper || {}) end def item_options options = { sort: sort, url: modal_url, } # Don't pass width or height if it was not defined options = options.merge(width: width) if is_defined?(:width) options = options.merge(height: height) if is_defined?(:height) options end def custom_validation_options { form: form, attribute: attribute, min: min, max: max, accept: accept } end def thumbnail_options options = { icon: "plus" } # Don't pass width or height if it was not defined options = options.merge(width: width) unless is_defined?(:width) options = options.merge(height: height) unless is_defined?(:height) options end def association_object if attached.is_a?(ActiveStorage::Attached::Many) result = form.object.send(nested_attribute) # We sort the collection with ruby to prevent a new query to be made that would dispose of the objects in memory result = result.sort_by { |item| item.position } if sort result else form.object.send(nested_attribute) end end def attachments if attached.is_a?(ActiveStorage::Attached::Many) result = form.object.send(nested_attribute) # We sort the collection with ruby to prevent a new query to be made that would dispose of the objects in memory result = result.sort_by { |item| item.position } if sort result.to_a.compact else [form.object.send(nested_attribute)].compact end end def attached form.object.send(attribute) end def build_nested_attribute if attached.is_a?(ActiveStorage::Attached::Many) form.object.send(nested_attribute).build else form.object.send("build_#{nested_attribute}") end end def nested_attribute if attached.is_a?(ActiveStorage::Attached::Many) :"#{attribute}_attachments" else :"#{attribute}_attachment" end end def min if @required (@min.to_i < 1) ? 1 : @min.to_i else (@min.to_i < 1) ? 0 : @min.to_i end end def max if attached.is_a?(ActiveStorage::Attached::Many) @max else 1 end end def modal_url formstrap_media_path(name: name, ids: blob_ids, min: min, max: max, mimetype: accept, exclude_models: exclude_models) end def edit_modal_url(attachment) return nil unless edit_url.present? return edit_url unless attachment&.persisted? edit_url.gsub(":id", attachment.blob&.id.to_s) end attr_reader :accept def required @required ? 1 : nil end def blob_ids { |attachment| attachment.blob_id } end def name "#{attribute}_#{object_id}" end def sort @sort == true end end end